JAVA redis连接池

来源:互联网 发布:mac炉石传说加速器 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 01:09

/** * 缓存连接池 * @author rcj */@Componentpublic class CacheService {private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CacheService.class);private static JedisPool jedisPool;    static{String host=ConfigContext.getStringValue("");int port=Integer.valueOf(ConfigContext.getStringValue("redis.port"));String password=ConfigContext.getStringValue("redis.pass");int timeout=Integer.valueOf(ConfigContext.getStringValue("redis.timeout"));int maxIdle=Integer.valueOf(ConfigContext.getStringValue("redis.maxIdle"));int maxTotal=Integer.valueOf(ConfigContext.getStringValue("redis.maxActive"));int maxWait=Integer.valueOf(ConfigContext.getStringValue("redis.maxWait"));JedisPoolConfig config = new JedisPoolConfig();config.setMaxWaitMillis(maxWait); //  最大等待时间config.setMaxTotal(maxTotal);         //  最大连接数config.setMinIdle(maxIdle);           //  允许最小的空闲连接数config.setTestOnBorrow(false);  //  申请到连接时是否效验连接是否有效,对性能有影响,建议关闭config.setTestOnReturn(false);  //  使用完连接放回连接池时是否效验连接是否有效,对性能有影响,建议关闭config.setTestWhileIdle(true);  //  申请到连接时,如果空闲时间大于TimeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis时间,效验连接是否有效,建议开启,对性能有效不大config.setTimeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis(30000); //TestWhileIdle的判断依据jedisPool=new JedisPool(config, host, port, timeout,password);    }            /**     * 获取Jedis对象     * @return     */    public static Jedis getJedis(){    return jedisPool.getResource();    }                /**     * 设置缓存对象     * @param key     * @param value     */    public void set(String key,String value){        Jedis jedis = null;        boolean broken = false;        try{            jedis = jedisPool.getResource();            jedis.set(key, value);        }catch (JedisException e) {            broken = handleJedisException(e);            throw e;        } finally {            closeResource(jedis, broken);        }    }        /**     * 设置缓存对象     * @param key     * @param value     */    public void lset(String key,int index,String value){        Jedis jedis = null;        boolean broken = false;        try{            jedis = jedisPool.getResource();            jedis.lset(key, index, value);        }catch (JedisException e) {            broken = handleJedisException(e);            throw e;        } finally {            closeResource(jedis, broken);        }    }            /**     * 删除缓存对象     * @param key     * @param value     */    public Long lrem(String key,long count,String value){        Jedis jedis = null;        boolean broken = false;        try{            jedis = jedisPool.getResource();            return jedis.lrem(key, count, value);        }catch (JedisException e) {            broken = handleJedisException(e);            throw e;        } finally {            closeResource(jedis, broken);        }    }            /**     * 删除缓存对象     * @param key     * @param value     */    public Long lrem(byte[] key,long count,byte[] value){        Jedis jedis = null;        boolean broken = false;        try{            jedis = jedisPool.getResource();            return jedis.lrem(key, count, value);        }catch (JedisException e) {            broken = handleJedisException(e);            throw e;        } finally {            closeResource(jedis, broken);        }    }            /**     * 设置缓存对象     * @param key     * @param value     */    public void set(byte[] key,byte[] value){        Jedis jedis = null;        boolean broken = false;        try{            jedis = jedisPool.getResource();            jedis.set(key, value);        }catch (JedisException e) {            broken = handleJedisException(e);            throw e;        } finally {            closeResource(jedis, broken);        }    }                /**     * 获取缓存对象     * @param key     * @return     */    public String get(String key){        Jedis jedis = null;        boolean broken = false;        try{            jedis = jedisPool.getResource();            return jedis.get(key);        }catch (JedisException e) {            broken = handleJedisException(e);            throw e;        } finally {            closeResource(jedis, broken);        }    }        /**     * 获取缓存对象     * @param key     * @return     */    public byte[] get(byte[] key){        Jedis jedis = null;        boolean broken = false;        try{            jedis = jedisPool.getResource();            return jedis.get(key);        }catch (JedisException e) {            broken = handleJedisException(e);            throw e;        } finally {            closeResource(jedis, broken);        }    }    /**     * 删除缓存对象     * @param key     */    public void del(String key){        Jedis jedis = null;        boolean broken = false;        try{            jedis = jedisPool.getResource();            jedis.del(key);        }catch (JedisException e) {            broken = handleJedisException(e);            throw e;        } finally {            closeResource(jedis, broken);        }    }        /**     * 判断key是否存在     * @param key     * @return     */    public boolean exists(String key){     