
来源:互联网 发布:unity3d导出obj 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 16:54
// 实验二.cpp :///*1.定义student结构体,包含姓名、学号、C成绩、VB成绩、数学成绩和英语成绩,并计算平均成绩,通过调用函数输出平局成绩。2.函数完成二维数组的最小值查找,并在主函数中输出(用指针实现)。*/#include "stdafx.h"#include "string"#include "iostream"using namespace std;//score structstruct score{    int c;    int vb;    int math;    int music;};//student structstruct student{    string name;    int num;    struct score score;    float aver;}stu;//Input and Output Function(First question )void inOutPut1(struct student stu){    cout << "Input Name:";    cin >> stu.name;    cout << "Input Number:";    cin >> stu.num;    cout << "Input C score:";    cin >> stu.score.c;    cout << "Input VB score:";    cin >> stu.score.vb;    cout << "Input Math score:";    cin >> stu.score.math;    cout << "Input Music score:";    cin >> stu.score.music;    float anvagerScore = (stu.score.c + stu.score.vb + stu.score.math + stu.score.music)/4.0;    cout << "anvagerScore:";    cout << anvagerScore;    cout << "\n";}//Find Min Value(Second question)int min(int (*p)[2]){    int min = (*p)[0];    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)        for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)            if ((*(p + i))[j] < min)                min = (*(p + i))[j];    return min;}//Input and Output Function(Second question )void inOutPut2(){    int(*p)[2];//two-dimensional array point,equivalent to int [][2]    int arr[2][2];//two-dimensional array    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)        for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)            cin >> arr[i][j];//input elements    p = arr;//point to the arr's first(arr[0][0]) element address    cout << "min=";    cout << min(&p[0]);//output min vaule    cout << "\n";}int main(){    // inOutPut1(stu);    inOutPut2();}

first output:
second output:

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