
来源:互联网 发布:重装系统保留软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 14:20


//  The Notes Created by Z-Tech on 2017/2/17.//  All Codes Boot on 《C++ Primer Plus》V6.0//  OS:MacOS 10.12.4//  Translater:clang/llvm8.0.0 &g++4.2.1//  Editer:iTerm 2&Sublime text 3//  IDE: Xcode8.2.1&Clion2017.1//P6.1#include <iostream>int main(){    using std::cin;    using std::cout;    char ch;    int spaces=0;//外部全局变量    int total=0;//外部全局变量    cin.get(ch);//读取第一个字符    while (ch!='.')//如果不是句号则继续循环    {        if (ch==' ')            ++spaces;//遇到空格计数        ++total;//无论是否空格均计数,且字符总数包含最后的回车生成的换行符        cin.get(ch);    }    cout<<spaces<<" spaces, "<<total        <<" characters total in sentence\n";    return 0;}//P6.2#include <iostream>int main(){    char ch;    std::cout<<"Type,and I shall repeat.\n";    std::cin.get(ch);    while (ch!='.')    {        if (ch=='\n')            std::cout<<ch;        else            std::cout<<++ch;//此处++ch被cout理解为字符输出,若改为ch+1则会被认为int输出        std::cin.get(ch);    }    std::cout<<"\nPlease excuse the slight confusion.\n";    return 0;}//P6.3#include <iostream>const int fave=9;int main(){    using namespace std;    int n;    cout<<"Enter a number in the range 1-100 to find"        <<"my favorite number: ";    do{        cin>>n;        if (n<fave)//小了就说            cout<<"Too low! Then guess again: ";        else if (n>fave)//这种写法实际上是一个if else被包含在另一个if else中            cout<<"Too high! Then guess again: ";        else//这样调整后的写法实际上更清晰更好            cout<<fave<<" is right!\n";    }while (n!=fave);//没猜对就继续猜    return 0;}//P6.4#include <iostream>int main(){    using namespace std;    cout<<"This program may reformat your hard disk\n"//引号具有输出流连续性            "and destroy all your data.\n"            "Do you wish to continue? <y/n>";    char ch;    cin>>ch;    if (ch=='y'||ch=='Y')//或运算符,或真则真,满足其一即可        cout<<"You were warned!\a\a\n";    else if (ch=='n'||ch=='N')//再次使用        cout<<"A wise choice...Bye!\n";    else        cout<<"That's wasn't a 'Y/y' or 'N/n'!Apparently you "            "can't follow\ninstructions,so "            "I'll trash your disk anyway.\a\a\a\n";    return 0;}//P6.5#include <iostream>const int ArSize=10;//控制数组大小,即报价个数int main(){    using namespace std;    float naaq[ArSize];    cout<<"Enter the NAAQs (New Age Awareness Quotients) "        <<"Of\nyour neighbors. Program terminates "        <<"when you make\n"<<ArSize<<" entries "        <<"or enter a negative value.\n";    int i=0;    float temp;    cout<<"First value: ";    cin>>temp;    while (i<ArSize&&temp>=0)//第一个条件保证数组不溢出,第二个条件确保输入报价有效    {        naaq[i]=temp;//有效则逐个存入数组        ++i;//数组角标自增        if (i<ArSize)//然后如果i<ArSize说明数组还有空间,继续请求输入        {            cout<<"Next value: ";            cin>>temp;//再次赋值给temp后继续循环直到存满数组        }    }    if (i==0)//意味着输入了一个不满足第二个条件的数,于是未进入过while循环        cout<<"No data--bye\n";//如果中途输入了负数则会跳过这里直接到下一模块请求自己报价,因为中途i!=0    else    {        cout<<"Enter your NAAQ: ";//输入自己的报价        float you;        cin>>you;        int count=0;//设定比较计数器        for (int j=0;j<i;j++)//循环次数等于ArSize,也即是逐个比较            if (naaq[j]>you)//如果之前报价你自己输入的高,则计数器+1                ++count;//逐个比较直到循环结束        cout<<count;//开始输出结果        cout<<" of your naghbors have greater awareness of\n"            <<"the New Age than you do.\n";    }    return 0;}//P6.6#include <iostream>const char* qualify[4]//创建指向字符串的常量指针数组{    "10,000-meter race.\n",    "mud tug-of-war.\n",    "masters canoe jousting.\n",    "pie-throwing festival.