caffe2--Image Pre-Processing(六)

来源:互联网 发布:网络开发平台 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 09:12

Image Pro-Processing


  • resizing(改变大小)
  • rescaling(改变尺度比例)
  • HWC->CHW
  • RGB -> BRG
  • image prep for caffe2 ingestion

Browse the IPython Tutorial#

在本教程中,我们将介绍如何从本地文件或URL中加载图像,然后可以在其他教程或示例中使用。 此外,我们将深入了解使用Caffe2与图像相关的各种预处理。

Mac OSx Prerequisites


sudo pip install scikit-image scipy matplotlib


%matplotlib inlineimport skimageimport as ioimport skimage.transformimport sysimport numpy as npimport mathfrom matplotlib import pyplotimport matplotlib.image as mpimgprint("Required modules imported.")


Required modules imported.

Test an Image


Color Issues


Caffe Uses BGR Order

Caffe使用了OpenCV,而OpenCV处理图像是Blue-Green-Red (BGR) 形式的。而不是通用的RGB形式,所以在Caffe2中,图像的格式也是BGR。从长远来看,这种做法在很多方面是有益的,当你使用不同的计算机和库。同样也是困惑的起源。

#You can load either local IMAGE_FILE or remote URL#For Round 1 of this tutorial , try a local image#IMAGE_LOCATION='image/cat.jpg'#For Round 2 of this tutorial , try a URL image with  a flower:IMAGE_LOCATION = ""# For Round 3 of this tutorial, try another URL image with lots of people:#IMAGE_LOCATION = ""img=skimage.img_as_float( color reading#show the original imagepyplot.figure()pyplot.subplot(1,2,1)'on')pyplot.title('original image=RGB')# show the image in BGR - just doing RGB->BGR temporarily for displayimgBGR=img[:,:,(2,1,0)]#pyplot.figure()pyplot.subplot(1,2,2)pyplot.imshow(imageBGR)pyplot.axis('on')pyplot.title('opencv ,caffe2=BGR')


(751, 1280, 3)(751, 1280, 3)


Caffe Prefers CHW Order

更深入地挖掘图像数据的存储方式是内存分配顺序。 您可能已经注意到,当我们第一次加载图像时,我们强制它通过一些有趣的转换。 这些是数据转换,让我们像图像一样玩一个立方体。 我们看到的是在立方体之上,并且操纵下面的层可以改变我们所看到的。 我们可以修改它的底层属性,如上所述,交换颜色很容易。-。-..(没什么营养,可以跳过)


Rotation and Mirroring

This topic is usually reserved for images that are coming from a smart phone. Phones, in general, take great pictures, but do a horrible job communicating how the image was taken and what orientation it should be in. Then there’s the user who does everything under the sun with their phone’s cameras, making them do things its designer never expected. Cameras - right, because there are often two cameras and these two cameras take different sized pictures in both pixel count and aspect ratio, and not only that, they sometimes take them mirrored, and they sometimes take them in portrait and landscape modes, and sometimes they don’t bother to tell which mode they were in.
In many ways this is the first thing you need to evaluate in your pipeline, then look at sizing (described below), then figure out the color situation. If you’re developing for iOS, then you’re in luck, it’s going to be relatively easy. If you’re a super-hacker wizard developer with lead-lined shorts and developing for Android, then at least you have lead-lined shorts.
The variability in the Android marketplace is wonderful and horrifying. In an ideal world, you could rely on the EXIF data in pictures coming from any camera and use that to decide orientation and mirroring and you’d have one simple case function to handle your transformations. No such luck, but you’re not alone. Many have come before you and suffered for you.(-.-…请原谅我copy英文)

Library for Handling Mobile images


# Image came in sideways - it should be a portait image!# How you detect this depends on the platform# Could be a flag from the camera object# Could be in the EXIF data# Image came in sideways - it should be a portait image!# How you detect this depends on the platform# Could be a flag from the camera object# Could be in the EXIF dataROTATED_IMAGE = ""imgRotated = skimage.img_as_float('on')pyplot.title('Rotated image')# Image came in flipped or mirrored - text is backwards!# Again detection depends on the platform# This one is intended to be read by drivers in their rear-view mirrorMIRROR_IMAGE = ""imgMirror = skimage.img_as_float('on')pyplot.title('Mirror image')

你可以看到我们有一些问题,如果我们正在检测places、landmarks,or objects,a sideways cell tower 会影响性能。如果我们检测文本并自动翻译,mirrored text不是很好的(样本)。但是,你可能想获得一个可以检测英文的模型。那是非常帅的,但是这个教程不是干这个的。


#实现图像的左右翻转imgMirror=np.fliplr(imgMirror)pyplot.figure()pyplot.imshow(imgMirror)pyplot.axis('off')pyplot.title('Mirror image')


#逆时针旋转90度imgRotated=np.rot90(imgRotated)pyplot.figure()pyplot.imshow(imgRotated)pyplot.axis('off')pyplot.title('Rotated image')



未完。。。待续。。。 头痛
