snort 之AC匹配算法

来源:互联网 发布:软件离职项目交接 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/02 03:24

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/* $Id$ *//* ** Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ** Copyright (C) 2002-2013 Sourcefire, Inc. ** Copyright (C) 2002 Martin Roesch <> ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 as ** published by the Free Software Foundation.  You may not use, modify or ** distribute this program under any other version of the GNU General ** Public License. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA. *//* **   ACSMX.H ** ** */#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H#include "config.h"#endif#include "sf_types.h"#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#ifndef ACSMX_H#define ACSMX_H/* *   Prototypes */#define ALPHABET_SIZE    256#define ACSM_FAIL_STATE   -1typedef struct _acsm_userdata{uint32_t ref_count;void *id;} ACSM_USERDATA;typedef struct _acsm_pattern{struct _acsm_pattern *next;  //链表下一个节点unsigned char *patrn;        //转换为大写字母模式串unsigned char *casepatrn;    //大小写敏感模式串int n;                       //模式串长度int nocase; //大小写敏感int offset; //偏移?int depth; //深度?int negative; //?ACSM_USERDATA *udata; //用户数据int iid; //模式串IDvoid * rule_option_tree;void * neg_list;} ACSM_PATTERN;//状态机表typedef struct{//goto/* Next state - based on input character */int NextState[ALPHABET_SIZE];//failure/* Failure state - used while building NFA & DFA  */int FailState;//output/* List of patterns that end here, if any */ACSM_PATTERN *MatchList;} ACSM_STATETABLE;/* * State machine Struct */typedef struct{int acsmMaxStates; //状态机最大状态数int acsmNumStates;//状态机实际状态数ACSM_PATTERN * acsmPatterns;  //模式串链表ACSM_STATETABLE * acsmStateTable;  //状态表int bcSize;short bcShift[256];int numPatterns;      //模式总数void (*userfree)(void *p);void (*optiontreefree)(void **p);void (*neg_list_free)(void **p);} ACSM_STRUCT;/* *   Prototypes */ACSM_STRUCT * acsmNew(void(*userfree)(void *p), void(*optiontreefree)(void **p), void(*neg_list_free)(void **p));int acsmAddPattern(ACSM_STRUCT * p, unsigned char * pat, int n, int nocase, int offset, int depth, int negative, void * id, int iid);int acsmCompile(ACSM_STRUCT * acsm, int(*build_tree)(void * id, void **existing_tree), int(*neg_list_func)(void *id, void **list));struct _SnortConfig;int acsmCompileWithSnortConf(struct _SnortConfig *, ACSM_STRUCT * acsm, int(*build_tree)(struct _SnortConfig *, void * id, void **existing_tree), int(*neg_list_func)(void *id, void **list));int acsmSearch(ACSM_STRUCT * acsm, unsigned char * T, int n, int(*Match)(void * id, void *tree, int index, void *data, void *neg_list), void * data, int* current_state);void acsmFree(ACSM_STRUCT * acsm);int acsmPatternCount(ACSM_STRUCT * acsm);int acsmPrintDetailInfo(ACSM_STRUCT *);int acsmPrintSummaryInfo(void);#endif

/* ** ** $Id$ ** ** Multi-Pattern Search Engine ** ** Aho-Corasick State Machine -  uses a Deterministic Finite Automata - DFA ** ** Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ** Copyright (C) 2002-2013 Sourcefire, Inc. ** Marc Norton ** ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 as ** published by the Free Software Foundation.  You may not use, modify or ** distribute this program under any other version of the GNU General ** Public License. