
来源:互联网 发布:黑马最新java全套视频 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 19:58


Bind a boolean property to an input element's checked attribute using checked.bind="myBooleanProperty".
export class App {  motherboard = false;  cpu = false;  memory = false;}

<template>  <form>    <h4>Products</h4>    <label><input type="checkbox" checked.bind="motherboard">  Motherboard</label>    <label><input type="checkbox" checked.b

ind="cpu"> CPU</label> <label><input type="checkbox" checked.bind="memory"> Memory</label> motherboard = ${motherboard}<br/> cpu = ${cpu}<br/> memory = ${memory}<br/> </form></template>

2.Array of Numbers

A set of checkbox elements is a multiple selection interface. If you have an array that serves as the "selected items" list, you can bind the array to each input's checked attribute. The binding system will track the input's checked status, adding the input's value to the array when the input is checked and removing the input's value from the array when the input is unchecked.

binding系统会追踪input的checked状态,当input被选中的时候,input的value会被加入到array中,在这里,我们将checked和数组selectedProductIds绑定,那么当input被check时,input的value就会被加入到selectedProductIds数组中,那么为了定义input的value,bind input的model属性。model.bind="product.id";当input被unchecked,input的value会被remove。

export interface IProduct {   id: number;   name: string;}export class App {  products: IProduct[] = [    { id: 0, name: 'Motherboard' },    { id: 1, name: 'CPU' },    { id: 2, name: 'Memory' },  ];  selectedProductIds: number[] = [];}

<template>  <form>    <h4>Products</h4>    <label repeat.for="product of products">      <input type="checkbox" model.bind="product.id" checked.bind="selectedProductIds">      ${product.id} - ${product.name}    </label>    <br />    Selected product IDs: ${selectedProductIds}  </form></template>

3.Array of Objects

Numbers aren't the only type of value you can store in a "selected items" array. The binding system supports all types, including objects. Here's an example that adds and removes "product" objects from a selectedProducts array using the checkbox data-binding.


export interface IProduct {   id: number;   name: string;}export class App {  products: IProduct[] = [    { id: 0, name: 'Motherboard' },    { id: 1, name: 'CPU' },    { id: 2, name: 'Memory' },  ];  selectedProducts: IProduct[] = [];}

<template>  <form>    <h4>Products</h4>    <label repeat.for="product of products">      <input type="checkbox" model.bind="product" checked.bind="selectedProducts">      ${product.id} - ${product.name}    </label>    Selected products:    <ul>      <li repeat.for="product of selectedProducts">${product.id} - ${product.name}</li>    </ul>  </form></template>

4.Array of Objects with Matcher

You may run into situations where the object your input element's model is bound to does not have reference equality to any of the objects in your checked array. The objects might match by id, but they may not be the same object instance. To support this scenario you can override Aurelia's default "matcher" which is a equality comparison function that looks like this: (a, b) => a === b. You can substitute a function of your choosing that has the right logic to compare your objects.



export interface IProduct {   id: number;   name: string;}export class App {  selectedProducts: IProduct[] = [    { id: 1, name: 'CPU' },    { id: 2, name: 'Memory' }  ];  productMatcher = (a, b) => a.id === b.id;}

<template>  <form>    <h4>Products</h4>    <label>      <input type="checkbox" model.bind="{ id: 0, name: 'Motherboard' }"             matcher.bind="productMatcher"             checked.bind="selectedProducts">      Motherboard    </label>    <label>      <input type="checkbox" model.bind="{ id: 1, name: 'CPU' }"             matcher.bind="productMatcher"             checked.bind="selectedProducts">      CPU    </label>    <label>      <input type="checkbox" model.bind="{ id: 2, name: 'Memory' }"             matcher.bind="productMatcher"             checked.bind="selectedProducts">      Memory    </label>    Selected products:    <ul>      <li repeat.for="product of selectedProducts">${product.id} - ${product.name}</li>    </ul>  </form></template>

5.Array of Strings

This is example is unique because it does not use model.bind to assign each checkbox's value.
Instead the input's standard value attribute is used.
Normally we cannot use the standard value attribute in conjunction with checked binding because it coerces anything it's assigned to a string. 
通常我们不能使用value属性来连接checked binding,因为它会强制assign给它的任何值都要是string。
This example uses an array of strings so everything works just fine.

export class App {  products: string[] = ['Motherboard', 'CPU', 'Memory'];  selectedProducts: string[] = [];}

<template>  <form>    <h4>Products</h4>    <label repeat.for="product of products">      <input type="checkbox" value.bind="product" checked.bind="selectedProducts">      ${product}    </label>    <br />    Selected products: ${selectedProducts}  </form></template>

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