【算法】 C/C++实现直接法解线性方程组

来源:互联网 发布:java 无效的源版本1.9 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 06:48





/*====================================================== # Author:      Sugary # Filetype:    C/C++ source code # Environment: Window 8.1 # Tool:        CodeBlocks # Date:        2017/3/7 # Descprition: Solve the AX=b by the Guass Elimination!========================================================*/#include<stdio.h>#include<math.h>#define ROW 100#define COL 100void get_coefficient(double[][COL], int, int);void get_vector(double[], int);void create_Ab(double[][COL], double[], int, int);void show_matrix(double[][COL], int, int);void guass_elimination(double *[ROW], int, int);void exchange_row(double *[ROW], int, int, int);void show_solution(double *[ROW], int, int);void back_substitution(double *[ROW], int, int);void back_substitution(double *[ROW], int, int, int);int main(){    double Receptacle[ROW][COL];    // store the matrix A    double Vector[ROW];             // store the vector b    double *Ab_pointer[ROW];        // store every row of augment matrix (A,b)    int row, col;                   // store the row/col of the matrix;    int i;    printf("Enter the coefficient matrix's size (less than %d * %d): ", ROW, COL - 1);    while (scanf("%d%d", &row, &col) == 2)    {        get_coefficient(Receptacle, row, col);  // get the value of matrix A        get_vector(Vector, row);                // get the value of vector b        create_Ab(Receptacle, Vector, row, col);// create the augment matrix (A,b)        printf("\nThe linear equations in the form of augmented matrix as follow:\n");        show_matrix(Receptacle, row, col + 1);  // output the augment matrix (A,b)        for (i = 0; i < ROW; i++)               // make every Ab_pointer points every row of the augment matrix (A,b)            Ab_pointer[i] = Receptacle[i];        guass_elimination(Ab_pointer, row, col + 1);    // get the result by the Guass Elimination        printf("\nEnter the coefficient matrix's size (less than %d * %d, q to quit): ", ROW, COL - 1);    }    printf("Bye!\n");    return 0;}/*************************************************Function:       get_coefficientDescription:    get the matrix coefficient that user input in console*************************************************/void get_coefficient(double matrix[ROW][COL], int row, int col){    int i, j;    printf("Enter the coefficient (%d * %d):\n", row, col);    for (i = 0; i < row; i++)        for (j = 0; j < col; j++)            scanf("%lf", &matrix[i][j]);    return;}/*************************************************Function:       get_vectorDescription:    get the vector that user input in console*************************************************/void get_vector(double vector[ROW], int row){    int i;    printf("Enter the vector (size is %d):\n", row);    for (i = 0; i < row; i++)        scanf("%lf", &vector[i]);    return;}/*************************************************Function:       create_AbDescription:    create the augment matrix*************************************************/void create_Ab(double matrix[ROW][COL], double vector[ROW], int row, int col){    int i;    for (i = 0; i < row; i++)        matrix[i][col] = vector[i];    return;}/*************************************************Function:       show_matrixDescription:    output the matrix*************************************************/void show_matrix(double matrix[ROW][COL], int row, int col){    int i, j;    for (i = 0; i < row; i++)    {        for (j = 0; j < col; j++)            printf("%-8.3f", matrix[i][j]);        putchar('\n');    }    return;}/*************************************************Function:       guass_eliminationDescription:    transform the matrix to the upper                triangle matrix and get the solution                by the Guass Elimination!*************************************************/void guass_elimination(double *matrix[ROW], int row, int col){    int result;         // the flag of the number of the solution    int rankA, rankAb;  // store the rank of matrix A or augment matrix (A,b)    int i, j, k, l;    double coe;         // store the multiple of two rows temporarily    // transform the matrix to the upper triangle matrix    for (i = 0; i < row; i++)    {        // find the first non-zero value after exchange the row of the matrix        for (j = i; j < col - 1; j++)        {            if (fabs(matrix[i][j])<0.00001)            {                exchange_row(matrix, i, j, row);                if (fabs(matrix[i][j])>0.00001)                {                    break;                }            }            else                break;        }        // do the elimination        for (k = i + 1; k < row; k++)        {            if (matrix[i][j] == 0)                break;            coe = matrix[k][j] / matrix[i][j];            for (l = j; l < col; l++)            {                matrix[k][l] -= coe*matrix[i][l];            }        }    }    rankA = rankAb = 0;    // get the value of rank(A)    for (i = 0; i < row; i++)    {        for (j = i; j<col - 1; j++)        {            if (fabs(matrix[i][j])>0.00001)            {                rankA++;                break;            }        }    }    // get the value of rank(A,b)    for (i = 0; i < row; i++)    {        for (j = i; j<col; j++)        {            if (fabs(matrix[i][j])>0.00001)            {                rankAb++;                break;            }        }    }    // rank(A)!