\n"};int main(){    using namespace std;    int age;    cout<<"Enter your age in years: ";    cin>>age;    int index;    if (age>17&&age<35)//18-34        index=0;    else if (age>=35&&age<50)//35-49        index=1;    else if (age>=50&age<65)//50-64,且可见else if可以连续使用        index=2;    else //包括负数,0-17,65以上;但是年龄默认不会输入负数        index=3;    cout<<"Your qualify for the "<<qualify[index];//输出分级页结果    return 0;}//P6.7#include <iostream>#include <climits>bool is_int(double);//函数声明int main(){    using namespace std;    double num;    cout<<"Yo,dude!Enter an intger value: ";    cin>>num;    while (!is_int(num))//while条件函数调用取反    {        cout<<"Out if range __ Please try again: ";        cin>>num;    }    int val=int (num);    cout<<"You've entered the integer "<<val<<"\nBye\n";    return 0;}bool is_int(double x){    if (x<=INT_MAX&&x>=INT_MIN)        return true;//输入范围成功则返回true,取反为false,则while被跳过    else        return false;//超出范围,返回false,取反为true,则while被激活,提示重新输入}//P6.8#include <iostream>#include <cctype>int main(){    using namespace std;    cout<<"Enter text for analysis and type @"        " to terminate input.\n";    char ch;    int whitespace=0;    int digits=0;    int chars=0;    int punct=0;    int others=0;    cin.get(ch);    while (ch!='@')    {        if (isalpha(ch))//字母检查            chars++;        else if (isspace(ch))//空白符检查            whitespace++;        else if (isdigit(ch))//数字检查            digits++;        else if (ispunct(ch))//标点检查            punct++;        else            others++;//剩下的归于其它,比如汉字等特殊符号        cin.get(ch);    }    cout<<chars<<" letters, "        <<whitespace<<" whitespace, "        <<digits<<" digits, "        <<punct<<" punctuations, "        <<others<<" others.\n";    return 0;}//P6.9#include <iostream>//求出两个数最大值int main(){    using namespace std;    int a,b;    cout<<"Enter two integers: ";    cin>>a>>b;    cout<<"The larger of "<<a<<" and "<<b;    int c=a>b?a:b;//使用了?:条件运算符    cout<<" is "<<c<<endl;    return 0;}//P6.10.V1#include <iostream>using namespace std;void showmenu();//无参无返回值函数声明void report();void comfort();int main(){    showmenu();//函数调用显示菜单    int choice;    cin>>choice;    while (choice!=5)    {        switch (choice)        {            case 1: cout<<"\a\n";                    break;//跳出循环            case 2: report();                    break;            case 3: cout<<"The boss was in all day.\n";                    break;            case 4: comfort();                    break;            default: cout<<"That's not a choice.\n";            //缺省分支,后面不需要加break;        }        showmenu();        cin>>choice;    }    cout<<"Bye!\n";    return 0;}void showmenu()//菜单函数模块{    cout<<"Please enter 1,2,3,4,or 5:\n"          "1) alarm         2) report\n"          "3) alibi         4) comfort\n"          "5) quit\n";}void report()//报告函数模块{    cout<<"It's been an excellent week for business.\n"          "Sales are up 120$. Expense are down 35%.\n";}void comfort()//安抚模块{    cout<<"Your employees think you are the finest CEO\n"          "in the industry .The board of directors thinks\n"          "you are the finest CEO in the industry.\n";}//P6.10.V2#include <iostream>using namespace std;void showmenu();//无参无返回值函数声明void report();void comfort();int main(){    showmenu();//函数调用显示菜单    char choice;//使用英文字符控制    cin>>choice;    while (choice!='Q'&&choice!='q')    {        switch (choice)        {            case 'a'://利用连续执行的特性解决大小写的问题            case 'A': cout<<"\a\n";                break;//跳出循环            case 'b':            case 'B': report();                break;            case 'c':            case 'C': cout<<"The boss was in all day.\n";                break;            case 'd':            case 'D': comfort();                break;            default: cout<<"That's not a choice.\n";//缺省分支,后面不需要加break;        }        showmenu();        cin>>choice;    }    cout<<"Bye!\n";    return 0;}void showmenu()//菜单函数模块{    cout<<"Please enter 1,2,3,4,or 5:\n"            "a) alarm         b) report\n"            "c) alibi         d) comfort\n"            "q) quit\n";}void report()//报告函数模块{    cout<<"It's been an excellent week for business.