golang使用thrift2协议connect hbase

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝划线价 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/02 05:34

1. 我当前的环境是:

go version

go version go1.6 windows/amd64

hbase(main):001:0> version
1.2.4, r67592f3d062743907f8c5ae00dbbe1ae4f69e5af, Tue Oct 25 18:10:20 CDT 2016

创建,测试表 “tb_test” 

hbase(main):003:0* create 'tb_test','cf', SPLITS=>['10','20','30','40']

hbase(main):003:0* desc "tb_test"
Table tb_test is ENABLED                                                                                                            
COLUMN FAMILIES DESCRIPTION                                                                                                         
1 row(s) in 0.6630 seconds

在hadoop集群中启动thrfit2 Server:

./hbase-daemon.sh start thrift2

2. 准备golang客户端

2.1. 和python类似,下载thrift2库:http://thrift.apache.org/ 下载最新的 0.10 src版本,如果要以前的版本,也可到 http://archive.apache.org/dist/thrift 去下载 。

2.2. 编译安装:具体有多种方法,Maven,./configure   make   make install ...

2.3. 生成go代码:thrift -o <output directory{默认当前目录gen-py}> -gen go {对应版本的hbase源码地址}\src\main\resources\org\apache\Hadoop\hbase\thrift2

2.4. 将对应版本中golang接口code复制到当前golang安装目录,{$GOROOT}\src或者{$GOPATH}\src...

2.5. 再通过git获取外部资源git.apache.org/thrift.git/lib/go/thrift : go get git.apache.org/thrift.git/lib/go/thrift 或者直接到 https://github.com/apache/thrift 直接下载zip包,将至放在$GPPATH\src\git.apache.org\thrift.git\ 目录下即可。

