
来源:互联网 发布:剑三捏脸数据萝莉 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 21:33


GDT:gdt开始时是由xen设定的,决定了guest os的启动位置;如果guest os不同意,可以通过hypercall进行修改。guest os在启动的时候,会利用xen为其提供的约定的GDT,这个GDT不在guest os内存空间内。如果,guest OS不想利用该GDT所提供的空间,而是想利用其它的位于ring1 或者ring3的“flat”空间,那么guest os需要首先从其内存空间内分配一块GDT内存,然后向xen注册。该注册过程是利用 int set_gdt(unsigned long frame_list, int entries)函数实现的,其中,frame_list是由14个machine page frame,新的GDT位于其内。在注册之后,这些frame只能为只读,只能利用前14个frame,因为第15,16个frame会被用来存放xen的GDT 项,xen保留项的具体内容参见(xen/include/public/arch-x86_32.h)(这就是说一共有16个frames)。entries代表frames中的项数。

 * A number of GDT entries are reserved by Xen. These are not situated at the
 * start of the GDT because some stupid OSes export hard-coded selector values
 * in their ABI. These hard-coded values are always near the start of the GDT,
 * so Xen places itself out of the way, at the far end of the GDT.

xen也允许guest os去改变指定的segment  descriptor,这是通过hypercall update_descriptor(uint64_t ma, uint64_t desc)实现的。

LDT:guest os也可以自主更新LDT,这是通过mmu_update实现的,该函数将LDT的基地址和待项数作为参数。ldt也可以更新特定项,方法同GDT更新特定项。

对于gdt、ldt,32位的check_descriptor是通过 fixup_guest_code_selector将其DPL设为1(位于./xen/arch/x86/x86_32/mm.c),而对于64位,则是将其设为0(位于./xen/arch/x86/x86_64/mm.c)


Xen does not allow the guest kernel to set up the IDT for the processor, but
allows the guest kernel to pass on an IDT it desires to Xen by means of a
hypercall. Xen makes its own IDT on behalf of the guest kernel that the
processor accesses. However, when it does this the stack that the hardware
jumps to is at privilege level 0 and is a stack accessible only to Xen.

Xen emulates the hardware behavior to the OS by creating a bounce
frame on the Linux Kernel stack just as the x86 hardware would do. How-
ever, Xen does not turn the control directly to the Interrupt Service Routine
as set by the Linux kernel. Instead, the Xen hypervisor jumps to the “hy-
pervisor callback” routine defined in the XenoLinux kernel after creating a
bounce frame on the kernel stack of the domain.



xen Interface manual Xen v3.0 for x86 


Xen/IA64 interrupt virtualization


In vanilla Linux the IDT is initialized in trap_init() using set__gate() functions. Because Xen handles the IDT, it requires all calls to these function to be replaced with a single call to the HYPERVISOR_set_trap_table() hypercall.

HYPERVISOR_set_trap_table() accepts as a parameter the virtual IDT of the guest, represented by the trap_table structure (of type struct trap_info) in traps-xen.c.

struct trap_info resembles a trap or interrupt gate, having fields for vector, handler segment selector and offset.

Xen maintains two IDT's, one global IDT (its own) and other per domain IDT. Xen uses global IDT to register the entire trap handler except for system call handler (int 0x80).


Virtual IDT

•  A virtual IDT is provided by guest OS for setting up interrupt vector table.

•  The exception stack frame presented to a virtual trap handler is identical to its native equivalent.


