
来源:互联网 发布:廖雪峰python 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 09:33




import java.util.Scanner;public class BoyerMoore2 {    public static final int ALPHABET_SIZE = Character.MAX_VALUE + 1;      private String text;  private String pattern;    private int[] last;  private int[] match;  private int[] suffix;    public BoyerMoore2(String pattern, String text) {    this.text = text;    this.pattern = pattern;    last = new int[ALPHABET_SIZE];    match = new int[pattern.length()];    suffix = new int[pattern.length()];  }      public int match() {    // PreprocessingcomputeLast();    computeMatch();        // Searching    int i=pattern.length()-1;    int j = 0;        while (j<=text.length()-pattern.length()) {      for(i=pattern.length()-1;i>=0&&pattern.charAt(i) == text.charAt(i+j);i--);      if(i<0){         return j;      }else{         j+=Math.max(last[text.charAt(j+i)]-pattern.length()+i+1, match[i]);      }    }    return -1;      }    private void computeLast() {    for (int k = 0; k < last.length; k++) {       last[k] = pattern.length();    }    for (int j = 0; j <pattern.length()-1; j++) {        last[pattern.charAt(j)] = pattern.length()-1-j;    }  }      private void computeMatch() {    /* Phase 1 */    for (int j = 0; j < match.length; j++) {       match[j] = match.length;    } //O(m)         computeSuffix(); //O(m)            /* Phase 2 */    for(int i=suffix.length-1;i>=0;i--){    if(i+1==suffix[i]){    for(int j=0;j<suffix.length-1-i;j++)    {    if(suffix.length==match[j]){    match[j]=suffix.length-1-i;    }    }    }    }         /* Phase 3 */    for(int i=0;i<=suffix.length-2;i++){    match[suffix.length-1-suffix[i]]=suffix.length-1-i;    }  }    private void computeSuffix() {          int f=suffix.length-2;  suffix[suffix.length-1]=suffix.length;  int g=suffix.length-1;  for(int i=suffix.length-2;i>=0;--i){  if(i>g&&suffix[i+suffix.length-1-f]<i-g)  {  suffix[i]=suffix[i+suffix.length-1-f];  }  else  {  if(i<g)  {  g=i;  }  f=i;  while(g>=0&&pattern.charAt(g)==pattern.charAt(g+pattern.length()-1-f)){  --g;  }  suffix[i]=f-g;  }  }  }    public static void main(String[]args){  Scanner cin=new Scanner(;  String str=cin.nextLine();  String pattern=cin.nextLine();  System.out.println(new BoyerMoore2(pattern,str).match());  }  }

