
来源:互联网 发布:数据分析考研专业 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 17:28



armadillo是目前使用比较广的C++矩阵运算库之一,许多Matlab的矩阵操作函数都可以找到对应,这 对习惯了Matlab的人来说实在是非常方便,另外如果要将Matlab下做研究的代码改写成C++,使用Armadillo也会很方便。下面列了一些Armadillo的特性:
  • 支持整数,浮点数,和复数矩阵。
  • 支持矩阵逐元素操作,包括abs · conj · conv_to · eps · imag/real · misc functions (exp, log, pow, sqrt, round, sign, ...) · trigonometric functions (cos, sin, ...)等等。
  • 支持矩阵分块操作。
  • 支持对整体矩阵的操作diagvec · min/max · prod · sum · statistics (mean, stddev, ...) · accu · as_scalar · det · dot/cdot/norm_dot · log_det · norm · rank · trace等等。
  • Matlab用户,你甚至可以找到你熟悉的hist · histc · unique · cumsum · sort_index · find · repmat · linspace等函数。
  • 除了自带的矩阵基本运算之外,可自动检测是否安装有BLAS,或更快的 OpenBLAS, Intel MKL, AMD ACML,并使用他们替代自带基本运算实现。
  • 提供接口使用LAPACK进行矩阵分解运算,svd · qr · lu · fft等等。
  • 提供了稀疏矩阵类,支持常用操作,但暂时没有矩阵分解的实现。




  #define ARMA_USE_LAPACK 
  #define ARMA_USE_BLAS


3、安装lapack和blas。实际上第一步中下载的压缩包里自带了这两个库,但是在vs2010中用这两个库会出现卡死现象,其他编译环境没有测试。可以去http://icl.cs.utk.edu/lapack-for-windows/clapack/index.html下载blas.lib,libf2c.lib,lapack.lib三个库,并在编译环境的额外依赖库中添加这三个库。(linker-> input-> additional dependencies)





Mat<type>为模板类,其中type可以是:float, double, std::complex, std::complex, short, int, long, and unsigned versions of short, int, long等。为方便起见,Armadillo C++已经预定义了以下类型:

mat  =  Mat<double>  //mat为double类型fmat =  Mat<float>   //fmat为float类型cx_mat  =  Mat<cx_double> //cx_表示复数类型cx_fmat =  Mat<cx_float>umat =  Mat<uword> //相当于unsign int类型imat  =  Mat<sword> //相当于int类型


    mat(size(X), fill_type) 


mat A(5, 5, fill::randu);double x = A(1,2);mat B = A + A;mat C = A * B;mat D = A % B;cx_mat X(A,B);B.zeros();B.set_size(10,10);B.ones(5,6);B.print("B:")


Function/Variable Description:n rows
:n cols
:n elem number of rows (read only)
number of columns (read only)
total number of elements (read only)
(r, c)
.at(r, c)
:memptr() access the i-th element, assuming a column-by-column layout
access the element at row
r and columnc
as per (i), but no bounds check; use only after debugging
as per (r, c), but no bounds check; use only after debugging
obtain the raw memory pointer to element data
:in range(i)
:in range(r, c) test whether the i-th element can be accessed
test whether the element at row
r and columnc can be accessed:reset()
:copy size(A)
:set size(rows, cols)
.reshape(rows, cols)
.resize(rows, cols)
set the number of elements to zero
set the size to be the same as matrix
change size to specified dimensions, without preserving data (fast)
change size to specified dimensions, with elements copied column-wise (slow)
change size to specified dimensions, while preserving elements & their layout (slow)
:ones(rows, cols)
:zeros(rows, cols)
:randu(rows, cols)
:randn(rows, cols)
:for each( [ ] (double& val)f...g)set all elements to one, optionally first resizing to specified dimensions
as above, but set all elements to zero
as above, but set elements to uniformly distributed random values in [0,1] interval
as above, but use a Gaussian/normal distribution with
µ= 0 and σ = 1
set all elements to be equal to
for each element, pass its reference to a lambda function (C++11 only):is empty()
:is finite()
:is square()
:is vec()
:is sorted() test whether there are no elements
test whether all elements are finite
test whether the matrix is square
test whether the matrix is a vector
test whether the matrix is sorted
:has inf()
:has nan() test whether any element is ±1
test whether any element is not-a-number:begin()
:begin row(i)
:end row(j)
:begin col(i)
:end col(j) iterator pointing at the first element
iterator pointing at the
past-the-end element
iterator pointing at first element of row
iterator pointing at one element past row j
iterator pointing at first element of column i
iterator pointing at one element past column j:print(header)
:raw print(header)print elements to the coutstream, with an optional text header
as per .print(), but do not change stream settings
:save(name, format)
:load(name, format)store matrix in the specified file, optionally specifying storage format
retrieve matrix from the specified file, optionally specifying format
:rows(a, b)
:cols(c, d)
:submat( span(a,b), span(c,d) )
:submat( p, q, size(A) )
:rows( vector of row indices )
:cols( vector of col indices )
:elem( vector of indices )read/write access to k-th diagonal
read/write access to row
read/write access to column i
read/write access to submatrix, spanning from rowa to row b
read/write access to submatrix, spanning from columnc to column d
read/write access to submatrix spanning rows a to band columns c to d
read/write access to submatrix starting at row p and col qwith size same as matrix A
read/write access to rows corresponding to the specified indices
read/write access to columns corresponding to the specified indices
read/write access to matrix elements corresponding to the specified indices
:each row()
:each col()
:swap rows(p, q)
:swap cols(p, q)
:insert rows(row, X)
:insert cols(col, X)
:shed rows(first row, last row)
:shed cols(first col, last col)repeat a vector operation on each row (eg.A.each row() += row vector)
repeat a vector operation on each column (eg.
A.each col() += col vector)
swap the contents of specified rows
swap the contents of specified columns
insert a copy of
X at the specified row
insert a copy of
X at the specified column
remove the specified range of rows
remove the specified range of columns
:index min()
:index max() return minimum value
return maximum value
return index of minimum value
return index of maximum value


