
来源:互联网 发布:动态规划是优化 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/12 06:36



1.Students want honest feedback and high standards,but they also want to believe,they need to believe,that their teachers believe in them and believe that they can improve.

2.And to be honest,I think that students don't get that feeling very often in the classroom.One interesting fact that I've found is that if you talk to adults and you ask them to think back on their own school days and think about who it was in school who helped them the most in this non-cognitive or this character dimension It's rare that people will identify an academic teacher .They're more often likely to cite a coach,an athletic coach,or a drama coach,an art teacher,or a music teacher.And I think the reason for that is that good coacher are experts at helping students deal with and manage failure.You can't learn to play a piece of music or to shoot a free throw in basketball without failing at task hundreds and hundreds of times Andif you have the right kind of coach next to you helping you through that process,it can be a transformative expeience.You learn how to put those failures in the right context,you learn a growth mindset.I think that doesn't happen very often these days in math class or history class,but I think it can.

3.What I like about their approach is that they use project-based learning on very long-term projects.So instead of students skipping around from one worksheet andone assignment and one subject to another,they take on one big project that can last months,even as long as the whole school year.And they constantly revise this project.They get critiques from their fellow students and from their teachers and they revise them again and again.And what I think thyey're learning is not only the skills and the subject that they are focused on,the ostensible point of the assignment,but also they're learning that they have the ability to improve.The ability to bounce back from failures.The ability to presevere.

3.the right kind of feedback,being warm and supportive and encouraging,and yet honest and critical and demanding all at the same the

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