evpp设计细节系列(1):利用 enable_shared_from_this 实现一个自管理的定时器

来源:互联网 发布:ubuntu c 开发环境 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 00:18

0. 前言



1. 基础代码


class InvokeTimer {public:    InvokeTimer(struct event_base* evloop, double timeout_ms, const std::function<void()>& f);    ~InvokeTimer();    void Start();};





#pragma once#include <functional>struct event;struct event_base;namespace recipes {class EventWatcher {public:    typedef std::function<void()> Handler;    virtual ~EventWatcher();    bool Init();    void Cancel();    void SetCancelCallback(const Handler& cb);    void ClearHandler() { handler_ = Handler(); }protected:    EventWatcher(struct event_base* evbase, const Handler& handler);    bool Watch(double timeout_ms);    void Close();    void FreeEvent();    virtual bool DoInit() = 0;    virtual void DoClose() {}protected:    struct event* event_;    struct event_base* evbase_;    bool attached_;    Handler handler_;    Handler cancel_callback_;};class TimerEventWatcher : public EventWatcher {public:    TimerEventWatcher(struct event_base* evbase, const Handler& handler, double timeout_ms);    bool AsyncWait();private:    virtual bool DoInit();    static void HandlerFn(int fd, short which, void* v);private:    double timeout_ms_;};}


#include <string.h>#include <assert.h>#include <event2/event.h>#include <event2/event_struct.h>#include <event2/event_compat.h>#include <iostream>#include "event_watcher.h"namespace recipes {EventWatcher::EventWatcher(struct event_base* evbase, const Handler& handler)    : evbase_(evbase), attached_(false), handler_(handler) {    event_ = new event;    memset(event_, 0, sizeof(struct event));}EventWatcher::~EventWatcher() {    FreeEvent();    Close();}bool EventWatcher::Init() {    if (!DoInit()) {        goto failed;    }    ::event_base_set(evbase_, event_);    return true;failed:    Close();    return false;}void EventWatcher::Close() {    DoClose();}bool EventWatcher::Watch(double timeout_ms) {    struct timeval tv;    struct timeval* timeoutval = nullptr;    if (timeout_ms > 0) {        tv.tv_sec = long(timeout_ms / 1000);        tv.tv_usec = long(timeout_ms * 1000.0) % 1000;        timeoutval = &tv;    }    if (attached_) {        // When InvokerTimer::periodic_ == true, EventWatcher::Watch will be called many times        // so we need to remove it from event_base before we add it into event_base        if (event_del(event_) != 0) {            std::cerr << "event_del failed. fd=" << this->event_->ev_fd << " event_=" << event_ << std::endl;            // TODO how to deal with it when failed?        }        attached_ = false;    }    assert(!attached_);    if (event_add(event_, timeoutval) != 0) {        std::cerr << "event_add failed. fd=" << this->event_->ev_fd << " event_=" << event_ << std::endl;        return false;    }    attached_ = true;    return true;}void EventWatcher::FreeEvent() {    if (event_) {        if (attached_) {            event_del(event_);            attached_ = false;        }        delete (event_);        event_ = nullptr;    }}void EventWatcher::Cancel() {    assert(event_);    FreeEvent();    if (cancel_callback_) {        cancel_callback_();        cancel_callback_ = Handler();    }}void EventWatcher::SetCancelCallback(const Handler& cb) {    cancel_callback_ = cb;}TimerEventWatcher::TimerEventWatcher(struct event_base* evbase,                                     const Handler& handler,                                     double timeout_ms)    : EventWatcher(evbase, handler)    , timeout_ms_(timeout_ms) {}bool TimerEventWatcher::DoInit() {    ::event_set(event_, -1, 0, TimerEventWatcher::HandlerFn, this);    return true;}void TimerEventWatcher::HandlerFn(int /*fd*/, short /*which*/, void* v) {    TimerEventWatcher* h = (TimerEventWatcher*)v;    h->handler_();}bool TimerEventWatcher::AsyncWait() {    return Watch(timeout_ms_);}}

