操作系统ucore lab5实验报告

来源:互联网 发布:配送软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 02:32








    //LAB4:EXERCISE1 YOUR CODE    /*     * below fields in proc_struct need to be initialized     *       enum proc_state state;                      // Process state     *       int pid;                                    // Process ID     *       int runs;                                   // the running times of Proces     *       uintptr_t kstack;                           // Process kernel stack     *       volatile bool need_resched;                 // bool value: need to be rescheduled to release CPU?     *       struct proc_struct *parent;                 // the parent process     *       struct mm_struct *mm;                       // Process's memory management field     *       struct context context;                     // Switch here to run process     *       struct trapframe *tf;                       // Trap frame for current interrupt     *       uintptr_t cr3;                              // CR3 register: the base addr of Page Directroy Table(PDT)     *       uint32_t flags;                             // Process flag     *       char name[PROC_NAME_LEN + 1];               // Process name     */     //LAB5 YOUR CODE : (update LAB4 steps)    /*     * below fields(add in LAB5) in proc_struct need to be initialized         *       uint32_t wait_state;                        // waiting state     *       struct proc_struct *cptr, *yptr, *optr;     // relations between processes     */



// alloc_proc - alloc a proc_struct and init all fields of proc_structstatic struct proc_struct *alloc_proc(void) {    struct proc_struct *proc = kmalloc(sizeof(struct proc_struct));    if (proc != NULL) {    //LAB4:EXERCISE1 YOUR CODE    /*     * below fields in proc_struct need to be initialized     *       enum proc_state state;                      // Process state     *       int pid;                                    // Process ID     *       int runs;                                   // the running times of Proces     *       uintptr_t kstack;                           // Process kernel stack     *       volatile bool need_resched;                 // bool value: need to be rescheduled to release CPU?     *       struct proc_struct *parent;                 // the parent process     *       struct mm_struct *mm;                       // Process's memory management field     *       struct context context;                     // Switch here to run process     *       struct trapframe *tf;                       // Trap frame for current interrupt     *       uintptr_t cr3;                              // CR3 register: the base addr of Page Directroy Table(PDT)     *       uint32_t flags;                             // Process flag     *       char name[PROC_NAME_LEN + 1];               // Process name     */     //LAB5 YOUR CODE : (update LAB4 steps)    /*     * below fields(add in LAB5) in proc_struct need to be initialized         *       uint32_t wait_state;                        // waiting state     *       struct proc_struct *cptr, *yptr, *optr;     // relations between processes     */        proc->state = PROC_UNINIT;//设置进程为未初始化状态        proc->pid = -1;          //未初始化的进程id=-1        proc->runs = 0;          //初始化时间片        proc->kstack = 0;      //初始化内存栈的地址        proc->need_resched = 0;   //是否需要调度设为不需要        proc->parent = NULL;      //置空父节点        proc->mm = NULL;      //置空虚拟内存        memset(&(proc->context), 0, sizeof(struct context));//初始化上下文        proc->tf = NULL;      //中断帧指针设置为空        proc->cr3 = boot_cr3;      //页目录设为内核页目录表的基址        proc->flags = 0;      //初始化标志位        memset(proc->name, 0, PROC_NAME_LEN);//置空进程名        proc->wait_state = 0;  //初始化进程等待状态          proc->cptr = proc->optr = proc->yptr = NULL;//进程相关指针初始化          //*cptr-->children | *yptr-->younger | *optr-->older    }    return proc;}



