
来源:互联网 发布:windows defender红叉 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 13:29







  模拟器录制的第二张比较卡,但是大致的效果是能看出来的,大家也能一目了然的看出两张图的区别吧,那就是点击“飘逸的我”按钮的点击事件的不同,其实这就是补间动画和属性动画的本质的区别。补间动画虽能对控件做动画,但并没有改变控件内部的属性值。而Property Animator则是恰恰相反,Property Animator是通过改变控件内部的属性值来达到动画效果的。



public class MainActivity extends Activity implements OnClickListener {private Button btn_move;private Button btn_start;@Overrideprotected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);initView();setListener();}private void initView() {btn_start = (Button) findViewById(R.id.btn_start);btn_move = (Button) findViewById(R.id.btn_move);}private void setListener() {btn_start.setOnClickListener(this);btn_move.setOnClickListener(this);}@Overridepublic void onClick(View v) {switch (v.getId()) {case R.id.btn_start://viewAnimation(btn_move);        //补间动画        propertyAnimation(btn_move);    //属性动画break;case R.id.btn_move:Toast.makeText(this, "点我干嘛", 0).show();break;default:break;}}private void propertyAnimation(final View view) {    ValueAnimator animator = ValueAnimator.ofInt(0,200);      animator.setDuration(1500);            animator.addUpdateListener(new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() {          @Override          public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) {              int curValue = (int)animation.getAnimatedValue();              view.layout(dp2px(MainActivity.this, 100), dp2px(MainActivity.this, 100)+curValue, dp2px(MainActivity.this, 100)+view.getWidth(), curValue+view.getHeight()+dp2px(MainActivity.this, 100));        }              });    //属性动画的相关监听    animator.addListener(new AnimatorListener() {@Overridepublic void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) {// TODO Auto-generated method stub}@Overridepublic void onAnimationRepeat(Animator animation) {// TODO Auto-generated method stub}@Overridepublic void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {// TODO Auto-generated method stub}@Overridepublic void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) {// TODO Auto-generated method stub}});    animator.start();  }private void viewAnimation(View view) {TranslateAnimation translateAnimation = new TranslateAnimation(0, 0, 0, 200);translateAnimation.setFillAfter(true);translateAnimation.setDuration(1500);view.startAnimation(translateAnimation);}/** * 根据手机的分辨率从 dp 的单位 转成为 px(像素) */public  int dp2px(Context context, int dpValue) {final float scale = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;return (int) (dpValue * scale + 0.5f);}}

private void viewAnimation(View view) {TranslateAnimation translateAnimation = new TranslateAnimation(0, 0, 0, 200);translateAnimation.setFillAfter(true);translateAnimation.setDuration(1500);view.startAnimation(translateAnimation);}

  属性动画Property Animator包括ValueAnimator和ObjectAnimator;而我们这篇用到的是ValueAnimator。



    ValueAnimator animator = ValueAnimator.ofInt(0,200);      animator.setDuration(1500);            animator.addUpdateListener(new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() {          @Override          public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) {              int curValue = (int)animation.getAnimatedValue();              view.layout(dp2px(MainActivity.this, 100), dp2px(MainActivity.this, 100)+curValue, dp2px(MainActivity.this, 100)+view.getWidth(), curValue+view.getHeight()+dp2px(MainActivity.this, 100));        }              });    animator.start(); 

ValueAnimator animator = ValueAnimator.ofInt(0,200); 

  /**     * Constructs and returns a ValueAnimator that animates between int values. A single     * value implies that that value is the one being animated to. However, this is not typically     * useful in a ValueAnimator object because there is no way for the object to determine the     * starting value for the animation (unlike ObjectAnimator, which can derive that value     * from the target object and property being animated). Therefore, there should typically     * be two or more values.     *     * @param values A set of values that the animation will animate between over time.     * @return A ValueAnimator object that is set up to animate between the given values.     */    public static ValueAnimator ofInt(int... values) {        ValueAnimator anim = new ValueAnimator();        anim.setIntValues(values);        return anim;    }    /**     * Constructs and returns a ValueAnimator that animates between color values. A single     * value implies that that value is the one being animated to. However, this is not typically     * useful in a ValueAnimator object because there is no way for the object to determine the     * starting value for the animation (unlike ObjectAnimator, which can derive that value     * from the target object and property being animated). Therefore, there should typically     * be two or more values.     *     * @param values A set of values that the animation will animate between over time.     * @return A ValueAnimator object that is set up to animate between the given values.     */    public static ValueAnimator ofArgb(int... values) {        ValueAnimator anim = new ValueAnimator();        anim.setIntValues(values);        anim.setEvaluator(ArgbEvaluator.getInstance());        return anim;    }    /**     * Constructs and returns a ValueAnimator that animates between float values. A single     * value implies that that value is the one being animated to. However, this is not typically     * useful in a ValueAnimator object because there is no way for the object to determine the     * starting value for the animation (unlike ObjectAnimator, which can derive that value     * from the target object and property being animated). Therefore, there should typically     * be two or more values.     *     * @param values A set of values that the animation will animate between over time.     * @return A ValueAnimator object that is set up to animate between the given values.     */    public static ValueAnimator ofFloat(float... values) {        ValueAnimator anim = new ValueAnimator();        anim.setFloatValues(values);        return anim;    }

  这里我把代码改为: ValueAnimator animator = ValueAnimator.ofInt(0,200,-60,300); 

其实就是动画线性点的变化;大家有没有注意到我在给大家展示源码的时候还展示了两个方法ofArgb(int... values)和ofFloat(float... values),这两个方法是什么意思呢?先不要急,一步步往下看,我们第一步创建了ValueAnimator的实例。

第二部: animator.setDuration(1500);  这个就不解释了,你懂得!

第三部:   animator.addUpdateListener(new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() {  
            public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) {  
                int curValue = (int)animation.getAnimatedValue();  
                view.layout(dp2px(MainActivity.this, 100), dp2px(MainActivity.this, 100)+curValue, dp2px(MainActivity.this, 100)+view.getWidth(), curValue+view.getHeight()+dp2px(MainActivity.this, 100));

这是最关键的一步,动画时刻更新的监听器,其中在onAnimationUpdate的重写方法中有一个   int curValue = (int)animation.getAnimatedValue();可能大家不知道这个得到的int值是什么,无妨看下日志:

   我只是截取了一部分,其实就是我们设置的ofInt(0,200)值的变化,  int curValue = (int)animation.getAnimatedValue();  其实这边有一个强制的转换直接强转为int了,为什么?因为我们在创建实例的时候用的是ofInt(),如果你用的是ofFloat()那这边只能强制转换为float。那可能大家有想问什么时候用ofInt什么时候用ofFloat呢?其实很简单具体的就要看你的属性动画是用来干什么的,我这边是位置的改变用到的是:

view.layout(dp2px(MainActivity.this, 100), dp2px(MainActivity.this, 100)+curValue, dp2px(MainActivity.this, 100)+view.getWidth(), curValue+view.getHeight()+dp2px(MainActivity.this, 100));
view.layout(int l, int t, int r, int b),这个方法里面用到的是int值那么我就用ofInt,如果你的属性动画想来改变透明度那就用ofFloat,如果你想改变色值就要用ofArgb了,所以一切就看你想要什么。当然属性动画也有着自己基本的方法,比如设置插值器,设置重复模式,设置重复次数,这些基本的东西不管什么动画都是有的,我也不具体的说明了。

  animator.setInterpolator(new BounceInterpolator());    animator.setRepeatCount(1);    animator.setRepeatMode(ValueAnimator.RESTART);


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