
来源:互联网 发布:手机电子琴乐器软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 23:02

Megabrain has usual problems with the occupiers: he is captured again and is forced to solve logical puzzles about urns with balls. In the urn staying in front of Megabrain there are a red balls, b green balls and also c balls, colors of which are unknown to Megabrain. The occupiers demand an answer to a question: what is the maximal number of balls one can take out of this urn, so that there would be no more than n red and no more than m green balls among them for sure?
The first line contains three integers a, b and c separated by a space (0 ≤ a, b, c ≤ 109) — the number of red balls in the urn, the number of green balls in the urn, and the number of balls of unknown color in the urn, correspondingly.

The second line contains two integers n and m separated by a space (0 ≤ n, m ≤ 109) — the maximal number of red balls allowed to be taken out of the urn and the maximal number of green balls allowed to be taken out of the urn, correspondingly.
Output a single integer — the maximal number of balls that can be taken out of the urn so that no restrictions are violated.
3 2 9
2 7
1 2 4
8 4 最多4个。第五个可能是篮球(在未知颜色里)
1 2 2
4 4 最多拿五个,因为肯定不会超过条件。
第一次是比较的 前三个和和 n,m的大小,殊不知m就算比a+b+c小,但是如果比b+c大的话,还是b+c,(我们已经知道的球,肯定是能拿到的)

#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;int main(){   long long a,b,c;long long  a1,a2;    cin>>a>>b>>c>>a1>>a2;    ans1=a+b+c;    if(a+c>a1)         ans1=a1;    if(c+b>a2)         ans1=min(ans1,a2);    cout<<ans1<<endl;    return 0;}
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