//LAB4:EXERCISE2 YOUR CODE    /*     * Some Useful MACROs, Functions and DEFINEs, you can use them in below implementation.     * MACROs or Functions:     *   alloc_proc:   create a proc struct and init fields (lab4:exercise1)     *   setup_kstack: alloc pages with size KSTACKPAGE as process kernel stack     *   copy_mm:      process "proc" duplicate OR share process "current"'s mm according clone_flags     *                 if clone_flags & CLONE_VM, then "share" ; else "duplicate"     *   copy_thread:  setup the trapframe on the  process's kernel stack top and     *                 setup the kernel entry point and stack of process     *   hash_proc:    add proc into proc hash_list     *   get_pid:      alloc a unique pid for process     *   wakup_proc:   set proc->state = PROC_RUNNABLE     * VARIABLES:     *   proc_list:    the process set's list     *   nr_process:   the number of process set     */    //    1. call alloc_proc to allocate a proc_struct    //    2. call setup_kstack to allocate a kernel stack for child process    //    3. call copy_mm to dup OR share mm according clone_flag    //    4. call copy_thread to setup tf & context in proc_struct    //    5. insert proc_struct into hash_list && proc_list    //    6. call wakup_proc to make the new child process RUNNABLE    //    7. set ret vaule using child proc's pid    //LAB5 YOUR CODE : (update LAB4 steps)   /* Some Functions    *    set_links:  set the relation links of process.  ALSO SEE: remove_links:  lean the relation links of process     *    -------------------    *    update step 1: set child proc's parent to current process, make sure current process's wait_state is 0    *    update step 5: insert proc_struct into hash_list && proc_list, set the relation links of process    */



/* do_fork -     parent process for a new child process * @clone_flags: used to guide how to clone the child process * @stack:       the parent's user stack pointer. if stack==0, It means to fork a kernel thread. * @tf:          the trapframe info, which will be copied to child process's proc->tf */intdo_fork(uint32_t clone_flags, uintptr_t stack, struct trapframe *tf) {    int ret = -E_NO_FREE_PROC;    struct proc_struct *proc;    if (nr_process >= MAX_PROCESS) {        goto fork_out;    }    ret = -E_NO_MEM;    //LAB4:EXERCISE2 YOUR CODE    /*     * Some Useful MACROs, Functions and DEFINEs, you can use them in below implementation.     * MACROs or Functions:     *   alloc_proc:   create a proc struct and init fields (lab4:exercise1)     *   setup_kstack: alloc pages with size KSTACKPAGE as process kernel stack     *   copy_mm:      process "proc" duplicate OR share process "current"'s mm according clone_flags     *                 if clone_flags & CLONE_VM, then "share" ; else "duplicate"     *   copy_thread:  setup the trapframe on the  process's kernel stack top and     *                 setup the kernel entry point and stack of process     *   hash_proc:    add proc into proc hash_list     *   get_pid:      alloc a unique pid for process     *   wakup_proc:   set proc->state = PROC_RUNNABLE     * VARIABLES:     *   proc_list:    the process set's list     *   nr_process:   the number of process set     */    //    1. call alloc_proc to allocate a proc_struct    //    2. call setup_kstack to allocate a kernel stack for child process    //    3. call copy_mm to dup OR share mm according clone_flag    //    4. call copy_thread to setup tf & context in proc_struct    //    5. insert proc_struct into hash_list && proc_list    //    6. call wakup_proc to make the new child process RUNNABLE    //    7. set ret vaule using child proc's pid    //LAB5 YOUR CODE : (update LAB4 steps)   /* Some Functions    *    set_links:  set the relation links of process.  ALSO SEE: remove_links:  lean the relation links of process     *    -------------------    *    update step 1: set child proc's parent to current process, make sure current process's wait_state is 0    *    update step 5: insert proc_struct into hash_list && proc_list, set the relation links of process    */    if ((proc = alloc_proc()) == NULL)    {        goto fork_out;    }    //设置父节点为当前进程    proc->parent = current;    assert(current->wait_state == 0);//确保当前进程正在等待    //分配内核栈    if (setup_kstack(proc) != 0) {        goto bad_fork_cleanup_proc;    }    //调用copy_mm()函数复制父进程的内存信息到子进程    if (copy_mm(clone_flags, proc) != 0) {        goto bad_fork_cleanup_kstack;    }    //调用copy_thread()函数复制父进程的中断帧和上下文信息    copy_thread(proc, stack, tf);    bool intr_flag;    local_intr_save(intr_flag);    {        proc->pid = get_pid();        hash_proc(proc);//将新进程加入hash_list        set_links(proc);//执行set_links函数,实现设置相关进程链接    }    local_intr_restore(intr_flag);    //唤醒进程,等待调度    wakeup_proc(proc);    //返回子进程的pid    ret = proc->pid;fork_out:    return ret;bad_fork_cleanup_kstack:    put_kstack(proc);bad_fork_cleanup_proc:    kfree(proc);    goto fork_out;}