Xen guest 中的trap table 见linux-2.6-xen-sparse /arch/i386/kernel/traps-xen.c

static trap_info_t trap_table[] = {

       {  0, 0, __KERNEL_CS, (unsigned long)divide_error        },

       {  1, 0|4, __KERNEL_CS, (unsigned long)debug                     },

       {  3, 3|4, __KERNEL_CS, (unsigned long)int3                 },

       {  4, 3, __KERNEL_CS, (unsigned long)overflow                   },

       {  5, 0, __KERNEL_CS, (unsigned long)bounds               },

       {  6, 0, __KERNEL_CS, (unsigned long)invalid_op                  },

       {  7, 0|4, __KERNEL_CS, (unsigned long)device_not_available },

       {  9, 0, __KERNEL_CS, (unsigned long)coprocessor_segment_overrun },

       { 10, 0, __KERNEL_CS, (unsigned long)invalid_TSS         },

       { 11, 0, __KERNEL_CS, (unsigned long)segment_not_present   },

       { 12, 0, __KERNEL_CS, (unsigned long)stack_segment            },

       { 13, 0, __KERNEL_CS, (unsigned long)general_protection              },

       { 14, 0|4, __KERNEL_CS, (unsigned long)page_fault         },

       { 15, 0, __KERNEL_CS, (unsigned long)fixup_4gb_segment            },

       { 16, 0, __KERNEL_CS, (unsigned long)coprocessor_error             },

       { 17, 0, __KERNEL_CS, (unsigned long)alignment_check         },

#ifdef CONFIG_X86_MCE

       { 18, 0, __KERNEL_CS, (unsigned long)machine_check           },


       { 19, 0, __KERNEL_CS, (unsigned long)simd_coprocessor_error     },

       { SYSCALL_VECTOR,  3, __KERNEL_CS, (unsigned long)system_call },

       {  0, 0,     0, 0                                      }



void trap_init() {




hypercall 使用中断门见hypercall篇“Xen中的实现”小节。

trap/interrupt gate for hypercall

a curious question about IDT descriptor type for hypercall. What's the reason to use interrupt-gate type (14) for hypercall (0x82) on 32bit Xen?



Everything's an interrupt gate on 32-bit Xen, so that we can safely (atomically) save away guest segment register state. NMI is the only real pain, and I suppose MCE too.

Interrupt handlers save and restore segment registers. We could fault on a reload of a segment register and lose the original segment register value.






1 guest application的系统调用,直接切换到ring 1 guest kernel执行,见后面的小节。

其余情况由xen的异常处理程序处理,发生异常 ==> 陷入VMM. When an exception occurs the processor transfers control to the Xen hypervisor, using the Xen exception handlers in entry.S.

2.1 如下面的异常 in xen/arch/x86/traps.c,都将调用do_trap

DO_ERROR_NOCODE(TRAP_divide_error,    divide_error)

DO_ERROR_NOCODE(TRAP_overflow,        overflow)

DO_ERROR_NOCODE(TRAP_bounds,          bounds)

DO_ERROR_NOCODE(TRAP_copro_seg,       coprocessor_segment_overrun)

DO_ERROR(       TRAP_invalid_tss,     invalid_TSS)

DO_ERROR(       TRAP_no_segment,      segment_not_present)

DO_ERROR(       TRAP_stack_error,     stack_segment)

DO_ERROR_NOCODE(TRAP_copro_error,     coprocessor_error)

DO_ERROR(       TRAP_alignment_check, alignment_check)

DO_ERROR_NOCODE(TRAP_simd_error,      simd_coprocessor_error)

do_trap()==> 判断trap是否来自Guest OS ==> 如果是,调用do_guest_trap()。否则xen panic
              Guest OS App --> VMM --> Guest OS Kernel

2.2  GPEInvalid op有自己的处理函数do_general_protection do_invalid_op。特别值得一提的是do_general_protection,有时候guest kernel执行sensitive instruction会导致GPE,所以调用emulate_privileged_op模拟执行,其他的处理类似do_trap




Gets from the guest context the gate for the exception

Creates the exception frame required by the guest OS to process the exception

Then iret is executed to return control to the guest OS exception handler


另外提一下 The Definitive Guide to the Xen Hypervisor 7.2 p120的说法不确切。

The code path for delivering a trap is significantly simpler than that for events.When the guest is run on a particular (physical) CPU, the hypervisor installs an Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT) on behalf of the guest domain. This means that the interrupt handling path does not involve the hypervisor at all, for all interrupts are handled by the guest.”

guestSystem Call

trap table有如下项:

{ SYSCALL_VECTOR,  3, __KERNEL_CS, (unsigned long)system_call },

前面已经提到int 80h被特殊对待,If everything is 32-bit, "int 80" will be used, but it'll be directed directly to the guest kernel in ring 1 (i.e. the hypervisor isn't involved).


in xen/arch/x86/traps.c:do_set_trap_table():

 if ( cur.vector == 0x80 )


init_int80_direct_trap 将设置int80_desc,然后进程切换时paravirt_ctxt_switch_to =>set_int80_direct_trap


When a VM gets scheduled, its system call handler (from per domain IDT table) is registered with the processorVCPU内). Hence when a domain/VM executes a system call, its own handler is executed.

