A CUDA context was created on a GPU that is currently not debuggable. Breakpoints will be disabled解决

来源:互联网 发布:access数据库拆分字段 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 06:02

A CUDA context was created on a GPU that is currently not debuggable. Breakpoints will be disabled 解决方案

   win10 系统,vs2013,CUDA8.0,Nsight 5.2,Tesla C2075显卡,在CUDA调试程序时,程序直接忽略断点。Nsight的属性设置和NVIDIA Moniter设置都正确,但还是不行。无奈之下,去NVIDIA官网查阅资料https://developer.nvidia.com/gameworksdownload,终于找到问题在哪里。原来是Nsight的版本不兼容。


Important information about the NVIDIA® Nsight™ Visual Studio Edition5.2 release

Display Driver

You must install the NVIDIA display driver that supports the NVIDIA Nsight tools. If you have an NVIDIA graphics card installed on your target machine, you likely already have an NVIDIA display driver; however,NVIDIA Nsight requires a specific version of the driver in order to function properly. From the NVIDIA web site, download and install the following display driver (or newer):

GeForce driver release 376.09 or newer

Quadro driver release 375.86 or newer 

这段话是Nsight5.2 官方文档,支持的驱动GeForce 要达到376.09,Quadro 375.86.,具体驱动号和驱动下载可以去官网输入系统和显卡型号查询http://www.nvidia.cn/Download/index.aspx?lang=cn。当然驱动可以不必自行下载安装,当装上cuda8.0后,驱动会自动安装更新。



    当然也可以尝试不卸载CUDA8.0,在官网下载Nisght Visual Studio Edition5.1以下版本,单独安装。不过能否兼容不知道。

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