
来源:互联网 发布:09总决赛科比每场数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 22:13



1 WSAStartup() -> socket() -> htons() / htonl() -> bind() -> listen() -> accept() -> recv() / send() -> closesocket() -> WSACleanup()


1 WSAStartup() -> socket() -> htons() / htonl() -> connect() -> recv() / send() -> closesocket() -> WSACleanup()



1 QNativeSocketEngine : public QAbstractSocketEngine : public QObject





1 void Client::requestNewFortune()2 {3     getFortuneButton->setEnabled(false);4     blockSize = 0;5     tcpSocket->abort();6     tcpSocket->connectToHost(hostLineEdit->text(), portLineEdit->text().toInt());7 }



1 void QAbstractSocket::connectToHost(const QString &hostName, quint16 port,2                                     OpenMode openMode)3 {4     QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "connectToHostImplementation",5                               Qt::DirectConnection,6                               Q_ARG(QString, hostName),7                               Q_ARG(quint16, port),8                               Q_ARG(OpenMode, openMode));9 }




 1 void QAbstractSocket::connectToHostImplementation(const QString &hostName, quint16 port, 2                                                   OpenMode openMode) 3 { 4     Q_D(QAbstractSocket); 5     if (d->state == ConnectedState || d->state == ConnectingState || d->state == ClosingState) { 6         qWarning("QAbstractSocket::connectToHost() called when already connecting/connected to \"%s\"", qPrintable(hostName)); 7         return; 8     } 9 10     d->hostName = hostName;11     d->port = port;12     d->state = UnconnectedState;13     d->readBuffer.clear();14     d->writeBuffer.clear();15     d->abortCalled = false;16     d->closeCalled = false;17     d->pendingClose = false;18     d->localPort = 0;19     d->peerPort = 0;20     d->localAddress.clear();21     d->peerAddress.clear();22     d->peerName = hostName;23     if (d->hostLookupId != -1) {24         QHostInfo::abortHostLookup(d->hostLookupId);25         d->hostLookupId = -1;26     }27 28 #ifndef QT_NO_NETWORKPROXY29     // Get the proxy information30     d->resolveProxy(hostName, port);31     if (d->proxyInUse.type() == QNetworkProxy::DefaultProxy) {32         // failed to setup the proxy33         d->socketError = QAbstractSocket::UnsupportedSocketOperationError;34         setErrorString(QAbstractSocket::tr("Operation on socket is not supported"));35         emit error(d->socketError);36         return;37     }38 #endif39 40     if (!d_func()->isBuffered)41         openMode |= QAbstractSocket::Unbuffered;42     QIODevice::open(openMode);  // ??43     d->state = HostLookupState;44     emit stateChanged(d->state);45 46     QHostAddress temp;47     if (temp.setAddress(hostName)) {48         QHostInfo info;49         info.setAddresses(QList<QHostAddress>() << temp);50         d->_q_startConnecting(info);51 #ifndef QT_NO_NETWORKPROXY52     } else if (d->proxyInUse.capabilities() & QNetworkProxy::HostNameLookupCapability) {53         // the proxy supports connection by name, so use it54         d->startConnectingByName(hostName);55         return;56 #endif57     } else {58         if (d->threadData->eventDispatcher)59             d->hostLookupId = QHostInfo::lookupHost(hostName, this, SLOT(_q_startConnecting(QHostInfo)));60     }61 }



 1 void QAbstractSocketPrivate::_q_connectToNextAddress() 2 { 3     Q_Q(QAbstractSocket); 4     do { 5         // Check for more pending addresses 6         if (addresses.isEmpty()) { 7             state = QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState; 8             if (socketEngine) { 9                 if ((socketEngine->error() == QAbstractSocket::UnknownSocketError10                     ) && socketEngine->state() == QAbstractSocket::ConnectingState) {11                     socketError = QAbstractSocket::ConnectionRefusedError;12                     q->setErrorString(QAbstractSocket::tr("Connection refused"));13                 } else {14                     socketError = socketEngine->error();15                     q->setErrorString(socketEngine->errorString());16                 }17             } else {18 //                socketError = QAbstractSocket::ConnectionRefusedError;19 //                q->setErrorString(QAbstractSocket::tr("Connection refused"));20             }21             emit q->stateChanged(state);22             emit q->error(socketError);23             return;24         }25 26         // Pick the first host address candidate27         host = addresses.takeFirst();28 29 #if defined(QT_NO_IPV6)30         if (host.protocol() == QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol) {31             // If we have no IPv6 support, then we will not be able to32             // connect. So we just pretend we didn't see this address.33             continue;34         }35 #endif36 37         if (!initSocketLayer(host.protocol())) {38             // hope that the next address is better39             continue;40         }41 42         // Tries to connect to the address. If it succeeds immediately43         // (localhost address on BSD or any UDP connect), emit44         // connected() and return.45         if (socketEngine->connectToHost(host, port)) {46             //_q_testConnection();47             fetchConnectionParameters();48             return;49         }50 51         // cache the socket descriptor even if we're not fully connected yet52         cachedSocketDescriptor = socketEngine->socketDescriptor();53 54         // Check that we're in delayed connection state. If not, try55         // the next address56         if (socketEngine->state() != QAbstractSocket::ConnectingState) {57             continue;58         }59 60         // Start the connect timer.61         if (threadData->eventDispatcher) {62             if (!connectTimer) {63                 connectTimer = new QTimer(q);64                 QObject::connect(connectTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()),65                                  q, SLOT(_q_abortConnectionAttempt()),66                                  Qt::DirectConnection);67             }68             connectTimer->start(QT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT);69         }70 71         // Wait for a write notification that will eventually call72         // _q_testConnection().73         socketEngine->setWriteNotificationEnabled(true);74         break;75     } while (state != QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState);76 }


 1 bool QAbstractSocketPrivate::initSocketLayer(QAbstractSocket::NetworkLayerProtocol protocol) 2 { 3 #ifdef QT_NO_NETWORKPROXY 4     // this is here to avoid a duplication of the call to createSocketEngine below 5     static const QNetworkProxy &proxyInUse = *(QNetworkProxy *)0; 6 #endif 7  8     Q_Q(QAbstractSocket); 9 10     resetSocketLayer();11     socketEngine = QAbstractSocketEngine::createSocketEngine(q->socketType(), proxyInUse, q);12     if (!socketEngine) {13         socketError = QAbstractSocket::UnsupportedSocketOperationError;14         q->setErrorString(QAbstractSocket::tr("Operation on socket is not supported"));15         return false;16     }17     if (!socketEngine->initialize(q->socketType(), protocol)) {18         socketError = socketEngine->error();19         q->setErrorString(socketEngine->errorString());20         return false;21     }22 23     if (threadData->eventDispatcher)24         socketEngine->setReceiver(this);25 26     return true;27 }28 29 QAbstractSocketEngine *QAbstractSocketEngine::createSocketEngine(QAbstractSocket::SocketType socketType, const QNetworkProxy &proxy, QObject *parent)30 {31 #ifndef QT_NO_NETWORKPROXY32     // proxy type must have been resolved by now33     if (proxy.type() == QNetworkProxy::DefaultProxy)34         return 0;35 #endif36 37     QMutexLocker locker(&socketHandlers()->mutex);38     for (int i = 0; i < socketHandlers()->size(); i++) {39         if (QAbstractSocketEngine *ret = socketHandlers()->at(i)->createSocketEngine(socketType, proxy, parent))40             return ret;41     }42 43     return new QNativeSocketEngine(parent);44 }