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA. ** ** **   Reference - Efficient String matching: An Aid to Bibliographic Search **               Alfred V Aho and Margaret J Corasick **               Bell Labratories **               Copyright(C) 1975 Association for Computing Machinery,Inc ** **   Implemented from the 4 algorithms in the paper by Aho & Corasick **   and some implementation ideas from 'Practical Algorithms in C' ** **   Notes: **     1) This version uses about 1024 bytes per pattern character - heavy  on the memory. **     2) This algorithm finds all occurrences of all patterns within a **        body of text. **     3) Support is included to handle upper and lower case matching. **     4) Some comopilers optimize the search routine well, others don't, this makes all the difference. **     5) Aho inspects all bytes of the search text, but only once so it's very efficient, **        if the patterns are all large than the Modified Wu-Manbar method is often faster. **     6) I don't subscribe to any one method is best for all searching needs, **        the data decides which method is best, **        and we don't know until after the search method has been tested on the specific data sets. ** ** **  May 2002  : Marc Norton 1st Version **  June 2002 : Modified interface for SNORT, added case support **  Aug 2002  : Cleaned up comments, and removed dead code. **  Nov 2,2002: Fixed queue_init() , added count=0 ** ** */#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#include <ctype.h>#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H#include "config.h"#endif#include "acsmx.h"#include "util.h"#include "snort_debug.h"#ifdef DYNAMIC_PREPROC_CONTEXT#include "sf_dynamic_preprocessor.h"#endif //DYNAMIC_PREPROC_CONTEXT#define MEMASSERT(p,s) if(!p){fprintf(stderr,"ACSM-No Memory: %s!\n",s);exit(0);}#ifdef DEBUG_ACstatic int max_memory = 0;#endif/*static void Print_DFA( ACSM_STRUCT * acsm );*//* * */static void *AC_MALLOC(int n){void *p;p = calloc(1, n);#ifdef DEBUG_ACif (p)max_memory += n;#endifreturn p;}/* * */static void AC_FREE(void *p){if (p) free(p);}/* *    Simple QUEUE NODE */typedef struct _qnode{int state;struct _qnode *next;} QNODE;/* *    Simple QUEUE Structure */typedef struct _queue{QNODE * head, *tail;int count;} QUEUE;/* * */static void queue_init(QUEUE * s){s->head = s->tail = 0;s->count = 0;}/* *  Add Tail Item to queue */static void queue_add(QUEUE * s, int state){QNODE * q;if (!s->head){q = s->tail = s->head = (QNODE *) AC_MALLOC(sizeof(QNODE));MEMASSERT (q, "queue_add");q->state = state;q->next = 0;}else{q = (QNODE *) AC_MALLOC(sizeof(QNODE));MEMASSERT (q, "queue_add");q->state = state;q->next = 0;s->tail->next = q;s->tail = q;}s->count++;}/* *  Remove Head Item from queue */static int queue_remove(QUEUE * s){int state = 0;QNODE * q;if (s->head){q = s->head;state = q->state;s->head = s->head->next;s->count--;if (!s->head){s->tail = 0;s->count = 0;}AC_FREE(q);}return state;}/* * */static int queue_count(QUEUE * s){return s->count;}/* * */static void queue_free(QUEUE * s){while (queue_count(s)){queue_remove(s);}}/* ** Case Translation Table */static unsigned char xlatcase[256];/* * 做一个ASSIC码hash表,查找优化,都转换成大写,在初始化模式字符串时,根据索引查找对应的字符; */static void init_xlatcase(){int i;for (i = 0; i < 256; i++){xlatcase[i] = (unsigned char) toupper(i);}}/* * */static inline void ConvertCaseEx(unsigned char *d, unsigned char *s, int m){int i;for (i = 0; i < m; i++){d[i] = xlatcase[s[i]];}}/* * */static