==》这样X86_32就可以不陷入VMM了。而且可以做到每个Guest OSsystem call不同。


Implementation differs for x86_64: Xen registers its own system call handler with the processor and from that handler routes the request to VM/Domain specific handler.

==》因为x86_64Kernel也是在Ring-3(和以前的Ring-0不同),以前的system call不能用了,只能改写。



System Calls in x86_32

xen: add more Xen dom0 support



来自Xen Intro- version 1.0的材料非常精当

Registration (or binding) of irqs in guest domains:



The guest OS calls init_IRQ() when it boots (start_kernel() method calls init_IRQ() ; file init/main.c). (init_IRQ() is in file sparse/arch/xen/kernel/evtchn.c) There can be 256 physical irqs; so there is an array called irq_desc with 256 entries. (file sparse/include/linux/irq.h)

All elements in this array are initialized in init_IRQ() so that their status is disabled (IRQ_DISABLED).

Now, when a physical driver starts it usually calls request_irq(). This method eventually calls setup_irq() (both in sparse/kernel/irq/manage.c). which calls startup_pirq(). startup_pirq() send a hypercall to the hypervisor (HYPERVISOR_event_channel_op) in order to bind the physical irq (pirq).The hypercall is of type EVTCHNOP_bind_pirq. See: startup_pirq() (file sparse/arch/xen/kernel/evtchn.c)


1:在xen 3.1中已经不包含这个文件sparse/kernel/irq/manage.c,该文件在Linux内核中

2physical driver 对应static struct hw_interrupt_type pirq_type 

static struct hw_interrupt_type pirq_type = {

       .typename = "Phys-irq",

       .startup  = startup_pirq,





On the Hypervisor side, handling this hypervisor call is done in: evtchn_bind_pirq() method (file /common/event_channel.c) which calls pirq_guest_bind() (file arch/x86/irq.c). The pirq_guest_bind() changes the status of the corresponding irq_desc array element to be enabled (~IRQ_DISABLED[3]). it also calls startup() method. Now when an interrupts arrives from the controller (the APIC), we arrive at do_IRQ() method as is also in usual linux kernel

(also in arch/x86/irq.c). The Hypervisor handles only timer and serial interrupts. Other interrupts are passed to the domains by calling _do_IRQ_guest() (In fact, the IRQ_GUEST flag is set for all interrupts except for timer and serial interrupts). _do_IRQ_guest() send the interrupt by calling send_guest_pirq() to all guests who are registered on this IRQ. The send_guest_pirq() creates an event channel (an instance of evtchn[4]) and sets the pending flag of this event channel. (by calling evtchn_set_pending()) Then, asynchronously, Xen will notify this domain regarding this interrupt calling evtchn_set_pending()) Then, asynchronously, Xen will notify this domain regarding this interrupt (unless it is masked).

[3]: 此处的irq_desc注意是xenirq_desc,而第一部分提到设置为IRQ_DISABLEDguestirq_desc

[4]:这个说法不确切,“The send_guest_pirq() creates an event channel event channel是在evtchn_bind_pirq时已经分配好,send_guest_pirq只是根据pirq找到该evtchn而已。




When an interrupt occurs control passes to the Xen common_interrupt routine(见文件asm/asm_defns.h中的宏BUILD_COMMON_IRQ), that calls the Xen do_IRQ function.(该函数在xen/arch/x86/irq.c文件中)


Checks who has the responsibility to handle the interrupt:

The VMM: the interrupt is handled internally by the VMM

One ore more guest OS: it calls __do_IRQ_guest function


For each domain that has a binding to the IRQ sets to 1 the pending flag of the event channel via send_guest_pirq




In Xen interrupts to be notified to the Linux guest OS are handled through the event channels notification mechanism.

