Eclipselink JPA 使用小结

来源:互联网 发布:html5商城整站源码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 22:21


解决:新建一个ArticleMeta 类,从Article中取出title,keywords,description填到ArticleMeta

    @Override    public ArticleMeta getArticleMeta(long articleId) {        CriteriaBuilder cb=entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();        CriteriaQuery<Tuple> cq=cb.createTupleQuery();        Root<Article> root = cq.from(Article.class);        Expression<Long> id=root.get("id");        Expression<String> source=root.get("source");        Expression<Boolean> status=root.get("status");        Expression<String> keywords=root.get("keywords");        Expression<String> descript=root.get("descript");        cq.multiselect(id.alias("ID"),source.alias("SOURCE"),status.alias("STATUS"),keywords.alias("KEYWORDS"),descript.alias("DESCRIPT"));        cq.where(cb.equal(id, articleId));        TypedQuery<Tuple> tq=entityManager.createQuery(cq);        Tuple t=tq.getSingleResult();        ArticleMeta am=new ArticleMeta();        am.setId(t.get("ID",Long.class));        am.setKeywords(t.get("KEYWORDS",String.class));        am.setDescript(t.get("DESCRIPT",String.class));        am.setSource(t.get("SOURCE",String.class));        am.setStatus(t.get("STATUS",Boolean.class));        return am;    }

JPA 2.1增加了ConstructorResult ,来实现这个功能更轻松.ArticleMeta需要加几个注解.

/** * 值对象,不与具体的表关联 * @author xiaofanku */@Entitypublic class ArticleMeta implements Serializable {    @Id    private long id;    /**     * 状态     */     private boolean status=true;    /**     * 关键词     */     private String keywords;    /**     * 简述     */     private String descript;    /**     * 来源     */     private String source="站内原创";    /**     * 作者的ID     */    private int authorId;    public ArticleMeta(){        super();    }    public ArticleMeta(            long id,             boolean status,             String keywords,             String descript,             String source,             int authorId) { = id;        this.status=status;        this.keywords = keywords;        this.descript = descript;        this.source= source;        this.authorId = authorId;    }    //GET/SET}


@NamedNativeQuery(  name="findArticleMeta",  query="SELECT, a.status, a.keywords, a.descript, a.source, a.user AS authorId FROM apo_article a WHERE = ?",  resultSetMapping="article-meta")@SqlResultSetMapping(name="article-meta",   classes={     @ConstructorResult(targetClass=ArticleMeta.class, columns={        @ColumnResult(name="id", type=Long.class),        @ColumnResult(name="status", type=Boolean.class),        @ColumnResult(name="keywords", type=String.class),        @ColumnResult(name="descript", type=String.class),        @ColumnResult(name="source", type=String.class),        @ColumnResult(name="authorId", type=Integer.class)    })  })public class Article implements Serializable {}


    @Override    public ArticleMeta getArticleMeta(long articleId) {        TypedQuery<ArticleMeta> query=entityManager.createNamedQuery("findArticleMeta",ArticleMeta.class).setParameter(1, articleId);        return query.getSingleResult();    }

OneToOne 和 ManyToOne关联对象的lazy加载

解决:fetch=FetchType.LAZY, 为什么有时不启作用呢?

Lazy is not working
Lazy OneToOne and ManyToOne relationships typically require some form of weaving or byte-code generation. Normally when running in JSE an agent option is required to allow the byte-code weaving, so ensure you have the agent configured correctly. Some JPA providers perform dynamic subclass generation, so do not require an agent.
Java Persistence/Relationships


<property name="eclipselink.weaving.lazy" value="true"/>


            <plugin>                <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>                <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId>                <version>2.19.1</version>                <dependencies>                    <dependency>                        <groupId>org.apache.maven.surefire</groupId>                        <artifactId>surefire-junit4</artifactId>                        <version>2.19.1</version>                    </dependency>                </dependencies>                <configuration>                    <argLine>-Dfile.encoding=${}</argLine>                    <argLine>-javaagent:d:\\eclipselink.jar</argLine>                </configuration>            </plugin>

1> Netbeans8.x中的javaagent在:项目名右击>属性>弹出窗口中类别:运行


2> 方法代码:

private Page<Article> getAll(Pageable pageable) {    Query query=entityManager.createQuery("SELECT a FROM Article a WHERE a.status=TRUE");    query.setFirstResult(pageable.getOffset());    query.setMaxResults(pageable.getPageSize());    //ETC}

3> 测试:没有lazy或lazy不启作用时的sql输出,可见关联的对象都查了

--SELECT ID AS a1, DESCRIPT AS a2, KEYWORDS AS a3, PUBLISH AS a4, SOURCE AS a5, STATUS AS a6, TITLE AS a7, channel AS a8, type AS a9, user AS a10, album AS a11, hash AS a12 FROM apo_article WHERE (STATUS = ?) LIMIT ?, ?    bind => [true, 0, 10]--SELECT CID, DATE, ENAME, NAME, STATUS, master FROM apo_category WHERE (CID = ?)    bind => [2]--SELECT UID, ACTIVEDATE, MAIL, NICKNAME, REGISTDATE, SALT, SHA256PSWD, STATUS FROM apo_author WHERE (UID = ?)    bind => [1]--SELECT AID, DATE, STATUS, master, cover FROM apo_album WHERE (AID = ?)    bind => [52]--SELECT RID, HASH, HTTPCODE, LOCAL, MIMETYPE, URL FROM apo_imageLink WHERE (RID = ?)    bind => [53]--SELECT HASH, CONTENT FROM apo_article_content WHERE (HASH = ?)    bind => [dc87d9262903b6f8fc020134b6803c51]--SELECT ID, DESCRIPT, KEYWORDS, PUBLISH, SOURCE, STATUS, TITLE, channel, type, user, album, hash FROM apo_article WHERE (hash = ?)    bind => [dc87d9262903b6f8fc020134b6803c51]--SELECT AID, DATE, STATUS, master, cover FROM apo_album WHERE (AID = ?)    bind => [55]--SELECT RID, HASH, HTTPCODE, LOCAL, MIMETYPE, URL FROM apo_imageLink WHERE (RID = ?)    bind => [56]--SELECT HASH, CONTENT FROM apo_article_content WHERE (HASH = ?)    bind => [72b8ab125ac8407042d5a9faa768d3fe]--SELECT ID, DESCRIPT, KEYWORDS, PUBLISH, SOURCE, STATUS, TITLE, channel, type, user, album, hash FROM apo_article WHERE (hash = ?)    bind => [72b8ab125ac8407042d5a9faa768d3fe]

4> 测试:lazy作用时的sql输出,没有关联对象的select

--SELECT ID AS a1, DESCRIPT AS a2, KEYWORDS AS a3, PUBLISH AS a4, SOURCE AS a5, STATUS AS a6, TITLE AS a7, channel AS a8, type AS a9, user AS a10, album AS a11, hash AS a12 FROM apo_article WHERE (STATUS = ?) LIMIT ?, ?    bind => [true, 0, 10]



解决: 每次update时后加上flush和clear

            affect=query.executeUpdate();            entityManager.flush();            entityManager.clear();



A List in Java supports duplicate entries, and a Set does not. In the database, duplicates are generally not supported. Technically it could be possible if a JoinTable is used, but JPA does not require duplicates to be supported, and most providers do not.

If you require duplicate support, you may need to create an object that represents and maps to the join table. This object would still require a unique Id, such as a GeneratedValue.
Mapping a Join Table with Additional Columns

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