/* idt_init - initialize IDT to each of the entry points in kern/trap/vectors.S */voididt_init(void) {     /* LAB1 YOUR CODE : STEP 2 */     /* (1) Where are the entry addrs of each Interrupt Service Routine (ISR)?      *     All ISR's entry addrs are stored in __vectors. where is uintptr_t __vectors[] ?      *     __vectors[] is in kern/trap/vector.S which is produced by tools/vector.c      *     (try "make" command in lab1, then you will find vector.S in kern/trap DIR)      *     You can use  "extern uintptr_t __vectors[];" to define this extern variable which will be used later.      * (2) Now you should setup the entries of ISR in Interrupt Description Table (IDT).      *     Can you see idt[256] in this file? Yes, it's IDT! you can use SETGATE macro to setup each item of IDT      * (3) After setup the contents of IDT, you will let CPU know where is the IDT by using 'lidt' instruction.      *     You don't know the meaning of this instruction? just google it! and check the libs/x86.h to know more.      *     Notice: the argument of lidt is idt_pd. try to find it!      */     /* LAB5 YOUR CODE */      //you should update your lab1 code (just add ONE or TWO lines of code), let user app to use syscall to get the service of ucore     //so you should setup the syscall interrupt gate in here    extern uintptr_t __vectors[];    int i;    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(idt)  sizeof(struct gatedesc); i ++) {        SETGATE(idt[i], 0, GD_KTEXT, __vectors[i], DPL_KERNEL);    }    SETGATE(idt[T_SYSCALL], 1, GD_KTEXT, __vectors[T_SYSCALL], DPL_USER);//设置相应的中断门    lidt(&idt_pd);}

  设置一个特定中断号的中断门,专门用于用户进程访问系统调用。在上述代码中,可以看到在执行加载中断描述符表lidt指令前,专门设置了一个特殊的中断描述符idt[T_SYSCALL],它的特权级设置为DPL_USER,中断向量处理地址在__vectors[T_SYSCALL]处。这样建立好这个中断描述符后,一旦用户进程执行INT T_SYSCALL后,由于此中断允许用户态进程产生(它的特权级设置为DPL_USER),所以CPU就会从用户态切换到内核态,保存相关寄存器,并跳转到__vectors[T_SYSCALL]处开始执行,形成如下执行路径:





ticks ++;        if (ticks % TICK_NUM == 0) {            assert(current != NULL);            current->need_resched = 1;//时间片用完设置为需要调度        }






    /* LAB5:EXERCISE1 YOUR CODE     * should set tf_cs,tf_ds,tf_es,tf_ss,tf_esp,tf_eip,tf_eflags     * NOTICE: If we set trapframe correctly, then the user level process can return to USER MODE from kernel. So     *          tf_cs should be USER_CS segment (see memlayout.h)     *          tf_ds=tf_es=tf_ss should be USER_DS segment     *          tf_esp should be the top addr of user stack (USTACKTOP)     *          tf_eip should be the entry point of this binary program (elf->e_entry)     *          tf_eflags should be set to enable computer to produce Interrupt     */


  • 1、调用 mm_create 函数来申请进程的内存管理数据结构 mm 所需内存空间,并对 mm 进行初始化;

  • 2、调用 setup_pgdir来申请一个页目录表所需的一个页大小的内存空间,并把描述ucore内核虚空间映射的内核页表(boot_pgdir所指)的内容拷贝到此新目录表中,最后让mm->pgdir指向此页目录表,这就是进程新的页目录表了,且能够正确映射内核虚空间;

  • 3、根据可执行程序的起始位置来解析此 ELF 格式的执行程序,并调用 mm_map函数根据 ELF格式执行程序的各个段(代码段、数据段、BSS段等)的起始位置和大小建立对应的vma结构,并把vma 插入到 mm结构中,表明这些是用户进程的合法用户态虚拟地址空间;

