[Unity&特效]使用Projector投影仪来制作角色脚下的特效圆环以及技能指示器skill indicator

来源:互联网 发布:raphael.2.1.0.min.js 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 07:12

根据参考资料1 里面的,下载 projector 组件

ProjectorCustom Shader在参考资料10



Projector投影仪的创建 以及 设置

如果 Projector投影仪 如下图设置


根据 参考资料2,3,4,5,6,使用画图工具 画一个 自己 的圆环





技能指示器skill indicator 如何围绕 着 玩家 进行 旋转


TestRotation 代码如下所示:

using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;public class TestRotation : MonoBehaviour {    private Vector3 rotationMask = new Vector3(0, 1, 0); //which axes to rotate around    private float rotationSpeed = 5.0f; //degrees per second    public GameObject rotateAround;    private Transform rotateAroundObject;    private void Awake()    {        rotateAroundObject = rotateAround.transform;    }    // Update is called once per frame    void Update () {        if (rotateAroundObject)        {//If true in the inspector orbit <rotateAroundObject>:            transform.RotateAround(rotateAroundObject.transform.position,            rotationMask, rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime);        }        else        {//not set -> rotate around own axis/axes:            transform.Rotate(new Vector3(            rotationMask.x * rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime,            rotationMask.y * rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime,            rotationMask.z * rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime));        }    }}

有两种方式可以使得 旋转 的指示器 停止

1. X,Z的坐标 在一定 的范围 内 满足 条件 ,停止。

2. 比较 两条 直线 (玩家-鼠标,箭头-圆)的角度。Vector3.Angle(line_m_, line_a_);

这样进行设置 ,就可以 使得 Arrow 对象 ,在 X 在一定 范围 的时候 ,就停下来

using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;public class TestRotation : MonoBehaviour{    private Vector3 rotationMask = new Vector3(0, 1, 0); //which axes to rotate around    private float rotationSpeed = 10.0f; //degrees per second    public GameObject centerGO;    private Transform centerGO_trans;    private Vector3 centerGO_pos;    public GameObject arrowGO;    private Transform arrowGO_trans;    private Vector3 arrowGO_pos;        private void Awake()    {        UpdatePoint();    }    // Update is called once per frame    void Update()    {        UpdatePoint();        if (arrowGO_pos.x < 1 && arrowGO_pos.x > 0.9)        {            Debug.Log("111");        }        else        {            if (centerGO.transform)            {//If true in the inspector orbit <rotateAroundObject>:                transform.RotateAround(centerGO_pos,                rotationMask, rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime);            }            else            {//not set -> rotate around own axis/axes:                arrowGO_trans.Rotate(new Vector3(                rotationMask.x * rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime,                rotationMask.y * rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime,                rotationMask.z * rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime));            }        }    }    private void UpdatePoint()    {        centerGO_trans = centerGO.transform;        centerGO_pos = centerGO_trans.position;        arrowGO_trans = arrowGO.transform;        arrowGO_pos = arrowGO_trans.position;    }}


两者的 旋转 的X 都是90度,根据实际的情况 选择参数

当下面 的这个 参数 为 -1 的时候,逆时针 旋转,为1 的时候,顺时针旋转

private Vector3 rotationMask = new Vector3(0, -1, 0); //which axes to rotate around


当 line_m 和 line_a 都 normalized。


化,才能够 进行 比较。具体的用法 ,参考 参考资料7,就明白了。

当鼠标 停 到 某个 位置,指示器 旋转 到一定 的程度 即可 完成 旋转,代码如下所示:
using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;public class TestRotation : MonoBehaviour{    private Vector3 rotationMask = new Vector3(0, 1, 0); //which axes to rotate around    private float rotationSpeed = 10.0f; //degrees per second    public GameObject centerGO;//中心    private Transform centerGO_trans;    private Vector3 centerGO_pos;    public GameObject arrowGO;//箭头    private Transform arrowGO_trans;    private Vector3 arrowGO_pos;        public GameObject playerGO;//玩家    private Transform playerGO_trans;    private Vector3 playerGO_pos;    private Vector3 mouse_pos;//鼠标    private Vector3 line_m;//鼠标 到 玩家的 向量    private Vector3 line_m_;//使其 Y 为0        private Vector3 line_a;//箭头 到 中心 的向量    private Vector3 line_a_;//    private void Awake()    {        UpdatePoint();    }    // Update is called once per frame    void Update()    {        Ray MouseRay = UnityEngine.Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);//场景中必须含有 Canvas,否则无效        RaycastHit raycastHit;//互动物体 碰撞到的物体        Physics.Raycast(MouseRay, out raycastHit, 5000);        if (null != raycastHit.transform)        {            UpdatePoint();            mouse_pos = raycastHit.point;            line_m = new Vector3(mouse_pos.x, 0, mouse_pos.z) - new Vector3(playerGO_pos.x, 0, playerGO_pos.z);            line_m_ = line_m.normalized;            line_a = new Vector3(arrowGO_pos.x, 0, arrowGO_pos.z) - new Vector3(centerGO_pos.x, 0, centerGO_pos.z);            line_a_ = line_a.normalized;            Debug.Log("  "+ mouse_pos);            if (line_a_.x > (line_m_.x -0.1f )                 && line_a_.x < (line_m_.x + 0.1f)                && line_a_.z > (line_m_.z - 0.1f)                && line_a_.z < (line_m_.z + 0.1f)                )//就不旋转,否则 则旋转            {                Debug.Log("111");            }            else            {                if (centerGO.transform)                {//If true in the inspector orbit <rotateAroundObject>:                    transform.RotateAround(centerGO_pos,                    rotationMask, rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime);                }                else                {//not set -> rotate around own axis/axes:                    arrowGO_trans.Rotate(new Vector3(                    rotationMask.x * rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime,                    rotationMask.y * rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime,                    rotationMask.z * rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime));                }            }        }    }    private void UpdatePoint()    {        centerGO_trans = centerGO.transform;        centerGO_pos = centerGO_trans.position;        arrowGO_trans = arrowGO.transform;        arrowGO_pos = arrowGO_trans.position;        playerGO_trans = playerGO.transform;        playerGO_pos = playerGO_trans.position;    }}

当发生旋转的 时候 Arrow对象 的 Rotattion 的Z 发生变化 ,并且 Position 的 X,Z坐标发生变化。只在 世界坐标系 的 X Z 平面上发生变化

所以,要想实现 鼠标 移动 使得 技能指示器 skill indicator 跟随鼠标 的变化 ,而旋转

就得改变 Arrow 对象 的Rotation 的 Z ,以及 Position 的 X 和Z 轴坐标。
















8.unity 计算两点角度


unity 3d 如何获取物体坐标轴和世界坐标轴的夹角

10.Unity 5 使用Projector实现纹理投射

11.[Unity]2D&3D物体指向indicator鼠标,技能指示器 基础