mat A = randu<mat>(10,10);A(9,9) = 123.0;double x = A.at(9,9);double y = A[99];vec p = randu<vec>(10,1);p(9) = 123.0;double z = p[9];


Matlab & Octave Armadillo NotesA(1, 1)
A(k, k)
A(0, 0)
A(k-1, k-1)
indexing in Armadillo starts at 0, following C++ conventionsize(A,1)
A.n rows
A.n cols
Q.n slices
A.n elem
member variables are read only
Q is a cube (3D array)
.n elem indicates the total number of elements
A(:, k)
A(k, :)
A(:, p:q)
A(p:q, :)
A(p:q, r:s)
A.cols(p, q)
A.rows(p, q)
A( span(p, q), span(r, s) )
read/write access to a specific column
read/write access to a specific row
read/write access to a submatrix spanning the specified cols
read/write access to a submatrix spanning the specified rows
A( span(first row, last row), span(first col, last col) )
Q(:, :, k)
Q(:, :, t:u)
Q.slices(t, u)
Q is a cube (3D array)A0
A:0A.t() or trans(A)
A.st() or strans(A)
transpose (for complex matrices the conjugate is taken)
simple transpose (for complex matrices the conjugate is not taken)
A = zeros(size(A))
A = ones(size(A))
A = zeros(k)
A = ones(k)
A = zeros(k,k)
A = ones(k,k)
set all elements to zero
set all elements to one
create a matrix with elements set to zero
create a matrix with elements set to one
C = complex(A,B) cx mat C = cx mat(A,B) construct a complex matrix out of two real matricesA B
:= B
n B
A = A
+ 1
A = A
- 1 A B
% B
= B
A--% indicates element-wise multiplication
= indicates element-wise division
solve a system of linear equations
A = [ 1 2;
3 4; ]
A = f f 1, 2 g,
f 3, 4 g grequires C++11 compilerX = [ A B ]
X = [ A; B ]
X = join rows(A,B)
X = join cols(A,B)
<< A << endlprint the contents of a matrix to the standard outputsave -ascii ‘A.dat’ A
load -ascii ‘A.dat’
A.save(“A.dat”, raw ascii)
A.load(“A.dat”, raw ascii)
Matlab/Octave matrices saved as ascii text are readable
by Armadillo (and vice-versa)
A = rand(2,3);
B = randn(4,5);
F =
f A; B g; mat A = randu(2,3);
mat B = randn(4,5);
F(0,0) = A; F(1,2) = B;
randu generates uniformly distributed random numbers
the field class can store multiple varying size matrices


#include <iostream>#include <armadillo>using namespace std;using namespace arma;int main(int argc, char** argv){cout<<"Armadillo version: "<<arma_version::as_string()<<endl;mat A(2, 3);  // directly specify the matrix size (elements are uninitialised)cout<<"A.n_rows: "<<A.n_rows<<endl;  // .n_rows and .n_cols are read onlycout<<"A.n_cols: "<<A.n_cols<<endl;cout<<A.is_empty()<<endl;cout<<static_cast<bool>(A.memptr())<<endl;A(1, 2) = 456.0;  // directly access an element (indexing starts at 0)A.print("A:");A = 5.0;         // scalars are treated as a 1x1 matrixA.print("A:");A.set_size(4, 5); // change the size (data is not preserved)A.fill(5.0);     // set all elements to a particular valueA.print("A:");// endr indicates "end of row"A<<0.165300<<0.454037<<0.995795<<0.124098<<0.047084<<endr<<0.688782<<0.036549<<0.552848<<0.937664<<0.866401<<endr<<0.348740<<0.479388<<0.506228<<0.145673<<0.491547<<endr<<0.148678<<0.682258<<0.571154<<0.874724<<0.444632<<endr<<0.245726<<0.595218<<0.409327<<0.367827<<0.385736<<endr;A.print("A:");cout<<"det(A): "<<det(A)<<endl;cout<<"inv(A): "<<endl<<inv(A)<<endl;// save matrix as a text fileA.save("A.txt", raw_ascii);// load from filemat B;B.load("A.txt");// imat specifies an integer matriximat AA;imat BB;AA<<1<<2<<3<<endr<<4<<5<<6<<endr<<7<<8<<9;BB<<3<<2<<1<<endr<<6<<5<<4<<endr<<9<<8<<7;// comparison of matrices (element-wise); output of a relational operator is a umatumat ZZ = (AA>=BB);ZZ.print("ZZ:");// 2D field of matrices; 3D fields are also supportedfield<mat> F(4, 3);for (uword col = 0; col<F.n_cols; ++col)for (uword row = 0; row<F.n_rows; ++row){F(row, col) = randu<mat>(2, 3);  // each element in field<mat> is a matrix}F.print("F:");return 0;}




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