import java.util.Scanner;/** * Implementation of the Boyer-Moore Algorithm for pattern matching. * @author V.Boutchkova */public class BoyerMoore {    public static final int ALPHABET_SIZE = Character.MAX_VALUE + 1;      private String text;  private String pattern;    private int[] last;  private int[] match;  private int[] suffix;    public BoyerMoore(String pattern, String text) {    this.text = text;    this.pattern = pattern;    last = new int[ALPHABET_SIZE];    match = new int[pattern.length()];    suffix = new int[pattern.length()];  }    /**   * Searches the pattern in the text.   * Returns the position of the first occurrence, if found and -1 otherwise.   */    public int match() {    // Preprocessing    computeLast();    computeMatch();        // Searching    int i = pattern.length() - 1;    int j = pattern.length() - 1;        while (i < text.length()) {      if (pattern.charAt(j) == text.charAt(i)) {        if (j == 0) {           //the left-most match is found          return i;        }        j--;        i--;      } else { //a difference          i += pattern.length() - j - 1 + Math.max(j - last[text.charAt(i)], match[j]);          j = pattern.length() - 1;      }    }    return -1;      }    /**   * Computes the function <i>last</i> and stores its values in the array <code>last</code>.   * The function is defined as follows:   * <pre>   * last(Char ch) = the index of the right-most occurrence of the character ch   *                                                           in the pattern;    *                 -1 if ch does not occur in the pattern.   * </pre>   * The running time is O(pattern.length() + |Alphabet|).   */  private void computeLast() {    for (int k = 0; k < last.length; k++) {       last[k] = -1;    }    for (int j = pattern.length()-1; j >= 0; j--) {      if (last[pattern.charAt(j)] < 0) {        last[pattern.charAt(j)] = j;      }    }  }    /**   * Computes the function <i>match</i> and stores its values in the array <code>match</code>.   * The function is defined as follows:   * <pre>   * match(j) = min{ s | 0 < s <= j && p[j-s]!=p[j]   *                            && p[j-s+1]..p[m-s-1] is suffix of p[j+1]..p[m-1] },    *                                                         if such s exists, else   *            min{ s | j+1 <= s <= m    *                            && p[0]..p[m-s-1] is suffix of p[j+1]..p[m-1] },    *                                                         if such s exists,   *            m, otherwise,   * where m is the pattern's length and p is the pattern.   * </pre>   * The running time is O(pattern.length()).   */  private void computeMatch() {    /* Phase 1 */    for (int j = 0; j < match.length; j++) {       match[j] = match.length;    } //O(m)         computeSuffix(); //O(m)            /* Phase 2 */    //Uses an auxiliary array, backwards version of the KMP failure function.    //suffix[i] = the smallest j > i s.t. p[j..m-1] is a prefix of p[i..m-1],    //if there is no such j, suffix[i] = m        //Compute the smallest shift s, such that 0 < s <= j and    //p[j-s]!=p[j] and p[j-s+1..m-s-1] is suffix of p[j+1..m-1] or j == m-1},     //                                                         if such s exists,    for (int i = 0; i < match.length - 1; i++) {      int j = suffix[i + 1] - 1; // suffix[i+1] <= suffix[i] + 1      if (suffix[i] > j) { // therefore pattern[i] != pattern[j]        match[j] = j - i;      } else {// j == suffix[i]        match[j] = Math.min(j - i + match[i], match[j]);      }     } //End of Phase 2      /* Phase 3 */    //Uses the suffix array to compute each shift s such that    //p[0..m-s-1] is a suffix of p[j+1..m-1] with j < s < m    //and stores the minimum of this shift and the previously computed one.    if (suffix[0] < pattern.length()) {      for (int j = suffix[0] - 1; j >= 0; j--) {        if (suffix[0] < match[j]) { match[j] = suffix[0]; }      }      int j = suffix[0];      for (int k = suffix[j]; k < pattern.length(); k = suffix[k]) {        while (j < k) {          if (match[j] > k) match[j] = k;          j++;        }             }    }//endif  }    /**   * Computes the values of <code>suffix</code>, which is an auxiliary array,    * backwards version of the KMP failure function.   * <br>   * suffix[i] = the smallest j > i s.t. p[j..m-1] is a prefix of p[i..m-1],   * if there is no such j, suffix[i] = m, i.e. <br>   * p[suffix[i]..m-1] is the longest prefix of p[i..m-1], if suffix[i] < m.   * <br>   * The running time for computing the <code>suffix</code> is O(m).   */  private void computeSuffix() {            suffix[suffix.length-1] = suffix.length;                int j = suffix.length - 1;    //suffix[i] = m - the length of the longest prefix of p[i..m-1]    for (int i = suffix.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) {       while (j < suffix.length - 1 && pattern.charAt(j) != pattern.charAt(i)) {        j = suffix[j + 1] - 1;       }      if (pattern.charAt(j) == pattern.charAt(i)) { j--; }      suffix[i] = j + 1;    }      }    public static void main(String[]args){  Scanner cin=new Scanner(;  String str=cin.nextLine();  String pattern=cin.nextLine();  System.out.println(new BoyerMoore(pattern,str).match());  }  }

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