During startup the guest OS installs two handlers (event and failsafe) via the HYPERVISOR_set_callbacks hypercall:

The event callback is the handler to be called to notify an event to the guest OS

The failsafe callback is used when a fault occurs when using the event callback



void __init machine_specific_arch_setup(void)


       static struct callback_register __initdata event = {

              .type = CALLBACKTYPE_event,

              .address = { __KERNEL_CS, (unsigned long)hypervisor_callback },


       static struct callback_register __initdata failsafe = {

              .type = CALLBACKTYPE_failsafe,

              .address = { __KERNEL_CS, (unsigned long)failsafe_callback },


       ret = HYPERVISOR_callback_op(CALLBACKOP_register, &event);

       if (ret == 0)

              ret = HYPERVISOR_callback_op(CALLBACKOP_register, &failsafe);

hypervisor_callback 在linux-2.6-xen-sparse/arch/i386/kernel/entry-xen.S文件中,其实现和作用见“xen的ret_from_intr”小节的分析。


可以看到:The event callback handler is hypervisor_callback function (is the installed at startup), that calls evtchn_do_upcall. 具体的分析见evtchn分析篇。


Checks for pending events

2 Resets to zero the pending flag

3 Uses the evtchn_to_irq array to identify the IRQ binding for the event channel

4 Calls Linux do_IRQ interrupt handler function



Dom 0driver domain的物理中断


 “A guest in Domain 0, or in a driver domain, will want to set up physical IRQ to event channel mappings for the various devices under its control. Before doing this, of course, it will want to discover which devices are already bound to which IRQs. Typically, this is done via BIOS or APIC calls. This is not permitted in Xen, however, so they are forced to use the HYPERVISOR_physdev_op hypercall.”

startup_pirq, enable_pirq等几个操作都调用了HYPERVISOR_physdev_op超级调用.



/* DOM0 is permitted full I/O capabilities. */

    rc |= irqs_permit_access(dom0, 0, NR_IRQS-1);


Driver Domain是不是通过XEN_DOMCTL_irq_permission 打开中断?








        movl  UREGS_eflags(%esp),%eax

        movb  UREGS_cs(%esp),%al

        testl $(3|X86_EFLAGS_VM),%eax

        jnz   test_all_events

        jmp   restore_all_xen






        movl VCPU_vcpu_info(%ebx),%eax

        testb $0xFF,VCPUINFO_upcall_mask(%eax)

        jnz  restore_all_guest

        testb $0xFF,VCPUINFO_upcall_pending(%eax)

        jz   restore_all_guest



        leal VCPU_trap_bounce(%ebx),%edx

        movl VCPU_event_addr(%ebx),%eax

        movl %eax,TRAPBOUNCE_eip(%edx)

        movl VCPU_event_sel(%ebx),%eax

        movw %ax,TRAPBOUNCE_cs(%edx)

        movb $TBF_INTERRUPT,TRAPBOUNCE_flags(%edx)

        call create_bounce_frame

        jmp  test_all_events


testl $~3,%eax

        jz   domain_crash_synchronous

        movl %eax,UREGS_cs+4(%esp)

        movl TRAPBOUNCE_eip(%edx),%eax

        movl %eax,UREGS_eip+4(%esp)




xen , HYPERVISOR_set_callbacksxen中的实现为

do_set_callbacks=>register_guest_callback, 该函数纪录了guest中传递过来的callback信息.

static long register_guest_callback(struct callback_register *reg)


    long ret = 0;

    struct vcpu *v = current;


    switch ( reg->type )


    case CALLBACKTYPE_event:

        v->arch.guest_context.event_callback_cs     = reg->address.cs;

        v->arch.guest_context.event_callback_eip    = reg->address.eip;





OFFSET(VCPU_event_addr, struct vcpu,



0 0