
来源:互联网 发布:阿里云飞天八部 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 08:36







/// Used to represent whether a request was successful or encountered an error.////// - success: The request and all post processing operations were successful resulting in the serialization of the///            provided associated value.////// - failure: The request encountered an error resulting in a failure. The associated values are the original data///            provided by the server as well as the error that caused the failure.public enum Result<Value> {    case success(Value)    case failure(Error)}



struct CellConfigurator<Cell> where Cell: Updatable, Cell: UITableViewCell {}


 func send<T: Request>(_ r: T, handler: @escaping (T.Response?, String?) -> Void);



  @discardableResult    public func responseJSON(        queue: DispatchQueue? = nil,        options: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions = .allowFragments,        completionHandler: @escaping (DataResponse<Any>) -> Void)        -> Self    {        return response(            queue: queue,            responseSerializer: DataRequest.jsonResponseSerializer(options: options),            completionHandler: completionHandler        )    }




{    "people":[        {"firstName":"Brett","lastName":"McLaughlin","email":"aaaa"},        {"firstName":"Jason","lastName":"Hunter","email":"bbbb"},        {"firstName":"Elliotte","lastName":"Harold","email":"cccc"}    ]}


[    "a",    "b",    "c"]



   /// Returns `true` if the result is a success, `false` otherwise.    public var isSuccess: Bool {        switch self {        case .success:            return true        case .failure:            return false        }    }    /// Returns `true` if the result is a failure, `false` otherwise.    public var isFailure: Bool {        return !isSuccess    }    /// Returns the associated value if the result is a success, `nil` otherwise.    public var value: Value? {        switch self {        case .success(let value):            return value        case .failure:            return nil        }    }    /// Returns the associated error value if the result is a failure, `nil` otherwise.    public var error: Error? {        switch self {        case .success:            return nil        case .failure(let error):            return error        }    }

当然,为了打印更加详细的信息,使Result实现了CustomStringConvertibleCustomDebugStringConvertible协议 :

// MARK: - CustomStringConvertibleextension Result: CustomStringConvertible {    /// The textual representation used when written to an output stream, which includes whether the result was a    /// success or failure.    public var description: String {        switch self {        case .success:            return "SUCCESS"        case .failure:            return "FAILURE"        }    }}// MARK: - CustomDebugStringConvertibleextension Result: CustomDebugStringConvertible {    /// The debug textual representation used when written to an output stream, which includes whether the result was a    /// success or failure in addition to the value or error.    public var debugDescription: String {        switch self {        case .success(let value):            return "SUCCESS: \(value)"        case .failure(let error):            return "FAILURE: \(error)"        }    }}



在实际的开发工作中,我们使用Alamofire发送请求,获取服务器的数据,往往会对其进行二次封装,在这里,我讲解一个封装的例子,内容来自面向协议编程与 Cocoa 的邂逅

  1. 我们需要一个协议,这个协议提供一个函数,目的是把Data转换成实现该协议的对象本身。注意我们在这时候是不知道这个对象的类型的,为了适配更多的类型,这个对象暂时设计为泛型,因此协议中的函数应该是静态函数

    protocol Decodable {    static func parse(data: Data) -> Self?}
  2. 封装请求,同样采用协议的方式

    public enum JZGHTTPMethod: String {    case options = "OPTIONS"    case get     = "GET"    case head    = "HEAD"    case post    = "POST"    case put     = "PUT"    case patch   = "PATCH"    case delete  = "DELETE"    case trace   = "TRACE"    case connect = "CONNECT"}protocol Request {    var path: String { get }    var privateHost: String? { get }    var HTTPMethod: JZGHTTPMethod { get }    var timeoutInterval: TimeInterval { get }    var parameter: [String: Any]? { get }    associatedtype Response: Decodable}
  3. 封装发送端,同样采用协议的方式

    protocol Client {    var host: String { get }    func send<T: Request>(_ r: T, handler: @escaping (T.Response?, String?) -> Void);}
  4. 只要是实现了Client协议的对象,就有能力发送请求,在这里Alamofire是作为中间层存在的,只提供请求能力,可以随意换成其他的中间能力层