Jedis jedis = null;     boolean broken = false;         try{            jedis = jedisPool.getResource();            return jedis.exists(key);         }catch (JedisException e) {             broken = handleJedisException(e);             throw e;         } finally {             closeResource(jedis, broken);         }    }        public Long llen(String key) {    Jedis jedis = null;    boolean broken = false;        try{            jedis = jedisPool.getResource();            return jedis.llen(key);        }catch (JedisException e) {            broken = handleJedisException(e);            throw e;        } finally {            closeResource(jedis, broken);        }}            public Long llen(byte[] key) {    Jedis jedis = null;    boolean broken = false;        try{            jedis = jedisPool.getResource();            return jedis.llen(key);        }catch (JedisException e) {            broken = handleJedisException(e);            throw e;        } finally {            closeResource(jedis, broken);        }}                    public Long lpush(String key, String[] strings) {    Jedis jedis = null;    boolean broken = false;        try{            jedis = jedisPool.getResource();            return jedis.lpush(key,strings);        }catch (JedisException e) {            broken = handleJedisException(e);            throw e;        } finally {            closeResource(jedis, broken);        }}                public Boolean hexists(byte[] key, byte[] field) {    Jedis jedis = null;    boolean broken = false;        try{            jedis = jedisPool.getResource();            return jedis.hexists(key,field);        }catch (JedisException e) {            broken = handleJedisException(e);            throw e;        } finally {            closeResource(jedis, broken);        }}                public byte[] hget(byte[] key, byte[] field) {    Jedis jedis = null;    boolean broken = false;        try{            jedis = jedisPool.getResource();            return jedis.hget(key,field);        }catch (JedisException e) {            broken = handleJedisException(e);            throw e;        } finally {            closeResource(jedis, broken);        }}                public Long hlen(byte[] key) {    Jedis jedis = null;    boolean broken = false;        try{            jedis = jedisPool.getResource();            return jedis.hlen(key);        }catch (JedisException e) {            broken = handleJedisException(e);            throw e;        } finally {            closeResource(jedis, broken);        }}                public Long hlen(String key) {    Jedis jedis = null;    boolean broken = false;        try{            jedis = jedisPool.getResource();            return jedis.hlen(key);        }catch (JedisException e) {            broken = handleJedisException(e);            throw e;        } finally {            closeResource(jedis, broken);        }}                public String hget(String key, String field) {     Jedis jedis = null;     boolean broken = false;         try{             jedis = jedisPool.getResource();             return jedis.hget(key,field);         }catch (JedisException e) {             broken = handleJedisException(e);             throw e;         } finally {             closeResource(jedis, broken);         }}            public Map<String,String> hgetAll(String key) {    Jedis jedis = null;    boolean broken = false;        try{            jedis = jedisPool.getResource();            return jedis.hgetAll(key);        }catch (JedisException e) {            broken = handleJedisException(e);            throw e;        } finally {            closeResource(jedis, broken);        }}                public List<String> lrange(String key, long start, long end) {    Jedis jedis = null;    boolean broken = false;        try{            jedis = jedisPool.getResource();            return jedis.lrange(key,start,end);        }catch (JedisException e) {            broken = handleJedisException(e);            throw e;        } finally {            closeResource(jedis, broken);        }}        public List<byte[]> lrange(byte[] key, long start, long end) {    Jedis jedis = null;    boolean broken = false;        try{            jedis = jedisPool.getResource();            return jedis.lrange(key,start,end);        }catch (JedisException e) {            broken = handleJedisException(e);            throw e;        } finally {            closeResource(jedis, broken);        }}            public Long rpush(String key, String jsonStr) {    Jedis jedis = null;    boolean broken = false;        try{            jedis = jedisPool.getResource();            return jedis.rpush(key,jsonStr);        }catch (JedisException e) {            broken = handleJedisException(e);            throw e;        } finally {            closeResource(jedis, broken);        }}            public Long lpush(String key, String strings) {    Jedis jedis = null;    boolean broken = false;        try{            jedis = jedisPool.getResource();            return jedis.lpush(key,strings);        }catch (JedisException e) {            broken = handleJedisException(e);            