Python 实现二叉树相关操作

来源:互联网 发布:eureka java demo 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 12:19

    • 前言
    • 方法声明
    • 二叉树相关
    • 霍夫曼树实现
      • 原理
      • 代码实现一
      • 实现方式2
      • 最终效果
    • 总结





['getsize(self)']['print(self)']['qianxuDG(self, root)']['zhongxuDG(self, root)']['height(self, root)']['deepth(self, root)']['houxuDG(self, root)']['xianxu(self)']['zhongxu(self)']['houxu(self)']['width(self, root)']


# coding: utf8# @Author: 郭 璞# @File:                                                                 # @Time: 2017/4/5                                   # @Contact: @blog: @Description: 获取一个模块或者类中的所有方法及参数列表import redef parse(filepath, repattern):    with open(filepath, 'rb') as f:        lines = f.readlines()    # 预解析正则    rep = re.compile(repattern)    # 创建保存方法和参数列表的结果集列表    result = []    # 开始正式的匹配实现    for line in lines:        res = re.findall(rep, str(line))        print("{}的匹配结果{}".format(str(line), res))        if len(res)!=0 or res is not None:            result.append(res)        else:            continue    return [item for item in result if item !=[]]if __name__ == '__main__':    repattern = "def (.[^_0-9]+\(.*?\)):"    filepath = './'    result = parse(filepath, repattern)    for item in result:        print(str(item))



# coding: utf8# @Author: 郭 璞# @File:                                                                 # @Time: 2017/4/6                                   # @Contact: @blog: @Description: 二叉树相关所有内容# 创建二叉树节点class Node(object):    def __init__(self, data, left, right): = data        self.left = None        self.right = None# 创建二叉树class Tree(object):    # 创建一棵树,默认会有一个根节点    def __init__(self, data):        self.root = Node(data, None, None)        self.size = 1        ##########################################################为了计算二叉树的宽度而用        # 存放各层节点数目        self.n = []        # 初始化层,否则列表访问无效        for item in range(pow(2, 5)):            self.n.append(0)        # 索引标识        self.maxwidth = 0        self.i = 0    # 求二叉树包含的节点数目    def getsize(self):        stack = [self.root]        # 为了正确获取数目,这里需要先初始化一下        self.size = 0        while stack:            temp = stack.pop(0)            self.size += 1            if temp.left:                stack.append(temp.left)            if temp.right:                stack.append(temp.right)        return self.size    # 默认以层次遍历打印出该二叉树    def print(self):        stack = [self.root]        while stack:            temp = stack.pop(0)            print(str("\t", end='\t')            if temp.left:                stack.append(temp.left)            if temp.right:                stack.append(temp.right)    # 递归实现前序遍历    def qianxuDG(self, root):        if root:            print(            self.qianxuDG(root.left)            self.qianxuDG(root.right)    # 递归实现中序遍历    def zhongxuDG(self, root):        if root:            self.zhongxuDG(root.left)            print(            self.zhongxuDG(root.right)    # 求得二叉树的最大高度    def height(self, root):        if not root:            return 0        ldeepth = self.height(root.left)        rdeepth = self.height(root.right)        return max(ldeepth+1, rdeepth+1)    # 求得二叉树的最大深度    def deepth(self, root):        return self.height(root)-1    # 递归实现后序遍历    def houxuDG(self, root):        if root:            self.houxuDG(root.left)            self.houxuDG(root.right)            print(    # 二叉树的先序遍历非递归实现    def xianxu(self):        """        进栈向左走, 如果当前节点有右子树, 则先把右子树入栈,再把左子树入栈。来实现先根遍历效果        :return:        """        if self.root is None:            return        else:            stack = [self.root]            while stack:                current = stack.pop()                print(                if current.right:                    stack.append(current.right)                if current.left:                    stack.append(current.left)    # 二叉树的中序非递归实现    def zhongxu(self):        if self.root is None:            return        else:            # stack = [self.root]            # current = stack[-1]            stack = []            current = self.root            while len(stack)!=0 or current:                if current:                    stack.append(current)                    current = current.left                else:                    temp = stack.pop()                    print(                    current = temp.right    # 二叉树的后序非递归实现    def houxu(self):        if self.root is None:            return        else:            stack1 = []            stack2 = []            stack1.append(self.root)            # 对每一个头结点进行判断,先将该头结点放到栈2中,如果该节点有左子树则放入栈1, 有右子树也放到栈1            while stack1:                current = stack1.pop()                stack2.append(current)                if current.left:                    stack1.append(current.left)                if current.right:                    stack1.append(current.right)            # 直接遍历输出stack2即可            while stack2:                print(stack2.pop().data)    # 求一颗二叉树的最大宽度    def width(self, root):        if root is None:            return        else:            # 如果是访问根节点            if self.i == 0:                # 第一层加一                self.n[0] =1                # 到达第二层                self.i += 1                if root.left:                    self.n[self.i] += 1                if root.right:                    self.n[self.i] += 1                # print('临时数据:', self.n)            else:                # 访问子树                self.i += 1                # print('二叉树所在层数:', self.i)                if root.left:                    self.n[self.i] += 1                if root.right:                    self.n[self.i] += 1            # 开始判断, 取出最大值            # maxwidth = max(maxwidth, n[i])            # maxwidth.append(max(max(maxwidth), n[i]))            self.maxwidth= max(self.maxwidth, self.n[self.i])            # 遍历左子树            self.width(root.left)            # 往上退一层            self.i -= 1            # 遍历右子树            self.width(root.right)            return self.maxwidthif __name__ == '__main__':    # 手动创建一课二叉树    print('手动创建一课二叉树')    tree = Tree(1)    tree.root.left = Node(2, None, None)    tree.root.right = Node(3, None, None)    tree.root.left.left = Node(4, None, None)    tree.root.left.right = Node(5, None, None)    tree.root.right.left = Node(6, None, None)    tree.root.right.right = Node(7, None, None)    tree.root.left.left.left = Node(8, None, None)    tree.root.left.left.right = Node(9, None, None)    tree.root.left.right.left = Node(10, None, None)    tree.root.left.right.left = Node(11, None, None)    # 测试一下是否创建成功    print('测试一下是否创建成功')    print(    print(    print(    print(    print(    # 调用方法打印一下效果:以层次遍历实现    print('调用方法打印一下效果:以层次遍历实现')    tree.print()    print('前序遍历递归实现')    # 前序遍历递归实现    tree.qianxuDG(tree.root)    # 中序遍历递归实现    print('中序遍历递归实现')    tree.zhongxuDG(tree.root)    # 后序遍历递归实现    print('后序遍历递归实现')    tree.houxuDG(tree.root)    # 求取二叉树的高度    print('求取二叉树的高度')    print(tree.height(tree.root))    # 求取二叉树的深度    print('求取二叉树的深度')    print(tree.deepth(tree.root))    # 二叉树的非递归先序遍历实现    print('二叉树的非递归先序遍历实现')    tree.xianxu()    print('中序非递归遍历测试')    tree.zhongxu()    print('后序非递归遍历测试')    tree.houxu()    print('二叉树的最大宽度为: {}'.format(tree.width(tree.root)))    print('二叉树的节点数目为: {}'.format(tree.getsize()))


