[Android6.0][RK3399] USB接口Touchscreen驱动流程分析

来源:互联网 发布:免费的网络推手 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 20:59

Platform: RK3399
OS: Android 6.0
Version: v2016.08

    • 前言
    • 流程分析
      • module_usb_driver
      • usbtouch_probe
      • usbtouch_open
      • usbtouch_irq
      • usbtouch_device_info
      • usbtouch_dev_info




register/unregister usbtouch_driver
注册到总线接口的驱动是 usbtouch_driver

static struct usb_driver usbtouch_driver = {    .name       = "usbtouchscreen",    .probe      = usbtouch_probe,    .disconnect = usbtouch_disconnect,   //与 probe 相反    .suspend    = usbtouch_suspend,       //挂起    .resume     = usbtouch_resume,         //唤醒    .reset_resume   = usbtouch_reset_resume,  //重置唤醒    .id_table   = usbtouch_devices,           //支持的设备的 ID 表    .supports_autosuspend = 1,};

name = “usbtouchscreen”

其中 id_table 的数据类型是 usb_device_id

struct usb_device_id {      /* which fields to match against? */      __u16       match_flags;      /* Used for product specific matches; range is inclusive */      __u16       idVendor;      __u16       idProduct;      __u16       bcdDevice_lo;      __u16       bcdDevice_hi;      /* Used for device class matches */      __u8        bDeviceClass;      __u8        bDeviceSubClass;      __u8        bDeviceProtocol;      /* Used for interface class matches */      __u8        bInterfaceClass;      __u8        bInterfaceSubClass;      __u8        bInterfaceProtocol;      /* not matched against */      kernel_ulong_t  driver_info;  };

只有这里的信息和 usb 设备驱动那边收集到的设备信息匹配上,才会调用进这个驱动。
id_table :

static const struct usb_device_id usbtouch_devices[] = {#ifdef CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_USB_EGALAX    /* ignore the HID capable devices, handled by usbhid */    {USB_DEVICE_HID_CLASS(0x0eef, 0x0001), .driver_info = DEVTYPE_IGNORE},    {USB_DEVICE_HID_CLASS(0x0eef, 0x0002), .driver_info = DEVTYPE_IGNORE},    /* normal device IDs */    {USB_DEVICE(0x3823, 0x0001), .driver_info = DEVTYPE_EGALAX},    ...#endif    ...};

USB_DEVICE 参数分别是 idVendor (厂商id)和 idProduct(产品id),一般用其作为设备标识

后面的 driver_info 是枚举值,会根据 driver_info 的值在 usbtouch_dev_info 中查找 driver 相关的配置


这里只是枚举类型,真正的 driver_info 是 probe 中的 usbtouch_device_info *type;
这个 usbtouch_device_info 我们放在后面来分析


