hdu 1533 KM匹配

来源:互联网 发布:比特币挖矿程序 mac 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 02:24


关于KM的简单讲解&&模板 推荐(写的很详细也很容易理解):http://blog.csdn.net/pi9nc/article/details/12250247   



type        rec=record            xx,yy:longint;end;var        n,m,t1,t2       :longint;        i,j             :longint;        s               :string;        visx,visy       :array[0..10010] of boolean;        link,lx,ly      :array[0..10010] of longint;        x,y             :array[0..10010] of rec;        map             :array[0..110,0..110] of longint;function find(x:longint):boolean;var        i:longint;begin   visx[x]:=true;   for i:=1 to t2 do     if not visy[i] and (map[x,i]<>0) and (lx[x]+ly[i]=map[x,i]) then     begin        visy[i]:=true;        if (link[i]=0) or (find(link[i])) then        begin           link[i]:=x; exit(true);        end;     end;   exit(false);end;procedure KM(n,m:longint);var        i,j,k:longint;        ans,tt:longint;begin   for i:=1 to n do   begin      ly[i]:=0;      lx[i]:=-maxlongint;      for j:=1 to m do        if (map[i,j]<>0) and (map[i,j]>lx[i]) then lx[i]:=map[i,j];   end;   //   fillchar(link,sizeof(link),0);   for i:=1 to n do   begin      while true do      begin         fillchar(visx,sizeof(visx),false);         fillchar(visy,sizeof(visy),false);         if find(i) then break;         //         tt:=maxlongint;         for j:=1 to n do           if visx[j] then             for k:=1 to m do               if not visy[k] and (map[j,k]<>0) and (lx[j]+ly[k]-map[j,k]<tt) then tt:=lx[j]+ly[k]-map[j,k];           //           for j:=1 to n do           begin              if visx[j] then dec(lx[j],tt);              if visy[j] then inc(ly[j],tt);           end;      end;   end;   //   ans:=0;   for i:=1 to m do     if link[i]>0 then inc(ans,map[link[i],i]);   writeln(-ans);end;begin   read(n,m);   while(n<>0) and (m<>0) do   begin      readln; t1:=0; t2:=0;      fillchar(map,sizeof(map),0);      for i:=1 to n do      begin         readln(s);         for j:=1 to m do           if s[j]='H' then           begin              inc(t1);              x[t1].xx:=i; x[t1].yy:=j;           end else           if s[j]='m' then           begin              inc(t2);              y[t2].xx:=i; y[t2].yy:=j;           end;      end;      //      for i:=1 to t1 do        for j:=1 to t2 do           map[i,j]:=-abs(x[i].xx-y[j].xx)-abs(x[i].yy-y[j].yy);       //       KM(t1,t2);       read(n,m);   end;end.
——by Eirlys

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