  • 4.根据可执行程序各个段的大小分配物理内存空间,并根据执行程序各个段的起始位置确定虚拟地址,并在页表中建立好物理地址和虚拟地址的映射关系,然后把执行程序各个段的内容拷贝到相应的内核虚拟地址中,至此应用程序执行码和数据已经根据编译时设定地址放置到虚拟内存中了;

  • 5.需要给用户进程设置用户栈,为此调用 mm_mmap 函数建立用户栈的 vma 结构,明确用户栈的位置在用户虚空间的顶端,大小为 256 个页,即1MB,并分配一定数量的物理内存且建立好栈的虚地址<-->物理地址映射关系;

  • 6.至此,进程内的内存管理 vma 和 mm 数据结构已经建立完成,于是把 mm->pgdir 赋值到 cr3 寄存器中,即更新了用户进程的虚拟内存空间,此时的 init 已经被 exit 的代码和数据覆盖,成为了第一个用户进程,但此时这个用户进程的执行现场还没建立好;

  • 7.先清空进程的中断帧,再重新设置进程的中断帧,使得在执行中断返回指令iret后,能够让 CPU转到用户态特权级,并回到用户态内存空间,使用用户态的代码段、数据段和堆栈,且能够跳转到用户进程的第一条指令执行,并确保在用户态能够响应中断;










vectors.S::vector128起始处:  pushl $0  pushl $128......trapentry.S::__alltraps起始处:pushl %ds  pushl %es  pushal……


/* below here defined by x86 hardware */    uintptr_t tf_eip;    uint16_t tf_cs;    uint16_t tf_padding3;    uint32_t tf_eflags;/* below here only when crossing rings */    uintptr_t tf_esp;    uint16_t tf_ss;    uint16_t tf_padding4;

  这时执行“IRET”指令后,CPU根据内核栈的情况回复到用户态,并把EIP指向tf_eip的值,即INT T_SYSCALL后的那条指令。这样整个系统调用就执行完毕了。


    tf->tf_cs = USER_CS;    tf->tf_ds = tf->tf_es = tf->tf_ss = USER_DS;    tf->tf_esp = USTACKTOP;//0xB0000000    tf->tf_eip = elf->e_entry;    tf->tf_eflags = FL_IF;//FL_IF为中断打开状态     ret = 0;




/* LAB5:EXERCISE2 YOUR CODE         * replicate content of page to npage, build the map of phy addr of nage with the linear addr start         *         * Some Useful MACROs and DEFINEs, you can use them in below implementation.         * MACROs or Functions:         *    page2kva(struct Page *page): return the kernel vritual addr of memory which page managed (SEE pmm.h)         *    page_insert: build the map of phy addr of an Page with the linear addr la         *    memcpy: typical memory copy function         *         * (1) find src_kvaddr: the kernel virtual address of page         * (2) find dst_kvaddr: the kernel virtual address of npage         * (3) memory copy from src_kvaddr to dst_kvaddr, size is PGSIZE         * (4) build the map of phy addr of  nage with the linear addr start         */








void * src_kvaddr = page2kva(page);//找寻父进程的内核虚拟页地址  void * dst_kvaddr = page2kva(npage);//找寻子进程的内核虚拟页地址  memcpy(dst_kvaddr, src_kvaddr, PGSIZE);//复制父进程到子进程  ret = page_insert(to, npage, start, perm);//建立物理地址与子进程的页地址起始位置的映射关系//perm是权限




  fork使用了系统调用SYS_fork,而系统调用SYS_fork则主要是由do_forkwakeup_proc来完成的,而wakeup_proc函数主要是将进程的状态设置为等待,即proc->wait_state = 0

  • 1、分配并初始化进程控制块(alloc_proc 函数);
  • 2、分配并初始化内核栈(setup_stack 函数);
  • 3、根据 clone_flag标志复制或共享进程内存管理结构(copy_mm 函数);
  • 4、设置进程在内核(将来也包括用户态)正常运行和调度所需的中断帧和执行上下文(copy_thread 函数);
  • 5、把设置好的进程控制块放入hash_listproc_list 两个全局进程链表中;
  • 6、自此,进程已经准备好执行了,把进程状态设置为“就绪”态;
  • 7、设置返回码为子进程的 id 号。