 1 bool QNativeSocketEngine::initialize(QAbstractSocket::SocketType socketType, QAbstractSocket::NetworkLayerProtocol protocol) 2 { 3     Q_D(QNativeSocketEngine); 4     if (isValid()) 5         close(); 6  7 #if defined(QT_NO_IPV6) 8     if (protocol == QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol) { 9         d->setError(QAbstractSocket::UnsupportedSocketOperationError,10                     QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::NoIpV6ErrorString);11         return false;12     }13 #endif14 15     // Create the socket16     if (!d->createNewSocket(socketType, protocol)) {17         return false;18     }19 20     // Make the socket nonblocking.21     if (!setOption(NonBlockingSocketOption, 1)) {22         d->setError(QAbstractSocket::UnsupportedSocketOperationError,23                     QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::NonBlockingInitFailedErrorString);24         close();25         return false;26     }27 28     // Set the broadcasting flag if it's a UDP socket.29     if (socketType == QAbstractSocket::UdpSocket30         && !setOption(BroadcastSocketOption, 1)) {31         d->setError(QAbstractSocket::UnsupportedSocketOperationError,32                     QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::BroadcastingInitFailedErrorString);33         close();34         return false;35     }36 37     // Make sure we receive out-of-band data38     if (socketType == QAbstractSocket::TcpSocket39         && !setOption(ReceiveOutOfBandData, 1)) {40         qWarning("QNativeSocketEngine::initialize unable to inline out-of-band data");41     }42 43     // Set the send and receive buffer sizes to a magic size, found44     // most optimal for our platforms.45     setReceiveBufferSize(49152);46     setSendBufferSize(49152);47 48     d->socketType = socketType;49     d->socketProtocol = protocol;50     return true;51 }




 1 bool QNativeSocketEngine::connectToHost(const QHostAddress &address, quint16 port) 2 { 3     Q_D(QNativeSocketEngine); 4     Q_CHECK_VALID_SOCKETLAYER(QNativeSocketEngine::connectToHost(), false); 5  6 #if defined (QT_NO_IPV6) 7     if (address.protocol() == QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol) { 8         d->setError(QAbstractSocket::UnsupportedSocketOperationError, 9                     QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::NoIpV6ErrorString);10         return false;11     }12 #endif13     if (!d->checkProxy(address))14         return false;15 16     Q_CHECK_STATES(QNativeSocketEngine::connectToHost(),17                    QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState, QAbstractSocket::ConnectingState, false);18 19     d->peerAddress = address;20     d->peerPort = port;21     bool connected = d->nativeConnect(address, port);22     if (connected)23         d->fetchConnectionParameters();24 25     return connected;26 }






 1 qint64 QAbstractSocket::readData(char *data, qint64 maxSize) 2 { 3     Q_D(QAbstractSocket); 4     if (d->socketEngine && !d->socketEngine->isReadNotificationEnabled() && d->socketEngine->isValid()) 5         d->socketEngine->setReadNotificationEnabled(true); 6  7     if (!d->isBuffered) { 8         if (!d->socketEngine) 9             return -1;          // no socket engine is probably EOF10         qint64 readBytes = d->socketEngine->read(data, maxSize);11         if (readBytes < 0) {12             d->socketError = d->socketEngine->error();13             setErrorString(d->socketEngine->errorString());14         }15         if (!d->socketEngine->isReadNotificationEnabled())16             d->socketEngine->setReadNotificationEnabled(true);17         return readBytes;18     }19 20     if (d->readBuffer.isEmpty())21         // if we're still connected, return 0 indicating there may be more data in the future22         // if we're not connected, return -1 indicating EOF23         return d->state == QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState ? qint64(0) : qint64(-1);24 25     // If readFromSocket() read data, copy it to its destination.26     if (maxSize == 1) {27         *data = d->readBuffer.getChar();28         return 1;29     }30 31     qint64 bytesToRead = qMin(qint64(d->readBuffer.size()), maxSize);32     qint64 readSoFar = 0;33     while (readSoFar < bytesToRead) {34         const char *ptr = d->readBuffer.readPointer();35         int bytesToReadFromThisBlock = qMin(int(bytesToRead - readSoFar),36                                             d->readBuffer.nextDataBlockSize());37         memcpy(data + readSoFar, ptr, bytesToReadFromThisBlock);38         readSoFar += bytesToReadFromThisBlock;39         d->readBuffer.free(bytesToReadFromThisBlock);40     }41 42     return readSoFar;43 }



 1 qint64 QNativeSocketEngine::read(char *data, qint64 maxSize) 2 { 3     Q_D(QNativeSocketEngine); 4     Q_CHECK_VALID_SOCKETLAYER(QNativeSocketEngine::read(), -1); 5     Q_CHECK_STATES(QNativeSocketEngine::read(), QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState, QAbstractSocket::BoundState, -1); 6  7     qint64 readBytes = d->nativeRead(data, maxSize); 8  9     // Handle remote close10     if (readBytes == 0 && d->socketType == QAbstractSocket::TcpSocket) {11         d->setError(QAbstractSocket::RemoteHostClosedError,12                     QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::RemoteHostClosedErrorString);13         close();14         return -1;15     }16     return readBytes;17 }



 1 qint64 QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeRead(char *data, qint64 maxLength) 2 { 3     qint64 ret = -1; 4     WSABUF buf; 5     buf.buf = data; 6     buf.len = maxLength; 7     DWORD flags = 0; 8     DWORD bytesRead = 0; 9 #if defined(Q_OS_WINCE)10     WSASetLastError(0);11 #endif12     if (::WSARecv(socketDescriptor, &buf, 1, &bytesRead, &flags, 0,0) ==  SOCKET_ERROR) {13         int err = WSAGetLastError();14         WS_ERROR_DEBUG(err);15         switch (err) {16         case WSAEWOULDBLOCK:17             ret = -2;18             break;19         case WSAEBADF:20         case WSAEINVAL:21             setError(QAbstractSocket::NetworkError, ReadErrorString);22             break;23         case WSAECONNRESET:24         case WSAECONNABORTED:25             // for tcp sockets this will be handled in QNativeSocketEngine::read26             ret = 0;27             break;28         default:29             break;30         }31     } else {32         if (WSAGetLastError() == WSAEWOULDBLOCK)33             ret = -2;34         else35             ret = qint64(bytesRead);36     }37 38     return ret;39 }


至此,调用Windows API读取数据。




 1 qint64 QAbstractSocket::writeData(const char *data, qint64 size) 2 { 3     Q_D(QAbstractSocket); 4     if (d->state == QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState) { 5         d->socketError = QAbstractSocket::UnknownSocketError; 6         setErrorString(tr("Socket is not connected")); 7         return -1; 8     } 9 10     if (!d->isBuffered) {11         qint64 written = d->socketEngine->write(data, size);12         if (written < 0) {13             d->socketError = d->socketEngine->error();14             setErrorString(d->socketEngine->errorString());15         } else if (!d->writeBuffer.isEmpty()) {16             d->socketEngine->setWriteNotificationEnabled(true);17         }18         if (written >= 0)19             emit bytesWritten(written);20         return written;21     }22 23     char *ptr = d->writeBuffer.reserve(size);24     if (size == 1)25         *ptr = *data;26     else27         memcpy(ptr, data, size);28 29     qint64 written = size;30 31     if (d->socketEngine && !d->writeBuffer.isEmpty())32         d->socketEngine->setWriteNotificationEnabled(true);33     return written;34 }