3. 编写客户端代码

/** @Author: lesorb.cn* @Date:   2017-03-21 10:41:04* @Last Modified by:   lesorb.cn* @Last Modified time: 2017-03-21 15:08:27*/package mainimport (   // "encoding/binary"    "fmt"    "git.apache.org/thrift.git/lib/go/thrift"    "hbase"    "net"    "os"    "reflect"//    "strconv"    "time")const (    HOST       = "datanode1.hadoop"    PORT       = "9090"    TESTRECORD = 10)func main() {    startTime := currentTimeMillis()    logformatstr_ := "----%s\n"    logformatstr := "----%s Cut times :%d-%d=%d MS \n\n"    logformattitle := "create connection "    rowkey := "row_154092606735603"    temptable := "tb_test"    protocolFactory := thrift.NewTBinaryProtocolFactoryDefault()    transport, err := thrift.NewTSocket(net.JoinHostPort(HOST, PORT))    if err != nil {        fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "error resolving address:", err)        os.Exit(1)    }    client := hbase.NewTHBaseServiceClientFactory(transport, protocolFactory)    if err := transport.Open(); err != nil {        fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Error opening socket to "+HOST+":"+PORT, " ", err)        os.Exit(1)    }    tmpendTime := currentTimeMillis()    fmt.Printf(logformatstr, logformattitle, tmpendTime, startTime, (tmpendTime - startTime))    defer transport.Close()    //--------------Exists--------------------    logformattitle =  " call exist method : "    fmt.Printf(logformatstr_, logformattitle)    tmpstartTime := currentTimeMillis()    //    isexists, err := (client.Exists([]byte(temptable), &hbase.TGet{Row: []byte(rowkey)}))    fmt.Printf("rowkey{%s} in table{%s} Exists:%t\t", rowkey, temptable, isexists)    if err != nil {        fmt.Printf("Exists err:%s\n", err)    }    fmt.Println("")    tmpendTime = currentTimeMillis()    fmt.Printf(logformatstr, logformattitle, tmpendTime, tmpstartTime, (tmpendTime - tmpstartTime))    //------------Get---------------    logformattitle = "call get method to retrieve data:"    fmt.Printf(logformatstr_, logformattitle)    tmpstartTime = currentTimeMillis()    //    result, err := (client.Get([]byte(temptable), &hbase.TGet{Row: []byte(rowkey)}))    if err != nil {        fmt.Printf("Get err:%s\n", err)    } else {        fmt.Println("Rowkey:" + string(result.Row))        for _, cv := range result.ColumnValues {            printStruct(cv)        }    }    tmpendTime = currentTimeMillis()    fmt.Printf(logformatstr, logformattitle, tmpendTime, tmpstartTime, (tmpendTime - tmpstartTime))    //--------------put------------------------    logformattitle = "call Put method to write data : "    rowkey = "row_154092606735604"    fmt.Printf(logformatstr_, logformattitle)    tmpstartTime = currentTimeMillis()    cvarr := []*hbase.TColumnValue{        &hbase.TColumnValue{            Family:    []byte("cf"),            Qualifier: []byte("title"),            Value:     []byte("welcome to lesorb.cn")},        &hbase.TColumnValue{            Family:    []byte("cf"),            Qualifier: []byte("content"),            Value:     []byte("welcome, why are u here!")},        &hbase.TColumnValue{            Family:    []byte("cf"),            Qualifier: []byte("create"),            Value:     []byte("user5")},        &hbase.TColumnValue{            Family:    []byte("cf"),            Qualifier: []byte("create_time"),            Value:     []byte("2017-03-21 16:17:26")},        &hbase.TColumnValue{            Family:    []byte("cf"),            Qualifier: []byte("tags"),            Value:     []byte("welcome,lesorb")}}    temptput := hbase.TPut{Row: []byte(rowkey), ColumnValues: cvarr}    err = client.Put([]byte(temptable), &temptput)    if err != nil {        fmt.Printf("Put err:%s\n", err)    } else {        fmt.Println("Put done")    }    tmpendTime = currentTimeMillis()    fmt.Printf(logformatstr, logformattitle, tmpendTime, tmpstartTime, (tmpendTime - tmpstartTime))    //------------DeleteSingle------------    logformattitle = "call DeleteSingle method to delete a data: "    fmt.Printf(logformatstr_, logformattitle)    tmpstartTime = currentTimeMillis()    tdelete := hbase.TDelete{Row: []byte(rowkey)}    err = client.DeleteSingle([]byte(temptable), &tdelete)    if err != nil {        fmt.Printf("DeleteSingle err:%s\n", err)    } else {        fmt.Printf("DeleteSingel done\n")    }    tmpendTime = currentTimeMillis()    fmt.Printf(logformatstr, logformattitle, tmpendTime, tmpstartTime, (tmpendTime - tmpstartTime))}//structfunc printStruct(cv interface{}) {    switch reflect.ValueOf(cv).Interface().(type) {    case *hbase.TColumnValue:        s := reflect.ValueOf(cv).Elem()        typeOfT := s.Type()        //get Thrift2 field        for i := 0; i < s.NumField(); i++ {            f := s.Field(i)            fileldformatstr := "\t%d: %s(%s)= %v\n"            switch f.Interface().(type) {            case []uint8:                fmt.Printf(fileldformatstr, i, typeOfT.Field(i).Name, f.Type(), string(f.Interface().([]uint8)))            case *int64:                var tempint64 int64                if f.Interface().(*int64) == nil {                    tempint64 = 0                } else {                    tempint64 = *f.Interface().(*int64)                }                fmt.Printf(fileldformatstr, i, typeOfT.Field(i).Name, f.Type(), tempint64)            default:                fmt.Printf("I don't know")            }        }    default:        fmt.Printf("I don't know")        fmt.Print(reflect.ValueOf(cv))    }}func currentTimeMillis() int64 {    return time.Now().UnixNano() / 1000000}

go run hbase_t.go


----create connection  Cut times :1490084989059-1490084989042=17 MS---- call exist method :rowkey{row_154092606735603} in table{tb_test} Exists:true---- call exist method :  Cut times :1490084989073-1490084989060=13 MS----call get method to retrieve data:Rowkey:row_154092606735603        0: Family([]uint8)= cf        1: Qualifier([]uint8)= content        2: Value([]uint8)= He's full of bad ideas.!        3: Timestamp(*int64)= 1489489549481        4: Tags([]uint8)=        0: Family([]uint8)= cf        1: Qualifier([]uint8)= create        2: Value([]uint8)= user4        3: Timestamp(*int64)= 1489489549481        4: Tags([]uint8)=        0: Family([]uint8)= cf        1: Qualifier([]uint8)= create_time        2: Value([]uint8)= 2017-03-14 11:04:58        3: Timestamp(*int64)= 1489489549481        4: Tags([]uint8)=        0: Family([]uint8)= cf        1: Qualifier([]uint8)= title        2: Value([]uint8)= idea        3: Timestamp(*int64)= 1489489549481        4: Tags([]uint8)=----call get method to retrieve data: Cut times :1490084989089-1490084989073=16 MS----call Put method to write data :Put done----call Put method to write data :  Cut times :1490084989177-1490084989089=88 MS----call DeleteSingle method to delete a data:DeleteSingel done----call DeleteSingle method to delete a data:  Cut times :1490084989195-1490084989178=17 MS



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