
来源:互联网 发布:理财入门知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/12 01:18
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URLDecoder;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Time;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException;

import org.dom4j.*;
import org.dom4j.io.SAXReader;
import org.dom4j.io.XMLWriter;

import com.justep.filesystem.FileSystemWrapper;
import com.justep.model.ModelUtils;
import com.justep.system.context.ContextHelper;
import com.justep.system.data.*;
import com.justep.system.opm.api.AuthorizeHelper;
import com.justep.system.opm.api.DataPolicy;
import com.justep.system.opm.api.PermissionHelper;
import com.justep.system.opm.api.RoleHelper;
import com.justep.system.opm.api.RoleKind;
import com.justep.system.process.ProcessUtils;
import com.justep.system.process.TaskDB;
import com.justep.system.transform.Transform;
import com.justep.system.util.CommonUtils;
import com.justep.util.Utils;

import demo.DemoObject;

public class Actions {

public static void demoHasAction1() {

public static void demoHasAction2() {

public static void demoHasAction3() {

public static void demoHasAction4() {

public static String demoActionParams(String param_string, Integer param_integer, Long param_long, Double param_double, Float param_float,
Timestamp param_datetime, java.sql.Date param_date, Time param_time, Boolean param_boolean, BigDecimal param_decimal, List<?> param_list,
Map<?, ?> param_map, Object param_object, Document param_xml, Table param_table) throws InterruptedException, IOException {
String result = "";
result = result + ((param_string != null) ? "\n" + "param_string: " + param_string : "");
result = result + ((param_integer != null) ? "\n" + "param_integer: " + param_integer : "");
result = result + ((param_long != null) ? "\n" + "param_long: " + param_long : "");
result = result + ((param_double != null) ? "\n" + "param_double: " + param_double : "");
result = result + ((param_float != null) ? "\n" + "param_float: " + param_float : "");
result = result + ((param_datetime != null) ? "\n" + "param_datetime: " + param_datetime : "");
result = result + ((param_date != null) ? "\n" + "param_date: " + param_date : "");
result = result + ((param_time != null) ? "\n" + "param_time: " + param_time : "");
result = result + ((param_boolean != null) ? "\n" + "param_boolean: " + param_boolean : "");
result = result + ((param_decimal != null) ? "\n" + "param_decimal: " + param_decimal : "");
result = result + ((param_list != null) ? "\n" + "param_list: " + Transform.toString(param_list) : "");
result = result + ((param_map != null) ? "\n" + "param_map: " + param_map : "");
result = result + ((param_object != null) ? "\n" + "param_object: " + param_object : "");
result = result + ((param_xml != null) ? "\n" + "param_xml: \n" + param_xml.asXML() : "");
result = result + ((param_table != null) ? "\n" + "param_table: " + param_table.size() + "行" : "");
return result;

private static int RETURN_SIMPLE_FLAG = 0;

public static Object demoReturnSimple() {
switch (RETURN_SIMPLE_FLAG % 7) {
case 0:
return "北京起步科技有限公司";
case 1:
return 123456789;
case 2:
return 123456.789;
case 3:
return new java.sql.Date((new java.util.Date()).getTime());
case 4:
return new java.sql.Time((new java.util.Date()).getTime());
case 5:
return new java.sql.Timestamp((new java.util.Date()).getTime());
case 6:
return true;
return null;

public static List<Object> demoReturnList() {
List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>();
list.add(new java.sql.Timestamp((new java.util.Date()).getTime()));
return list;

public static Map<String, Object> demoReturnMap() {
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
map.put("string", "北京起步科技有限公司");
map.put("long", 123456789);
map.put("double", 123456.789);
map.put("datetime", new java.sql.Timestamp((new java.util.Date()).getTime()));
map.put("boolean", true);
return map;

public static Document demoReturnXML() throws DocumentException {
Document dom = DocumentHelper.parseText("<root>北京起步科技有限公司<product>X5.2.6</product></root>");
return dom;

public static Table demoReturnTable() {
Table table = KSQL.select("SELECT SA_OPOrg, SA_OPOrg.sName, SA_OPOrg.sFName FROM SA_OPOrg SA_OPOrg LIMIT 0,20 ", null, "/system/data", null);
table.getProperties().put(Table.PROP_NAME_ROWID, "SA_OPOrg");
return table;

public static Object demoReturnObject() {
DemoObject demo = new DemoObject();
return demo;

public static String demoAsync() throws InterruptedException {
return "服务端动作耗时三秒,执行成功。";

public static String demoUploadFile(String fileName, InputStream file) throws IOException {
Utils.check(Utils.isNotEmptyString(fileName) && file != null, "请选择上传文件!");
// 文件名解码
fileName = URLDecoder.decode(fileName, "UTF-8").replaceAll("\\\\", "/");
int fileSize = (file == null ? 0 : ((InputStream) file).available());

