
来源:互联网 发布:五笔输入法 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 13:47



  1. Create List
  2. Get File
  3. Import Variables
  4. Template
  5. ExcelLibrary


  1. Read Data From Excel
  2. Read Excel File
  3. Read CSV File
  4. Read Column From Excel
  5. Get Sheet Values From Excel



  • 数据较少

数据比较少的时候,可以使用 Create List, Get File & Import Variables。
创建 List 最快捷、最简单,但是处理多维列表就比较麻烦。如何创建多维列表,请查看齐道长的博客。


从 File 获取数据需要自己封装关键字,把原始数据处理并存储为列表。可以处理稍微复杂的数据,不过 File 存储的数据本身格式并不直观。


Import Variables 和 Create List 类似。相比 Create List,Import Variables 较灵活。因为 Import Variables 可以直接创建多维列表。

list1 = [[['grade1'], [5, 2, 3, 4], [6, 1, 7, 8]], [['grade2'], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]]]

如果数据较少,比 Get Sheet Values From Excel 跟灵活。例如,在 Get Sheet Values From Excel 方法中的实例就需要把三维列表转换为二维列表。三维列表是从网页上获取并存储的数据。

    def Reorgnize_List(self, alsit):        newList = []        for element in alsit:            if isinstance(element, list):                for el in element:                    newList.append(natsort.natsorted(el))        OrderedData = natsort.natsorted(newList)        return OrderedDataif __name__ == '__main__':    obj = main()    list1 = [[['grade1'], [5, 2, 3, 4], [6, 1, 7, 8]], [['grade2'], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]]]    list2 = obj.Reorgnize_List(list1)    print list2

测试新的二维列表与 Excel 中读取的数据保持一致。

list1 = [['grade1'], [5, 2, 3, 4], [6, 1, 7, 8]], ['grade2'], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]]
  • 数据较多

模板 Template,实现数据驱动简单。


但是,缺乏灵活度。比如,Read Column From Excel 方法中实现的选卡并测试每张卡所包含的课程,数据需要在关键字之间交互传递。如果写在一个关键字中,这个关键字将会过于复杂,不易管理维护。