\n"            "Sales are up 120$. Expense are down 35%.\n";}void comfort()//安抚模块{    cout<<"Your employees think you are the finest CEO\n"            "in the industry .The board of directors thinks\n"            "you are the finest CEO in the industry.\n";}//P6.11#include <iostream>enum {red,orange,yellow,green,blue,violet,indigo};//int类型 0,1,2,3,4,5,6//枚举常量声明,没用变量名,注意逗号,结尾分号,和结构声明类似int main(){    using namespace std;    cout<<"Enter color code (0-6): ";    int code;    cin>>code;    while (code>=red&&code<=indigo)//范围限定在0-6之间    {        switch (code)//标签        {            case red: cout<<"Her lips were red.\n";break;//注意此处有两个分号            case orange: cout<<"Her hair was orange.\n";break;            case yellow: cout<<"Her shoes were yellow.\n";break;            case green: cout<<"Her nails were green.\n";break;            case blue: cout<<"Her sweatsuit was blue.\n";break;            case violet: cout<<"Her eyes were violet.\n";break;            case indigo: cout<<"Her mood was indigo.\n";break;        }        cout<<"Enter color code (1-6)";        cin>>code;    }    cout<<"Bye.\n";    return 0;}//P6.12#include <iostream>const int ArSize=80;int main(){    using namespace std;    char line[ArSize];//设定字符数组    int spaces=0;//初始化空格计数器    cout<<"Enter a line of text:\n";    cin.getline(line,ArSize);//字符读入line数组中    cout<<"Complete line:\n"<<line<<endl;    cout<<"Line through first period:\n";    for (int i=0;line[i]!='\0';i++)//没碰到数组结尾\0将继续循环,逐个输出数组中的字符    {        cout<<line[i];        if (line[i]=='.')//检测到句点则离开循环            break;        if (line[i]!=' ')//检测不到空格则回到for的循环更新处,即i++后继续循环            continue;        spaces++;//有空格将会到达此处,空格计数器    }    cout<<"\n"<<spaces<<" sapces\n";    cout<<"Done.\n";    return 0;}//P6.13#include <iostream>const int Max=5;int main(){    using namespace std;    double fish[Max];//初始化存重量的数组    cout<<"Please enter the weights of your fish.\n";    cout<<"You may enter up to "<<Max<<"fish <q to terminate>,\n";    cout<<"fish #1: ";    int i=0;    while (i<Max&&cin>>fish[i])//且假则假,因此当左侧为false,右侧不会被判断,防止数组溢出    {        if (++i<Max)            cout<<"fish #"<<i+1<<": ";//输出鱼的编号    }    double total =0.0;//设定重量计数器    for (int j=0;j<i;j++)        total+=fish[j];//统计整个数组的鱼总量    if (i==0)        cout<<"No fish\n";    else cout<<total/i<<" = average weight of "<<i<<" fish\n";//计算平均值    cout<<"Done.\n";    return 0;}//P6.14#include <iostream>//可阻止非法输入并给出正确的提示const int Max=5;int main(){    using namespace std;    int golf[Max];    cout<<"Please enter your golf scores.\n";    cout<<"You must enter "<<Max<<" rounds.\n";    int i;    for (i=0;i<Max;i++)    {        cout<<"round #"<<i+1<<": ";        while (!(cin>>golf[i]))//输入失败返回false,取反为true即启用错误处理        {            cin.clear();//重置cin            while (cin.get()!='\n')//读取【行尾】之前所有的错误输入,从而删除这一行的错误输入                continue;//循环直到cin.get()=='\n',也就是到达行尾            cout<<"Please enter a number: ";        }    }    double total=0.0;    for (i=0;i<Max;i++)//求和模块        total+=golf[i];    cout<<total/Max<<" =average score "<<Max<<" rounds\n";    return 0;}//P6.15#include <iostream>#include <fstream>//重要文件输入输出头文件int main(){    using namespace std;    char automobile[50];    int year;    double a_price;    double d_price;    ofstream outFile;//创建ofstream对象——outFile    outFile.open("car_info.txt");//关联对象到文件//以下是输入读取模块    cout<<"Enter the make and model of automobile: ";    cin.getline(automobile,50);    cout<<"Enter the model year: ";    cin>>year;    cout<<"Enter the original asking price: ";    cin>>a_price;    d_price=0.913*a_price;//以下是显示输出模块    cout<<fixed;//输出格式修复    cout.precision(2);//精度为小数点后2位有效数字    cout.setf(ios_base::showpoint);//显示小数点    cout<<"Make and model: "<<automobile<<endl;    