elasticsearch 索引 red 状态恢复 green

来源:互联网 发布:网络爸爸手机版下载 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/16 21:03


找到状态为 red 的索引

curl -X GET "http://172.xxx.xxx.174:9288/_cat/indices?v="red    open   index                          5   1    3058268        97588      2.6gb          1.3gb

状态为 red 是无法对外提供服务的,说明有主节点没有分配到对应的机子上。


_cat/shards 能够看到节点的分配情况

curl -X GET "http://172.xxx.xxx.174:9288/_cat/shards"index                            shard prirep state        docs   store   ip             node         index                      1    p     STARTED     764505 338.6mb 172.xxx.xxx.174 Calypso      index                      1    r     STARTED     764505 338.6mb 172.xxx.xxx.89  Savage Steelindex                      2    p     STARTED     763750 336.6mb 172.xxx.xxx.174 Calypso      index                      2    r     STARTED     763750 336.6mb 172.xxx.xxx.88  Temugin      index                      3    p     STARTED     764537 340.2mb 172.xxx.xxx.89  Savage Steelindex                      3    r     STARTED     764537 340.2mb 172.xxx.xxx.88  Temugin      index                      4    p     STARTED     765476 339.3mb 172.xxx.xxx.89  Savage Steelindex                      4    r     STARTED     765476 339.3mb 172.xxx.xxx.88  Temugin      index                      0    p     UNASSIGNED                                             index                      0    r     UNASSIGNED    

index 有一个主节点 0 和一个副本 0 处于 UNASSIGNED 状态,也就是没有分配到机子上,因为主节点没有分配到机子上,所以状态为 red
从 ip 列可以看出一共有三台机子,尾数分别为 17489 以及 88。一共有 10 个 index 所以对应的 elasticsearch 的 index.number_of_shards: 5index.number_of_replicas: 1。一共有 10 个分片,可以按照 3,3,4 这样分配到三台不同的机子上。88 和 89 机子都分配多个节点,所以可以将另外一个主节点分配到 174 机子上。

找出机子的 id

找到 174 机子对应的 id,后续重新分配主节点得要用到

curl -X GET "http://172.xxx.xxx.174:9288/_nodes/process?v="{  "cluster_name": "es2.3.2-titan-cl",  "nodes": {    "Leivp0laTYSqvMVm49SulQ": {      "name": "Calypso",      "transport_address": "172.xxx.xxx.174:9388",      "host": "172.xxx.xxx.174",      "ip": "172.xxx.xxx.174",      "version": "2.3.2",      "build": "b9e4a6a",      "http_address": "172.xxx.xxx.174:9288",      "process": {        "refresh_interval_in_millis": 1000,        "id": 32130,        "mlockall": false      }    },    "EafIS3ByRrm4g-14KmY_wg": {      "name": "Savage Steel",      "transport_address": "172.xxx.xxx.89:9388",      "host": "172.xxx.xxx.89",      "ip": "172.xxx.xxx.89",      "version": "2.3.2",      "build": "b9e4a6a",      "http_address": "172.xxx.xxx.89:9288",      "process": {        "refresh_interval_in_millis": 1000,        "id": 7560,        "mlockall": false      }    },    "tojQ9EiXS0m6ZP16N7Ug3A": {      "name": "Temugin",      "transport_address": "172.xxx.xxx.88:9388",      "host": "172.xxx.xxx.88",      "ip": "172.xxx.xxx.88",      "version": "2.3.2",      "build": "b9e4a6a",      "http_address": "172.xxx.xxx.88:9288",      "process": {        "refresh_interval_in_millis": 1000,        "id": 47701,        "mlockall": false      }    }  }}

174 机子对应的 id 为 Leivp0laTYSqvMVm49SulQ

为了简单也可以直接将该主分片放到 master 机子上,但是如果节点过于集中肯定会影响性能,同时会影响宕机后数据丢失的可能性,所以建议根据机子目前节点的分布情况重新分配。

curl -X GET "http://172.xxx.xxx.174:9288/_cat/master?v="id                     host          ip            node         EafIS3ByRrm4g-14KmY_wg 172.xxx.xxx.89 172.xxx.xxx.89 Savage Steel


得要找到 UNASSIGNED 状态的主分片才能够重新分配,如果重新分配不是 UNASSIGNED 状态的主分片,例如我视图重新分配 shard 1 会出现如下的错误。

curl -X POST -d '{    "commands" : [ {      "allocate" : {          "index" : "index",          "shard" : 1,          "node" : "EafIS3ByRrm4g-14KmY_wg",          "allow_primary" : true      }    }]}' "http://172.xxx.xxx.174:9288/_cluster/reroute"{  "error": {    "root_cause": [      {        "type": "remote_transport_exception",        "reason": "[Savage Steel][172.xxx.xxx.89:9388][cluster:admin/reroute]"      }    ],    "type": "illegal_argument_exception",    "reason": "[allocate] failed to find [index][1] on the list of unassigned shards"  },  "status": 400}

重新分配 index shard 0 到某一台机子。_cluster/reroute 的参数 allow_primary 得要小心,有概率会导致数据丢失。具体的看看官方文档该接口的说明吧。

curl -X POST -d '{    "commands" : [ {      "allocate" : {          "index" : "index",          "shard" : 0,          "node" : "Leivp0laTYSqvMVm49SulQ",          "allow_primary" : true      }    }]}' "http://172.xxx.xxx.174:9288/_cluster/reroute"{  "acknowledged": true,  .........  "index": {    "shards": {      "0": [        {          "state": "INITIALIZING",          "primary": true,          "node": "Leivp0laTYSqvMVm49SulQ",          "relocating_node": null,          "shard": 0,          "index": "index",          "version": 1,          "allocation_id": {            "id": "wk5q0CryQpmworGFalfWQQ"          },          "unassigned_info": {            "reason": "INDEX_CREATED",            "at": "2017-03-23T12:27:33.405Z",            "details": "force allocation from previous reason INDEX_REOPENED, null"          }        },        {          "state": "UNASSIGNED",          "primary": false,          "node": null,          "relocating_node": null,          "shard": 0,          "index": "index",          "version": 1,          "unassigned_info": {            "reason": "INDEX_REOPENED",            "at": "2017-03-23T11:56:25.568Z"          }        }      ]      }    }    .............}

输出结果只罗列出了关键部分,主节点处于 INITIALIZING 状态,在看看索引的状态

curl -X GET "http://172.xxx.xxx.174:9288/_cat/indices?v="green  open   index                          5   1    3058268        97588      2.6gb          1.3gb

索引状态已经为 green,恢复正常使用。



找一台空的机子,与现有的机子组成集群,由于新机子的加入机子的节点将会被分配,状态也就会恢复。等集群中所有的节点的状态变为 green 就可以关闭新加入的机子。
