HDU 5616Jam's balance

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝运营策划案 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 05:20
Problem Description

Jim has a balance and N weights. (1 \leq N \leq 20)(1N20) The balance can only tell whether things on different side are the same weight. Weights can be put on left side or right side arbitrarily. Please tell whether the balance can measure an object of weight M.


The first line is a integer T(1 \leq T \leq 5)T(1T5), means T test cases. For each test case : The first line is NN, means the number of weights. The second line are NN number, i'th number w_i (1 \leq w_i \leq 100)wi(1wi100) means the i'th weight's weight is w_iwi. The third line is a number MMMM is the weight of the object being measured.


You should output the "YES"or"NO".

Sample Input
121 43245
Sample Output
For the Case 1:Put the 4 weight alone

For the Case 2:Put the 4 weight and 1 weight on both side


#include <iostream>#include <algorithm>#include <cstdio>#include <cmath>#include <string>#include <cstring>#include <set>#include <queue>#include <cstdlib>using namespace std;typedef long long LL;const int maxn = 1e5 + 10;int T, n, m, dp[21][4005], x;int main(){    scanf("%d",&T);    while(T--)    {        scanf("%d",&n);        memset(dp, 0, sizeof(dp));          dp[0][2000]=1;        for(int i=0;i<n;i++)        {            scanf("%d", &x);            for(int j=x;j<=4000-x;j++)                if(dp[i][j])    dp[i+1][j-x]=dp[i+1][j+x]=dp[i+1][j]=1;//不断对可能取到的重量做标记        }        scanf("%d",&m);        while(m--)        {            scanf("%d",&x);            if(x>=0&&x<=2000)            {                if(dp[n][2000-x]||dp[n][2000+x]) printf("YES\n");                else printf("NO\n");            }        }    }    return 0;}

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