 1 qint64 QNativeSocketEngine::write(const char *data, qint64 size) 2 { 3     Q_D(QNativeSocketEngine); 4     Q_CHECK_VALID_SOCKETLAYER(QNativeSocketEngine::write(), -1); 5     Q_CHECK_STATE(QNativeSocketEngine::write(), QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState, -1); 6     return d->nativeWrite(data, size); 7 } 8  9 qint64 QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeWrite(const char *data, qint64 len)10 {11     Q_Q(QNativeSocketEngine);12     qint64 ret = 0;13     // don't send more than 49152 per call to WSASendTo to avoid getting a WSAENOBUFS14     for (;;) {15         qint64 bytesToSend = qMin<qint64>(49152, len - ret);16         WSABUF buf;17         buf.buf = (char*)data + ret;18         buf.len = bytesToSend;19         DWORD flags = 0;20         DWORD bytesWritten = 0;21 22         int socketRet = ::WSASend(socketDescriptor, &buf, 1, &bytesWritten, flags, 0,0);23 24         ret += qint64(bytesWritten);25 26         if (socketRet != SOCKET_ERROR) {27             if (ret == len)28                 break;29             else30                 continue;31         } else if (WSAGetLastError() == WSAEWOULDBLOCK) {32             break;33         } else {34             int err = WSAGetLastError();35             WS_ERROR_DEBUG(err);36             switch (err) {37             case WSAECONNRESET:38             case WSAECONNABORTED:39                 ret = -1;40                 setError(QAbstractSocket::NetworkError, WriteErrorString);41                 q->close();42                 break;43             default:44                 break;45             }46             break;47         }48     }49     return ret;50 }





1 QEventDispatcherWin32Private::doWsaAsyncSelect()

中WSAAsyncSelect()设置一个断点,观察call stack:

 1 QtCored4.dll!QEventDispatcherWin32Private::doWsaAsyncSelect(int socket=0x00001628)  行633    C++ 2      QtCored4.dll!QEventDispatcherWin32::registerSocketNotifier(QSocketNotifier * notifier=0x00c6f248)  行829    C++ 3      QtCored4.dll!QSocketNotifier::QSocketNotifier(int socket=0x00001628, QSocketNotifier::Type type=Write, QObject * parent=0x00c66228)  行185    C++ 4      QtNetworkd4.dll!QWriteNotifier::QWriteNotifier(int fd=0x00001628, QNativeSocketEngine * parent=0x00c66228)  行1053 + 0x1a 字节    C++ 5      QtNetworkd4.dll!QNativeSocketEngine::setWriteNotificationEnabled(bool enable=true)  行1118 + 0x2d 字节    C++ 6      QtNetworkd4.dll!QAbstractSocketPrivate::_q_connectToNextAddress()  行996    C++ 7      QtNetworkd4.dll!QAbstractSocketPrivate::_q_startConnecting(const QHostInfo & hostInfo={...})  行890    C++ 8      QtNetworkd4.dll!QAbstractSocket::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c=InvokeMetaMethod, int _id=0x0000000a, void * * _a=0x00c6e510)  行104 + 0x16 字节    C++ 9      QtNetworkd4.dll!QTcpSocket::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c=InvokeMetaMethod, int _id=0x00000012, void * * _a=0x00c6e510)  行58 + 0x14 字节    C++10      QtCored4.dll!QMetaCallEvent::placeMetaCall(QObject * object=0x00c4f790)  行478    C++11      QtCored4.dll!QObject::event(QEvent * e=0x00c4d8a0)  行1102 + 0x14 字节    C++12      QtGuid4.dll!QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject * receiver=0x00c4f790, QEvent * e=0x00c4d8a0)  行4065 + 0x11 字节    C++13      QtGuid4.dll!QApplication::notify(QObject * receiver=0x00c4f790, QEvent * e=0x00c4d8a0)  行3605 + 0x10 字节    C++14      QtCored4.dll!QCoreApplication::notifyInternal(QObject * receiver=0x00c4f790, QEvent * event=0x00c4d8a0)  行610 + 0x15 字节    C++15      QtCored4.dll!QCoreApplication::sendEvent(QObject * receiver=0x00c4f790, QEvent * event=0x00c4d8a0)  行213 + 0x39 字节    C++16      QtCored4.dll!QCoreApplicationPrivate::sendPostedEvents(QObject * receiver=0x00000000, int event_type=0x00000000, QThreadData * data=0x00bc8890)  行1247 + 0xd 字节    C++17      QtCored4.dll!QEventDispatcherWin32::processEvents(QFlags<enum QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> flags={...})  行679 + 0x10 字节    C++18      QtGuid4.dll!QGuiEventDispatcherWin32::processEvents(QFlags<enum QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> flags={...})  行1182 + 0x15 字节    C++19      QtCored4.dll!QEventLoop::processEvents(QFlags<enum QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> flags={...})  行150    C++20      QtCored4.dll!QEventLoop::exec(QFlags<enum QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> flags={...})  行201 + 0x2d 字节    C++21      QtGuid4.dll!QDialog::exec()  行499    C++22      fortuneclient.exe!main(int argc=0x00000001, char * * argv=0x00bc8750)  行51 + 0x9 字节    C++23      fortuneclient.exe!WinMain(HINSTANCE__ * instance=0x00400000, HINSTANCE__ * prevInstance=0x00000000, char * __formal=0x001520e2, int cmdShow=0x00000001)  行137 + 0x12 字节    C++24      fortuneclient.exe!__tmainCRTStartup()  行574 + 0x35 字节    C25      fortuneclient.exe!WinMainCRTStartup()  行399    C26      kernel32.dll!7c82f23b()     

[下面的框架可能不正确和/或缺失,没有为 kernel32.dll 加载符号]   



 1 void QNativeSocketEngine::setWriteNotificationEnabled(bool enable) 2 { 3     Q_D(QNativeSocketEngine); 4     if (d->writeNotifier) { 5         d->writeNotifier->setEnabled(enable); 6     } else if (enable && d->threadData->eventDispatcher) { 7         d->writeNotifier = new QWriteNotifier(d->socketDescriptor, this); 8         d->writeNotifier->setEnabled(true); 9     }10 }



 1 QSocketNotifier::QSocketNotifier(int socket, Type type, QObject *parent) 2     : QObject(parent) 3 { 4     if (socket < 0) 5         qWarning("QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket specified"); 6     sockfd = socket; 7     sntype = type; 8     snenabled = true; 9 10     Q_D(QObject);11     if (!d->threadData->eventDispatcher) {12         qWarning("QSocketNotifier: Can only be used with threads started with QThread");13     } else {14         d->threadData->eventDispatcher->registerSocketNotifier(this);15     }16 }



