
来源:互联网 发布:163邮箱注册软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/16 06:15


''' This is the main logic for a Tic-tac-toe game.It is not optimised for a quality game it simplygenerates random moves and checks the results ofa move for a winning line. Exposed functions are:newGame()saveGame()restoreGame()userMove()computerMove()'''import os, randomimport oxo_datadef newGame():#返回一个拥有9个空格的新列表    ' return new empty game'    return list(" " * 9)def saveGame(game):    ' save game to disk '    oxo_data.saveGame(game)    def restoreGame():#捕捉任何由于找不到数据文件所抛出的错误并验证保存游戏的长度    ''' restore previously saved game.    If game not restored successfully return new game'''    try:        game = oxo_data.restoreGame()        if len(game) == 9:            return game        else: return newGame()    except IOError:        return newGame()    def _generateMove(game):#寻找当前游戏中没有被使用的格子,然后随机选择一个格子来防止计算机的移动    ''' generate a random cell from thiose available.        If all cells are used return -1'''    options = [i for i in range(len(game)) if  game[i] == " "]    if options:       return random.choice(options)    else: return -1    def _isWinningMove(game):#判断输赢    wins = ((0,1,2), (3,4,5), (6,7,8),            (0,3,6), (1,4,7), (2,5,8),            (0,4,8), (2,4,6))    for a,b,c in wins:        chars = game[a] + game[b] + game[c]        if chars == 'XXX' or chars == 'OOO':            return True    return Falsedef userMove(game,cell):#用户移动    if game[cell] != ' ':        raise ValueError('Invalid cell')    else:        game[cell] = 'X'    if _isWinningMove(game):        return 'X'    else:        return ""def computerMove(game):#计算机移动    cell = _generateMove(game)    if cell == -1:        return 'D'    game[cell] = 'O'    if _isWinningMove(game):        return 'O'    else:        return ""def test():  #测试函数    result = ""    game = newGame()    while not result:        print(game)        try:           result = userMove(game, _generateMove(game))        except ValueError:            print("Oops, that shouldn't happen")        if not result:            result = computerMove(game)                    if not result: continue        elif result == 'D':            print("Its a draw")        else:            print("Winner is:", result)        print(game)if __name__ == "__main__":    test()

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