  • 1、首先为加载新的执行码做好用户态内存空间清空准备。如果mm不为NULL,则设置页表为内核空间页表,且进一步判断mm的引用计数减1后是否为0,如果为0,则表明没有进程再需要此进程所占用的内存空间,为此将根据mm中的记录,释放进程所占用户空间内存和进程页表本身所占空间。最后把当前进程的mm内存管理指针为空。由于此处的initproc是内核线程,所以mm为NULL,整个处理都不会做。
  • 2、接下来的一步是加载应用程序执行码到当前进程的新创建的用户态虚拟空间中。这里涉及到读ELF格式的文件,申请内存空间,建立用户态虚存空间,加载应用程序执行码等。load_icode函数完成了整个复杂的工作。load_icode已经介绍过



  • 1、 如果 pid!=0,表示只找一个进程 id 号为 pid 的退出状态的子进程,否则找任意一个处于退出状态的子进程;
  • 2、 如果此子进程的执行状态不为PROC_ZOMBIE,表明此子进程还没有退出,则当前进程设置执行状态为PROC_SLEEPING(睡眠),睡眠原因为WT_CHILD(即等待子进程退出),调用schedule()函数选择新的进程执行,自己睡眠等待,如果被唤醒,则重复跳回步骤 1 处执行;
  • 3、 如果此子进程的执行状态为 PROC_ZOMBIE,表明此子进程处于退出状态,需要当前进程(即子进程的父进程)完成对子进程的最终回收工作,即首先把子进程控制块从两个进程队列proc_listhash_list中删除,并释放子进程的内核堆栈和进程控制块。自此,子进程才彻底地结束了它的执行过程,它所占用的所有资源均已释放。



  • 1、如果current->mm != NULL,表示是用户进程,则开始回收此用户进程所占用的用户态虚拟内存空间;
  • 2、这时,设置当前进程的执行状态current->state=PROC_ZOMBIE,当前进程的退出码current->exit_code=error_code。此时当前进程已经不能被调度了,需要此进程的父进程来做最后的回收工作(即回收描述此进程的内核栈和进程控制块);
  • 3、如果当前父进程已经处于等待子进程的状态,即父进程的wait_state被置为WT_CHILD,则此时就可以唤醒父进程,让父进程来帮子进程完成最后的资源回收工作。
  • 4、如果当前进程还有子进程,则需要把这些子进程的父进程指针设置为内核线程init,且各个子进程指针需要插入到init的子进程链表中。如果某个子进程的执行状态是 PROC_ZOMBIE,则需要唤醒 init来完成对此子进程的最后回收工作。
  • 5、执行schedule()调度函数,选择新的进程执行。



系统调用名 含义 具体完成服务的函数 SYS_exit process exit do_exit SYS_fork create child process, dup mm do_fork–>wakeup_proc SYS_wait wait child process do_wait SYS_exec after fork, process execute a new program load a program and refresh the mm SYS_yield process flag itself need resecheduling proc->need_sched=1, then scheduler will rescheule this process SYS_kill kill process do_kill–>proc->flags SYS_getpid get the process’s pid

  当调用系统函数时,一般执行INT T_SYSCALL指令后,CPU 根据操作系统建立的系统调用中断描述符,转入内核态,然后开始了操作系统系统调用的执行过程,在执行之前,会保留系统调用前的执行现场,然后保存当前进程的trapframe中,之后操作系统就可以开始完成具体的系统调用服务,完成服务后,调用IRET,CPU根据内核栈的情况恢复到用户态,并把EIP指向tf_eip的值。这样整个系统调用就执行完毕了。





  通过本次实验,我学习了用户进程的管理,通过书本与查阅资料,了解第一个用户进程创建的过程,简单的理解系统调用框架的实现机制,并且学习到通过系统调用sys_fork/sys_exec/sys_exit/sys_wait来支持运行不同的应用程序,完成对用户进程的执行过程的基本管理。在学习中,也有不理解的地方。对虚拟内存空间不是非常理解,不太懂代码中tf->tf_cs = USER_CS;等相关参数的构造,并且针对于中断的相关知识掌握的不到位。以后会加大对中断方面的学习理解,回顾试验中不理解的地方。
