
来源:互联网 发布:ubuntu netsnmpdevel 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 07:14



/******************************************************************************** @File   : fifo.h* @Author   : cqx* @Version  : V0.0.1* @Date   : 29-november-2016* @Brief  : This file provides all the fifo functions.********************************************************************************* @Attention:* Non********************************************************************************//* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/#ifndef _FIFO_H#define _FIFO_H#include <stm32f10x.h>#ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" {#endif /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*//* Define --------------------------------------------------------------------*/#ifndef min#define min(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))#endif#define is_power_of_2(x)((x) != 0 && (((x) & ((x) - 1)) == 0))/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/struct fifo {unsigned intin;unsigned intout;unsigned intmask;unsigned char *data;}; /* Function prototypes -------------------------------------------------------*/extern unsigned int fifo_used(struct fifo *fifo);extern signed int fifo_alloc(struct fifo *fifo, unsigned int size);extern void         fifo_free(struct fifo *fifo);extern int          fifo_init(struct fifo *fifo, unsigned char *buffer,unsigned int size);extern unsigned int fifo_in(struct fifo *fifo, unsigned char *buf, unsigned int len);extern unsigned int fifo_out(struct fifo *fifo,unsigned char *buf, unsigned int len); #ifdef __cplusplus}#endif#endif


/******************************************************************************* @File   : ringbuffer.c* @Author   : cqx* @Version  : V0.0.1* @Date   : 29-november-2016* @Brief  : This file provides all the fifo functions.******************************************************************************* @Attention:* *******************************************************************************//* Includes -----------------------------------------------------------------*/#include "fifo.h"#include "stdlib.h"#include "string.h"#include "includes.h"/* Variables -----------------------------------------------------------------*//* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*//******************************************************************************//* * internal helper to calculate the unused elements in a fifo */static __inline unsigned int fifo_unused(struct fifo *fifo){  return (fifo->mask + 1) - (fifo->in - fifo->out);}unsigned int fifo_used(struct fifo *fifo){  return (fifo->in - fifo->out);}signed int fifo_alloc(struct fifo *fifo, unsigned int size){/* * round down to the next power of 2, since our 'let the indices * wrap' technique works only in this case. */if (!is_power_of_2(size))return -1;fifo->in = 1;fifo->out = 1;if (size < 2){fifo->data = NULL;fifo->mask = 0;return -1;}fifo->data = malloc(size);if (!fifo->data){fifo->mask = 0;return -1;}fifo->mask = size - 1;    return 0;}void fifo_free(struct fifo *fifo){free(fifo->data);fifo->in = 0;fifo->out = 0;fifo->data = NULL;fifo->mask = 0;}int fifo_init(struct fifo *fifo, unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int size){if (!is_power_of_2(size))return -1;fifo->in = 0;fifo->out = 0;fifo->data = buffer;if (size < 2) {fifo->mask = 0;return -1;}fifo->mask = size - 1;return 0;}static void fifo_copy_in(struct fifo *fifo, unsigned char *src, unsigned int len, unsigned int off){unsigned int size = fifo->mask + 1;unsigned int l;off &= fifo->mask;l = min(len, size - off);memcpy(fifo->data + off, src, l);memcpy(fifo->data, src + l, len - l);}unsigned int fifo_in(struct fifo *fifo, unsigned char *buf, unsigned int len){unsigned int l;l = fifo_unused(fifo);if (len > l)len = l;fifo_copy_in(fifo, buf, len, fifo->in);fifo->in += len;return len;}static void fifo_copy_out(struct fifo *fifo, unsigned char *dst, unsigned int len, unsigned int off){unsigned int size = fifo->mask + 1;unsigned int l;off &= fifo->mask;l = min(len, size - off);memcpy(dst, fifo->data + off, l);memcpy(dst + l, fifo->data, len - l);}unsigned int fifo_out_peek(struct fifo *fifo, unsigned char *buf, unsigned int len){unsigned int l;l = fifo->in - fifo->out;if (len > l)len = l;fifo_copy_out(fifo, buf, len, fifo->out);return len;}unsigned int fifo_out(struct fifo *fifo, unsigned char *buf, unsigned int len){len = fifo_out_peek(fifo, buf, len);fifo->out += len;return len;}

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热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 苹果iap支付失败怎么办 此项目无法退款怎么办 及贷逾期一天怎么办 快贷逾期一天怎么办 燃气灶开关松了怎么办 厨房插座挨灶台怎么办 天然气灶费电池怎么办 国美东西买贵啦怎么办 饥荒咕咕鸟死了怎么办 收到催天下信息怎么办 对门邻居有白事怎么办 顺丰理赔不合理怎么办 手机店抽奖被骗怎么办 手机店投票被骗怎么办 锤子手机进水了怎么办 锤子手机无法关机怎么办 坚果pro2卡顿怎么办 兴隆破产兴隆卡怎么办 电脑开机键失灵怎么办 网上买冰箱售后怎么办 物流公司损坏了怎么办 白色充电器线脏了怎么办 卷尺缩不回去怎么办 在昆山怎么办电瓶车牌 网购遇到质量问题怎么办 洗衣机外壳坏了怎么办 8元飞享套餐下线怎么办 改光纤后传真机怎么办 网上预约迟到了怎么办 国地税合并局长怎么办? 信用卡申请条件不足怎么办 深户落亲戚房产怎么办准迁证 从深圳迁出户口怎么办 快递未送达签收怎么办 床垫用水洗后怎么办 轿车空调不制冷怎么办 空调氟漏完了怎么办 一窗式比对异常怎么办 高铁票无座怎么办 公司把社保断交怎么办 电信宽带电视无信号怎么办