D:\Software\Python3\python.exe E:/Code/Python/Python3/CommonTest/datastructor/TwoBranchTree.py手动创建一课二叉树测试一下是否创建成功12345调用方法打印一下效果:以层次遍历实现1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9       11      前序遍历递归实现12489511367中序遍历递归实现84921151637后序遍历递归实现89411526731求取二叉树的高度4求取二叉树的深度3二叉树的非递归先序遍历实现12489511367中序非递归遍历测试84921151637后序非递归遍历测试89411526731二叉树的最大宽度为: 4二叉树的节点数目为: 10Process finished with exit code 0





有这么一个序列 1,2,3,4,5。现在要用它来实现霍夫曼-----------------------------------------------------------/***  武功秘籍: 先对序列进行排序,然后永远找到序列中最小的两个值,然后在序列中去掉这俩。加和之后放到原来的序列中,再次进行排序。进行下一次循环的执行,直到序列中只剩下一个元素就可以停止了。**/-----------------------------------------------------------所以第一次要找到两个最小的元素:1, 2。此时序列内容为3,4,5对1,2求和之后得到结果3,然后把这个3放到原来的序列中,此时序列变成了3,3,4,5-----------------------------------------------------------第二次:还是找最小的俩元素:3,3求和得到6,放到原序列中,变成了4,5,6-----------------------------------------------------------第三次: 找最小4,5求和得9,放到原序列:6,9-----------------------------------------------------------第四次:最小6,9求和得到15,放到原序列15-----------------------------------------------------------第五次: 序列长度为1,不满足运算条件,执行完毕。所以最终可以得到如下的一颗二叉树:                      15                     /  \                    9     6                  / \    /  \                 4   5   3   3                            /  \                           1    2



class Node(object):    def __init__(self, value, left=None, right=None):        self.value = value        self.left = None        self.right = Noneclass Huffman(object):    def __init__(self, items=[]):        while len(items)!=1:            a, b = items[0], items[1]            newvalue = a.value + b.value            newnode = Node(value=newvalue)            newnode.left, newnode.right = a, b            items.remove(a)            items.remove(b)            items.append(newnode)            items = sorted(items, key=lambda node: int(node.value))            # 每次都要记得更新新的霍夫曼树的根节点            self.root = newnode    def print(self):        queue = [self.root]        while queue:            current = queue.pop(0)            print(current.value, end='\t')            if(current.left):                queue.append(current.left)            if current.right:                queue.append(current.right)        print()



def sortlists(lists):    return sorted(lists, key=lambda node: int(node.value))def create_huffman_tree(lists):    while len(lists)>1:        a, b = lists[0], lists[1]        node = Node(value=int(a.value+b.value))        node.left, node.right = a, b        lists.remove(a)        lists.remove(b)        lists.append(node)        lists = sorted(lists, key=lambda node: node.value)    return listsdef scan(root):    if root:        queue = [root]        while queue:            current = queue.pop(0)            print(current.value, end='\t')            if current.left:                queue.append(current.left)            if current.right:                queue.append(current.right)


if __name__ == '__main__':    ls = [Node(i) for i in range(1, 5)]    huffman = Huffman(items=ls)    huffman.print()    print('===================================, ')    lssl = [Node(i) for i in range(1, 5)]    root = create_huffman_tree(lssl)[0]    scan(root)


D:\Software\Python3\python.exe E:/Code/Python/Python3/CommonTest/datastructor/霍夫曼树创建.py10  4   6   3   3   1   2   ===================================, 下面的方式不正确的原因是ls已经被上面代码修改过了,需要重新设置一下!10  4   6   3   3   1   2   Process finished with exit code 0



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