throw e;        } finally {            closeResource(jedis, broken);        }}            public String rpop(String key) {    Jedis jedis = null;    boolean broken = false;        try{            jedis = jedisPool.getResource();            return jedis.rpop(key);        }catch (JedisException e) {            broken = handleJedisException(e);            throw e;        } finally {            closeResource(jedis, broken);        }}                public Long hset(String key, String field, String value) {    Jedis jedis = null;    boolean broken = false;        try{            jedis = jedisPool.getResource();            return jedis.hset(key,field,value);        }catch (JedisException e) {            broken = handleJedisException(e);            throw e;        } finally {            closeResource(jedis, broken);        }}                public Boolean hexists(String key, String field) {    Jedis jedis = null;    boolean broken = false;        try{            jedis = jedisPool.getResource();            return jedis.hexists(key,field);        }catch (JedisException e) {            broken = handleJedisException(e);            throw e;        } finally {            closeResource(jedis, broken);        }}            public Long hset(byte[] key, byte[] field, byte[] value) {    Jedis jedis = null;    boolean broken = false;        try{            jedis = jedisPool.getResource();            return jedis.hset(key,field,value);        }catch (JedisException e) {            broken = handleJedisException(e);            throw e;        } finally {            closeResource(jedis, broken);        }}                public Long hdel(byte[] key, byte[] byteInfo) {    Jedis jedis = null;    boolean broken = false;        try{            jedis = jedisPool.getResource();            return jedis.hdel(key,byteInfo);        }catch (JedisException e) {            broken = handleJedisException(e);            throw e;        } finally {            closeResource(jedis, broken);        }}            public Long hdel(String key, String byteInfo) {    Jedis jedis = null;    boolean broken = false;        try{            jedis = jedisPool.getResource();            return jedis.hdel(key,byteInfo);        }catch (JedisException e) {            broken = handleJedisException(e);            throw e;        } finally {            closeResource(jedis, broken);        }}            public String hmset(String key, Map<String, String> hash) {    Jedis jedis = null;    boolean broken = false;        try{            jedis = jedisPool.getResource();            return jedis.hmset(key,hash);        }catch (JedisException e) {            broken = handleJedisException(e);            throw e;        } finally {            closeResource(jedis, broken);        }}            /*     *      */    public void expire(String key, int seconds){        Jedis jedis = null;        boolean broken = false;        try{            jedis = jedisPool.getResource();            jedis.expire(key,seconds);        }catch (JedisException e) {            broken = handleJedisException(e);            throw e;        } finally {            closeResource(jedis, broken);        }    }                        public void flushdb() {    Jedis jedis = null;    boolean broken = false;        try{            jedis = jedisPool.getResource();            jedis.flushDB();        }catch (JedisException e) {            broken = handleJedisException(e);            throw e;        } finally {            closeResource(jedis, broken);        }}                /**     * Handle jedisException, write log and return whether the connection is broken.     */    protected boolean handleJedisException(JedisException jedisException) {        if (jedisException instanceof JedisConnectionException) {            logger.error("Redis connection " + jedisPool + " lost.", jedisException);        } else if (jedisException instanceof JedisDataException) {            if ((jedisException.getMessage() != null) && (jedisException.getMessage().indexOf("READONLY") != -1)) {                logger.error("Redis connection " + jedisPool + " are read-only slave.", jedisException);            } else {                // dataException, isBroken=false                return false;            }        } else {            logger.error("Jedis exception happen.", jedisException);        }        return true;    }    /**     * Return jedis connection to the pool, call different return methods depends on the conectionBroken status.     */    @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")public static void closeResource(Jedis jedis, boolean conectionBroken) {        try {            if (conectionBroken) {                jedisPool.returnBrokenResource(jedis);            } else {                jedisPool.returnResource(jedis);            }        } catch (Exception e) {            logger.error("return back jedis failed, will fore close the jedis.", e);            if(jedis!=null){            jedis.close();            }        }    }                                    }


 private CacheService jedis;

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