cout<<"Year: "<<year<<endl;    cout<<"Was asking $"<<a_price<<endl;    cout<<"Now asking $"<<d_price<<endl;//以下是文件写入模块    outFile<<fixed;//输出格式修复    outFile.precision(4);//精度为小数点后4位有效数字    outFile.setf(ios_base::showpoint);//显示小数点    outFile<<"Make and model: "<<automobile<<endl;    outFile<<"Year: "<<year<<endl;    outFile<<"Was asking $"<<a_price<<endl;    outFile<<"Now asking $"<<d_price<<endl;    outFile.close();//关闭文件写入    return 0;}//P6.16#include <iostream>#include <fstream>//#include <cstdlib> //为支持exit()const int SIZE=60;int main(){    using namespace std;    char filename[SIZE];    ifstream inFile;//声明输入文件变量inFile    cout<<"Enter name of data file: ";    cin.getline(filename,SIZE);//读取文件名    inFile.open(filename);//将inFile与filename关联    if (!inFile.is_open())//输入成功则跳过,失败则激活    {        cout<<"Could not open the file "<<filename<<endl;        cout<<"Program terminating.\n";        exit(EXIT_FAILURE);    }    double value;    double sum=0.0;    int count=0;    inFile>>value;//读取文件中第一个值    while (inFile.good())//输入正常且未遇到EOF文件尾则继续循环,该方法没有出错时且不遇到EOF时返回均为true    {        ++count;        sum+=value;        inFile>>value;//继续读取文件下一个值    }    if (inFile.eof())//到此处说明循环结束到达文件尾,最后一次读取遇到EOF则返回true        cout<<"End of file reached.\n";    else if (inFile.fail())//检测到数据类型不匹配或遇到EOF时均会被激活返回true        cout<<"Input terminated by data mismatch.\n";    else//如果仍然不满足判断条件则说明失败原因未知        cout<<"Input terminated by unknown reason.\n";    if (count==0)//为true则说明未曾进入过读取循环体        cout<<"No data processed.\n";    else//一切正常则进入最终的读取状态统计报告    {        cout<<"Item read: "<<count<<endl;        cout<<"Sum: "<<sum<<endl;        cout<<"Average: "<<sum/count<<endl;    }    inFile.close();    return 0;}//PP6.11.1#include <iostream>#include <cctype>int main(){    using namespace std;    cout<<"Please enter something: ('@' to quit)";    char words;    cin.get(words);//这比cin>>words更精细    while (words!='@')    {        if (isalpha(words))        {            if (words>='a'&&words<='z')                cout.put(toupper(words));//这里使用字符输出格式,cout默认十进制            else                cout<<char(tolower(words));//这是第二种方法,采用强制类型转换        }        //else if (words=='\n')//如果启用,检测到换行符即退出        //    break;        else            cin.clear();//如果输入非字母字符,比如数字等,则重置cin        cin.get(words);    }    return 0;}//PP6.11.2#include <iostream>#include <cctype>int main(){    using namespace std;    const int ArSize=5;    int i=0,over_avrage=0;    double tmp=0,sum=0,average=0;    double donation[ArSize];    cout<<"Enter the number: ";    while (cin>>tmp&&i<ArSize)//此行代码不需要&&!isdigit(tmp),此法无效    {        donation[i]=tmp;        sum+=donation[i];        i++;    }    if (i!=0)//做商需要防止分母为0        average=sum/i;//巧妙利用i    for (int j=0;j<i;j++)    {        if (donation[j]>average)//找出大于平均值的数并计数            ++over_avrage;    }    cout<<" sum: "<<sum<<" over_avrage: "<<over_avrage        <<" i: "<<i<<" Average: "<<average;    return 0;}//PP6.11.3#include <iostream>#include <cstdlib>//调用exit()函数必备void show_menu();void Select_c();void Select_p();void Select_t();void Select_g();void Select_q();using namespace std;int main(){    show_menu();    char choice;    cin.get(choice);    while (choice)//任何选择都继续,意味着只能通过break;跳出循环结束任务    {        switch (choice)        {            case 'c':            case 'C':Select_c();                break;            case 'p':            case 'P':Select_p();                break;            case 't':            case 'T':Select_t();                break;            case 'g':            case 'G':Select_g();                break;            case 'q':            case 'Q':Select_q();                break;            default:cout<<"That's not a choice.\n";//应对随意输入设计        }        show_menu();//此处是防止死循环的关键        cin>>choice;    }    return 0;}void show_menu()//子函数括号右边不需要";"!