    struct AlamofireClient: Client {    public static let `default` = { AlamofireClient() }()    public enum HostType: String {        case sandbox = ""    }    /// Base host URL    var host: String = HostType.sandbox.rawValue    func send<T : Request>(_ r: T, handler: @escaping (T.Response?, String?) -> Void) {        let url = URL(string: r.privateHost ?? host.appending(r.path))!        let sessionManager = Alamofire.SessionManager.default        sessionManager.session.configuration.timeoutIntervalForRequest = r.timeoutInterval        Alamofire.request(url, method: HTTPMethod(rawValue: r.HTTPMethod.rawValue)!,                          parameters: r.parameter,                          encoding: URLEncoding.default,                          headers: nil)            .response { (response) in                if let data =, let res = T.Response.parse(data: data) {                    handler(res, nil)                }else {                    handler(nil, response.error?.localizedDescription)                }        }    }}


  1. 创建一个TestRequest.swift文件,内部代码为:

    struct TestRequest: Request {    let name: String    let userId: String    var path: String {        return ""    }    var privateHost: String? {        return nil    }    var timeoutInterval: TimeInterval {        return 20.0    }    var HTTPMethod: JZGHTTPMethod {        return .post    }    var parameter: [String : Any]? {        return ["name" : name,                "userId" : userId]    }    typealias Response = TestResult}
  2. 创建TestResult.swift文件,内部代码为:

    struct TestResult {    var origin: String}extension TestResult: Decodable {    static func parse(data: Data) -> TestResult? {        do {           let dic = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .allowFragments)            guard let dict = dic as? Dictionary<String, Any> else {                return nil            }            return TestResult(origin: dict["origin"] as! String)        }catch {            return nil        }    }}
  3. 发送请求

    let request = TestRequest(name: "mama", userId: "12345");AlamofireClient.default.send(request) { (response, error) in    print(response)}

对网络的基本封装就到此为止了 ,这里的Result可以是任何类型的对象,比如说User,可以通过上边的方法,直接解析成User对象。



  1. 定义一个协议,这个协议提供一个函数,函数会提供一个参数,这个参数就是viewModel。cell只要实现了这个协议,就能够通过这个参数拿到viewModel,然后根据viewModel来配置自身控件的属性。

    protocol Updatable: class {    associatedtype ViewData    func update(viewData: ViewData)}
  2. 再定义一个协议,这个协议需要表示cell的一些信息,比如reuseIdentifier,cellClass,同时,这个协议还需要提供一个方法,赋予cell适配器更新cell的能力

    protocol CellConfiguratorType {    var reuseIdentifier: String { get }    var cellClass: AnyClass { get }    func update(cell: UITableViewCell)}
  3. 创建CellConfigurator,这个CellConfigurator必须绑定一个viewData,这个viewData通过Updatable协议中的方法传递给cell

    struct CellConfigurator<Cell> where Cell: Updatable, Cell: UITableViewCell {    let viewData: Cell.ViewData    let reuseIdentifier: String = NSStringFromClass(Cell.self)    let cellClass: AnyClass = Cell.self    func update(cell: UITableViewCell) {        if let cell = cell as? Cell {            cell.update(viewData: viewData)        }    }}



  1. 创建数组

     let viewController = ConfigurableTableViewController(items: [            CellConfigurator<TextTableViewCell>(viewData: TextCellViewData(title: "Foo")),            CellConfigurator<ImageTableViewCell>(viewData: ImageCellViewData(image: UIImage(named: "og")!)),            CellConfigurator<ImageTableViewCell>(viewData: ImageCellViewData(image: UIImage(named: "GoogleLogo")!)),            CellConfigurator<TextTableViewCell>(viewData: TextCellViewData(title: "Bar")),            ])
  2. 注册cell

      func registerCells() {        for cellConfigurator in items {            tableView.register(cellConfigurator.cellClass, forCellReuseIdentifier: cellConfigurator.reuseIdentifier)        }    }
  3. 配置cell

       func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {        let cellConfigurator = items[(indexPath as NSIndexPath).row]        let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: cellConfigurator.reuseIdentifier, for: indexPath)        cellConfigurator.update(cell: cell)        return cell    }










