Effective C#之18: Implement the Standard Dispose Pattern

来源:互联网 发布:java安装失败 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 07:34

Item18: Implement the Standard Dispose Pattern


We've discussed the importance ofdisposing of objects that hold unmanaged resources. Now it's time to cover howto write your own resource-management code when you create types that containresources other than memory. A standard pattern is used throughout the .NETFramework for disposing of nonmemory resources. The users of your type willexpect you to follow this standard pattern. The standard dispose idiom freesyour unmanaged resources using the IDisposable interface when clients remember,and it uses the finalizer defensively when clients forget. It works with theGarbage Collector to ensure that your objects pay the performance penaltyassociated with finalizers only when necessary. This is the right way to handleunmanaged resources, so it pays to understand it thoroughly.


The root base class in the classhierarchy should implement the IDisposable interface to free resources. Thistype should also add a finalizer as a defensive mechanism. Both of theseroutines delegate the work of freeing resources to a virtual method thatderived classes can override for their own resource-management needs. Thederived classes need override the virtual method only when the derived classmust free its own resources and it must remember to call the base class versionof the function.


To begin, your class must have afinalizer if it uses nonmemory resources. You should not rely on clients to alwayscall the Dispose() method. You'll leak resources when they forget. It's theirfault for not calling Dispose, but you'll get the blame. The only way you canguarantee that nonmemory resources get freed properly is to create a finalizer.So create one.


When the Garbage Collector runs,it immediately removes from memory any garbage objects that do not havefinalizers. All objects that have finalizers remain in memory. These objectsare added to a finalization queue, and the Garbage Collector spawns a newthread to run the finalizers on those objects. After the finalizer thread hasfinished its work, the garbage objects can be removed from memory. Objects thatneed finalization stay in memory for far longer than objects without afinalizer. But you have no choice. If you're going to be defensive, you mustwrite a finalizer when your type holds unmanaged resources. But don't worry aboutperformance just yet. The next steps ensure that it's easier for clients toavoid the performance penalty associated with finalization.


Implementing IDisposable is thestandard way to inform users and the runtime system that your objects holdresources that must be released in a timely manner. The IDisposable interfacecontains just one method:


  1.     public interface IDisposable
  2.     {
  3.         void Dispose();
  4.     }

The implementation of yourIDisposable.Dispose() method is responsible for four tasks:


1.Freeing all unmanaged resources.


2.Freeing all managed resources(this includes unhooking events).


3.Setting a state flag to indicatethat the object has been disposed. You need to check this state and throwObjectDisposed exceptions in your public methods, if any get called afterdisposing of an object.


4.Suppressing finalization. Youcall GC.SuppressFinalize(this) to accomplish this task.


You accomplish two things byimplementing IDisposable: You provide the mechanism for clients to release allmanaged resources that you hold in a timely fashion, and you give clients astandard way to release all unmanaged resources. That's quite an improvement.After you've implemented IDisposable in your type, clients can avoid thefinalization cost. Your class is a reasonably well-behaved member of the .NETcommunity.


But there are still holes in themechanism you've created. How does a derived class clean up its resources andstill let a base class clean up as well? If derived classes override finalizeor add their own implementation of IDisposable, those methods must call thebase class; otherwise, the base class doesn't clean up properly. Also, finalizeand Dispose share some of the same responsibilities: You have almost certainlyduplicated code between the finalize method and the Dispose method. As you'lllearn in Item26, overriding interface functions does not work the way you'd expect. Thethird method in the standard Dispose pattern, a protected virtual helperfunction, factors out these common tasks and adds a hook for derived classes tofree resources they allocate. The base class contains the code for the coreinterface. The virtual function provides the hook for derived classes to cleanup resources in response to Dispose() or finalization:

但是在你已经创建的机制里面仍然存在漏洞。一个派生类如何清理自己的资源并且同时也让基类进行清理呢?如果派生类重写终结器或者添加它们自己对IDisposable的实现,那些方法必须调用基类,否则,基类就不能恰当的清理。同样,终结器和Dispose共享一些职责:在终结器方法和Dispose方法之间,你几乎有很多重复的代码。像你将在Item 26里面学到的一样,重写接口方法并不像你期望的那样工作。在标准Dispose模式中,第三个方法是protected辅助虚方法,提炼出这些通用的任务,为派生类添加一个钩子来释放它们分配的资源。基类包含了核心接口代码。虚方法为派生类提供了钩子来清理资源,对Dispose()或者终结器做出响应。

  1.    protected virtual void Dispose(bool isDisposing);

This overloaded method does thework necessary to support both finalize and Dispose, and because it is virtual,it provides an entry point for all derived classes. Derived classes canoverride this method, provide the proper implementation to clean up theirresources, and call the base class version. You clean up managed and unmanagedresources when isDisposing is True; clean up only unmanaged resources whenisDisposing is false. In both cases, call the base class's Dispose(bool) methodto let it clean up its own resources.