static int usbtouch_probe(struct usb_interface *intf,              const struct usb_device_id *id){    struct usbtouch_usb *usbtouch;    //usbtouch 设备    struct input_dev *input_dev;         //输入设备    struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *endpoint;   //usb 端点    struct usb_device *udev = interface_to_usbdev(intf);    //从 usb 接口获取对应设备    struct usbtouch_device_info *type;  //真正的 driver_info    int err = -ENOMEM;    /* some devices are ignored */    if (id->driver_info == DEVTYPE_IGNORE)        return -ENODEV;    //usb 设备有一个 configuration 的概念,表示配置    //一个设备可以有多个配置,但是只能激活一个,比如一个设备可以下载固件 或者 设置不同的全局模式    // cur_altsetting 就表示当前的这个 setting(配置)    endpoint = usbtouch_get_input_endpoint(intf->cur_altsetting);    if (!endpoint)        return -ENXIO;    //分配内存,申请 input 设备结构    usbtouch = kzalloc(sizeof(struct usbtouch_usb), GFP_KERNEL);    input_dev = input_allocate_device();    if (!usbtouch |获取端点| !input_dev)        goto out_free;    //用到前面的枚举值,真正的 driver_info 是在 usbtouch_dev_info 中的    type = &usbtouch_dev_info[id->driver_info];    usbtouch->type = type;    if (!type->process_pkt)        type->process_pkt = usbtouch_process_pkt;    usbtouch->data_size = type->rept_size;    if (type->get_pkt_len) {        /*         * When dealing with variable-length packets we should         * not request more than wMaxPacketSize bytes at once         * as we do not know if there is more data coming or         * we filled exactly wMaxPacketSize bytes and there is         * nothing else.         */        usbtouch->data_size = min(usbtouch->data_size,                      usb_endpoint_maxp(endpoint));    }    usbtouch->data = usb_alloc_coherent(udev, usbtouch->data_size,                        GFP_KERNEL, &usbtouch->data_dma);    if (!usbtouch->data)        goto out_free;    if (type->get_pkt_len) {        usbtouch->buffer = kmalloc(type->rept_size, GFP_KERNEL);        if (!usbtouch->buffer)            goto out_free_buffers;    }    //申请 urb 用于数据传输 的内存    //usbtouch->data:记录了用于普通传输用的内存指针   //usbtouch->buffer:记录了用于存储读取到的数据的内存指针    usbtouch->irq = usb_alloc_urb(0, GFP_KERNEL);    if (!usbtouch->irq) {        dev_dbg(&intf->dev,            "%s - usb_alloc_urb failed: usbtouch->irq\n", __func__);        goto out_free_buffers;    }    usbtouch->interface = intf;    usbtouch->input = input_dev;    if (udev->manufacturer)        strlcpy(usbtouch->name, udev->manufacturer, sizeof(usbtouch->name));    if (udev->product) {        if (udev->manufacturer)            strlcat(usbtouch->name, " ", sizeof(usbtouch->name));        strlcat(usbtouch->name, udev->product, sizeof(usbtouch->name));    }    if (!strlen(usbtouch->name))        snprintf(usbtouch->name, sizeof(usbtouch->name),            "USB Touchscreen %04x:%04x",             le16_to_cpu(udev->descriptor.idVendor),             le16_to_cpu(udev->descriptor.idProduct));    usb_make_path(udev, usbtouch->phys, sizeof(usbtouch->phys));    strlcat(usbtouch->phys, "/input0", sizeof(usbtouch->phys));    input_dev->name = usbtouch->name;    input_dev->phys = usbtouch->phys;    usb_to_input_id(udev, &input_dev->id);    input_dev->dev.parent = &intf->dev;    input_set_drvdata(input_dev, usbtouch);    input_dev->open = usbtouch_open;    input_dev->close = usbtouch_close;    //设置打开和关闭设备    input_dev->evbit[0] = BIT_MASK(EV_KEY) | BIT_MASK(EV_ABS);    input_dev->keybit[BIT_WORD(BTN_TOUCH)] = BIT_MASK(BTN_TOUCH);    input_set_abs_params(input_dev, ABS_X, type->min_xc, type->max_xc, 0, 0);    input_set_abs_params(input_dev, ABS_Y, type->min_yc, type->max_yc, 0, 0);    if (type->max_press)        input_set_abs_params(input_dev, ABS_PRESSURE, type->min_press,                             type->max_press, 0, 0);    //设置支持的输入子系统的事件:botton,key,press    if (usb_endpoint_type(endpoint) == USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_INT)        usb_fill_int_urb(usbtouch->irq, udev,             usb_rcvintpipe(udev, endpoint->bEndpointAddress),             usbtouch->data, usbtouch->data_size,             usbtouch_irq, usbtouch, endpoint->bInterval);    else        usb_fill_bulk_urb(usbtouch->irq, udev,             usb_rcvbulkpipe(udev, endpoint->bEndpointAddress),             usbtouch->data, usbtouch->data_size,             usbtouch_irq, usbtouch);  // 初始化 urb 的回调函数    usbtouch->irq->dev = udev;    usbtouch->irq->transfer_dma = usbtouch->data_dma;    usbtouch->irq->transfer_flags |= URB_NO_TRANSFER_DMA_MAP;    //构建好 urb 后,在 open 方法中会实现向 usb core 递交 urb、usbtouch_irq 回调函数    //这里是两个 DMA 相关的 flag,一个是 URB_NO_SETUP_DMA_MAP(为控制传输准备,因为只有控制传输需要有这么一个 setup 阶段需要准备一个 setup packet) 另一个是 URB_NO_TRANSFER_DMA_MAP     //transfer_buffer 是给各种传输方式中真正用来数据传输的    //而setup_packet 仅仅是在控制传输中发送setup 的包,控制传输除了setup 阶段之外,也会有数据传输阶段,这一阶段要传输数据还是得靠transfer_buffer,    //而如果使用dma 方式,那么就是使用transfer_dma.    //因为这里使用了mouse->irq->transfer_flags |= URB_NO_TRANSFER_DMA_MAP,所以应该给urb的transfer_dma赋值。所以用了:usbtouch->irq->transfer_dma = usbtouch->data_dma;    /* device specific allocations */    if (type->alloc) {        err = type->alloc(usbtouch);        if (err) {            dev_dbg(&intf->dev,                "%s - type->alloc() failed, err: %d\n",                __func__, err);            goto out_free_urb;        }    }    /* device specific initialisation*/    if (type->init) {        err = type->init(usbtouch);        if (err) {            dev_dbg(&intf->dev,                "%s - type->init() failed, err: %d\n",                __func__, err);            goto out_do_exit;        }    }    err = input_register_device(usbtouch->input);    if (err) {        dev_dbg(&intf->dev,            "%s - input_register_device failed, err: %d\n",            __func__, err);        goto out_do_exit;    }    usb_set_intfdata(intf, usbtouch);    if (usbtouch->type->irq_always) {        /* this can't fail */        usb_autopm_get_interface(intf);        err = usb_submit_urb(usbtouch->irq, GFP_KERNEL);        if (err) {            usb_autopm_put_interface(intf);            dev_err(&intf->dev,                "%s - usb_submit_urb failed with result: %d\n",                __func__, err);            goto out_unregister_input;        }    }    return 0;out_unregister_input:    input_unregister_device(input_dev);    input_dev = NULL;out_do_exit:    if (type->exit)        type->exit(usbtouch);out_free_urb:    usb_free_urb(usbtouch->irq);out_free_buffers:    usbtouch_free_buffers(udev, usbtouch);out_free:    input_free_device(input_dev);    kfree(usbtouch);    return err;}