{    cout<<"Please enter the following choice: (Use 'q' to quit.)\n"          "c)Carnivo      p)Pianist\n"          "t)Tree         g)Game\n";}void Select_c(){    cout<<"这个单词的意思是食虫植物。\n";}void Select_p(){    cout<<"钢琴家还是理查德厉害啊!\n";}void Select_t(){    cout<<"链表和二叉树又来了~\n";}void Select_g(){    cout<<"想玩游戏,你想多了吧\n";}void Select_q(){    exit(EXIT_FAILURE);//尝试调用失败返回值}//PP6.11.4#include <iostream>#include <cstdlib>//调用exit()函数必备void show_menu();void Select_a();void Select_b();void Select_c();void Select_d();void Select_q();using namespace std;struct bop{    string fullname;    string title;    string bopname;    int preference;};int main(){    show_menu();    char choice;    cin.get(choice);    bop* VIP=new bop[5];//指针指向结构数组    VIP[0].fullname="HsuChou Yang";    VIP[0].title="VVVIP";    VIP[0].bopname="Z";    VIP[0].preference=1;    VIP[1].fullname="周杰伦";    VIP[1].title="IP";    VIP[1].bopname="Jay";    VIP[1].preference=2;    VIP[2].fullname="脸红的思春期";    VIP[2].title="RSP";    VIP[2].bopname="RFF";    VIP[2].preference=0;    VIP[3].fullname="金莎";    VIP[3].title="Kim susu";    VIP[3].bopname="Love";    VIP[3].preference=1;    VIP[4].fullname="沢井美空";    VIP[4].title="SwaiMiku";    VIP[4].bopname="美空";    VIP[4].preference=2;    while (choice)//    {        switch (choice)        {            case 'a':            case 'A':            {                for (int i=0;i<5;i++)                    cout<<VIP[i].fullname<<endl;            };                break;            case 'b':            case 'B':            {                for (int i=0;i<5;i++)                    cout<<VIP[i].title<<endl;            };                break;            case 'c':            case 'C':            {                for (int i=0;i<5;i++)                    cout<<VIP[i].bopname<<endl;            };                break;            case 'd':            case 'D':            {                for (int i=0;i<5;i++)                //这一段是分解偏好的核心,使用if else顺利解决之                {                    if (VIP[i].preference==0)                        cout<<VIP[i].fullname<<endl;                    else if (VIP[i].preference==1)                        cout<<VIP[i].title<<endl;                    else                        cout<<VIP[i].bopname<<endl;                }            };                break;            case 'q':            case 'Q':            {                delete [] VIP;//注意释放指针                exit(EXIT_FAILURE);            }        }        show_menu();//此处是防止死循环的关键        cin>>choice;    }    delete [] VIP;    return 0;}void show_menu()//菜单函数,子函数括号右边不需要";"{    cout << "Please enter the following choice: (Use 'q' to quit.)\n"            "a)display by name        b)display by title\n"            "c)display by bopname     d)display by preference\n";}//PP6.11.5#include <iostream>int main(){    using namespace std;    double salary,tax;    cout<<"Please enter your salary first: \n";    cin>>salary;    while (salary>=0)    {        if (salary>=35000)        {            tax=(salary-35000)*0.2+20000*0.15+10000*0.1+0;            break;        }        else if (salary>=15001)        {            tax=(salary-15000)*0.15+10000*0.1+0;            break;        }        else if (salary>5000)        {            tax=(salary-5000)*0.1+0;            break;        }        else if (salary<=5000)        {            tax=0;            break;        }        else        {            tax=0;            break;        }    }    while (!cin)//输入不是数字将报错    {        cout<<"That's may not a number.