// 保存文件
String bizRoot = FileSystemWrapper.instance().getBase();
String cachePath = bizRoot + "/demo/actions/fileCache/";
String cacheFileName = cachePath + CommonUtils.getNameOfFile(fileName);
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(cacheFileName);
copyStream(file, out, 1024);
return "文件\"" + fileName + "\"上传成功!\n文件大小:" + fileSize + "字节。"; 

private static long copyStream(InputStream input, OutputStream output, int bufferSize) throws IOException {
byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
int readCount = 0;
long allCount = 0;
while (true) {
readCount = input.read(buffer);
if (readCount > 0) {
output.write(buffer, 0, readCount);
allCount += readCount;
} else
return allCount;

public static InputStream demoDownloadFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
String bizRoot = FileSystemWrapper.instance().getBase();
String cachePath = bizRoot + "/demo/actions/fileCache/";
String cacheFileName = cachePath + CommonUtils.getNameOfFile(fileName);

// 返回文件流
File file = new File(cacheFileName);
FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(file);
return in;

public static String demoBatchAction1() {
return "服务端动作1执行成功。";

public static String demoBatchAction2() {
return "服务端动作2执行成功。";

public static Table createDEMO_ProjectPlan(Table table,String concept,Map<String, String> defaultValues,String fnModel,String myParam){
System.out.println("defaultValues -> " + defaultValues);
System.out.println("myParam -> " + myParam);

defaultValues.put("CreatorName", "currentPersonName()");
return BizData.create(table, concept, defaultValues, fnModel);

public static int saveDEMO_BookView(String concept,String dataModel,String fnModel,List<?> insertRange,List<?>deleteRange,List<?> updateRange,String readOnly,String notNull,Table table) throws NamingException, SQLException{
// 获取JDBC的连接并开启事务(***注意如果不能处理异常就不要捕获异常)
Connection conn = ModelUtils.getConnectionInTransaction("/demo/actions/data");

Iterator<Row> rows = table.iterator();
while (rows.hasNext()) {
Row row = rows.next();
ModifyState rowState = row.getState();

int id = row.getInt("fBookID");
String name = row.getString("fBookName");
BigDecimal price = row.getDecimal("fPrice");
String ISBN = row.getString("fISBN");
Integer amount = row.getInteger("fAmount");

if (ModifyState.NEW.equals(rowState)) {
addBook(conn, id, name, price, ISBN);
addBookStore(conn, id, amount);
} else if (ModifyState.EDIT.equals(rowState)) {
updateBook(conn, id, name, price, ISBN);
updateBookStore(conn, id, amount);
} else if (ModifyState.DELETE.equals(rowState)) {
delBook(conn, id);
delBookStore(conn, id);

return table.size();
// return BizData.save(table, concept, insertRange, deleteRange, updateRange, readOnly, notNull, dataModel, fnModel);

private static void addBook(Connection conn, int id, String name, BigDecimal price, String ISBN) throws SQLException {
PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("insert into DEMO_Book ($clientName, fBookID, fBookName, fPrice, fISBN) values ($clientValue, ?, ?, ?, ?) ");
try {
pstmt.setInt(1, id);
pstmt.setString(2, name);
pstmt.setBigDecimal(3, price);
pstmt.setString(4, ISBN);
} finally {

private static void updateBook(Connection conn, int id, String name, BigDecimal price, String ISBN) throws SQLException {
PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("update DEMO_Book set fBookName = ?, fPrice = ?, fISBN = ? where fBookID = ? and $clientFilter(NULL)");
try {
pstmt.setString(1, name);
pstmt.setBigDecimal(2, price);
pstmt.setString(3, ISBN);
pstmt.setInt(4, id);
if (pstmt.executeUpdate() != 1) {
throw new SQLException("更新DEMO_Book失败,fBookID = " + id);
} finally {

private static void delBook(Connection conn, int id) throws SQLException {
PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("delete from DEMO_Book where fBookID = ? and $clientFilter");
try {
pstmt.setInt(1, id);
} finally {