static int usbtouch_open(struct input_dev *input){    struct usbtouch_usb *usbtouch = input_get_drvdata(input);    int r;    usbtouch->irq->dev = interface_to_usbdev(usbtouch->interface);    r = usb_autopm_get_interface(usbtouch->interface) ? -EIO : 0;    if (r < 0)        goto out;    if (!usbtouch->type->irq_always) {        if (usb_submit_urb(usbtouch->irq, GFP_KERNEL)) {            r = -EIO;            goto out_put;        }    }    usbtouch->interface->needs_remote_wakeup = 1;out_put:    usb_autopm_put_interface(usbtouch->interface);out:    return r;}

向usb core递交了在probe中构建好的中断urb,注意,此处是成功递交给usb core以后就返回,而不是等到从设备取得数据。



static void usbtouch_irq(struct urb *urb){       struct usbtouch_usb *usbtouch = urb->context;       int retval;       switch (urb->status) {       case 0:              /* success */              break;       case -ETIME:              /* this urb is timing out */              dbg("%s - urb timed out - was the device unplugged?",                  __func__);              return;       case -ECONNRESET:       case -ENOENT:       case -ESHUTDOWN:              /* this urb is terminated, clean up */              dbg("%s - urb shutting down with status: %d",                  __func__, urb->status);              return;       default:              dbg("%s - nonzero urb status received: %d",                  __func__, urb->status);              goto exit;       }       usbtouch->type->process_pkt(usbtouch, usbtouch->data, urb->actual_length);       //这个type的类型就是 usbtouch_device_info,此时的process_pkt指针自然指向的是上面对应的函数,如果此时是触发的设备type为 DEVTYPE_EGALAX,那么这里调用的 usbtouch_process_multi  exit:       retval = usb_submit_urb(urb, GFP_ATOMIC); //重新发送URB       if (retval)              err("%s - usb_submit_urb failed with result: %d",                  __func__, retval);}


usbtouch_device_info 就是上面driver_info 以及usbtouch_probe 中抽取的驱动模块的info数组,不同的usbtouchscreen 注册的时候就是注册了一个枚举值,这个值就是usbtouch_dev_info 数组的第几元素.

struct usbtouch_device_info {    int min_xc, max_xc;    int min_yc, max_yc;    int min_press, max_press;    int rept_size;    /*     * Always service the USB devices irq not just when the input device is     * open. This is useful when devices have a watchdog which prevents us     * from periodically polling the device. Leave this unset unless your     * touchscreen device requires it, as it does consume more of the USB     * bandwidth.     */    bool irq_always;    //这个函数指针用来接受 处理 中断    void (*process_pkt) (struct usbtouch_usb *usbtouch, unsigned char *pkt, int len);    /*     * used to get the packet len. possible return values:     * > 0: packet len     * = 0: skip one byte     * < 0: -return value more bytes needed     */    int  (*get_pkt_len) (unsigned char *pkt, int len);    int  (*read_data)   (struct usbtouch_usb *usbtouch, unsigned char *pkt);    int  (*alloc)       (struct usbtouch_usb *usbtouch);    int  (*init)        (struct usbtouch_usb *usbtouch);    void (*exit)        (struct usbtouch_usb *usbtouch);};


这个数组的成员都是以前面说到的注册枚举值来区分. x y 参数及回调函数,都在 usbtouch_probe 中被抽离出来使用

static struct usbtouch_device_info usbtouch_dev_info[] = {  #ifdef CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_USB_EGALAX      [DEVTYPE_EGALAX] = {          .min_xc        = 0x0,          .max_xc        = 0x07ff,          .min_yc        = 0x0,          .max_yc        = 0x07ff,          .rept_size    = 16,          .process_pkt    = usbtouch_process_multi,//用于中断回调函数,用于处理中断,得到input的event,上传数据          .get_pkt_len    = egalax_get_pkt_len,          .read_data    = egalax_read_data, //用于中断回调函数,用于读取数据      },  #endif  ...  #ifdef CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_USB_IRTOUCH      [DEVTYPE_IRTOUCH] = {          .min_xc        = 0x0,          .max_xc        = 0x0fff,          .min_yc        = 0x0,          .max_yc        = 0x0fff,          .rept_size    = 8,          .read_data    = irtouch_read_data,      },  #endif   ...  };  
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