
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝幸福狐狸是正品吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 06:43



2. 基本思路

三维重构部分使用opencv的Mat可以非常方便的计算,但是三维点的显示工作就有些费劲了,于是我们想到了pcl, pcl是一种点云处理的开源库,相关配置过程 可以参考: http://blog.csdn.net/zhyh1435589631/article/details/54584058

3. 实现代码

配置完成之后,编写如下代码即可显示出我们的点云数据了, 上面展示的数据是我们重构的一个平面靶标上的数据点

#include <pcl/visualization/cloud_viewer.h>  #include <iostream>  #include <pcl/io/io.h>  #include <pcl/io/pcd_io.h>  #include <fstream>#include <string>using namespace std;int main(){    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);    //pcl::io::loadPCDFile(R"(C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\rabbit_gra.pcd)", *cloud);    ifstream ifs("W3D_f.txt");    string line;    int count = 0;    while (getline(ifs, line)){        count++;    }    ifs.close();    cloud->width = 1;    cloud->height = count;    cloud->points.resize(cloud->width * cloud->height);    ifs.open("W3D_f.txt");    double code;    for (int i = 0; i < cloud->points.size(); i++){             ifs >> cloud->points[i].x >> cloud->points[i].y >> cloud->points[i].z >> code;    }    ifs.close();    pcl::visualization::CloudViewer viewer("Cloud Viewer");    //blocks until the cloud is actually rendered      viewer.showCloud(cloud);    while (!viewer.wasStopped())    {        //you can also do cool processing here          //FIXME: Note that this is running in a separate thread from viewerPsycho          //and you should guard against race conditions yourself...     }    return 0;}

其中, W3D_f.txt文件内容如下:

             4.79378                 112.682                 800.851                       1                 2.34964                 85.7016                 813.907                       2              -0.0686548                 58.7965                 826.984                       3                -2.08487                  31.868                 840.269                       4                -4.76845                 4.84557                 853.482                       5                -7.23033                 -22.188                  866.84                       6                -9.75721                -49.4221                 880.426                       7                 34.0102                 113.086                 808.633                       8                 31.9597                 86.1826                 821.716                       9                 30.0499                 58.9642                 835.079                      10                 27.3361                 30.9711                 848.695                      11                 25.1392                 4.09195                 861.985                      12                 22.7087                -22.8296                 875.322                      13                 20.1849                -50.0868                 888.908                      14                 63.8499                 114.626                 815.851                      15                 61.6308                 87.2765                   829.1                      16                 59.2992                 59.5761                 842.595                      17                 57.0298                 31.9039                 856.156                      18                 54.2401                 4.01155                 869.774                      19                 51.5545                -22.8885                 883.014                      20                 48.6675                -49.7647                 896.333                      21                 46.1166                -77.0323                 910.016                      22                 93.1154                 116.935                 822.467                      23                 91.7324                 89.5031                 835.937                      24                 89.9262                 62.2198                 849.325                      25                 81.1688                -24.5759                 891.683                      26                 77.0333                -51.4245                 904.711                      27                  73.961                -77.8344                 917.825                      28                 103.513                -78.7856                 926.212                      29                 107.145                -51.4038                 912.678                      30                 119.425                 63.2437                 856.619                      31                 120.568                 90.2559                 843.224                      32                 123.164                 118.046                 829.891                      33                   109.5                -24.8608                 899.354                      34                 152.173                 118.578                 837.237                      35                 150.652                 91.4819                 850.494                      36                 148.921                 64.4987                 863.724                      37                 149.255                 9.48509                 892.076                      38                 151.254                 37.0656                 878.353                      39                 145.678                -23.6144                 908.361                      40                 136.653                -50.9064                 920.364                      41                 133.241                -77.6465                 933.635                      42                 186.572                  119.28                 845.679                      43                 185.158                 92.4509                 858.825                      44                 183.057                 65.2305                 872.137                      45                  180.81                 38.2439                 885.384                      46                  178.94                 11.2468                 898.914                      47                  176.74                -15.8386                 912.457                      48                 174.612                -43.1031                 926.344                      49                 173.103                -70.0914                 940.331                      50                 208.163                 12.5531                 905.712                      51                 206.327                -14.3002                 919.308                      52                 204.391                -42.0086                 933.503                      53                 202.091                -68.3246                 947.055                      54                 84.4952                 17.6834                  870.68                      55                 121.221                 20.3434                 879.038                      56    
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