private static void addBookStore(Connection conn, int id, Integer amount) throws SQLException {
// 如果库存为空,忽略新增库存记录
if (amount == null) {
PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("insert into DEMO_BookStore ($clientName, fBookID, fAmount) values ($clientValue, ?, ?) ");
try {
pstmt.setInt(1, id);
pstmt.setInt(2, amount);
} finally {

private static void updateBookStore(Connection conn, int id, Integer amount) throws SQLException {
// 如果库存为空,删除库存记录
if (amount == null) {
delBookStore(conn, id);
} else {
PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("update DEMO_BookStore set fAmount = ? where fBookID = ? and $clientFilter(NULL)");
try {
pstmt.setInt(1, amount);
pstmt.setInt(2, id);
// 如果更新库存记录行数为0,新增一行库存记录
if (pstmt.executeUpdate() == 0) {
addBookStore(conn, id, amount);
} finally {

private static void delBookStore(Connection conn, int id) throws SQLException {
PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("delete from DEMO_BookStore where fBookID = ? and $clientFilter(NULL)");
try {
pstmt.setInt(1, id);
} finally {

@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
public static Table queryDEMO_BookXML(String concept,String select,String from,String aggregate,String dataModel,String fnModel,String condition,List<?> range,Boolean distinct,String idColumn,String filter,Integer limit,Integer offset,String columns,String orderBy,String aggregateColumns,Map<?, ?> variables) throws DocumentException{
String bizRoot = FileSystemWrapper.instance().getBase();
// 读取XML文件
SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();
Document dom = reader.read(new File(bizRoot + "/demo/actions/process/standardActionExtend/bookXML/book.xml"));
List<Element> books = dom.getRootElement().elements();

// 创建table
Table table = TableUtils.createTable(null, "fBookID", "Integer", "fBookName", "String", "fISBN", "String", "fPrice", "Decimal");
// 遍历XML的book,利用offset和limit做分页处理
for (int i = offset; i < Math.min(books.size(), offset + limit); i++) {
Element book = books.get(i);
int id = Integer.parseInt(book.attributeValue("id"));
String name = book.elementText("name");
String ISBN = book.elementText("ISBN");
String price = book.elementText("price");

Row row = table.appendRow();
row.setInt("fBookID", id);
row.setString("fBookName", name);
row.setString("fISBN", ISBN);
if (Utils.isNotEmptyString(price)) {
row.setDecimal("fPrice", BigDecimal.valueOf(Double.parseDouble(price)));
// 设置table的主键列,必须的
table.getProperties().put(Table.PROP_NAME_ROWID, "fBookID");
// 设置table的总行数,bizData分页需要
table.getProperties().put(Table.PROP_DB_COUNT, books.size());

return table;

public static int saveDEMO_BookXML(List<?> insertRange,List<?> deleteRange,List<?> updateRange,String concept,String dataModel,String fnModel,String readOnly,String notNull,Table table) throws DocumentException, IOException{
String bizRoot = FileSystemWrapper.instance().getBase();
// 读取XML
String fileName = bizRoot + "/demo/actions/process/standardActionExtend/bookXML/book.xml";
SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();
Document dom = reader.read(new File(fileName));
Element books = dom.getRootElement();

// 遍历table,按行状态更改XML
Iterator<Row> rows = table.iterator();
while (rows.hasNext()) {
Row row = rows.next();
ModifyState rowState = row.getState();

int id = row.getInt("fBookID");
String name = row.getString("fBookName");
BigDecimal price = row.getDecimal("fPrice");
String ISBN = row.getString("fISBN");

if (ModifyState.NEW.equals(rowState)) {
addBookXML(books, id, name, price, ISBN);
} else if (ModifyState.EDIT.equals(rowState)) {
updateBookXML(books, id, name, price, ISBN);
} else if (ModifyState.DELETE.equals(rowState)) {
delBookXML(books, id);

// 保存XML
XMLWriter writer = new XMLWriter(new FileOutputStream(fileName));
return table.size();

private static void addBookXML(Element books, int id, String name, BigDecimal price, String ISBN) {
Element book = books.addElement("book");
book.addAttribute("id", String.valueOf(id));
book.addElement("price").setText(price == null ? "" : price.toPlainString());

private static void updateBookXML(Element books, int id, String name, BigDecimal price, String ISBN) {
Node node = books.selectSingleNode("book[@id='" + String.valueOf(id) + "']");
if (node == null) {
addBookXML(books, id, name, price, ISBN);
} else  {
Element book = (Element) node;
book.element("price").setText(price == null ? "" : price.toPlainString());

private static void delBookXML(Element books, int id) {
Node node = books.selectSingleNode("book[@id='" + String.valueOf(id) + "']");
if (node != null) {

public static String startBorrowBook(String bookName,java.sql.Date startDate,java.sql.Date endDate,String borrower) throws UnsupportedEncodingException{
bookName = URLDecoder.decode(bookName, "UTF-8");
borrower = URLDecoder.decode(borrower, "UTF-8");