2. 一个最基本的实现:basic-01


// 头文件#include <memory>#include <functional>struct event_base;namespace recipes {class TimerEventWatcher;class InvokeTimer;class InvokeTimer {public:    typedef std::function<void()> Functor;    InvokeTimer(struct event_base* evloop, double timeout_ms, const Functor& f);    ~InvokeTimer();    void Start();private:    void OnTimerTriggered();private:    struct event_base* loop_;    double timeout_ms_;    Functor functor_;    std::shared_ptr<TimerEventWatcher> timer_;};}// 实现文件#include "invoke_timer.h"#include "event_watcher.h"#include <thread>#include <iostream>namespace recipes {InvokeTimer::InvokeTimer(struct event_base* evloop, double timeout_ms, const Functor& f)    : loop_(evloop), timeout_ms_(timeout_ms), functor_(f) {    std::cout << "InvokeTimer::InvokeTimer tid=" << std::this_thread::get_id() << " this=" << this << std::endl;}InvokeTimer::~InvokeTimer() {    std::cout << "InvokeTimer::~InvokeTimer tid=" << std::this_thread::get_id() << " this=" << this << std::endl;}void InvokeTimer::Start() {    std::cout << "InvokeTimer::Start tid=" << std::this_thread::get_id() << " this=" << this << std::endl;    timer_.reset(new TimerEventWatcher(loop_, std::bind(&InvokeTimer::OnTimerTriggered, this), timeout_ms_));    timer_->Init();    timer_->AsyncWait();    std::cout << "InvokeTimer::Start(AsyncWait) tid=" << std::this_thread::get_id() << " timer=" << timer_.get() << " this=" << this << " timeout(ms)=" << timeout_ms_ << std::endl;}void InvokeTimer::OnTimerTriggered() {    std::cout << "InvokeTimer::OnTimerTriggered tid=" << std::this_thread::get_id() << " this=" << this << std::endl;    functor_();    functor_ = Functor();}}


#include "invoke_timer.h"#include "event_watcher.h"#include "winmain-inl.h"#include <event2/event.h>void Print() {    std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << " hello world." << std::endl;}int main() {    struct event_base* base = event_base_new();    auto timer = new recipes::InvokeTimer(base, 1000.0, &Print);    timer->Start();    event_base_dispatch(base);    event_base_free(base);    delete timer;    return 0;}



$ ls -ltotal 80-rw-rw-r-- 1 weizili weizili  2729 Apr 15 20:39 event_watcher.cc-rw-rw-r-- 1 weizili weizili   996 Apr 15 20:39 event_watcher.h-rw-rw-r-- 1 weizili weizili  1204 Apr 14 10:55 invoke_timer.cc-rw-rw-r-- 1 weizili weizili   805 Apr 14 10:55 invoke_timer.h-rw-rw-r-- 1 weizili weizili   374 Apr 14 10:55 main.cc$ g++ -std=c++11 event_watcher.cc invoke_timer.cc main.cc -levent$ ./a.out InvokeTimer::InvokeTimer tid=139965845526336 this=0x7ffd2790f780InvokeTimer::Start tid=139965845526336 this=0x7ffd2790f780InvokeTimer::Start(AsyncWait) tid=139965845526336 timer=0x14504c0 this=0x7ffd2790f780 timeout(ms)=1000InvokeTimer::OnTimerTriggered tid=139965845526336 this=0x7ffd2790f780Print hello world.InvokeTimer::~InvokeTimer tid=139965845526336 this=0x7ffd2790f780