 1 void QEventDispatcherWin32::registerSocketNotifier(QSocketNotifier *notifier) 2 { 3     Q_ASSERT(notifier); 4     int sockfd = notifier->socket(); 5     int type = notifier->type(); 6  7     Q_D(QEventDispatcherWin32); 8     QSNDict *sn_vec[3] = { &d->sn_read, &d->sn_write, &d->sn_except }; 9     QSNDict *dict = sn_vec[type];10 11     if (QCoreApplication::closingDown()) // ### d->exitloop?12         return; // after sn_cleanup, don't reinitialize.13 14     if (dict->contains(sockfd)) {15         const char *t[] = { "Read", "Write", "Exception" };16     /* Variable "socket" below is a function pointer. */17         qWarning("QSocketNotifier: Multiple socket notifiers for "18                  "same socket %d and type %s", sockfd, t[type]);19     }20 21     QSockNot *sn = new QSockNot;22     sn->obj = notifier;23     sn->fd  = sockfd;24     dict->insert(sn->fd, sn);25 26     if (d->internalHwnd)27         d->doWsaAsyncSelect(sockfd);28 }





1 QNetworkAccessManager * manager = new QNetworkAccessManager(this);2 QNetworkRequest request;3 request.setUrl(QUrl("http://www.baidu.com"));4 QNetworkReply * reply = manager->get(request);5 connect(reply, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(slotReadyRead()));



在动手分析前,简单介绍一下HTTP协议。HTTP协议是一种为分布式,合作式,超媒体信息系统。它是一种通用的,无状态(stateless)的协议,除了应用于超文本传输外,它也可以应用于诸如名称服务器和分布对象管理系统之类的系统,这可以通过扩展它的请求方法,错误代码和报头来实现。HTTP的一个特点是数据表现形式是可输入的和可协商性的,这就允许系统能被建立而独立于数据传输。HTTP在1990年WWW全球信息刚刚起步的时候就得到了应用。该规范定义的协议用“HTTP/1.1”表示,是对RFC2608[33]的更新。 HTTP协议是通过定义一序列的动作(协议文本中称为方法),来完成数据的传输通信。HTTP1.1版本中有这些方法:get、post、head、options、put、delete、trace、connect。










1 QNetworkReply *QNetworkAccessManager::get(const QNetworkRequest &request)2 {3     return d_func()->postProcess(createRequest(QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation, request));4 }


1 QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest()2 QNetworkAccessManagerPrivate::postProcess()


  1 QNetworkReply *QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest(QNetworkAccessManager::Operation op,  2                                                     const QNetworkRequest &req,  3                                                     QIODevice *outgoingData)  4 {  5     Q_D(QNetworkAccessManager);  6   7     bool isLocalFile = req.url().isLocalFile();  8     QString scheme = req.url().scheme().toLower();  9  10     // fast path for GET on file:// URLs 11     // The QNetworkAccessFileBackend will right now only be used for PUT 12     if ((op == QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation || op == QNetworkAccessManager::HeadOperation) 13         && (isLocalFile || scheme == QLatin1String("qrc"))) { 14         return new QNetworkReplyFileImpl(this, req, op); 15     } 16  17     if ((op == QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation || op == QNetworkAccessManager::HeadOperation) 18             && scheme == QLatin1String("data")) { 19         return new QNetworkReplyDataImpl(this, req, op); 20     } 21  22     // A request with QNetworkRequest::AlwaysCache does not need any bearer management 23     QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControl mode = 24         static_cast<QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControl>( 25             req.attribute(QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControlAttribute, 26                               QNetworkRequest::PreferNetwork).toInt()); 27     if (mode == QNetworkRequest::AlwaysCache 28         && (op == QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation 29         || op == QNetworkAccessManager::HeadOperation)) { 30         // FIXME Implement a QNetworkReplyCacheImpl instead, see QTBUG-15106 31         QNetworkReplyImpl *reply = new QNetworkReplyImpl(this); 32         QNetworkReplyImplPrivate *priv = reply->d_func(); 33         priv->manager = this; 34         priv->backend = new QNetworkAccessCacheBackend(); 35         priv->backend->manager = this->d_func(); 36         priv->backend->setParent(reply); 37         priv->backend->reply = priv; 38         priv->setup(op, req, outgoingData); 39         return reply; 40     } 41  42 #ifndef QT_NO_BEARERMANAGEMENT 43     // Return a disabled network reply if network access is disabled. 44     // Except if the scheme is empty or file://. 45     if (!d->networkAccessible && !isLocalFile) { 46         return new QDisabledNetworkReply(this, req, op); 47     } 48  49     if (!d->networkSessionStrongRef && (d->initializeSession || !d->networkConfiguration.isEmpty())) { 50         QNetworkConfigurationManager manager; 51         if (!d->networkConfiguration.isEmpty()) { 52             d->createSession(manager.configurationFromIdentifier(d->networkConfiguration)); 53         } else { 54             if (manager.capabilities() & QNetworkConfigurationManager::NetworkSessionRequired) 55                 d->createSession(manager.defaultConfiguration()); 56             else 57                 d->initializeSession = false; 58         } 59     } 60 #endif 61  62     QNetworkRequest request = req; 63     if (!request.header(QNetworkRequest::ContentLengthHeader).isValid() && 64         outgoingData && !outgoingData->isSequential()) { 65         // request has no Content-Length 66         // but the data that is outgoing is random-access 67         request.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentLengthHeader, outgoingData->size()); 68     } 69  70     if (static_cast<QNetworkRequest::LoadControl> 71         (request.attribute(QNetworkRequest::CookieLoadControlAttribute, 72                            QNetworkRequest::Automatic).toInt()) == QNetworkRequest::Automatic) { 73         if (d->cookieJar) { 74             QList<QNetworkCookie> cookies = d->cookieJar->cookiesForUrl(request.url()); 75             if (!cookies.isEmpty()) 76                 request.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::CookieHeader, QVariant::fromValue(cookies)); 77         } 78     } 79  80     // first step: create the reply 81     QUrl url = request.url(); 82     QNetworkReplyImpl *reply = new QNetworkReplyImpl(this); 83 #ifndef QT_NO_BEARERMANAGEMENT 84     if (!isLocalFile) { 85         connect(this, SIGNAL(networkSessionConnected()), 86                 reply, SLOT(_q_networkSessionConnected())); 87     } 88 #endif 89     QNetworkReplyImplPrivate *priv = reply->d_func(); 90     priv->manager = this; 91  92     // second step: fetch cached credentials 93     // This is not done for the time being, we should use signal emissions to request 94     // the credentials from cache. 95  96     // third step: find a backend 97     priv->backend = d->findBackend(op, request); 98  99     if (priv->backend) {100         priv->backend->setParent(reply);101         priv->backend->reply = priv;102     }103 104 #ifndef QT_NO_OPENSSL105     reply->setSslConfiguration(request.sslConfiguration());106 #endif107 108     // fourth step: setup the reply109     priv->setup(op, request, outgoingData);110 111     return reply;112 }









 1 QNetworkReply *QNetworkAccessManagerPrivate::postProcess(QNetworkReply *reply) 2 { 3     Q_Q(QNetworkAccessManager); 4     QNetworkReplyPrivate::setManager(reply, q); 5     q->connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(_q_replyFinished())); 6 #ifndef QT_NO_OPENSSL 7     /* In case we're compiled without SSL support, we don't have this signal and we need to 8      * avoid getting a connection error. */ 9     q->connect(reply, SIGNAL(sslErrors(QList<QSslError>)), SLOT(_q_replySslErrors(QList<QSslError>)));10 #endif11 #ifndef QT_NO_BEARERMANAGEMENT12     activeReplyCount++;13 #endif14 15     return reply;16 }



