
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝情趣珍珠内裤评论 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/16 16:59


''' CLI User Interface for Tic-Tac-Toie game.    Use as the main program, no reusable functions'''import oxo_logicmenu = ["Start new game",        "Resume saved game",        "Display help",        "Quit"]def getMenuChoice(aMenu):    ''' getMenuChoice(aMenu) -> int        takes a list of strings as input,        displays as a numbered menu and        loops until user selects a valid number'''        if not aMenu: raise ValueError('No menu content')    while True:        for index, item in enumerate(aMenu, start=1):#enumerate函数用来生成菜单项数字,开始于1.并不是每个人都是程序员,从0开始数数            print(index, "\t", item)        try:            choice = int(input("\nChoose a menu option: "))            if 1 <= choice <= len(aMenu):                return choice            else: print("Choose a number between 1 and", len(aMenu))        except ValueError:            print("Choose the number of a menu option")def startGame():    return oxo_logic.newGame()def resumeGame():    return oxo_logic.restoreGame()def displayHelp():    print('''    Start new game:  starts a new game of tic-tac-toe    Resume saved game: restores the last saved game and commences play    Display help: shows this page    Quit: quits the application    ''')def quit():#退出    print("Goodbye...")    raise SystemExitdef executeChoice(choice):#处理用户的选择    ''' executeChoice(int) -> None        Execute whichever option the user selected.    If the choice produces a valid game then    play the game until it completes.'''        dispatch = [startGame, resumeGame, displayHelp, quit]    game = dispatch[choice-1]()    if game:        playGame(game)def printGame(game):#该函数把游戏数据格式化后展现出来    display = '''      1 | 2 | 3      {} | {} | {}     ----------     -----------      4 | 5 | 6      {} | {} | {}      ---------     -----------      7 | 8 | 9      {} | {} | {}      '''    print(display.format(*game))# *表示扩展到列表的每个单独的元素def playGame(game):#用户界面提示    result = ""    while not result:        printGame(game)        choice = input("Cell[1-9 or q to quit]: ")        if choice.lower()[0] == 'q':            save = input("Save game before quitting?[y/n] ")            if save.lower()[0] == 'y':                oxo_logic.saveGame(game)             quit()        else:            try:                cell = int(choice)-1                if not (0 <= cell <= 8):  # check range                    raise ValueError            except ValueError:                print("Choose a number between 1 and 9 or 'q' to quit ")                continue            try:                result = oxo_logic.userMove(game,cell) #面板传入usrGame            except ValueError:                print("Choose an empty cell")                continue            if not result:                result = oxo_logic.computerMove(game) #面板传入computerGame            if not result:                continue            elif result == 'D':                printGame(game)                print("Its a draw")                            else:                printGame(game)                print("Winner is", result, '\n')def main():    while True:       choice = getMenuChoice(menu)       executeChoice(choice)if __name__ == "__main__": main()

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