
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝中脉 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/28 01:35


python2.7 运用multiprocessing模块的Pool 异步进程池,分段读取文件(文件编码为gbk),并统计词频,代码如下:

#!/usr/bin/env python# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-from __future__ import print_function, division, unicode_literalsimport sys, re, time, osimport operatorfrom collections import Counterfrom functools import reducefrom multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_countfrom datetime import datetimefrom utils import humansize, humantime, processbardef wrap(wcounter,  fn, p1, p2, f_size):    return wcounter.count_multi(fn, p1, p2, f_size)class WordCounter(object):    def __init__(self, from_file, to_file=None, workers=None, coding=None,                    max_direct_read_size=10000000):        '''根据设定的进程数,把文件from_file分割成大小基本相同,数量等同与进程数的文件段,        来读取并统计词频,然后把结果写入to_file中,当其为None时直接打印在终端或命令行上。        Args:        @from_file 要读取的文件        @to_file 结果要写入的文件        @workers 进程数,为0时直接把文件一次性读入内存;为1时按for line in open(xxx)                读取;>=2时为多进程分段读取;默认为根据文件大小选择0或cpu数量的64倍        @coding 文件的编码方式,默认为采用chardet模块读取前1万个字符才自动判断        @max_direct_read_size 直接读取的最大值,默认为10000000(约10M)        How to use:        w = WordCounter('a.txt', 'b.txt')                '''        if not os.path.isfile(from_file):            raise Exception('No such file: 文件不存在')        self.f1 = from_file        self.filesize = os.path.getsize(from_file)        self.f2 = to_file        if workers is None:            if self.filesize < int(max_direct_read_size):                self.workers = 0            else:                self.workers = cpu_count() * 64         else:            self.workers = int(workers)        if coding is None:            try:                import chardet            except ImportError:                os.system('pip install chardet')                print('-'*70)                import chardet            with open(from_file, 'rb') as f:                    coding = chardet.detect(['encoding']                    self.coding = coding        self._c = Counter()    def run(self):        start = time.time()        if self.workers == 0:            self.count_direct(self.f1)        elif self.workers == 1:            self.count_single(self.f1, self.filesize)        else:            pool = Pool(self.workers)            res_list = []            for i in range(self.workers):                p1 = self.filesize * i // self.workers                 p2 = self.filesize * (i+1) // self.workers                 args = [self, self.f1, p1, p2, self.filesize]                res = pool.apply_async(func=wrap, args=args)                res_list.append(res)            pool.close()            pool.join()            self._c.update(reduce(operator.add, [r.get() for r in res_list]))                    if self.f2:            with open(self.f2, 'wb') as f:                f.write(self.result.encode(self.coding))        else:            print(self.result)        cost = '{:.1f}'.format(time.time()-start)        size = humansize(self.filesize)        tip = '\nFile size: {}. Workers: {}. Cost time: {} seconds'             print(tip.format(size, self.workers, cost))        self.cost = cost + 's'    def count_single(self, from_file, f_size):        '''单进程读取文件并统计词频'''        start = time.time()        with open(from_file, 'rb') as f:            for line in f:                self._c.update(self.parse(line))                processbar(f.tell(), f_size, from_file, f_size, start)       def count_direct(self, from_file):        '''直接把文件内容全部读进内存并统计词频'''        start = time.time()        with open(from_file, 'rb') as f:            line =        self._c.update(self.parse(line))      def count_multi(self, fn, p1, p2, f_size):          c = Counter()        with open(fn, 'rb') as f:                if p1:  # 为防止字被截断的,分段处所在行不处理,从下一行开始正式处理                      while b'\n' not in                    pass            start = time.time()            while 1:                                           line = f.readline()                c.update(self.parse(line))                   pos = f.tell()                  if p1 == 0: #显示进度                    processbar(pos, p2, fn, f_size, start)                if pos >= p2:                                   return c          def parse(self, line):  #解析读取的文件流        return Counter(re.sub(r'\s+','',line.decode(self.coding)))    def flush(self):  #清空统计结果        self._c = Counter()    @property    def counter(self):  #返回统计结果的Counter类               return self._c    @property    def result(self):  #返回统计结果的字符串型式,等同于要写入结果文件的内容        ss = ['{}: {}'.format(i, j) for i, j in self._c.most_common()]        return '\n'.join(ss)def main():    if len(sys.argv) < 2:        print('Usage: python from_file to_file')        exit(1)    from_file, to_file = sys.argv[1:3]    args = {'coding' : None, 'workers': None, 'max_direct_read_size':10000000}    for i in sys.argv:        for k in args:            if'{}=(.+)'.format(k), i):                args[k] = re.findall(r'{}=(.+)'.format(k), i)[0]    w = WordCounter(from_file, to_file, **args) __name__ == '__main__':    main()

# __future__ import print_function, division, unicode_literalsimport osimport timedef humansize(size):    """将文件的大小转成带单位的形式    >>> humansize(1024) == '1 KB'    True    >>> humansize(1000) == '1000 B'    True    >>> humansize(1024*1024) == '1 M'    True    >>> humansize(1024*1024*1024*2) == '2 G'    True    """    units = ['B', 'KB', 'M', 'G', 'T']        for unit in units:        if size < 1024:            break        size = size // 1024    return '{} {}'.format(size, unit)def humantime(seconds):    """将秒数转成00:00:00的形式    >>> humantime(3600) == '01:00:00'    True    >>> humantime(360) == '06:00'    True    >>> humantime(6) == '00:06'    True    """    h = m = ''    seconds = int(seconds)    if seconds >= 3600:        h = '{:02}:'.format(seconds // 3600)        seconds = seconds % 3600    if 1 or seconds >= 60:        m = '{:02}:'.format(seconds // 60)        seconds = seconds % 60    return '{}{}{:02}'.format(h, m, seconds)def processbar(pos, p2, fn, f_size, start):    '''打印进度条    just like:    a.txt, 50.00% [=====     ] 1/2 [00:01<00:01]    '''    percent = min(pos * 10000 // p2, 10000)    done = '=' * (percent//1000)    half = '-' if percent // 100 % 10 > 5 else ''    tobe = ' ' * (10 - percent//1000 - len(half))    tip = '{}{}, '.format('\33[?25l', os.path.basename(fn))  #隐藏光标              past = time.time()-start    remain = past/(percent+0.01)*(10000-percent)          print('\r{}{:.1f}% [{}{}{}] {:,}/{:,} [{}<{}]'.format(tip,             percent/100, done, half, tobe,             min(pos*int(f_size//p2+0.5), f_size), f_size,             humantime(past), humantime(remain)),        end='')    if percent == 10000:        print('\33[?25h', end='')     # 显示光标  if __name__ == '__main__':    import doctest    doctest.testmod()
git clone
[willie@localhost linuxtools]$ python test/var/20000thousandlines.txt tmp2.txt 20000thousandlines.txt, 100.0% [==========] 115,000,000/115,000,000 [06:57<00:00]File size: 109 M. Workers: 128. Cost time: 417.8 seconds

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