/// Used to represent whether a request was successful or encountered an error.////// - success: The request and all post processing operations were successful resulting in the serialization of the///            provided associated value.////// - failure: The request encountered an error resulting in a failure. The associated values are the original data///            provided by the server as well as the error that caused the failure.public enum Result<Value> {    case success(Value)    case failure(Error)}



struct CellConfigurator<Cell> where Cell: Updatable, Cell: UITableViewCell {}


 func send<T: Request>(_ r: T, handler: @escaping (T.Response?, String?) -> Void);



  @discardableResult    public func responseJSON(        queue: DispatchQueue? = nil,        options: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions = .allowFragments,        completionHandler: @escaping (DataResponse<Any>) -> Void)        -> Self    {        return response(            queue: queue,            responseSerializer: DataRequest.jsonResponseSerializer(options: options),            completionHandler: completionHandler        )    }




{    "people":[        {"firstName":"Brett","lastName":"McLaughlin","email":"aaaa"},        {"firstName":"Jason","lastName":"Hunter","email":"bbbb"},        {"firstName":"Elliotte","lastName":"Harold","email":"cccc"}    ]}


[    "a",    "b",    "c"]



   /// Returns `true` if the result is a success, `false` otherwise.    public var isSuccess: Bool {        switch self {        case .success:            return true        case .failure:            return false        }    }    /// Returns `true` if the result is a failure, `false` otherwise.    public var isFailure: Bool {        return !isSuccess    }    /// Returns the associated value if the result is a success, `nil` otherwise.    public var value: Value? {        switch self {        case .success(let value):            return value        case .failure:            return nil        }    }    /// Returns the associated error value if the result is a failure, `nil` otherwise.    public var error: Error? {        switch self {        case .success:            return nil        case .failure(let error):            return error        }    }

当然,为了打印更加详细的信息,使Result实现了CustomStringConvertibleCustomDebugStringConvertible协议 :

// MARK: - CustomStringConvertibleextension Result: CustomStringConvertible {    /// The textual representation used when written to an output stream, which includes whether the result was a    /// success or failure.    public var description: String {        switch self {        case .success:            return "SUCCESS"        case .failure:            return "FAILURE"        }    }}// MARK: - CustomDebugStringConvertibleextension Result: CustomDebugStringConvertible {    /// The debug textual representation used when written to an output stream, which includes whether the result was a    /// success or failure in addition to the value or error.    public var debugDescription: String {        switch self {        case .success(let value):            return "SUCCESS: \(value)"        case .failure(let error):            return "FAILURE: \(error)"        }    }}



在实际的开发工作中,我们使用Alamofire发送请求,获取服务器的数据,往往会对其进行二次封装,在这里,我讲解一个封装的例子,内容来自面向协议编程与 Cocoa 的邂逅

  1. 我们需要一个协议,这个协议提供一个函数,目的是把Data转换成实现该协议的对象本身。注意我们在这时候是不知道这个对象的类型的,为了适配更多的类型,这个对象暂时设计为泛型,因此协议中的函数应该是静态函数

    protocol Decodable {    static func parse(data: Data) -> Self?}
  2. 封装请求,同样采用协议的方式

    public enum JZGHTTPMethod: String {    case options = "OPTIONS"    case get     = "GET"    case head    = "HEAD"    case post    = "POST"    case put     = "PUT"    case patch   = "PATCH"    case delete  = "DELETE"    case trace   = "TRACE"    case connect = "CONNECT"}protocol Request {    var path: String { get }    var privateHost: String? { get }    var HTTPMethod: JZGHTTPMethod { get }    var timeoutInterval: TimeInterval { get }    var parameter: [String: Any]? { get }    associatedtype Response: Decodable}
  3. 封装发送端,同样采用协议的方式

    protocol Client {    var host: String { get }    func send<T: Request>(_ r: T, handler: @escaping (T.Response?, String?) -> Void);}
  4. 只要是实现了Client协议的对象,就有能力发送请求,在这里Alamofire是作为中间层存在的,只提供请求能力,可以随意换成其他的中间能力层