=rank(A,b) => no solution    if (rankA != rankAb)    {        result = -1;        printf("\nAfter elimination:\n");        show_solution(matrix, row, col);        printf("\nThere is no solution for the linear equations!\n");    }    // rank(A)=rank(A,b)=col => only one solution    else if (rankA == col - 1)    {        result = 0;        printf("\nAfter elimination:\n");        show_solution(matrix, row, col);        printf("\nThere is only one solution for the linear equations!\n");        back_substitution(matrix, row, col - 1);    }    // rank(A)=rank(A,b)<col => infinite solutions    else    {        result = 1;        printf("\nAfter elimination:\n");        show_solution(matrix, row, col);        printf("\nThere are infinite solutions for the linear equations!\n");        back_substitution(matrix, row, col - 1, rankA);    }    return;}/*************************************************Function:       exchange_rowDescription:    exchange the row of the matrix                to ensure the matrix[i][j]!=0                (except matrix[i][j] ~ matrix[row-1][j] all 0)*************************************************/void exchange_row(double *matrix[ROW], int i, int j, int row){    int k;    double *temp;    for (k = i + 1; k<row; k++)    {        if (fabs(matrix[k][j])>0.00001)        {            temp = matrix[i];            matrix[i] = matrix[k];            matrix[k] = temp;            return;        }    }    return;}/*************************************************Function:       show_solutionDescription:    output the upper triangle matrix after elimination*************************************************/void show_solution(double *matrix[ROW], int row, int col){    int i, j;    for (i = 0; i < row; i++)    {        for (j = 0; j < col; j++)            printf("%-8.3f", matrix[i][j]);        putchar('\n');    }    return;}/*************************************************Function:       back_substitutionDescription:    to find the unique solution by back-substitution*************************************************/void back_substitution(double *matrix[ROW], int row, int col){    int i, j;    double temp;    double x[COL];  // store the unique solution x    for (i = 0; i < col; i++)    {        temp = matrix[col - 1 - i][col];        for (j = 0; j < i; j++)        {            temp -= x[col - 1 - j] * matrix[col - 1 - i][col - 1 - j];        }        x[col - 1 - i] = temp / matrix[col - 1 - i][col - 1 - i];    }    // output the solution    printf("The solution is:[", i, x[i]);    for (i = 0; i < col; i++)    {        printf("%8.3f", x[i]);    }    printf("]\n");    return;}/*************************************************Function:       back_substitutionDescription:    to find the infinite solutions                step 1:find the special solution Xp for Ax=b                step 2:find the general solutions Xn for Ax=0*************************************************/void back_substitution(double *matrix[ROW], int row, int col, int rankA){    int i, j, k, n;    int pivot[COL], free[COL];   //store the position of pivot/free    double temp;    double x_p[COL];            // store the special solution Xp for Ax=b    double x_n[COL][COL] = { 0 };  // store the general solutions for Ax=0    // find the position of pivot    for (i = 0; i < rankA; i++)        for (j = i; j<col; j++)            if (fabs(matrix[i][j])>0.00001)            {                pivot[i] = j;                break;            }    // find the position of free    j = n = 0;    for (i = 0; i < col; i++)        if (i == pivot[j])        {            j++;        }        else        {            free[n] = i;            x_p[i] = 1;   // set the free value of Xp            n++;        }    // get a special solution for Ax=b    for (i = 0; i < rankA; i++)    {        n = rankA - 1 - i;    // get current row number        temp = matrix[n][col];        for (j = pivot[n] + 1; j < col; j++)        {            temp -= x_p[j] * matrix[n][j];        }        x_p[pivot[n]] = temp / matrix[n][pivot[n]];    }    // set the free value of Xn    for (i = 0; i < col - rankA; i++)        x_n[i][free[i]] = 1;    // get the general solutions for Ax=0    for (k = 0; k < col - rankA; k++)    {        for (i = 0; i < rankA; i++)        {            n = rankA - 1 - i;    // get current row number            temp = 0;            for (j = pivot[n] + 1; j < col; j++)            {                temp -= x_n[k][j] * matrix[n][j];            }            x_n[k][pivot[n]] = temp / matrix[n][pivot[n]];        }    }    // output the solution    printf("The solutions are X=Xp+Xn.\n");    printf("The Vector Xp is:[");    for (i = 0; i < col; i++)    {        printf("%8.3f", x_p[i]);    }    printf("]\n");    for (k = 0; k < col - rankA; k++)    {        printf("The Vector Xn%d is:[", k + 1);        for (i = 0; i < col; i++)        {            printf("%8.3f", x_n[k][i]);        }        printf("]\n");    }    return;}


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