
来源:互联网 发布:centos -p 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/04 21:47




Unity官网的questions里面也有很多人在搜索这个问题,不过后来是看到有个人提到了这个方法。问题的关键点就是“EditorApplication.update ”,有个这样的方法,你把要执行的协程传递给它就可以在编辑器下自动执行循环调用。



using UnityEngine;using UnityEditor;using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;public static class EditorCoroutineRunner{    private class EditorCoroutine : IEnumerator    {        private Stack<IEnumerator> executionStack;        public EditorCoroutine(IEnumerator iterator)        {            this.executionStack = new Stack<IEnumerator>();            this.executionStack.Push(iterator);        }        public bool MoveNext()        {            IEnumerator i = this.executionStack.Peek();            if (i.MoveNext())            {                object result = i.Current;                if (result != null && result is IEnumerator)                {                    this.executionStack.Push((IEnumerator)result);                }                return true;            }            else            {                if (this.executionStack.Count > 1)                {                    this.executionStack.Pop();                    return true;                }            }            return false;        }        public void Reset()        {            throw new System.NotSupportedException("This Operation Is Not Supported.");        }        public object Current        {            get { return this.executionStack.Peek().Current; }        }        public bool Find(IEnumerator iterator)        {            return this.executionStack.Contains(iterator);        }    }    private static List<EditorCoroutine> editorCoroutineList;    private static List<IEnumerator> buffer;    public static IEnumerator StartEditorCoroutine(IEnumerator iterator)    {        if (editorCoroutineList == null)        {            editorCoroutineList = new List<EditorCoroutine>();        }        if (buffer == null)        {            buffer = new List<IEnumerator>();        }        if (editorCoroutineList.Count == 0)        {            EditorApplication.update += Update;        }        // add iterator to buffer first        buffer.Add(iterator);        return iterator;    }    private static bool Find(IEnumerator iterator)    {        // If this iterator is already added        // Then ignore it this time        foreach (EditorCoroutine editorCoroutine in editorCoroutineList)        {            if (editorCoroutine.Find(iterator))            {                return true;            }        }        return false;    }    private static void Update()    {        // EditorCoroutine execution may append new iterators to buffer        // Therefore we should run EditorCoroutine first        editorCoroutineList.RemoveAll        (            coroutine => { return coroutine.MoveNext() == false; }        );        // If we have iterators in buffer        if (buffer.Count > 0)        {            foreach (IEnumerator iterator in buffer)            {                // If this iterators not exists                if (!Find(iterator))                {                    // Added this as new EditorCoroutine                    editorCoroutineList.Add(new EditorCoroutine(iterator));                }            }            // Clear buffer            buffer.Clear();        }        // If we have no running EditorCoroutine        // Stop calling update anymore        if (editorCoroutineList.Count == 0)        {            EditorApplication.update -= Update;        }    }}


        void Start()        {            rope = gameObject.GetComponent<QuickRope>();            #if UNITY_EDITOR            //调用方法            EditorCoroutineRunner.StartEditorCoroutine(OnThreadLoop());            #endif        }        public IEnumerator OnThreadLoop()        {            while(true)            {                Debug.Log("Looper");                yield return null;            }        }

当然最好是加上#if UNITY_EDITOR预处理了。这个类基本是满足要求了。如果你把你自己的脚本做了这样的修改之后,它是可以在编辑状态不断执行到Loop的,要注意它需要先执行到Start,也就是说,你可能需要把GameObject做成Prefab,然后把它从场景中删除,再把Prefab拖回场景,才会在编辑状态下触发脚本上的Star方法,从而激发Loop。



using UnityEngine;using UnityEditor;using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;public static class EditorCoroutineLooper{    private static Dictionary<IEnumerator,MonoBehaviour> m_loopers = new Dictionary<IEnumerator,MonoBehaviour> ();    private static bool M_Started = false;    /// <summary>    /// 开启Loop    /// </summary>    /// <param name="mb">脚本</param>    /// <param name="iterator">方法</param>    public static void StartLoop(MonoBehaviour mb, IEnumerator iterator)    {        if(mb!=null && iterator != null)        {            if(!m_loopers.ContainsKey(iterator))            {                m_loopers.Add(iterator,mb);            }            else            {                m_loopers[iterator]=mb;            }        }        if (!M_Started)        {            M_Started = true;            EditorApplication.update += Update;        }    }    private static List<IEnumerator> M_DropItems=new List<IEnumerator>();    private static void Update()    {        if (m_loopers.Count > 0)        {            var allItems = m_loopers.GetEnumerator();            while(allItems.MoveNext())            {                var item = allItems.Current;                var mb = item.Value;                //卸载时丢弃Looper                if(mb == null)                {                    M_DropItems.Add(item.Key);                    continue;                }                //隐藏时别执行Loop                if(!mb.gameObject.activeInHierarchy)                {                    continue;                }                //执行Loop,执行完毕也丢弃Looper                IEnumerator ie = item.Key;                if(!ie.MoveNext())                {                    M_DropItems.Add(item.Key);                }            }            //集中处理丢弃的Looper            for(int i = 0;i < M_DropItems.Count;i++)            {                if(M_DropItems[i] != null)                {                    m_loopers.Remove(M_DropItems[i]);                }            }            M_DropItems.Clear();        }        if (m_loopers.Count == 0)        {            EditorApplication.update -= Update;            M_Started = false;        }    }}
//调用方法原来这个样            EditorCoroutineRunner.StartEditorCoroutine(OnThreadLoop());//现在改成这个样            EditorCoroutineLooper.StartLoop(this,OnThreadLoop());


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