
来源:互联网 发布:csi接口 数据通信协议 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 03:31

最近项目是采用Easyui作为前端页面,正好此次前端页面由我来编写,在这总结部分使用方法及技术,同时还有相关的JS控制代码,在这里只是实用技巧,如果需要更详细的情况,需要去查看API文档  http://www.jeasyui.net/


<table id="peopleGrid" style="height: 100%;"></table>$('#moduleTree').tree({        url: contextPath +'/', //URL地址        loadFilter: function(rows){        return convert(rows);        },        onBeforeExpand: function(node){              if(node){                  $('#moduleTree').tree('options').url = contextPath + "/" + node.id;                }          },        onDblClick: function(node){        //获取节点后给相应的文本框赋值        areaID = node.id            }        });function convert(rows){function exists(rows, parentDeptCode){    for(var i=0; i<rows.deptList.length; i++){    if (rows.deptList[i].deptCode == parentDeptCode) return true;    }    return false;    }    var nodes = [];    // get the top level nodes    for(var i=0; i<rows.deptList.length; i++){    var row = rows.deptList[i];    if (!exists(rows, row.parentDeptCode)){    nodes.push({    id:row.deptCode,    text:row.deptName,    state:'closed'    });    }    }    var toDo = [];    for(var i=0; i<nodes.length; i++){    toDo.push(nodes[i]);    }    while(toDo.length){    var node = toDo.shift();// the parent node    // get the children nodes    for(var i=0; i<rows.deptList.length; i++){    var row = rows.deptList[i];    if (row.parentDeptCode == node.id){    var child = {id:row.deptCode,text:row.deptName,state:'closed'};    if (node.children){    node.children.push(child);    } else {    node.children = [child];    }    toDo.push(child);    }    }    }    return nodes;    }


//获取组别下拉信息             $.ajax({              type: "POST",              url:contextPath +'/' , //url地址            contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",             dataType : "json",              success: function(data){             var listData = data;            $("#updateSeatGroupName").combobox({            valueField:'seatGroup',                textField:'seatGroupName',                value:selectDefault,                data:listData.groupList,                editable:false,                onSelect:function(record){                seatGroupNo = record.seatGroup                seatGroupName = record.seatGroupName                }             });            }          });


实例:initradio('status',status);方法://获取单选按钮默认选中function initradio(rName, rValue) {var rObj = document.getElementsByName(rName);for (var i = 0; i < rObj.length; i++) {if (rObj[i].value == rValue) {rObj[i].checked = 'checked';}}} 


设置只读      $("#updateSeatGroupName").attr({readonly: "true"}); 取消只读      $("#updateSeatGroupName").removeAttr("readonly"); 
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