 1 void QNetworkReplyImplPrivate::setup(QNetworkAccessManager::Operation op, const QNetworkRequest &req, 2                                      QIODevice *data) 3 { 4     Q_Q(QNetworkReplyImpl); 5  6     outgoingData = data;  //outgoingData实际就是QNetworkRequest对象 7     request = req; 8     url = request.url(); 9     operation = op;10 11     q->QIODevice::open(QIODevice::ReadOnly);12     // Internal code that does a HTTP reply for the synchronous Ajax13     // in QtWebKit.14     QVariant synchronousHttpAttribute = req.attribute(15             static_cast<QNetworkRequest::Attribute>(QNetworkRequest::SynchronousRequestAttribute));16     // The synchronous HTTP is a corner case, we will put all upload data in one big QByteArray in the outgoingDataBuffer.17     // Yes, this is not the most efficient thing to do, but on the other hand synchronous XHR needs to die anyway.18     if (synchronousHttpAttribute.toBool() && outgoingData) {19         outgoingDataBuffer = QSharedPointer<QRingBuffer>(new QRingBuffer());20         qint64 previousDataSize = 0;21         do {22             previousDataSize = outgoingDataBuffer->size();23             outgoingDataBuffer->append(outgoingData->readAll());24         } while (outgoingDataBuffer->size() != previousDataSize);25     }26 27     if (backend)28         backend->setSynchronous(synchronousHttpAttribute.toBool());29 30 31     if (outgoingData && backend && !backend->isSynchronous()) {32         // there is data to be uploaded, e.g. HTTP POST.33 34         if (!backend->needsResetableUploadData() || !outgoingData->isSequential()) {35             // backend does not need upload buffering or36             // fixed size non-sequential37             // just start the operation38             QMetaObject::invokeMethod(q, "_q_startOperation", Qt::QueuedConnection);39         } else {40             bool bufferingDisallowed =41                     req.attribute(QNetworkRequest::DoNotBufferUploadDataAttribute,42                                   false).toBool();43 44             if (bufferingDisallowed) {45                 // if a valid content-length header for the request was supplied, we can disable buffering46                 // if not, we will buffer anyway47                 if (req.header(QNetworkRequest::ContentLengthHeader).isValid()) {48                     QMetaObject::invokeMethod(q, "_q_startOperation", Qt::QueuedConnection);49                 } else {50                     state = Buffering;51                     QMetaObject::invokeMethod(q, "_q_bufferOutgoingData", Qt::QueuedConnection);52                 }53             } else {54                 // _q_startOperation will be called when the buffering has finished.55                 state = Buffering;56                 QMetaObject::invokeMethod(q, "_q_bufferOutgoingData", Qt::QueuedConnection);57             }58         }59     } else {60         // for HTTP, we want to send out the request as fast as possible to the network, without61         // invoking methods in a QueuedConnection62 #ifndef QT_NO_HTTP63         if (qobject_cast<QNetworkAccessHttpBackend *>(backend) || (backend && backend->isSynchronous())) {64             _q_startOperation();65         } else {66             QMetaObject::invokeMethod(q, "_q_startOperation", Qt::QueuedConnection);67         }68 #else69         if (backend && backend->isSynchronous())70             _q_startOperation();71         else72             QMetaObject::invokeMethod(q, "_q_startOperation", Qt::QueuedConnection);73 #endif // QT_NO_HTTP74         }75 }


 1 void QNetworkReplyImplPrivate::_q_startOperation() 2 { 3     // ensure this function is only being called once 4     if (state == Working || state == Finished) { 5         qDebug("QNetworkReplyImpl::_q_startOperation was called more than once"); 6         return; 7     } 8     state = Working; 9 10     // note: if that method is called directly, it cannot happen that the backend is 0,11     // because we just checked via a qobject_cast that we got a http backend (see12     // QNetworkReplyImplPrivate::setup())13     if (!backend) {14         error(QNetworkReplyImpl::ProtocolUnknownError,15               QCoreApplication::translate("QNetworkReply", "Protocol \"%1\" is unknown").arg(url.scheme())); // not really true!;16         finished();17         return;18     }19 20     if (!backend->start()) {21 #ifndef QT_NO_BEARERMANAGEMENT22         // backend failed to start because the session state is not Connected.23         // QNetworkAccessManager will call _q_startOperation again for us when the session24         // state changes.25         state = WaitingForSession;26 27         QSharedPointer<QNetworkSession> session(manager->d_func()->getNetworkSession());28 29         if (session) {30             Q_Q(QNetworkReplyImpl);31 32             QObject::connect(session.data(), SIGNAL(error(QNetworkSession::SessionError)),33                              q, SLOT(_q_networkSessionFailed()), Qt::QueuedConnection);34 35             if (!session->isOpen())36                 session->open();37         } else {38             qWarning("Backend is waiting for QNetworkSession to connect, but there is none!");39             state = Working;40             error(QNetworkReplyImpl::UnknownNetworkError,41                   QCoreApplication::translate("QNetworkReply", "Network session error."));42             finished();43         }44 #else45         qWarning("Backend start failed");46         state = Working;47         error(QNetworkReplyImpl::UnknownNetworkError,48               QCoreApplication::translate("QNetworkReply", "backend start error."));49         finished();50 #endif51         return;52     }53 54     if (backend && backend->isSynchronous()) {55         state = Finished;56         q_func()->setFinished(true);57     } else {58         if (state != Finished) {59             if (operation == QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation)60                 pendingNotifications.append(NotifyDownstreamReadyWrite);61 62             handleNotifications();63         }64     }65 }


 1 void QNetworkReplyImplPrivate::_q_bufferOutgoingData() 2 { 3     Q_Q(QNetworkReplyImpl); 4  5     if (!outgoingDataBuffer) { 6         // first call, create our buffer 7         outgoingDataBuffer = QSharedPointer<QRingBuffer>(new QRingBuffer()); 8  9         QObject::connect(outgoingData, SIGNAL(readyRead()), q, SLOT(_q_bufferOutgoingData()));10         QObject::connect(outgoingData, SIGNAL(readChannelFinished()), q, SLOT(_q_bufferOutgoingDataFinished()));11     }12 13     qint64 bytesBuffered = 0;14     qint64 bytesToBuffer = 0;15 16     // read data into our buffer17     forever {18         bytesToBuffer = outgoingData->bytesAvailable();19         // unknown? just try 2 kB, this also ensures we always try to read the EOF20         if (bytesToBuffer <= 0)21             bytesToBuffer = 2*1024;22 23         char *dst = outgoingDataBuffer->reserve(bytesToBuffer);24         bytesBuffered = outgoingData->read(dst, bytesToBuffer);25 26         if (bytesBuffered == -1) {27             // EOF has been reached.28             outgoingDataBuffer->chop(bytesToBuffer);29 30             _q_bufferOutgoingDataFinished();31             break;32         } else if (bytesBuffered == 0) {33             // nothing read right now, just wait until we get called again34             outgoingDataBuffer->chop(bytesToBuffer);35 36             break;37         } else {38             // don't break, try to read() again39             outgoingDataBuffer->chop(bytesToBuffer - bytesBuffered);40         }41     }42 }