3. 能够实现最基本自我管理:basic-02


// 头文件#include <memory>#include <functional>struct event_base;namespace recipes {class TimerEventWatcher;class InvokeTimer;class InvokeTimer {public:    typedef std::function<void()> Functor;    static InvokeTimer* Create(struct event_base* evloop,                                 double timeout_ms,                                 const Functor& f);    ~InvokeTimer();    void Start();private:    InvokeTimer(struct event_base* evloop, double timeout_ms, const Functor& f);    void OnTimerTriggered();private:    struct event_base* loop_;    double timeout_ms_;    Functor functor_;    std::shared_ptr<TimerEventWatcher> timer_;};}// 实现文件#include "invoke_timer.h"#include "event_watcher.h"#include <thread>#include <iostream>namespace recipes {InvokeTimer::InvokeTimer(struct event_base* evloop, double timeout_ms, const Functor& f)    : loop_(evloop), timeout_ms_(timeout_ms), functor_(f) {    std::cout << "InvokeTimer::InvokeTimer tid=" << std::this_thread::get_id() << " this=" << this << std::endl;}InvokeTimer* InvokeTimer::Create(struct event_base* evloop, double timeout_ms, const Functor& f) {    return new InvokeTimer(evloop, timeout_ms, f);}InvokeTimer::~InvokeTimer() {    std::cout << "InvokeTimer::~InvokeTimer tid=" << std::this_thread::get_id() << " this=" << this << std::endl;}void InvokeTimer::Start() {    std::cout << "InvokeTimer::Start tid=" << std::this_thread::get_id() << " this=" << this << std::endl;    timer_.reset(new TimerEventWatcher(loop_, std::bind(&InvokeTimer::OnTimerTriggered, this), timeout_ms_));    timer_->Init();    timer_->AsyncWait();    std::cout << "InvokeTimer::Start(AsyncWait) tid=" << std::this_thread::get_id() << " timer=" << timer_.get() << " this=" << this << " timeout(ms)=" << timeout_ms_ << std::endl;}void InvokeTimer::OnTimerTriggered() {    std::cout << "InvokeTimer::OnTimerTriggered tid=" << std::this_thread::get_id() << " this=" << this << std::endl;    functor_();    functor_ = Functor();    delete this;}}

请注意,上述实现中,为了实现自我销毁,我们必须调用 delete ,这就注定了InvokeTimer对象必须在堆上创建,因此我们隐藏了它的构造函数,然后用一个静态的 Create 成员来创建InvokeTimer对象的实例。


#include "invoke_timer.h"#include "event_watcher.h"#include "winmain-inl.h"#include <event2/event.h>void Print() {    std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << " hello world." << std::endl;}int main() {    struct event_base* base = event_base_new();    auto timer = recipes::InvokeTimer::Create(base, 1000.0, &Print);    timer->Start(); // 启动完成后,就不用关注该对象了    event_base_dispatch(base);    event_base_free(base);    return 0;}



$ ls -ltotal 80-rw-rw-r-- 1 weizili weizili  2729 Apr 15 20:39 event_watcher.cc-rw-rw-r-- 1 weizili weizili   996 Apr 15 20:39 event_watcher.h-rw-rw-r-- 1 weizili weizili  1204 Apr 14 10:55 invoke_timer.cc-rw-rw-r-- 1 weizili weizili   805 Apr 14 10:55 invoke_timer.h-rw-rw-r-- 1 weizili weizili   374 Apr 14 10:55 main.cc$ g++ -std=c++11 event_watcher.cc invoke_timer.cc main.cc -levent$ ./a.out InvokeTimer::InvokeTimer tid=139965845526336 this=0x7ffd2790f780InvokeTimer::Start tid=139965845526336 this=0x7ffd2790f780InvokeTimer::Start(AsyncWait) tid=139965845526336 timer=0x14504c0 this=0x7ffd2790f780 timeout(ms)=1000InvokeTimer::OnTimerTriggered tid=139965845526336 this=0x7ffd2790f780Print hello world.InvokeTimer::~InvokeTimer tid=139965845526336 this=0x7ffd2790f780

