
来源:互联网 发布:直通车优化技巧 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 00:58

In Aurelia, user interface components are composed of view and view-model pairs.


Once instantiated, Aurelia's powerful databinding links the two pieces together allowing changes in your view-model to be reflected in the view and changes in your view to reflected in your view-model. 


To create a UI component, you need only create two files, one for each of the component parts. Let's create a simple "Hello" component. To do that we'll need a hello.ts for our view-model and hello.html for our view.

hello.html  hello.ts为组件一组文件。


export class Hello {  firstName: string = 'John';  lastName: string = 'Doe';  sayHello() {    alert(`Hello ${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}. Nice to meet you.`);  }}


<template>  <input value.bind="firstName">  <input value.bind="lastName">  <button click.trigger="sayHello()">Say Hello</button></template>

Simply append .bind to any HTML attribute in the DOM, and Aurelia will bind it to the corresponding property in your view-model.

input的value属性绑定firstName这个变量,firstName这个变量是在view model里面定义的。

The .bind binding command configures the "default binding behavior" for the attribute. For most attributes, this is a one-way binding, where data updates only flow in one direction: from the view-model to the view. However, usually, the behavior you want for form controls is two-way binding so that data not only flows from your view-model into your view, but user input in the view flows back into your view-model.

对大多数属性来说,.bind是单向的数据流,view model流向view。

Those are the defaults, but you can always be explicit about the binding direction by using .one-waytwo-way or .one-time in place of .bind (.one-time renders the initial value of the property but does not perform synchronization thereafter, making it a nice memory and performance gain for data you know will not change).


 Any event, either native or custom, can be bound using .trigger this causes the expression to be invoked when the indicated event is fired.


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