_q_startOperation就是做了一些简单的判断,然后调用 handleNotifications


 1 void QNetworkReplyImplPrivate::handleNotifications() 2 { 3     if (notificationHandlingPaused) 4         return; 5  6     NotificationQueue current = pendingNotifications; 7     pendingNotifications.clear(); 8  9     if (state != Working)10         return;11 12     while (state == Working && !current.isEmpty()) {13         InternalNotifications notification = current.dequeue();14         switch (notification) {15         case NotifyDownstreamReadyWrite:16             if (copyDevice)17                 _q_copyReadyRead();18             else19                 backend->downstreamReadyWrite();20             break;21 22         case NotifyCloseDownstreamChannel:23             backend->closeDownstreamChannel();24             break;25 26         case NotifyCopyFinished: {27             QIODevice *dev = copyDevice;28             copyDevice = 0;29             backend->copyFinished(dev);30             break;31         }32         }33     }34 }


 1 QNetworkAccessBackend *QNetworkAccessManagerPrivate::findBackend(QNetworkAccessManager::Operation op, 2                                                                  const QNetworkRequest &request) 3 { 4     if (QNetworkAccessBackendFactoryData::valid) { 5         QMutexLocker locker(&factoryData()->mutex); 6         QNetworkAccessBackendFactoryData::ConstIterator it = factoryData()->constBegin(), 7                                                            end = factoryData()->constEnd(); 8         while (it != end) { 9             QNetworkAccessBackend *backend = (*it)->create(op, request);10             if (backend) {11                 backend->manager = this;12                 return backend; // found a factory that handled our request13             }14             ++it;15         }16     }17     return 0;18 }


1 Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QNetworkAccessBackendFactoryData, factoryData)


1 #define Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(TYPE, NAME)                                  \2     static TYPE *NAME()                                              \3     {                                                                \4         static TYPE thisVariable;                                    \5         static QGlobalStatic<TYPE > thisGlobalStatic(&thisVariable); \6         return thisGlobalStatic.pointer;                             \7     }


 1 QNetworkAccessBackendFactory::QNetworkAccessBackendFactory() 2 { 3     QMutexLocker locker(&factoryData()->mutex); 4     factoryData()->append(this); 5 } 6  7 QNetworkAccessBackendFactory::~QNetworkAccessBackendFactory() 8 { 9     if (QNetworkAccessBackendFactoryData::valid) {10         QMutexLocker locker(&factoryData()->mutex);11         factoryData()->removeAll(this);12     }13 }


1 class QNetworkAccessDataBackendFactory: public QNetworkAccessBackendFactory2 class QNetworkAccessDebugPipeBackendFactory: public QNetworkAccessBackendFactory3 class QNetworkAccessFileBackendFactory: public QNetworkAccessBackendFactory4 class QNetworkAccessFtpBackendFactory: public QNetworkAccessBackendFactory5 class QNetworkAccessHttpBackendFactory : public QNetworkAccessBackendFactory



 1 QNetworkAccessBackend * 2 QNetworkAccessHttpBackendFactory::create(QNetworkAccessManager::Operation op, 3                                          const QNetworkRequest &request) const 4 { 5     // check the operation 6     switch (op) { 7     case QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation: 8     case QNetworkAccessManager::PostOperation: 9     case QNetworkAccessManager::HeadOperation:10     case QNetworkAccessManager::PutOperation:11     case QNetworkAccessManager::DeleteOperation:12     case QNetworkAccessManager::CustomOperation:13         break;14 15     default:16         // no, we can't handle this request17         return 0;18     }19 20     QUrl url = request.url();21     QString scheme = url.scheme().toLower();22     if (scheme == QLatin1String("http") || scheme == QLatin1String("https"))23         return new QNetworkAccessHttpBackend;24 25     return 0;26 }





 1 bool QNetworkAccessBackend::start() 2 { 3 #ifndef QT_NO_BEARERMANAGEMENT 4     // For bearer, check if session start is required 5     QSharedPointer<QNetworkSession> networkSession(manager->getNetworkSession()); 6     if (networkSession) { 7         // session required 8         if (networkSession->isOpen() && 9             networkSession->state() == QNetworkSession::Connected) {10             // Session is already open and ready to use.11             // copy network session down to the backend12             setProperty("_q_networksession", QVariant::fromValue(networkSession));13         } else {14             // Session not ready, but can skip for loopback connections15 16             // This is not ideal.17             const QString host = reply->url.host();18 19             if (host == QLatin1String("localhost") ||20                 QHostAddress(host) == QHostAddress::LocalHost ||21                 QHostAddress(host) == QHostAddress::LocalHostIPv6) {22                 // Don't need an open session for localhost access.23             } else {24                 // need to wait for session to be opened25                 return false;26             }27         }28     }29 #endif30 31 #ifndef QT_NO_NETWORKPROXY32 #ifndef QT_NO_BEARERMANAGEMENT33     // Get the proxy settings from the network session (in the case of service networks,34     // the proxy settings change depending which AP was activated)35     QNetworkSession *session = networkSession.data();36     QNetworkConfiguration config;37     if (session) {38         QNetworkConfigurationManager configManager;39         // The active configuration tells us what IAP is in use40         QVariant v = session->sessionProperty(QLatin1String("ActiveConfiguration"));41         if (v.isValid())42             config = configManager.configurationFromIdentifier(qvariant_cast<QString>(v));43         // Fallback to using the configuration if no active configuration44         if (!config.isValid())45             config = session->configuration();46         // or unspecified configuration if that is no good either47         if (!config.isValid())48             config = QNetworkConfiguration();49     }50     reply->proxyList = manager->queryProxy(QNetworkProxyQuery(config, url()));51 #else // QT_NO_BEARERMANAGEMENT52     // Without bearer management, the proxy depends only on the url53     reply->proxyList = manager->queryProxy(QNetworkProxyQuery(url()));54 #endif55 #endif56 57     // now start the request58     open();59     return true;60 }