4. 如果要取消一个定时器怎么办:cancel-03





// 头文件#include <memory>#include <functional>struct event_base;namespace recipes {class TimerEventWatcher;class InvokeTimer;typedef std::shared_ptr<InvokeTimer> InvokeTimerPtr;class InvokeTimer : public std::enable_shared_from_this<InvokeTimer> {public:    typedef std::function<void()> Functor;    static InvokeTimerPtr Create(struct event_base* evloop,                                 double timeout_ms,                                 const Functor& f);    ~InvokeTimer();    void Start();    void Cancel();    void set_cancel_callback(const Functor& fn) {        cancel_callback_ = fn;    }private:    InvokeTimer(struct event_base* evloop, double timeout_ms, const Functor& f);    void OnTimerTriggered();    void OnCanceled();private:    struct event_base* loop_;    double timeout_ms_;    Functor functor_;    Functor cancel_callback_;    std::shared_ptr<TimerEventWatcher> timer_;    std::shared_ptr<InvokeTimer> self_; // Hold myself};}// 实现文件#include "invoke_timer.h"#include "event_watcher.h"#include <thread>#include <iostream>namespace recipes {InvokeTimer::InvokeTimer(struct event_base* evloop, double timeout_ms, const Functor& f)    : loop_(evloop), timeout_ms_(timeout_ms), functor_(f) {    std::cout << "InvokeTimer::InvokeTimer tid=" << std::this_thread::get_id() << " this=" << this << std::endl;}InvokeTimerPtr InvokeTimer::Create(struct event_base* evloop, double timeout_ms, const Functor& f) {    InvokeTimerPtr it(new InvokeTimer(evloop, timeout_ms, f));    it->self_ = it;    return it;}InvokeTimer::~InvokeTimer() {    std::cout << "InvokeTimer::~InvokeTimer tid=" << std::this_thread::get_id() << " this=" << this << std::endl;}void InvokeTimer::Start() {    std::cout << "InvokeTimer::Start tid=" << std::this_thread::get_id() << " this=" << this << " refcount=" << self_.use_count() << std::endl;    timer_.reset(new TimerEventWatcher(loop_, std::bind(&InvokeTimer::OnTimerTriggered, shared_from_this()), timeout_ms_));    timer_->SetCancelCallback(std::bind(&InvokeTimer::OnCanceled, shared_from_this()));    timer_->Init();    timer_->AsyncWait();    std::cout << "InvokeTimer::Start(AsyncWait) tid=" << std::this_thread::get_id() << " timer=" << timer_.get() << " this=" << this << " refcount=" << self_.use_count() << " periodic=" << periodic_ << " timeout(ms)=" << timeout_ms_ << std::endl;}void InvokeTimer::Cancel() {    if (timer_) {        timer_->Cancel();    }}void InvokeTimer::OnTimerTriggered() {    std::cout << "InvokeTimer::OnTimerTriggered tid=" << std::this_thread::get_id() << " this=" << this << " use_count=" << self_.use_count() << std::endl;    functor_();    functor_ = Functor();    cancel_callback_ = Functor();    timer_.reset();    self_.reset();}void InvokeTimer::OnCanceled() {    std::cout << "InvokeTimer::OnCanceled tid=" << std::this_thread::get_id() << " this=" << this << " use_count=" << self_.use_count() << std::endl;    if (cancel_callback_) {        cancel_callback_();        cancel_callback_ = Functor();    }    functor_ = Functor();    timer_.reset();    self_.reset();}}


#include "invoke_timer.h"#include "event_watcher.h"#include "winmain-inl.h"#include <event2/event.h>void Print() {    std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << " hello world." << std::endl;}int main() {    struct event_base* base = event_base_new();    auto timer = recipes::InvokeTimer::Create(base, 1000.0, &Print);    timer->Start(); // 启动完成后,就不用关注该对象了    event_base_dispatch(base);    event_base_free(base);    return 0;}



