
来源:互联网 发布:网络戴口罩女主播照片 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 00:47

dynamic_cast (expression)


与static_cast一样,dynamic_cast的转换也需要目标类型和源对象有一定的关系:继承关系。 更准确的说,dynamic_cast是用来检查两者是否有继承关系。因此该运算符实际上只接受基于类对象的指针和引用的类转换。从这个方面来看,似乎dynamic_cast又和reinterpret_cast是一致的,但实际上,它们还是存在着很大的差别。


#include <string>#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Parents{public:    Parents(string n="Parent"){ name = n;}    virtual ~Parents(){}    virtual void Speak()    {        cout << "\tI am " << name << ", I love my children." << endl;    }    void Work()    {        cout << "\tI am " << name <<", I need to work for my family." << endl;;    }protected:    string name;};class Children : public Parents{public:    Children(string n="Child"):Parents(n){ }    virtual ~Children(){}    virtual void Speak()    {        cout << "\tI am " << name << ", I love my parents." << endl;    }    /*     **Children inherit Work() method from parents,     **it could be treated like part-time job.     */    void Study()    {        cout << "\tI am " << name << ", I need to study for future." << endl;;    }private:    //string name; //Inherit "name" member from Parents};class Stranger {public:    Stranger(string n="stranger"){name = n;}    virtual ~Stranger(){}    void Self_Introduce()    {        cout << "\tI am a stranger" << endl;    }    void Speak()    {        //cout << "I am a stranger" << endl;        cout << "\tDo not talk to "<< name << ", who is a stranger." << endl;    }private:    string name;};int main() {    /******* cast from child class to base class *******/    cout << "dynamic_cast from child class to base class:" << endl;    Children * daughter_d = new Children("Daughter who pretend to be my mother");    Parents * mother_d = dynamic_cast<Parents*> (daughter_d); //right, cast with polymorphism    mother_d->Speak();    mother_d->Work();    //mother_d->Study(); //Error, no such method    cout << "static_cast from child class to base class:" << endl;    Children * son_s = new Children("Son who pretend to be my father");    Parents * father_s = static_cast<Parents*> (son_s); //right, cast with polymorphism    father_s->Speak();      father_s->Work();    //father_s->Study(); //Error, no such method    cout << endl;    /******* cast from base class to child class *******/       cout << "dynamic_cast from base class to child class:" << endl;    Parents * father_d = new Parents("Father who pretend to be a my son");    Children * son_d = dynamic_cast<Children*> (father_d); //no error, but not safe    if (son_d)    {        son_d->Speak();        son_d->Study();    }    else cout << "\t[null]" << endl;    cout << "static_cast from base class to child class:" << endl;    Parents * mother_s = new Parents("Mother who pretend to be a my daugher");    Children * daughter_s = static_cast<Children*> (mother_s);  //no error, but not safe    if (daughter_s)    {        daughter_s->Speak();        daughter_s->Study();    }    else cout << "\t[null]" << endl;    cout << endl;    /******* cast between non-related class *******/        cout << "dynamic_cast to non-related class:" << endl;    Stranger* stranger_d = dynamic_cast<Stranger*> (daughter_d);    if (stranger_d)    {        stranger_d->Self_Introduce();        stranger_d->Speak();        }    else cout <<"\t[null]"<<endl;    //Stranger* stranger_s = static_cast<Stranger*> (son_s);    //Error, invalid cast    cout << "reinterpret_cast to non-related class:" << endl;    Stranger* stranger_r = reinterpret_cast<Stranger*> (son_s);    if (stranger_r)    {        stranger_d->Self_Introduce();        //stranger_d->Speak();  //This line would cause program crush,        //as "name" could not be found corretly.    }    else cout << "\t[null]" << endl;    cout << endl;    /******* cast back*******/    cout << "use dynamic_cast to cast back from static_cast:" << endl;    Children* child_s = dynamic_cast<Children*> (father_s);    if (child_s)    {        child_s->Speak();        child_s->Work();    }    else cout << "\t[null]" << endl;    //cout<<typeid(stranger_r).name()<<endl;    cout << "use dynamic_cast to cast back from reinterpret_cast:" << endl;    Children* child_r = dynamic_cast<Children*> (stranger_r);    if (child_r)    {        child_r->Speak();        child_r->Work();    }    else cout << "\t[null]" << endl;    delete daughter_d;    delete son_s;    delete father_d;    delete mother_s;    return 0;}

