bzoj1833: [ZJOI2010]count 数字计数

来源:互联网 发布:手机淘宝怎么追加差评 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 01:05


uses math;var  c,d,e,f:array [0..20] of int64;  a,b,p,i:int64;  j,k,l:longint;procedure cf(x:int64);  begin    fillchar(d,sizeof(d),0);    while (x<>0) do begin inc(d[x mod 10]); x:=x div 10; end;  end;procedure make(x,y,k:int64);  var i,j:longint;  begin    cf(x);    for i:=0 to y-1 do      begin        inc(c[i],e[k]);        for j:=0 to 9 do c[j]:=c[j]+d[j]*e[k];        for j:=0 to 9 do c[j]:=c[j]+(k-1)*e[k-1];      end;  end;begin  e[1]:=1;  for j:=2 to 15 do e[j]:=e[j-1]*10;  read(a,b);  dec(a);  i:=1; p:=1;  while (a>=1) do    begin      make(a div 10,a mod 10,i);      inc(c[a mod 10]);      a:=a div 10; p:=p*10; inc(i);      dec(c[0],p div 10);    end;  f:=c;  fillchar(c,sizeof(c),0);  i:=1; p:=1;  while (b>=1) do    begin      make(b div 10,b mod 10,i);      inc(c[b mod 10]);      b:=b div 10; p:=p*10; inc(i);      dec(c[0],p div 10);    end;  for j:=0 to 8 do write(c[j]-f[j],' ');  write(c[9]-f[9]);end.