    struct AlamofireClient: Client {    public static let `default` = { AlamofireClient() }()    public enum HostType: String {        case sandbox = ""    }    /// Base host URL    var host: String = HostType.sandbox.rawValue    func send<T : Request>(_ r: T, handler: @escaping (T.Response?, String?) -> Void) {        let url = URL(string: r.privateHost ?? host.appending(r.path))!        let sessionManager = Alamofire.SessionManager.default        sessionManager.session.configuration.timeoutIntervalForRequest = r.timeoutInterval        Alamofire.request(url, method: HTTPMethod(rawValue: r.HTTPMethod.rawValue)!,                          parameters: r.parameter,                          encoding: URLEncoding.default,                          headers: nil)            .response { (response) in                if let data =, let res = T.Response.parse(data: data) {                    handler(res, nil)                }else {                    handler(nil, response.error?.localizedDescription)                }        }    }}


  1. 创建一个TestRequest.swift文件,内部代码为:

    struct TestRequest: Request {    let name: String    let userId: String    var path: String {        return ""    }    var privateHost: String? {        return nil    }    var timeoutInterval: TimeInterval {        return 20.0    }    var HTTPMethod: JZGHTTPMethod {        return .post    }    var parameter: [String : Any]? {        return ["name" : name,                "userId" : userId]    }    typealias Response = TestResult}
  2. 创建TestResult.swift文件,内部代码为:

    struct TestResult {    var origin: String}extension TestResult: Decodable {    static func parse(data: Data) -> TestResult? {        do {           let dic = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .allowFragments)            guard let dict = dic as? Dictionary<String, Any> else {                return nil            }            return TestResult(origin: dict["origin"] as! String)        }catch {            return nil        }    }}
  3. 发送请求

    let request = TestRequest(name: "mama", userId: "12345");AlamofireClient.default.send(request) { (response, error) in    print(response)}

对网络的基本封装就到此为止了 ,这里的Result可以是任何类型的对象,比如说User,可以通过上边的方法,直接解析成User对象。



  1. 定义一个协议,这个协议提供一个函数,函数会提供一个参数,这个参数就是viewModel。cell只要实现了这个协议,就能够通过这个参数拿到viewModel,然后根据viewModel来配置自身控件的属性。

    protocol Updatable: class {    associatedtype ViewData    func update(viewData: ViewData)}
  2. 再定义一个协议,这个协议需要表示cell的一些信息,比如reuseIdentifier,cellClass,同时,这个协议还需要提供一个方法,赋予cell适配器更新cell的能力

    protocol CellConfiguratorType {    var reuseIdentifier: String { get }    var cellClass: AnyClass { get }    func update(cell: UITableViewCell)}
  3. 创建CellConfigurator,这个CellConfigurator必须绑定一个viewData,这个viewData通过Updatable协议中的方法传递给cell

    struct CellConfigurator<Cell> where Cell: Updatable, Cell: UITableViewCell {    let viewData: Cell.ViewData    let reuseIdentifier: String = NSStringFromClass(Cell.self)    let cellClass: AnyClass = Cell.self    func update(cell: UITableViewCell) {        if let cell = cell as? Cell {            cell.update(viewData: viewData)        }    }}



  1. 创建数组

     let viewController = ConfigurableTableViewController(items: [            CellConfigurator<TextTableViewCell>(viewData: TextCellViewData(title: "Foo")),            CellConfigurator<ImageTableViewCell>(viewData: ImageCellViewData(image: UIImage(named: "og")!)),            CellConfigurator<ImageTableViewCell>(viewData: ImageCellViewData(image: UIImage(named: "GoogleLogo")!)),            CellConfigurator<TextTableViewCell>(viewData: TextCellViewData(title: "Bar")),            ])
  2. 注册cell

      func registerCells() {        for cellConfigurator in items {            tableView.register(cellConfigurator.cellClass, forCellReuseIdentifier: cellConfigurator.reuseIdentifier)        }    }
  3. 配置cell

       func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {        let cellConfigurator = items[(indexPath as NSIndexPath).row]        let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: cellConfigurator.reuseIdentifier, for: indexPath)        cellConfigurator.update(cell: cell)        return cell    }




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