/*********** Result ***********/

//dynamic_cast from child class to base class:
// I am Daughter who pretend to be my mother, I love my parents.
// I am Daughter who pretend to be my mother, I need to work for my family.
//static_cast from child class to base class:
// I am Son who pretend to be my father, I love my parents.
// I am Son who pretend to be my father, I need to work for my family.
//dynamic_cast from base class to child class:
// [null]
//static_cast from base class to child class:
// I am Mother who pretend to be a my daugher, I love my children.
// I am Mother who pretend to be a my daugher, I need to study for future.
//dynamic_cast to non-related class:
// [null]
//reinterpret_cast to non-related class:
// I am a stranger
//use dynamic_cast to cast back from static_cast:
// I am Son who pretend to be my father, I love my parents.
// I am Son who pretend to be my father, I need to work for my family.
//use dynamic_cast to cast back from reinterpret_cast:
// [null]








总得说来,static_cast和reinterpret_cast运算符要么直接被编译器拒绝进行转换,要么就一定会得到相应的目标类型的值。 而dynamic_cast却会进行判别,确定源指针所指的内容,是否真的合适被目标指针接受。如果是否定的,那么dynamic_cast则会返回null。这是通过检查”运行期类型信息”(Runtime type information,RTTI)来判定的,它还受到编译器的影响,有些编译器需要设置开启才能让程序正确运行(导师的PPT详细介绍了Visual Studio的情况),因此dynamic_cast也就不能用传统的转换方式来实现了。

虚函数(virtual function)对dynamic_cast的作用


实际上,这一切都是虚函数(virtual function)在起作用。

在C++的面对对象思想中,虚函数起到了很关键的作用,当一个类中拥有至少一个虚函数,那么编译器就会构建出一个虚函数表(virtual method table)来指示这些函数的地址,假如继承该类的子类定义并实现了一个同名并具有同样函数签名(function siguature)的方法重写了基类中的方法,那么虚函数表会将该函数指向新的地址。此时多态性就体现出来了:当我们将基类的指针或引用指向子类的对象的时候,调用方法时,就会顺着虚函数表找到对应子类的方法而非基类的方法。



Children* child_r = dynamic_cast

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热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 个体户年报第一年忘了报怎么办 别人说娃名字起大了怎么办? 综英美我能怎么办我也很绝望 两个人不合适且结了婚怎么办 国税局寄来的邮件没收到怎么办 新疆办理暂住证有案底不办给怎么办 我的驾驶证吊销了车年审怎么办 好几个超速分不够扣了怎么办 刚拿c1驾照扣6分怎么办 别人开我车扣12分怎么办 办健康证大便拉不出来怎么办 欠信用卡钱被网上通缉抓到后怎么办 上海房子卖了户口没地方迁怎么办 没有户口本在北京身份证丢了怎么办 武汉科目四考试居住证过期了怎么办 农行卡密码输错3次怎么办 驾照罚款缴纳了网上没消怎么办 外地驾驶证分数扣12分了怎么办 有生产日期的赠品在超市过期怎么办 6年免检车辆逾期未年检怎么办 行驶证检验有效期过期2年怎么办 骑摩托车忘带驾驶证和行驶证怎么办 驾驶证逾期未审验怎么办有什么后果 车祸至人腿部骨折沒钱偿还的怎么办 我有c4驾驶证想办c3怎么办 驾驶证和行驶证被交警扣了怎么办 行驶证被交警弄丢了怎么办 没带行驶证让警察发现怎么办 首尔转机换票换乘怎么办过境签证 驾驶证约考帐号与登密码丢失怎么办 考驾照的时候预约密码忘了怎么办 考驾照的预约密码忘了怎么办 摩托车不能挂档不能摘挡了怎么办 身份证丢失了派出所不给挂失怎么办 快递员在中午还送货夏天怎么办啊 驾照一个记分周期扣满12分怎么办 佛山南海车管所怎么办替人消分流程 福州快处中心几流程要怎么办 被对方追尾了对方只有交强险怎么办 摩托车行驶证年检过期一年半怎么办 户口迁到杭州了身份证掉了怎么办