1 void QNetworkAccessHttpBackend::open()2 {3     postRequest();4 }


  1 etworkAccessHttpBackend::postRequest()  2 {  3     QThread *thread = 0;  4     if (isSynchronous()) {  5         // A synchronous HTTP request uses its own thread  6         thread = new QThread();  7         QObject::connect(thread, SIGNAL(finished()), thread, SLOT(deleteLater()));  8         thread->start();  9     } else if (!manager->httpThread) { 10         // We use the manager-global thread. 11         // At some point we could switch to having multiple threads if it makes sense. 12         manager->httpThread = new QThread(); 13         QObject::connect(manager->httpThread, SIGNAL(finished()), manager->httpThread, SLOT(deleteLater())); 14         manager->httpThread->start(); 15 #ifndef QT_NO_NETWORKPROXY 16         qRegisterMetaType<QNetworkProxy>("QNetworkProxy"); 17 #endif 18 #ifndef QT_NO_OPENSSL 19         qRegisterMetaType<QList<QSslError> >("QList<QSslError>"); 20         qRegisterMetaType<QSslConfiguration>("QSslConfiguration"); 21 #endif 22         qRegisterMetaType<QList<QPair<QByteArray,QByteArray> > >("QList<QPair<QByteArray,QByteArray> >"); 23         qRegisterMetaType<QHttpNetworkRequest>("QHttpNetworkRequest"); 24         qRegisterMetaType<QNetworkReply::NetworkError>("QNetworkReply::NetworkError"); 25         qRegisterMetaType<QSharedPointer<char> >("QSharedPointer<char>"); 26  27         thread = manager->httpThread; 28     } else { 29         // Asynchronous request, thread already exists 30         thread = manager->httpThread; 31     } 32  33     QUrl url = request().url(); 34     httpRequest.setUrl(url); 35  36     bool ssl = url.scheme().toLower() == QLatin1String("https"); 37     setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::ConnectionEncryptedAttribute, ssl); 38     httpRequest.setSsl(ssl); 39  40  41 #ifndef QT_NO_NETWORKPROXY 42     QNetworkProxy transparentProxy, cacheProxy; 43  44     foreach (const QNetworkProxy &p, proxyList()) { 45         // use the first proxy that works 46         // for non-encrypted connections, any transparent or HTTP proxy 47         // for encrypted, only transparent proxies 48         if (!ssl 49             && (p.capabilities() & QNetworkProxy::CachingCapability) 50             && (p.type() == QNetworkProxy::HttpProxy || 51                 p.type() == QNetworkProxy::HttpCachingProxy)) { 52             cacheProxy = p; 53             transparentProxy = QNetworkProxy::NoProxy; 54             break; 55         } 56         if (p.isTransparentProxy()) { 57             transparentProxy = p; 58             cacheProxy = QNetworkProxy::NoProxy; 59             break; 60         } 61     } 62  63     // check if at least one of the proxies 64     if (transparentProxy.type() == QNetworkProxy::DefaultProxy && 65         cacheProxy.type() == QNetworkProxy::DefaultProxy) { 66         // unsuitable proxies 67         QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "error", isSynchronous() ? Qt::DirectConnection : Qt::QueuedConnection, 68                                   Q_ARG(QNetworkReply::NetworkError, QNetworkReply::ProxyNotFoundError), 69                                   Q_ARG(QString, tr("No suitable proxy found"))); 70         QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "finished", isSynchronous() ? Qt::DirectConnection : Qt::QueuedConnection); 71         return; 72     } 73 #endif 74  75  76     bool loadedFromCache = false; 77     httpRequest.setPriority(convert(request().priority())); 78  79     switch (operation()) { 80     case QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation: 81         httpRequest.setOperation(QHttpNetworkRequest::Get); 82         loadedFromCache = loadFromCacheIfAllowed(httpRequest); 83         break; 84  85     case QNetworkAccessManager::HeadOperation: 86         httpRequest.setOperation(QHttpNetworkRequest::Head); 87         loadedFromCache = loadFromCacheIfAllowed(httpRequest); 88         break; 89  90     case QNetworkAccessManager::PostOperation: 91         invalidateCache(); 92         httpRequest.setOperation(QHttpNetworkRequest::Post); 93         createUploadByteDevice(); 94         break; 95  96     case QNetworkAccessManager::PutOperation: 97         invalidateCache(); 98         httpRequest.setOperation(QHttpNetworkRequest::Put); 99         createUploadByteDevice();100         break;101 102     case QNetworkAccessManager::DeleteOperation:103         invalidateCache();104         httpRequest.setOperation(QHttpNetworkRequest::Delete);105         break;106 107     case QNetworkAccessManager::CustomOperation:108         invalidateCache(); // for safety reasons, we don't know what the operation does109         httpRequest.setOperation(QHttpNetworkRequest::Custom);110         createUploadByteDevice();111         httpRequest.setCustomVerb(request().attribute(112                 QNetworkRequest::CustomVerbAttribute).toByteArray());113         break;114 115     default:116         break;                  // can't happen117     }118 119     if (loadedFromCache) {120         // commented this out since it will be called later anyway121         // by copyFinished()122         //QNetworkAccessBackend::finished();123         return;    // no need to send the request! :)124     }125 126     QList<QByteArray> headers = request().rawHeaderList();127     if (resumeOffset != 0) {128         if (headers.contains("Range")) {129             // Need to adjust resume offset for user specified range130 131             headers.removeOne("Range");132 133             // We've already verified that requestRange starts with "bytes=", see canResume.134             QByteArray requestRange = request().rawHeader("Range").mid(6);135 136             int index = requestRange.indexOf('-');137 138             quint64 requestStartOffset = requestRange.left(index).toULongLong();139             quint64 requestEndOffset = requestRange.mid(index + 1).toULongLong();140 141             requestRange = "bytes=" + QByteArray::number(resumeOffset + requestStartOffset) +142                            '-' + QByteArray::number(requestEndOffset);143 144             httpRequest.setHeaderField("Range", requestRange);145         } else {146             httpRequest.setHeaderField("Range", "bytes=" + QByteArray::number(resumeOffset) + '-');147         }148     }149 150     foreach (const QByteArray &header, headers)151         httpRequest.setHeaderField(header, request().rawHeader(header));152 153     if (request().attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpPipeliningAllowedAttribute).toBool() == true)154         httpRequest.setPipeliningAllowed(true);155 156     if (static_cast<QNetworkRequest::LoadControl>157         (request().attribute(QNetworkRequest::AuthenticationReuseAttribute,158                              QNetworkRequest::Automatic).toInt()) == QNetworkRequest::Manual)159         httpRequest.setWithCredentials(false);160 161 162     // Create the HTTP thread delegate163     QHttpThreadDelegate *delegate = new QHttpThreadDelegate;164 #ifndef QT_NO_BEARERMANAGEMENT165     QVariant v(property("_q_networksession"));166     if (v.isValid())167         delegate->networkSession = qvariant_cast<QSharedPointer<QNetworkSession> >(v);168 #endif169 170     // For the synchronous HTTP, this is the normal way the delegate gets deleted171     // For the asynchronous HTTP this is a safety measure, the delegate deletes itself when HTTP is finished172     connect(thread, SIGNAL(finished()), delegate, SLOT(deleteLater()));173 174     // Set the properties it needs175     delegate->httpRequest = httpRequest;176 #ifndef QT_NO_NETWORKPROXY177     delegate->cacheProxy = cacheProxy;178     delegate->transparentProxy = transparentProxy;179 #endif180     delegate->ssl = ssl;181 #ifndef QT_NO_OPENSSL182     if (ssl)183         delegate->incomingSslConfiguration = request().sslConfiguration();184 #endif185 186     // Do we use synchronous HTTP?187     delegate->synchronous = isSynchronous();188 189     // The authentication manager is used to avoid the BlockingQueuedConnection communication190     // from HTTP thread to user thread in some cases.191     delegate->authenticationManager = manager->authenticationManager;192 193     if (!isSynchronous()) {194         // Tell our zerocopy policy to the delegate195         delegate->downloadBufferMaximumSize =196                 request().attribute(QNetworkRequest::MaximumDownloadBufferSizeAttribute).toLongLong();197 198         // These atomic integers are used for signal compression199         delegate->pendingDownloadData = pendingDownloadDataEmissions;200         delegate->pendingDownloadProgress = pendingDownloadProgressEmissions;201 202         // Connect the signals of the delegate to us203         connect(delegate, SIGNAL(downloadData(QByteArray)),204                 this, SLOT(replyDownloadData(QByteArray)),205                 Qt::QueuedConnection);206         connect(delegate, SIGNAL(downloadFinished()),207                 this, SLOT(replyFinished()),208                 Qt::QueuedConnection);209         connect(delegate, SIGNAL(downloadMetaData(QList<QPair<QByteArray,QByteArray> >,int,QString,bool,QSharedPointer<char>,qint64)),210                 this, SLOT(replyDownloadMetaData(QList<QPair<QByteArray,QByteArray> >,int,QString,bool,QSharedPointer<char>,qint64)),211                 Qt::QueuedConnection);212         connect(delegate, SIGNAL(downloadProgress(qint64,qint64)),213                 this, SLOT(replyDownloadProgressSlot(qint64,qint64)),214                 Qt::QueuedConnection);215         connect(delegate, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError,QString)),216                 this, SLOT(httpError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError, const QString)),217                 Qt::QueuedConnection);218 #ifndef QT_NO_OPENSSL219         connect(delegate, SIGNAL(sslConfigurationChanged(QSslConfiguration)),220                 this, SLOT(replySslConfigurationChanged(QSslConfiguration)),221                 Qt::QueuedConnection);222 #endif223         // Those need to report back, therefire BlockingQueuedConnection224         connect(delegate, SIGNAL(authenticationRequired(QHttpNetworkRequest,QAuthenticator*)),225                 this, SLOT(httpAuthenticationRequired(QHttpNetworkRequest,QAuthenticator*)),226                 Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection);227 #ifndef QT_NO_NETWORKPROXY228         connect (delegate, SIGNAL(proxyAuthenticationRequired(QNetworkProxy,QAuthenticator*)),229                  this, SLOT(proxyAuthenticationRequired(QNetworkProxy,QAuthenticator*)),230                  Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection);231 #endif232 #ifndef QT_NO_OPENSSL233         connect(delegate, SIGNAL(sslErrors(QList<QSslError>,bool*,QList<QSslError>*)),234                 this, SLOT(replySslErrors(const QList<QSslError> &, bool *, QList<QSslError> *)),235                 Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection);236 #endif237         // This signal we will use to start the request.238         connect(this, SIGNAL(startHttpRequest()), delegate, SLOT(startRequest()));239         connect(this, SIGNAL(abortHttpRequest()), delegate, SLOT(abortRequest()));240 241         // To throttle the connection.242         QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(readBufferSizeChanged(qint64)), delegate, SLOT(readBufferSizeChanged(qint64)));243         QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(readBufferFreed(qint64)), delegate, SLOT(readBufferFreed(qint64)));244 245         if (uploadByteDevice) {246             QNonContiguousByteDeviceThreadForwardImpl *forwardUploadDevice =247                     new QNonContiguousByteDeviceThreadForwardImpl(uploadByteDevice->atEnd(), uploadByteDevice->size());248             if (uploadByteDevice->isResetDisabled())249                 forwardUploadDevice->disableReset();250             forwardUploadDevice->setParent(delegate); // needed to make sure it is moved on moveToThread()251             delegate->httpRequest.setUploadByteDevice(forwardUploadDevice);252 253             // From main thread to user thread:254             QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(haveUploadData(QByteArray, bool, qint64)),255                              forwardUploadDevice, SLOT(haveDataSlot(QByteArray, bool, qint64)), Qt::QueuedConnection);256             QObject::connect(uploadByteDevice.data(), SIGNAL(readyRead()),257                              forwardUploadDevice, SIGNAL(readyRead()),258                              Qt::QueuedConnection);259 260             // From http thread to user thread:261             QObject::connect(forwardUploadDevice, SIGNAL(wantData(qint64)),262                              this, SLOT(wantUploadDataSlot(qint64)));263             QObject::connect(forwardUploadDevice, SIGNAL(processedData(qint64)),264                              this, SLOT(sentUploadDataSlot(qint64)));265             connect(forwardUploadDevice, SIGNAL(resetData(bool*)),266                     this, SLOT(resetUploadDataSlot(bool*)),267                     Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection); // this is the only one with BlockingQueued!268         }269     } else if (isSynchronous()) {270         connect(this, SIGNAL(startHttpRequestSynchronously()), delegate, SLOT(startRequestSynchronously()), Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection);271 272         if (uploadByteDevice) {273             // For the synchronous HTTP use case the use thread (this one here) is blocked274             // so we cannot use the asynchronous upload architecture.275             // We therefore won't use the QNonContiguousByteDeviceThreadForwardImpl but directly276             // use the uploadByteDevice provided to us by the QNetworkReplyImpl.277             // The code that is in QNetworkReplyImplPrivate::setup() makes sure it is safe to use from a thread278             // since it only wraps a QRingBuffer279             delegate->httpRequest.setUploadByteDevice(uploadByteDevice.data());280         }281     }282 283 284     // Move the delegate to the http thread285     delegate->moveToThread(thread);286     // This call automatically moves the uploadDevice too for the asynchronous case.287 288     // Send an signal to the delegate so it starts working in the other thread289     if (isSynchronous()) {290         emit startHttpRequestSynchronously(); // This one is BlockingQueuedConnection, so it will return when all work is done291 292         if (delegate->incomingErrorCode != QNetworkReply::NoError) {293             replyDownloadMetaData294                     (delegate->incomingHeaders,295                      delegate->incomingStatusCode,296                      delegate->incomingReasonPhrase,297                      delegate->isPipeliningUsed,298                      QSharedPointer<char>(),299                      delegate->incomingContentLength);300             replyDownloadData(delegate->synchronousDownloadData);301             httpError(delegate->incomingErrorCode, delegate->incomingErrorDetail);302         } else {303             replyDownloadMetaData304                     (delegate->incomingHeaders,305                      delegate->incomingStatusCode,306                      delegate->incomingReasonPhrase,307                      delegate->isPipeliningUsed,308                      QSharedPointer<char>(),309                      delegate->incomingContentLength);310             replyDownloadData(delegate->synchronousDownloadData);311         }312 313         // End the thread. It will delete itself from the finished() signal314         thread->quit();315         thread->wait(5000);316 317         finished();318     } else {319         emit startHttpRequest(); // Signal to the HTTP thread and go back to user.320     }321 }


