单链表逆序输出C++ (stack方法、双向链表方法以及vector方法)

来源:互联网 发布:遇见这软件靠谱吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/17 08:05
#include "stdio.h"#include <iostream>#include "malloc.h"#include <stack>#include <vector>  struct listNode{     listNode*  next;    int nodeData;}; struct twoDlistNode {    twoDlistNode *next;    twoDlistNode * pre;    int nodeData; };int listData[] = {5,52,4,6,2,445,6,1,52,465,1};void buildList(listNode* head){    int i=1;    listNode* tmp,*tmpold;    int count = sizeof(listData)/4;    head->nodeData = listData[0];    tmpold = head;    for(;i<count;i++)    {        tmp = new listNode();        tmp->nodeData = listData[i];        tmpold->next = tmp;        tmpold = tmp;    }    tmp -> next = NULL; }void twoD_method(listNode *tmp){    twoDlistNode *twoD,*twoDtmp,*twoDtmpold;    if(!tmp)    return ;    twoD = new twoDlistNode();    twoD->pre = NULL;    twoD->nodeData = tmp->nodeData;    twoD->next = NULL;    tmp = tmp->next;    twoDtmpold = twoD;    while(tmp)    {        twoDtmp = new twoDlistNode();        twoDtmp->nodeData = tmp->nodeData;        twoDtmp-> pre = twoDtmpold;        twoDtmpold->next = twoDtmp;        twoDtmpold = twoDtmp;        tmp = tmp->next;    }    printf("This is the twoD_method:\n");    while(twoDtmpold)    {        printf("%d\n",twoDtmpold->nodeData );        twoDtmpold = twoDtmpold->pre;    }}void stack_method(listNode *tmp){    listNode *getNode;    int getdata;    std::stack<listNode*> mystack;    while(tmp->next)    {        mystack.push(tmp);        tmp = tmp->next;    }    mystack.push(tmp);    printf("This is the stack_method:\n");    while(!mystack.empty())    {        getNode = mystack.top();        getdata = getNode->nodeData;        printf("%d\n",getdata);        mystack.pop();    }}void vectorMethod(listNode *tmp){    std::vector<int> myvector;    if (tmp==NULL)        return;    listNode* vMtmp = tmp;    while(vMtmp)    {        myvector.push_back(vMtmp->nodeData);        vMtmp = vMtmp->next;    }    printf("This is the vectorMethod\n");    for(std::vector<int>::iterator iter = myvector.end()-1;iter != myvector.begin()-1;iter--)    printf("%d\n",*iter );}int main(void){    listNode* list;    list = new listNode();    listNode* tmp;    tmp = list;    buildList(list);    twoD_method(tmp);    stack_method(tmp);    vectorMethod(tmp);}
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