5. 实现一个周期性的定时器:periodic-04



头文件 invoke_timer.h 改变:

@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ public:     static InvokeTimerPtr Create(struct event_base* evloop,                                  double timeout_ms,-                                 const Functor& f);+                                 const Functor& f,+                                 bool periodic);     ~InvokeTimer();@@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ public:         cancel_callback_ = fn;     } private:-    InvokeTimer(struct event_base* evloop, double timeout_ms, const Functor& f);+    InvokeTimer(struct event_base* evloop, double timeout_ms, const Functor& f, bool periodic);     void OnTimerTriggered();     void OnCanceled();@@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ private:     Functor functor_;     Functor cancel_callback_;     std::shared_ptr<TimerEventWatcher> timer_;+    bool periodic_;     std::shared_ptr<InvokeTimer> self_; // Hold myself };

实现文件 invoke_timer.cc 改变:

 namespace recipes {-InvokeTimer::InvokeTimer(struct event_base* evloop, double timeout_ms, const Functor& f)-    : loop_(evloop), timeout_ms_(timeout_ms), functor_(f) {+InvokeTimer::InvokeTimer(struct event_base* evloop, double timeout_ms, const Functor& f, bool periodic)+    : loop_(evloop), timeout_ms_(timeout_ms), functor_(f), periodic_(periodic) {     std::cout << "InvokeTimer::InvokeTimer tid=" << std::this_thread::get_id() << " this=" << this << std::endl; }-InvokeTimerPtr InvokeTimer::Create(struct event_base* evloop, double timeout_ms, const Functor& f) {-    InvokeTimerPtr it(new InvokeTimer(evloop, timeout_ms, f));+InvokeTimerPtr InvokeTimer::Create(struct event_base* evloop, double timeout_ms, const Functor& f, bool periodic) {+    InvokeTimerPtr it(new InvokeTimer(evloop, timeout_ms, f, periodic));     it->self_ = it;     return it; }@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ void InvokeTimer::Start() {     timer_->SetCancelCallback(std::bind(&InvokeTimer::OnCanceled, shared_from_this()));     timer_->Init();     timer_->AsyncWait(); } void InvokeTimer::Cancel() {@@ -39,14 +39,20 @@ void InvokeTimer::Cancel() { void InvokeTimer::OnTimerTriggered() {     std::cout << "InvokeTimer::OnTimerTriggered tid=" << std::this_thread::get_id() << " this=" << this << " use_count=" << self_.use_count() << std::endl;     functor_();-    functor_ = Functor();-    cancel_callback_ = Functor();-    timer_.reset();-    self_.reset();++    if (periodic_) {+        timer_->AsyncWait();+    } else {+        functor_ = Functor();+        cancel_callback_ = Functor();+        timer_.reset();+        self_.reset();+    } } void InvokeTimer::OnCanceled() {     std::cout << "InvokeTimer::OnCanceled tid=" << std::this_thread::get_id() << " this=" << this << " use_count=" << self_.use_count() << std::endl;+    periodic_ = false;     if (cancel_callback_) {         cancel_callback_();         cancel_callback_ = Functor();


#include "invoke_timer.h"#include "event_watcher.h"#include "winmain-inl.h"#include <event2/event.h>void Print() {    std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << " hello world." << std::endl;}int main() {    struct event_base* base = event_base_new();    auto timer = recipes::InvokeTimer::Create(base, 1000.0, &Print, true);    timer->Start();    timer.reset();    event_base_dispatch(base);    event_base_free(base);    return 0;}


6. 最后

本文中的详细代码实现请参考 [https://github.com/Qihoo360/evpp/tree/master/examples/recipes/self_control_timer]

7. evpp系列文章列表

evpp性能测试(3): 对无锁队列boost::lockfree::queue和moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue做一个性能对比测试
evpp性能测试(2): 与Boost.Asio进行吞吐量对比测试
evpp性能测试(1): 与muduo进行吞吐量测试

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