
来源:互联网 发布:php时间戳转换成时间 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 07:03
long validDay = 1;List<Integer> dayOfNeedHint = new ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(1,2,3,5,7));            if(null != use_type && use_type == 2 && dayOfNeedHint.contains(valid_dd)){            //if判断为true}

上面的代码的条件永远也不会为true,原因为dayOfNeedHint 的contains方法会调用Integerequals 方法 ,下为Integerequals 方法源码:

public boolean equals(Object obj) {    if (obj instanceof Integer) {        return value == ((Integer)obj).intValue();    }    return false;}


所以用一个Integer.equals(Long) ,永远也不会为true…


  1. 把dayOfNeedHint的泛型和validDay的类型进行统一
  2. 在调用List.contains(Object)的时候把validDay强转为long
  3. 对validDay调用Long.intvalue()方法
/** * Returns the value of this <code>Long</code> as an * <code>int</code>. */public int intValue() {    return (int)value;}


不要对值包装类型的变量使用 == ,因为会很危险(以Long举例):

public static void testValueType(){        Long long1 = 20L;        Long long2 = 20L;        Long long3 = new Long(20L);        Long long4 = new Long(20L);        long long5 = 20L;        long long6 = 20L;        System.out.println(long1 == long2);//true  //1        System.out.println(long1 == long3);//false //2        System.out.println(long3 == long4);//false         System.out.println(long1 == long5);//true        System.out.println(long3 == long5);//true  //3        System.out.println(long5 == long6);//true  //4        System.out.println("************");        Long long12 = 2000L;        Long long22 = 2000L;        Long long32 = new Long(2000L);        Long long42 = new Long(2000L);        long long52 = 2000L;        long long62 = 2000L;        System.out.println(long12 == long22);//false        System.out.println(long12 == long32);//false        System.out.println(long32 == long42);//false        System.out.println(long12 == long52);//true        System.out.println(long32 == long52);//true        System.out.println(long52 == long62);//true        System.out.println("************");        int i = 20;        float f = 20.000000f;        System.out.println(long5 == i);//true        System.out.println(f == i);//true        System.out.println(long1 == i);//true    }

对于注释1,编译器自动装箱,调用jdk的Long.valueOf(20L) 因为运行时jdk会将范围为-128到127的Long类型值缓存在内存中,而valueOf方法的源码如下:

public static Long valueOf(long l) {    final int offset = 128;    if (l >= -128 && l <= 127) { // will cache        return LongCache.cache[(int)l + offset];    }    return new Long(l);}



而对于注释3和注释4,只要 == 运算符两侧有基本数据类型出没,那么另一侧的包装类数据类型就会自动拆箱为对应的基本类型。因此比较的总是数值。


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