RIDE 提供的 ExcelLibrary 功能较齐全。缺点较明显,即所有数据加上了行列值,处理起来比较麻烦。




三、 源代码

# -*- encoding = cp936 -*-# Author: Allan# Version: 2.0# Data: 2017-3-20import os, sysimport csvimport xdrlibimport xlrdimport jsonimport natsortclass data_center:    def __init__(self):        #Default File Path:        self.data_dir = os.getenv('G_DATACENTER', 'F:\\Robotframework\\common\\resource')        #print self.data_dir        #Current Log Path:        self.curr_dir = os.getenv('G_CURRENTLOG', 'f:\\robotframework\\logs')        #print self.curr_dir    def Read_Data_From_Excel(self, filename, path=None, includeEmptyCells=True):        """        Returns the values from the file name specified. Returned values is separated and each sublist is one column.        Arguments:                |  filename (string)  | The selected Excel file that the cell values will be returned from. |                |  path               | Default dirctory is G_DATACENTER |        Example:        | *Keywords*           |  *Parameters*                                      |        | ${data}    |  Read_Data_From_Excel           |  ExcelRobotTest.xls  |     %{G_DATACENTER}      |  includeEmptyCells=True |        """        if path == None:            file = os.path.join(self.data_dir, filename) # Default File Path        else:            file = os.path.join(path, filename)        try:            data = xlrd.open_workbook(file)            table = data.sheets()[0]            nrows = table.nrows            nclos = table.ncols            listAll=[]            for row in range(2,nrows):                alist=[]                for col in range(1,nclos):                    val = table.cell(row,col).value                    # Solve issue that get integer data from Excel file would be auto-changed to float type.                    alist.append(self.keep_integer_type_from_excel(val))                listAll.append(alist)            #print listAll            listAll = self.unic(listAll)        except Exception, e:            print str(e)        if includeEmptyCells is True:            return listAll        else:            newList = []            for element in listAll:                while "" in element:                    element.remove("")                newList.append(natsort.natsorted(element))            OrderedData = natsort.natsorted(newList)            return OrderedData    def Read_Excel_File(self, filename, path=None, includeEmptyCells=True):        """        Returns the values from the file name specified. Returned values is separated and each sublist is one column.        Arguments:                |  filename (string)  | The selected Excel file that the cell values will be returned from. |                |  path               | Default dirctory is G_DATACENTER |        Example:        | *Keywords*           |  *Parameters*                                      |        | ${data}    |  Read_Excel_File           |  ExcelRobotTest.xls  |     %{G_DATACENTER}      |   includeEmptyCells=True   |        """        if path == None:            file = os.path.join(self.data_dir, filename) # Default File Path        else:            file = os.path.join(path, filename)        try:            data = xlrd.open_workbook(file)            table = data.sheets()[0]            nrows = table.nrows            nclos = table.ncols            listAll=[]            for row in range(2,nrows):                for col in range(1,nclos):                    val = table.cell(row,col).value                    # Solve issue that get integer data from Excel file would be auto-changed to float type.                    value = self.keep_integer_type_from_excel(val)                    # print value, type(value)                    listAll.append(value)            #print listAll            listAll = self.unic(listAll)        except Exception, e:            print str(e)        if includeEmptyCells is True:            return listAll        else:            # Delete all empty data            while '' in listAll:                listAll.remove('')            return listAll    def Read_CSV_File(self, filename, path=None):        """        Returns the values from the sheet name specified.        Arguments:                |  filename (string)  | The selected CSV file that the cell values will be returned from. |                |  path               | Default dirctory is G_DATACENTER |        Example:        | *Keywords*           |  *Parameters*                                                    |        | ${data}    |  Read_CSV_File           |  ExcelRobotTest.csv  |     %{G_DATACENTER}      |          """        if path == None:            file = os.path.join(self.data_dir, filename) # Default File Path        else:            file = os.path.join(path, filename)        data = []        with open(file, 'rb') as csvfile:            data = [each for each in csv.DictReader(csvfile)]            # reader =csv.reader(csvfile)            # for col in reader:            #   data.append(col)            return self.unic(data)    def is_number(self, val):        # Check if value is number not str.        try:            float(val)            return True        except ValueError:            pass        try:            import unicodedata            unicodedata.numeric(val)            return True        except (TypeError, ValueError):            pass    def keep_integer_type_from_excel(self, value):        # Keep integer number as integer type. When reading from excel it has been changed to float type.        if self.is_number(value) and type(value) != unicode and value%1 == 0:            return str(int(value))        else:            return value    def unic(self, item):        # Resolved Chinese mess code.        try:            item = json.dumps(item, ensure_ascii=False, encoding='cp936')        except UnicodeDecodeError:            try:                item = json.dumps(item, ensure_ascii=False, encoding='cp936')            except:                pass        except:            pass        item = json.loads(item, encoding='cp936') # Convert json data string back        return item    def Read_Column_From_Excel(self, filename, column, path=None, includeEmptyCells=True):        reload(sys)        sys.setdefaultencoding('cp936')         alist = []        if path == None:            file = os.path.join(self.data_dir, filename) #Default Data Directory        else:            file = os.path.join(path, filename)        try:            excel_data = xlrd.open_workbook(file)            table = excel_data.sheets()[0]            for row_index in range(2, table.nrows):                value = table.cell(row_index, int(column)).value                print value                alist.append(self.keep_integer_type_from_excel(value))            #print alist            listAll = self.unic(alist)        except Exception, e:            print str(e)        if includeEmptyCells is True:            return listAll        else:            # Delete all empty data            while '' in listAll:                listAll.remove('')            return listAll    def Get_Sheet_Values_From_Excel(self, filename, sheetname, path=None, includeEmptyCells=True):        """        Returns the values from the sheet name specified.        Arguments:                |  Sheet Name (string)                 | The selected sheet that the cell values will be returned from.                                                              |                |  Include Empty Cells (default=True)  | The empty cells will be included by default. To deactivate and only return cells with values, pass 'False' in the variable. |        Example:        | *Keywords*           |  *Parameters*                                      |        | Get Sheet Values           |  ExcelRobotTest.csv  | TestSheet1     |     %{G_DATACENTER}         |   includeEmptyCells=True     |        """        if path == None:            file = os.path.join(self.data_dir, filename) #Default Data Directory        else:            file = os.path.join(path, filename)        try:            excel_data = xlrd.open_workbook(file)            sheetNames = self.get_sheet_names(excel_data)            my_sheet_index = sheetNames.index(sheetname)            #print my_sheet_index            table = excel_data.sheet_by_index(my_sheet_index)            nrows = table.nrows            nclos = table.ncols            listAll=[]            for row in range(2,nrows):                alist=[]                for col in range(1,nclos):                    val = table.cell(row,col).value                    # Solve issue that get integer data from Excel file would be auto-changed to float type.                    alist.append(self.keep_integer_type_from_excel(val))                listAll.append(alist)            #print listAll            listAll = self.unic(listAll)        except Exception, e:            print str(e)        if includeEmptyCells is True:            return listAll        else:            newList = []            for element in listAll:                while "" in element:                    element.remove("")                newList.append(natsort.natsorted(element))            OrderedData = natsort.natsorted(newList)            return OrderedData    def get_sheet_names(self, wb):        """        Returns the names of all the worksheets in the current workbook.        Example:        | *Keywords*              |  *Parameters*                                      |        | ${sheetNames}           |  Get Sheets Names                                  |        """        sheetNames = wb.sheet_names()        return sheetNames
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