
来源:互联网 发布:运动软件电脑版 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 22:45


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import scala.util.control._;object mycode {      def main(args: Array[String]) {      //在 Scala 中,使用关键词 "var" 声明变量,使用关键词 "val" 声明常量。      //变量声明格式   var VariableName : DataType [=  Initial Value]      var myvar:String="world"; //变量        val myval:String="hello";//常量      //关于字符串的方法      var len = myvar.length();//使用 length() 方法来获取字符串长度      println("before change:content of myvar:`"+myvar+"length of it :"+len); // 输出w orld      len = myvar.length();//使用 length() 方法来获取字符串长度      myvar=myvar.concat(myval);//链接字符串      len=myvar.length();      println("After change:content of myvar:"+myvar+"length of it "+len); // 输出world hello          //元组      var two_e=(20,"hello");      println(two_e);      //字符串遍历赋值    var X:Array[Int]=new Array[Int](5);    var i:Int=1;    for (i<-0 to 4)      X(i)=i;    printint(X(1),X(2),X(3)); //输出    //判断if.....else......    var x=20;    judgement(x);   //while循环   loop(x);   //multiplier匿名函数   println("multiplier:"+multiplier(1));   //about arrey  关于数组的函数   about_arrey();     }def loop(x:Int){  var y:Int=x;  var loop=new Breaks;//使用break来结束循环   loop.breakable   {     while(y<30)     {         if (y==25)         {          println(x);          loop.break;         }     else        y=y+1;      }   }}def judgement(x:Int)//判断x是否等于20{   if (x<20)     println("x<20");   else if (x==20)     println("x==20");   else     println("x>20");} def printint(x:Int*)//可变参数函数1{   var i:Int=0;   var X:Int=1;   for (X<-x)   {      println("No."+i+":"+X);      i=i+1;   } } var free:Int=3;val multiplier= (i:Int) =>i*3;def about_arrey()//数组赋值与遍历{  var mylist=new Array[Float](5);  var i:Int=0;  for (i<-0 to 4)    mylist(i)=66.66;  for (i<- 0 to 4)    println("%f",mylist(i)); }}


import scala.util.matching.Regeximport point(x:Int,y:Int)//父类{     var px:Int=x;     var py:Int=y;     def move(dx:Int,dy:Int)     {          px=px+dx;          py=py+dy;          println("now position:"+px+"   "+py);     }}class location (var x:Int,var y:Int,z:Int) extends point(x,y)//子类{      var pz:Int=z;      def move(dx:Int,dy:Int,dz:Int)//方法重载      {           px=px+dx;           py=py+dy;           pz=pz+dz;           println("now position:"+px+"   "+py+"    "+pz);      }      override def move (dx:Int,dy:Int)//重写非抽象方法时必须加override      {          println("want to move:"+dx,dy);      }}class about_match(var input:Any) //模式匹配{     var x:Any=input;     def match_test() : Any =this.x match     {           case 1 => "math 1";           case "math 1" => 1;     }}trait Equal//接口{    def isEqual(x:Int):Boolean;    def isNotEqual(x:Int):Boolean;}class equal_or_not(val x:Int) extends Equal//接口的实现{    val pc:Int=x;    def isEqual(x:Int) = this.pc == x;    def isNotEqual(x:Int) = this.pc != x;}class about_file//文件读写(){     def readfile(filename:String)//读文件并输出    {      Source.fromFile(filename ).foreach { print }     }     def writefile(filename:String) {     print("please input data: " );     val line = readLine();//读取输入数据     val writer = new PrintWriter(new File(filename ));//创建写文件类     writer.write(line); writer.close(); } }class about_ex//关于异常  try....catch....finally{       def error(file:String)       {         try {         val f = new FileReader("file")      } catch {         case ex: FileNotFoundException => {            println("Missing file exception")         }         case ex: IOException => {            println("IO Exception")         }      } finally {         println("Exiting finally...")      }       }}class about_tiqu//提取{      def tiqu( )      {            println ("Apply 方法 : " + apply("Zara", ""));      println ("Unapply 方法 : " + unapply(""));      println ("Unapply 方法 : " + unapply("Zara Ali"));      }   // 注入方法 (可选)   def apply(user: String, domain: String) = {      user +"@"+ domain   }   // 提取方法(必选)   def unapply(str: String): Option[(String, String)] = {      val parts = str split "@"      if (parts.length == 2){         Some(parts(0), parts(1))       }else{         None      }   }}class about_class private(val color:String)//私有构造方法{        println("hello,world\n");      }//伴生对象,与类共享名字,可以访问类的私有属性和方法object about_class{     def main(args:Array[String])     {          val pt = new point(20,10);//创建对象          pt.move(10,10);          val pr =new location(10,10,20);//创建子类对象          pr.move(20,20,20);          pr.move(20,30);          val pl=new about_class("red");          var equal=new equal_or_not(20);//演示接口的使用          println(equal.isNotEqual(30));          var ma=new about_match(1);//演示模式匹配          println(ma.match_test());          var pattern=new Regex("(S|s)cala");//正则表达式          val str = "scala is cool,Scala is big cool";          println((pattern findAllIn str).mkString(","));          println(pattern replaceFirstIn(str,"Java"));          var test=new about_ex();//演示异常          test.error("test.txt");          var test_tiqu=new about_tiqu();//演示提取          test_tiqu.tiqu();          var file=new about_file();//演示文件读写          file.writefile("input.txt");          file.readfile("input.txt");     }}
