
来源:互联网 发布:电脑简谱编辑器软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 02:25
给Main Camare添加脚本 MovieCamare (Scripts)

using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;public class MovieCamera : MonoBehaviour {    public float speed = 10;//设置镜头拉近的速度,public可以在Unity界面中更改,private不可以。    private float endZ = -20; // Use this for initialization void Start () {   }  // Update is called once per frame void Update () {  if(transform.position.z>endZ)//还没有达到目标位置,transform的使用方法在下面补充        {            transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * speed * Time.deltaTime);//移动transform在translation的方向和距离。        }        }}

  • TransForm的使用


    Transform.Translate 平移

    function Translate (translation : Vector3, relativeTo : Space = Space.Self) : void


    Moves the transform in the direction and distance of translation.



    If relativeTo is left out or set to Space.Self the movement is applied relative to the transform's local axes. (the x, y and z axes shown when selecting the object inside the Scene View.) If relativeTo isSpace.World the movement is applied relative to the world coordinate system.

    如果relativeTo留空或者设置为Space.Self,移动被应用相对于变换的自身轴。(当在场景视图选择物体时,x、y和z轴显示)如果相对于Space.World 移动被应用相对于世界坐标系统。

    function Update() {// Move the object forward along its z axis 1 unit/second.//沿着z轴1单位/秒,向前移动物体transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * Time.deltaTime);// Move the object upward in world space 1 unit/second.//在世界坐标沿着y轴1单位/秒,向上移动物体transform.Translate(Vector3.up * Time.deltaTime, Space.World);}

    • function Translate (x : float, y : float, z : float,relativeTo :Space =Space.Self) : void


    Moves the transform by x along the x axis, y along the y axis, and z along the z axis.


    If relativeTo is left out or set to Space.Self the movement is applied relative to the transform's local axes. (the x, y and z axes shown when selecting the object inside the Scene View.) If relativeTo isSpace.World the movement is applied relative to the world coordinate system.

    如果relativeTo留空或者设置为Space.Self,移动被应用相对于变换的自身轴。(当在场景视图选择物体时,x、y和z轴显示)如果相对于Space.World 移动被应用相对于世界坐标系统。

    function Update() {// Move the object forward along its z axis 1 unit/second.//沿着z轴每秒1单位向前移动物体transform.Translate(0, 0, Time.deltaTime);// Move the object upward in world space 1 unit/second.//在世界坐标每秒1单位向上移动物体transform.Translate(0, Time.deltaTime, 0, Space.World);}

    • function Translate (translation : Vector3, relativeTo : Transform) : void


    Moves the transform in the direction and distance of translation.



    The movement is applied relative to /relativeTo/'s local coordinate system. If relativeTo is null, the movement is applied relative to the world coordinate system.

    移动被应用相对于(relativeTo : Transform)的自身坐标系统。日光相对于为null,则移动被应用相对于世界坐标系统。

    function Update() {// Move the object to the right relative to the camera 1 unit/second.//相对于摄像机每秒1单位向右移动物体transform.Translate(Vector3.right * Time.deltaTime, Camera.main.transform);}

    • function Translate (x : float, y : float, z : float,relativeTo :Transform) : void


    Moves the transform by x along the x axis, y along the y axis, and z along the z axis.


    The movement is applied relative to /relativeTo/'s local coordinate system. If relativeTo is null, the movement is applied relative to the world coordinate system.

    移动被应用相对于(relativeTo : Transform)的自身坐标系统。日光相对于为null,则移动被应用相对于世界坐标系统。

    function Update() {// Move the object to the right relative to the camera 1 unit/second.//相对于摄像机每秒1单位向右移动物体transform.Translate(Time.deltaTime, 0, 0, Camera.main.transform);}

    The red axis of the transform in world space.

  • up

  • The green axis of the transform in world space.

  • forward

  • The blue axis of the transform in world space.

  • 0 0