Here is a short sample that showsthe framework of code you supply when you implement this pattern. TheMyResourceHog class shows the code to implement IDisposable, a finalizer, andcreate the virtual Dispose method:



  1.    public class MyResourceHog : IDisposable
  2.     {
  3.         // Flag for already disposed
  4.         private Boolean alreadyDisposed = false;
  5.         // finalizer:
  6.         // Call the virtual Dispose method.
  7.         ~MyResourceHog()
  8.         {
  9.             Dispose(false);
  10.         }
  11.         // Implementation of IDisposable.
  12.         // Call the virtual Dispose method.
  13.         // Suppress Finalization.
  14.         public void Dispose()
  15.         {
  16.             Dispose(true);
  17.             GC.SuppressFinalize(true);
  18.         }
  19.         // Virtual Dispose method
  20.         protected virtual void Dispose(Boolean isDisposing)
  21.         {
  22.             // Don't dispose more than once.
  23.             if (alreadyDisposed)
  24.                 return;
  25.             if (isDisposing)
  26.             {
  27.                 // TODO: free managed resources here.
  28.             }
  29.             // TODO: free unmanaged resources here.
  30.             // Set disposed flag:
  31.             alreadyDisposed = true;
  32.         }
  33.    }

If a derived class needs toperform additional cleanup, it implements the protected Dispose method:

如果一个派生类需要执行额外的清理,它就实现protected Dispose方法:

  1.   public class DerivedResourceHog : MyResourceHog
  2.     {
  3.         // Have its own disposed flag.
  4.         private Boolean disposed = false;
  5.         protected override void Dispose(Boolean isDisposing)
  6.         {
  7.             // Don't dispose more than once.
  8.             if (disposed)
  9.                 return;
  10.             if (isDisposing)
  11.             {
  12.                 // TODO: free managed resources here.
  13.             }
  14.             // TODO: free unmanaged resources here.
  15.             // Let the base class free its resources.
  16.             // Base class is responsible for calling
  17.             // GC.SuppressFinalize( )
  18.             base.Dispose(isDisposing);
  19.             // Set derived class disposed flag:
  20.             disposed = true;
  21.         }
  22.      }

Notice that both the base classand the derived class contain a flag for the disposed state of the object. Thisis purely defensive. Duplicating the flag encapsulates any possible mistakesmade while disposing of an object to only the one type, not all types that makeup an object.


You need to write Dispose andfinalize defensively. Disposing of objects can happen in any order. You willencounter cases in which one of the member objects in your type is alreadydisposed of before your Dispose() method gets called. You should not view thatas a problem because the Dispose() method can be called multiple times. If it'scalled on an object that has already been disposed of, it does nothing.Finalizers have similar rules. Any object that you reference is still inmemory, so you don't need to check null references. However, any object thatyou reference might be disposed of. It might also have already been finalized.


This brings me to the mostimportant recommendation for any method associated with disposal or cleanup:You should be releasing resources only. Do not perform any other processingduring a dispose method. You can introduce serious complications to objectlifetimes by performing other processing in your Dispose or finalize methods.Objects are born when you construct them, and they die when the GarbageCollector reclaims them. You can consider them comatose when your program canno longer access them. If you can't reach an object, you can't call any of itsmethods. For all intents and purposes, it is dead. But objects that havefinalizers get to breathe a last breath before they are declared dead.Finalizers should do nothing but clean up unmanaged resources. If a finalizersomehow makes an object reachable again, it has been resurrected. It's aliveand not well, even though it has awoken from a comatose state. Here's anobvious example:


  1.    public class BadClass
  2.     {
  3.         // Store a reference to a global object:
  4.         private readonly ArrayList finalizedList;
  5.         private string msg;
  6.         public BadClass(ArrayList badList, string msg)
  7.         {
  8.             // cache the reference:
  9.             finalizedList = badList;
  10.             this.msg = (string)msg.Clone();
  11.         }
  12.         ~BadClass()
  13.         {
  14.             // Add this object to the list.
  15.             // This object is reachable, no
  16.             // longer garbage. It's Back!
  17.             finalizedList.Add(this);
  18.         }
  19.    }

When a BadClass object executesits finalizer, it puts a reference to itself on a global list. It has just madeitself reachable. It's alive again! The number of problems you've justintroduced will make anyone cringe. The object has been finalized, so theGarbage Collector now believes there is no need to call its finalizer again. Ifyou actually need to finalize a resurrected object, it won't happen. Second,some of your resources might not be available. The GC will not remove frommemory any objects that are reachable only by objects in the finalizer queue,but it might have already finalized them. If so, they are almost certainly nolonger usable. Although the members that BadClass owns are still in memory,they will have likely been disposed of or finalized. There is no way in thelanguage that you can control the order of finalization. You cannot make thiskind of construct work reliably. Don't try.


I've never seen code that hasresurrected objects in such an obvious fashion, except as an academic exercise.But I have seen code in which the finalizer attempts to do some real work andends up bringing itself back to life when some function that the finalizercalls saves a reference to the object. The moral is to look very carefully atany code in a finalizer and, by extension, both Dispose methods. If that codeis doing anything other than releasing resources, look again. Those actionslikely will cause bugs in your program in the future. Remove those actions, andmake sure that finalizers and Dispose() methods release resources and donothing else.

除了作为学术性练习外,我从来没有见过这种代码:这么明显的存在复活的对象。但是我见过这样的代码:终结器试图做一些实际的工作,当终结器调用的一些方法保存了对对象的引用是,最后将自己复活。有良心的做法是仔细查看在终结器里面的任何代码,最好 ,扩大到Dispose方法里。如果那些代码不止做了释放资源的事情,就要再次检查了。那些动作将来很可能在你的程序里面引起bug。移除那些动作,确保终结器和Dispose()方法除了释放资源外什么也不做。

In a managed environment, you donot need to write a finalizer for every type you create; you do it only fortypes that store unmanaged types or when your type contains members thatimplement IDisposable. Even if you need only the Disposable interface, not afinalizer, implement the entire pattern. Otherwise, you limit your derivedclasses by complicating their implementation of the standard Dispose idiom.Follow the standard Dispose idiom I've described. That will make life easier foryou, for the users of your class, and for those who create derived classes fromyour types.