ACSM_PATTERN *CopyMatchListEntry(ACSM_PATTERN * px){ACSM_PATTERN * p;p = (ACSM_PATTERN *) AC_MALLOC(sizeof(ACSM_PATTERN));MEMASSERT (p, "CopyMatchListEntry");memcpy(p, px, sizeof(ACSM_PATTERN));px->udata->ref_count++;p->next = 0;return p;}/* *  Add a pattern to the list of patterns terminated at this state. *  Insert at front of list. *  到模式终止状态时的输出模式串到匹配链表 */static void AddMatchListEntry(ACSM_STRUCT * acsm, int state, ACSM_PATTERN * px){ACSM_PATTERN * p;p = (ACSM_PATTERN *) AC_MALLOC(sizeof(ACSM_PATTERN));MEMASSERT (p, "AddMatchListEntry");memcpy(p, px, sizeof(ACSM_PATTERN));p->next = acsm->acsmStateTable[state].MatchList;acsm->acsmStateTable[state].MatchList = p;}/* Add Pattern States 添加模式状态,构建goto表和output */static void AddPatternStates(ACSM_STRUCT * acsm, ACSM_PATTERN * p){unsigned char *pattern;int state = 0, next, n;n = p->n;pattern = p->patrn;/* *  Match up pattern with existing states *  用已经构建的状态匹配模式,发现匹配失败然后就进行节点创建。 *  构建goto表,进行状态转移; */for (; n > 0; pattern++, n--){next = acsm->acsmStateTable[state].NextState[*pattern];if (next == ACSM_FAIL_STATE) break;state = next;}/* *   Add new states for the rest of the pattern bytes, 1 state per byte *   添加新的状态 */for (; n > 0; pattern++, n--){acsm->acsmNumStates++;acsm->acsmStateTable[state].NextState[*pattern] = acsm->acsmNumStates;state = acsm->acsmNumStates;}/*  he/ she/ his /hers *  输入 he 第一个模式: *     h      e *  0 ---> 1 --->2 * * 输入 she 第二个模式: *     h      e *  0 ---> 1 --->2 *     s      h      e *   |---> 3 ---> 4 ---> 5 *输入 his 第三个模式: *     h      e *  0 ---> 1 ---> 2 *  i     s *             | ---> 6 --> 7 *     s      h      e *   |---> 3 ---> 4 ---> 5 *输入 hers 第四个模式: *     h      e *  0 ---> 1 ---> 2  r     s *             | ---> 8 --> 9 *  i     s *             | ---> 6 --> 7 *      s      h      e *   |---> 3 ---> 4 ---> 5 * */AddMatchListEntry(acsm, state, p);}/* *   Build Non-Deterministic Finite Automata *   构建不确定有限自动机,利用队列进行宽搜,按层次遍历每个数节点; */static void Build_NFA(ACSM_STRUCT * acsm){int r, s;int i;QUEUE q, *queue = &q;ACSM_PATTERN * mlist = 0;ACSM_PATTERN * px = 0;/* Init a Queue */queue_init(queue);/* Add the state 0 transitions 1st */for (i = 0; i < ALPHABET_SIZE; i++){s = acsm->acsmStateTable[0].NextState[i];if (s){//入队queue_add(queue, s);//深度为1的失败函数都跳转到0状态;acsm->acsmStateTable[s].FailState = 0;}}/* Build the fail state transitions for each valid state * 为每个有效状态构建失败匹配时跳转; * */while (queue_count(queue) > 0){//出队一个状态--宽搜算法r = queue_remove(queue);/* Find Final States for any Failure * 在任何状态节点匹配失败都有一个最终失败状态; * */for (i = 0; i < ALPHABET_SIZE; i++){int fs, next;if ((s = acsm->acsmStateTable[r].NextState[i]) != ACSM_FAIL_STATE){//不是失败状态就是数下一层状态,就得入队,为下层遍历做准备;queue_add(queue, s);fs = acsm->acsmStateTable[r].FailState;/* *  Locate the next valid state for 'i' starting at s *  当一个状态节点匹配失败后,从这个状态的失败节点,定位下一个有效的节点; */while ((next = acsm->acsmStateTable[fs].NextState[i]) == ACSM_FAIL_STATE){fs = acsm->acsmStateTable[fs].FailState;}/* *  Update 's' state failure state to point to the next valid state *  更新当前节点的失败节点; */acsm->acsmStateTable[s].FailState = next;/* *  Copy 'next'states MatchList to 's' states MatchList, *  we copy them so each list can be AC_FREE'd later, *  else we could just manipulate pointers to fake the copy. */for (mlist = acsm->acsmStateTable[next].MatchList; mlist != NULL; mlist = mlist->next){px = CopyMatchListEntry(mlist);if (!px){FatalError("*** Out of memory Initializing Aho Corasick in acsmx.c ****");}/* Insert at front of MatchList */px->next = acsm->acsmStateTable[s].MatchList;acsm->acsmStateTable[s].MatchList = px;}}}}/* Clean up the queue */queue_free(queue);}/* *   Build Deterministic Finite Automata from NFA */static void Convert_NFA_To_DFA(ACSM_STRUCT * acsm){int r, s;int i;QUEUE q, *queue = &q;/* Init a Queue */queue_init(queue);/* Add the state 0 transitions 1st */for (i = 0; i < ALPHABET_SIZE; i++){s = acsm->acsmStateTable[0].NextState[i];if (s){queue_add(queue, s);}}/* Start building the next layer of transitions */while (queue_count(queue) > 0){r = queue_remove(queue);/* State is a branch state */for (i = 0; i < ALPHABET_SIZE; i++){if ((s = acsm->acsmStateTable[r].NextState[i]) != ACSM_FAIL_STATE){queue_add(queue, s);}else{acsm->acsmStateTable[r].NextState[i] = acsm->acsmStateTable[acsm->acsmStateTable[r].FailState]. NextState[i];}}}/* Clean up the queue */queue_free(queue);}/* *构建AC多模匹配结构,做一些初始化工作; */ACSM_STRUCT * acsmNew(void(*userfree)(void *p), void(*optiontreefree)(void **p), void(*neg_list_free)(void **p)){ACSM_STRUCT * p;//初始化字符串init_xlatcase();p = (ACSM_STRUCT *) AC_MALLOC(sizeof(ACSM_STRUCT));MEMASSERT (p, "acsmNew");if (p){memset(p, 0, sizeof(ACSM_STRUCT));p->userfree = userfree;p->optiontreefree = optiontreefree;p->neg_list_free = neg_list_free;}return p;}/* *   Add a pattern to the list of patterns for this state machine *   添加一个模式字符串到状态机, *   构建goto(),failure(),output()三个关键函数; * */int acsmAddPattern(ACSM_STRUCT * p, unsigned char *pat, int n, int nocase, int offset, int depth, int negative, void * id, int iid){//申请内存ACSM_PATTERN * plist;plist = (ACSM_PATTERN *) AC_MALLOC(sizeof(ACSM_PATTERN));MEMASSERT (plist, "acsmAddPattern");plist->patrn = (unsigned char *) AC_MALLOC(n);//将对应的字符都装换成大写,存入到结构中;ConvertCaseEx(plist->patrn, pat, n);//存入原始模式串,区分大小写plist->casepatrn = (unsigned char *) AC_MALLOC(n);memcpy(plist->casepatrn, pat, n);//用户数据plist->udata = (ACSM_USERDATA *) AC_MALLOC(sizeof(ACSM_USERDATA));MEMASSERT (plist->udata, "acsmAddPattern");plist->udata->ref_count = 1;plist->udata->id = id;//模式串长度plist->n = n;//模式串匹配是否大小写敏感plist->nocase = nocase;plist->negative = negative;//偏移plist->offset = offset;//tree 深度plist->depth = depth;//模式编号plist->iid = iid;//模式串挂链表,p为headplist->next = p->acsmPatterns;p->acsmPatterns = plist;p->numPatterns++;return 0;}/* 构建匹配状态*/static int acsmBuildMatchStateTrees(ACSM_STRUCT * acsm, int(*build_tree)(void * id, void **existing_tree), int(*neg_list_func)(void *id, void **list)){int i, cnt = 0;ACSM_PATTERN * mlist;/* Find the states that have a MatchList */for (i = 0; i < acsm->acsmMaxStates; i++){for (mlist = acsm->acsmStateTable[i].MatchList; mlist != NULL; mlist = mlist->next){if (mlist->udata->id){if (mlist->negative){neg_list_func(mlist->udata->id, &acsm->acsmStateTable[i].MatchList->neg_list);}else{build_tree(mlist->udata->id, &acsm->acsmStateTable[i].MatchList->rule_option_tree);}}cnt++;}if (acsm->acsmStateTable[i].MatchList){/* Last call to finalize the tree */build_tree(NULL, &acsm->acsmStateTable[i].MatchList->rule_option_tree);}}return cnt;}static int acsmBuildMatchStateTreesWithSnortConf(struct _SnortConfig *sc, ACSM_STRUCT * acsm, int(*build_tree)(struct _SnortConfig *, void * id, void **existing_tree), int(*neg_list_func)(void *id, void **list)){int i, cnt = 0;ACSM_PATTERN * mlist;/* Find the states that have a MatchList */for (i = 0; i < acsm->acsmMaxStates; i++){for (mlist = acsm->acsmStateTable[i].MatchList; mlist != NULL; mlist = mlist->next){if (mlist->udata->id){if (mlist->negative){neg_list_func(mlist->udata->id, &acsm->acsmStateTable[i].MatchList->neg_list);}else{build_tree(sc, mlist->udata->id, &acsm->acsmStateTable[i].MatchList->rule_option_tree);}}cnt++;}if (acsm->acsmStateTable[i].MatchList){/* Last call to finalize the tree */build_tree(sc, NULL, &acsm->acsmStateTable[i].MatchList->rule_option_tree);}}return cnt;}/* *   Compile State Machine *   编译状态机 */static inline int _acsmCompile(ACSM_STRUCT * acsm){int i, k;ACSM_PATTERN * plist;/* Count number of states * 计算树节点状态总数。 * */acsm->acsmMaxStates = 1;/* 遍历模式串链表,将所有模式串总和相加。作为状态机状态总数最大值*/for (plist = acsm->acsmPatterns; plist != NULL; plist = plist->next){acsm->acsmMaxStates += plist->n;}/* 申请AC状态表内存 ,每一个状态都要考虑失败、下一个状态跳转、输出匹配状态*/acsm->acsmStateTable = (ACSM_STATETABLE *) AC_MALLOC(sizeof(ACSM_STATETABLE) * acsm->acsmMaxStates);MEMASSERT (acsm->acsmStateTable, "acsmCompile");memset(acsm->acsmStateTable, 0, sizeof(ACSM_STATETABLE) * acsm->acsmMaxStates);/* Initialize state zero as a branch * 初始化状态为0 * */acsm->acsmNumStates = 0;/* Initialize all States NextStates to FAILED * 初始化所有状态的下一个状态到失败状态 * */for (k = 0; k < acsm->acsmMaxStates; k++){for (i = 0; i < ALPHABET_SIZE; i++){/* 每一个状态,初始化失败, NextState 256与之前的状态一致 。 */acsm->acsmStateTable[k].NextState[i] = ACSM_FAIL_STATE;}}/* Add each Pattern to the State Table * 添加每一个模式到状态表,构建goto,output * */for (plist = acsm->acsmPatterns; plist != NULL; plist = plist->next){AddPatternStates(acsm, plist);}/* Set all failed state transitions to return to the 0'th state * 设定深度为1的所有状态节点,失败后跳转到返回到O状态; * */for (i = 0; i < ALPHABET_SIZE; i++){if (acsm->acsmStateTable[0].NextState[i] == ACSM_FAIL_STATE){acsm->acsmStateTable[0].NextState[i] = 0;}}/* Build the NFA * 构建NFA,不确定的有限自动机 * */Build_NFA(acsm);/* Convert the NFA to a DFA * 将NFA转换到DFA(确定有穷自动机,,DFA中不会有从同一状态出发的两条边标志有相同的符号) * */Convert_NFA_To_DFA(acsm);/* printf ("ACSMX-Max Memory: %d bytes, %d states\n", max_memory, acsm->acsmMaxStates); *///Print_DFA( acsm );return 0;}int acsmCompile(ACSM_STRUCT * acsm, int(*build_tree)(void * id, void **existing_tree), int(*neg_list_func)(void *id, void **list)){int rval;if ((rval = _acsmCompile(acsm))) return rval;if (build_tree && neg_list_func){acsmBuildMatchStateTrees(acsm, build_tree, neg_list_func);}return 0;}int acsmCompileWithSnortConf(struct _SnortConfig *sc, ACSM_STRUCT * acsm, int(*build_tree)(struct _SnortConfig *, void * id, void **existing_tree), int(*neg_list_func)(void *id, void **list)){int rval;if ((rval = _acsmCompile(acsm))) return rval;if (build_tree && neg_list_func){acsmBuildMatchStateTreesWithSnortConf(sc, acsm, build_tree, neg_list_func);}return 0;}static unsigned char Tc[64 * 1024];/* *   Search Text or Binary Data for Pattern matches */int acsmSearch(ACSM_STRUCT * acsm, unsigned char *Tx, int n, int(*Match)(void * id, void *tree, int index, void *data, void *neg_list), void *data, int* current_state){int state = 0;ACSM_PATTERN * mlist;unsigned char *Tend;ACSM_STATETABLE * StateTable = acsm->acsmStateTable;int nfound = 0;unsigned char *T;int index;/* Case conversion */ConvertCaseEx(Tc, Tx, n);T = Tc;Tend = T + n;if (!current_state){return 0;}state = *current_state;for (; T < Tend; T++){state = StateTable[state].NextState[*T];if (StateTable[state].MatchList != NULL){mlist = StateTable[state].MatchList;index = T - mlist->n + 1 - Tc;nfound++;if (Match(mlist->udata->id, mlist->rule_option_tree, index, data, mlist->neg_list) > 0){*current_state = state;return nfound;}}}*current_state = state;return nfound;}/* *   Free all memory */void acsmFree(ACSM_STRUCT * acsm){int i;ACSM_PATTERN * mlist, *ilist;for (i = 0; i < acsm->acsmMaxStates; i++){mlist = acsm->acsmStateTable[i].MatchList;while (mlist){ilist = mlist;mlist = mlist->next;ilist->udata->ref_count--;if (ilist->udata->ref_count == 0){if (acsm->userfree && ilist->udata->id) acsm->userfree(ilist->udata->id);AC_FREE(ilist->udata);}if (ilist->rule_option_tree && acsm->optiontreefree){acsm->optiontreefree(&(ilist->rule_option_tree));}if (ilist->neg_list && acsm->neg_list_free){acsm->neg_list_free(&(ilist->neg_list));}AC_FREE(ilist);}}AC_FREE(acsm->acsmStateTable);mlist = acsm->acsmPatterns;while (mlist){ilist = mlist;mlist = mlist->next;AC_FREE(ilist->patrn);AC_FREE(ilist->casepatrn);AC_FREE(ilist);}AC_FREE(acsm);}int acsmPatternCount(ACSM_STRUCT * acsm){return acsm->numPatterns;}/* * *//* static void Print_DFA( ACSM_STRUCT * acsm ) { int k; int i; int next; for (k = 0; k < acsm->acsmMaxStates; k++) { for (i = 0; i < ALPHABET_SIZE; i++) { next = acsm->acsmStateTable[k].NextState[i]; if( next == 0 || next ==  ACSM_FAIL_STATE ) { if( isprint(i) ) printf("%3c->%-5d\t",i,next); else printf("%3d->%-5d\t",i,next); } } printf("\n"); } } */int acsmPrintDetailInfo(ACSM_STRUCT * p){if (p) p = p;return 0;}int acsmPrintSummaryInfo(void){#ifdef XXXXXchar * fsa[]={"TRIE","NFA","DFA",};ACSM_STRUCT2 * p = &summary.acsm;if( !summary.num_states )return;LogMessage("+--[Pattern Matcher:Aho-Corasick Summary]----------------------\n");LogMessage("| Alphabet Size    : %d Chars\n",p->acsmAlphabetSize);LogMessage("| Sizeof State     : %d bytes\n",sizeof(acstate_t));LogMessage("| Storage Format   : %s \n",sf[ p->acsmFormat ]);LogMessage("| Num States       : %d\n",summary.num_states);LogMessage("| Num Transitions  : %d\n",summary.num_transitions);LogMessage("| State Density    : %.1f%%\n",100.0*(double)summary.num_transitions/(summary.num_states*p->acsmAlphabetSize));LogMessage("| Finite Automatum : %s\n", fsa[p->acsmFSA]);if( max_memory < 1024*1024 )LogMessage("| Memory           : %.2fKbytes\n", (float)max_memory/1024 );elseLogMessage("| Memory           : %.2fMbytes\n", (float)max_memory/(1024*1024) );LogMessage("+-------------------------------------------------------------\n");#endifreturn 0;}#ifdef ACSMX_MAIN/* *  Text Data Buffer */unsigned char text[512];/* *    A Match is found */intMatchFound (unsigned id, int index, void *data){fprintf (stdout, "%s\n", (char *) id);return 0;}/* * */intmain (int argc, char **argv){int i, nocase = 0;ACSM_STRUCT * acsm;if (argc < 3){fprintf (stderr,"Usage: acsmx pattern word-1 word-2 ... word-n  -nocase\n");exit (0);}acsm = acsmNew ();strcpy (text, argv[1]);for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)if (strcmp (argv[i], "-nocase") == 0)nocase = 1;for (i = 2; i < argc; i++){if (argv[i][0] == '-')continue;acsmAddPattern (acsm, argv[i], strlen (argv[i]), nocase, 0, 0,argv[i], i - 2);}acsmCompile (acsm);acsmSearch (acsm, text, strlen (text), MatchFound, (void *) 0);acsmFree (acsm);printf ("normal pgm end\n");return (0);}#endif /*  */