\n";        exit(EXIT_FAILURE);    }    cout<<"Tax that you need to pay: "<<tax<<"$"<<endl;    return 0;}//PP6.11.6#include <iostream>const int ArSize=20;const int num=5;struct fund{    char name[ArSize];    double money;};int main(){    using namespace std;    int count=0,poor=0;//解决无人时none的显示    fund* person=new fund[num];    //以下是数据采集模块    for (int i=0;i<num;i++)    {        cout<<"Please enter the name: ";        cin.get(person[i].name,ArSize);        cout<<"Please enter the money: ";        cin>>person[i].money;        if (!cin)        {            cout<<"Wrong number! Please run again. ";            exit(EXIT_FAILURE);        }        cin.get();//至关重要,使用cin输入double后需要读取回车    }    cout << "Grand Patrons: \n";//开始输出重要人物    for (int i=0;i<num;i++)    {        if (person[i].money > 10000)        {            cout << person[i].name << " : " << person[i].money <<"$"<<endl;            count++;        }    }    if (count == 0)        cout << "none.\n";    cout<<"Patrons: \n";//开始输出一般捐献者    for (int i=0;i<num;i++)    {        if (person[i].money<=10000)        {            cout<<person[i].name<<endl;            poor++;        }    }    if (poor==0)        cout<<"none.\n";    delete [] person;    return 0;}//PP6.11.7#include <iostream>#include <cctype>#include <cstring>const int ArSize=20;int main(){    using namespace std;    char word[ArSize];    int vowel=0,consonants=0,others=0;    cout<<"Please enter the words: \n";    cin>>word;    cout<<word;    while (strcmp(word,"q"))//警告!不能用赋值号比较字符串!    {        if (isalpha(word[0]))//检测是否字母        {            if (word[0]=='a'||word[0]=='e'||word[0]=='i'||word[0]=='o'||word[0]=='u')            //是否元音字母                vowel++;            else                consonants++;//否则辅音字母        }        else            others++;//其余杂项统计        cin>>word;    }    cout<<"Vowel: "<<vowel<<"\nConsonants: "<<consonants<<"\nOthers: "<<others<<endl;    return 0;}//PP6.11.8#include <iostream>#include <fstream>int main(){    using namespace std;    char filename[20];    int count=0;    ifstream inFile;    cout<<"Enter name of file: ";    cin.getline(filename,20);    inFile.open(filename);    if (!inFile.is_open())    {        exit(EXIT_FAILURE);    }    char ch;    inFile.get(ch);//使用cin将忽略空格,使用get()将不会忽略空格    while (inFile.good())//使用good检查文件读取是否正常,是否抵达文件尾    {        count++;        inFile.get(ch);    }    cout<<count<<" characters reads.\n";    inFile.close();    return 0;}//PP6.11.9#include <iostream>#include <fstream>const int ArSize=20;int num=0;//创建的动态结构指针数组成员数struct fund{    char name[ArSize];    double money;};int main(){    using namespace std;    //以下是数据初始化模块    int count=0,poor=0;//解决无人时none的显示    fund* person=new fund[num];    char filename[ArSize];    cout<<"Please enter the file name: ";    cin.getline(filename,ArSize);    fstream inFile;    inFile.open(filename);    //以下是文件打开成功检测    if (!inFile.is_open())    {        cout<<"Fail to open the file.\n";        exit(EXIT_FAILURE);    }    //以下是数据读取模块    inFile>>num;//读取应该创建的结构数    inFile.get();//读取数组后再读取换行符    for (int i=0;i<num;i++)    {        inFile.get(person[i].name,ArSize).get();//读取名字后读取换行符        inFile>>person[i].money;//读取double,注意读取方式        inFile.get();//读取换行符        if (inFile.eof())        {            cout<<"End of file reached:OK!\n";        }        else if (inFile.fail())        {            cout<<"Input terminated by data mismatch.\n";        }        else            continue;    }    cout<< "Grand Patrons: \n";//开始输出重要人物    for (int i=0;i<num;i++)    {        if (person[i].money > 10000)        {            cout << person[i].name << " : " << person[i].money <<"$"<<endl;            count++;        }    }    if (count == 0)        cout << "none.\n";    cout<<"Patrons: \n";//开始输出一般捐献者    for (int i=0;i<num;i++)    {        if (person[i].money<=10000)        {            cout<<person[i].name<<endl;            poor++;        }    }    if (poor==0)        cout<<"none.\n";    delete [] person;    return 0;}
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