Python实现Huffman Code

来源:互联网 发布:mac os x安装光盘映像 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 01:44
class Node:    def __init__(self, weight):        self.weight = weight        self.parent = -1        self.charCode = -1        self.tag = 0
def Huffman(consequent):    """    This function creates HuffmanCode    The left branch is 1 and the right branch is 0    That's meaning the small value is at left, and the big value is at right.    :param consequent: Needing to encode list    :return:Encoding code list    """    consequentLength = len(consequent)    # first step: count unique element times    elementDict = dict()    for se in consequent:        elementDict[se] = elementDict.get(se, 0) + 1    # second step: calculate the probability of element    frequency = []    for key in elementDict.keys():        frequency.append(float(elementDict.get(key)) / consequentLength)    # third step: according to the frequency of every element, obtaining Huffman coding    frequencyLength = len(frequency)    for i in range(frequencyLength):        frequency[i] = Node(frequency[i])    listLength = frequencyLength    while True:        minimal, maximum = findTwoMinimal(frequency)        if maximum == -1:            break        newNode = Node(frequency[minimal].weight + frequency[maximum].weight)        frequency.append(newNode)        listLength += 1        frequency[minimal].parent = listLength - 1        frequency[maximum].parent = listLength - 1        frequency[minimal].charCode = 0 # the small value makes as 0        frequency[maximum].charCode = 1 # the big value makes as 1    codes = []    for i in range(frequencyLength):        parent = frequency[i].parent        code = str(frequency[i].charCode)        while parent != -1:            code = str(frequency[parent].charCode) + code            parent = frequency[parent].parent        codes.append(code[2:])    # Assigning an encoding for each element    keys = elementDict.keys()    for i in range(len(codes)):        elementDict[keys[i]] = codes[i]    # consequentCodes = []    codeLength = 0    for se in consequent:        # consequentCodes.append(elementDict.get(se))        codeLength += len(elementDict.get(se))    # print consequentCodes    return codeLength
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