Reactive Programming with RxJava-Chapter5:Reactive from Top to Bottom(2)

来源:互联网 发布:java cms开源框架 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 15:02

Relational Database Access

There are reasons for JDBC to remain blocking.
1. Query parsing (CPU-bound) translates a String containing a query into a parse tree.
2. Query optimizer (CPU-bound) evaluates the query against various rules and statisics,try to build an execution plan
3. Query executor (I/O-bound) traverses database storage and finds appropriate tuples to return.
4. Result set (network-bound) is serialized and pushed back to the client

The advice for interacting with relational databases is to actually have a dedicated,well-tuned thread pool and isolate the blocking code there.

CompletableFuture and Streams

CompletableFuture class significantly improves the Future interface known since Java 5.

import static java.util.function.Function.identityList<TravelAgency> agencies = //...CompletableFuture<User> user = findByIdAsync(id);CompletableFuture<GeoLocation> location = locateAsync();CompletableFuture<Ticket> ticketFuture = user    .thenCombine(location,(User us,GeoLocation loc)) -> agencies        .stream()        .map(agency -> agency.searchAsync(us,loc))        .reduce((f1,f2) ->            f1.applyToEither(f2,identity())        )        .get()    .thenCompose(identity())    .thenCompose(this::bookAsync);

CompletableFuture shares a lot of similarities with Observable.

CompletableFuture Observable thenApply() map() thenCombine() zip() anyOf(),applyToEither() amb() thenCompose() flatMap()

Interoperability with CompletableFuture

Semantically,you can treat CompletableFuture like an Observable that has the following characteristics:

  • It is hot. The computation behind CompletableFuture starts eagerly,regardless of whether someone registered any callbacks like thenApply() or not.
  • It is cached. The background computation behind CompletableFuture is triggered once eagerly and the result is forwarded to alll registered callbacks.Moreover,iif a callback is registered after completion,it is immediately with completed value (or execption)
  • It emits exactly one element or exception. In principle,Future completes exactly once (or never) with a value of type T or an exception.This matches the contract of Observable.

Turning CompletableFuture into Observable with Single item

class Util{    static <T> Observable<T> observe(CompletableFuture<T> future){        return Observable.create( subscriber -> {            future.whenComplete((value,exception) -> {                if(exception !=null){                    subscriber.onError(exception);                }else{                    subscriber.onNext(value);                    subscriber.onCompleted();                }            });        });    }}

Remember that CompletableFuture is hot and cached using Rx terminology.It begins computation immediately,whereas Observable will not start computation until someone actually subscribes.

Observable<User> rxFindById(long id){    return Util.observe(findByIdAsync(id));}Observable<GeoLoaction> rxLocate(){    return Util.observe(LocateAsync());}Observable<Ticket> rxBook(Flight flight){    return Util.observe(bookAsync(flight));}Observable<TravelAgency> agencies = agencies();Observable<User> user = rxFindById(id);Observable<GeoLocation> location = rxLocate();Observable<Ticket> ticket = user        .zipWith(location,(us,loc)) ->            agencies                .flatMap(agency -> agency.rxSearch(us,loc))                .first()        )        .flatMap(x -> x)        .flatMap(this::rxBook);

From Observable to CompletableFuture

static <T> CompletableFuture<T> toFuture(Observable<T> observable) {    CompletableFuture<T> promise = new CompletableFuture<T>();    observable            .single()            .subscribe(                    promise::complete,                    promise::completeExceptionally            );    return promise;}static <T> Completable<<List<T>>> toFutureList(Observable<T> observable) {    return toFuture(observable.toList());}

Observable versus Single

Creating and Consuming Single

AsyncHttpClient asyncHttpClient = new AsyncHttpClient()Single<Response> fetch(String address){    return Single.create(subscriber ->        asyncHttpClient                .prepareGet(address)                .execute(handler(subscriber)));}AsyncCompletionHandler handler(SingleSubscriber<? super Response> subscriber){    return new AsyncCompletionHandler() {        public Response onComplete(Response response){            subscriber.onSuccess(response);            return response;        }        public void onThrowable(Throwable t){            subscriber.onError(t);        }    }}

Combining Responses Using zip,merge,and concat

Interoperablility with Observable and CompletableFuture

However there are two situations for which conversion between Observable and Single makes sense:
- When we use Single as an Observable that emits one value and completion notification (or error notitication)
- When Single is missing certain operators available in Observable.

When to Use Single?

You should use Single in the following scenarios:
- An operation must complete with some particular value or an exception.
- There is no such thing as a stream in your problem domain;using Observable would be misleading and an overkill;
- Observable is too heavyweight and you measured tha Single is faster in your paticular problem

You should prefer Observable for these circumstances:
- You model some sort of events (messages,GUI events) which are by definition occurring several times,possibly infinite.
- Or entirely the opposite,you expert the value to occur or not before completion.


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