// 构造借书申请数据
String ksql = "insert into DEMO_BorrowBook b (b, b.fBookName, b.fStartDate, b.fEndDate, b.fBorrower, b.version) "
+ " values (:id, :bookName, :startDate, :endDate, :borrower, 0) ";
String id = CommonUtils.createGUID();
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
params.put("id", id);
params.put("bookName", bookName);
params.put("startDate", startDate);
params.put("endDate", endDate);
params.put("borrower", borrower);
KSQL.executeUpdate(ksql, params, "/demo/actions/data", null);

String executor = ContextHelper.getPersonMember().getFID();
String title = "借书申请(" + bookName + " - " + borrower + ")"; 
// 发起流程
List<Map<String, String>> startDom = ProcessUtils.startProcess("/demo/actions/process/integration/integrationProcess", title, id, executor);
// 从流程启动的返回值中获取第一个待办任务的ID
String task = startDom.get(0).get("task");

* 代码设置ProcessControl,控制流转

ProcessControl control = ProcessUtils.advanceProcessQuery(task);
List<ProcessControlItem> flowTos = control.getFlowTos();
for (int i = 0; i < flowTos.size(); i++) {
ProcessControlItem flowTo = flowTos.get(i);
String activity = flowTo.getUnit();
if (activity.equals("xxxxActivity")) {
} else {
ProcessUtils.advanceProcess(task, control);

// 流转到第二个环节
ProcessUtils.advanceProcess(task, null);

// 获取并返回流程实例ID
String pi = TaskDB.queryFlowIdByTask(task);
return pi;

public static Object invokeService(String namespace, String address, String operation, Object[] params) throws MalformedURLException, RemoteException, ServiceException {
// 调用WebService
org.apache.axis.client.Service service = new org.apache.axis.client.Service();
org.apache.axis.client.Call call = (org.apache.axis.client.Call) service.createCall();
call.setOperationName(new QName(namespace, operation));
call.setTargetEndpointAddress(new java.net.URL(address));

return call.invoke(params);

public static Object invokeTestWebService(Integer a,Integer b) throws MalformedURLException, RemoteException, ServiceException{
// 调用测试WebService
Object[] testParams = {a, b};
Object testResult = invokeService("http://localhost:8080/axis/Test.jws", "http://localhost:8080/axis/Test.jws", "sum", testParams);
return testResult;

public static Map<String, Object> getUserNameAndPassword() {
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
params.put("id", ContextHelper.getPerson().getID());
Table table = KSQL.select("select p.sPassword from SA_OPPerson p where p = :id", params, "/system/data", null);
String password = table.iterator().next().getString("sPassword");
Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>();
result.put("userID", ContextHelper.getPerson().getID());
result.put("userName", ContextHelper.getPerson().getName());
result.put("password", password);
return result;

private static final String DEMO_ParamAccess_ROLE_HUABEI = "DEMO_ParamAccess_ROLE_HUABEI";  
public static void paramAccessCreateDataPermission(){
// 创建数据角色
RoleHelper.appendRole(DEMO_ParamAccess_ROLE_HUABEI, DEMO_ParamAccess_ROLE_HUABEI, "动作参数的访问权限_华北", RoleKind.data, "演示", null, null);
// 创建参数策略
DataPolicy dataPolicy = DataPolicy.create();
List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>();
values.add("AND(DEMO_Orders.fShipRegion = '华北')");
dataPolicy.addParamPolicy("queryDEMO_OrdersAction", "查询组织机构", "range", "范围", DataPolicy.DATAKIND_EXPR, values);
// 在角色中创建包含参数策略的数据权限
PermissionHelper.appendDataPermission(DEMO_ParamAccess_ROLE_HUABEI, "/demo/actions/process/paramAccess/paramAccessProcess", "mainActivity", 
"/动作案例/动作参数的访问权限", dataPolicy);

public static void paramAccessAuthorize(){
// 给当前人员成员授权
AuthorizeHelper.appendAuthorize(ContextHelper.getPersonMember().getID(), DEMO_ParamAccess_ROLE_HUABEI, null);
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