 1 void QHttpThreadDelegate::startRequest() 2 { 3 #ifdef QHTTPTHREADDELEGATE_DEBUG 4     qDebug() << "QHttpThreadDelegate::startRequest() thread=" << QThread::currentThreadId(); 5 #endif 6     // Check QThreadStorage for the QNetworkAccessCache 7     // If not there, create this connection cache 8     if (!connections.hasLocalData()) { 9         connections.setLocalData(new QNetworkAccessCache());10     }11 12     // check if we have an open connection to this host13     QUrl urlCopy = httpRequest.url();14     urlCopy.setPort(urlCopy.port(ssl ? 443 : 80));15 16 #ifndef QT_NO_NETWORKPROXY17     if (transparentProxy.type() != QNetworkProxy::NoProxy)18         cacheKey = makeCacheKey(urlCopy, &transparentProxy);19     else if (cacheProxy.type() != QNetworkProxy::NoProxy)20         cacheKey = makeCacheKey(urlCopy, &cacheProxy);21     else22 #endif23         cacheKey = makeCacheKey(urlCopy, 0);24 25 26     // the http object is actually a QHttpNetworkConnection27     httpConnection = static_cast<QNetworkAccessCachedHttpConnection *>(connections.localData()->requestEntryNow(cacheKey));28     if (httpConnection == 0) {29         // no entry in cache; create an object30         // the http object is actually a QHttpNetworkConnection31 #ifdef QT_NO_BEARERMANAGEMENT32         httpConnection = new QNetworkAccessCachedHttpConnection(urlCopy.host(), urlCopy.port(), ssl);33 #else34         httpConnection = new QNetworkAccessCachedHttpConnection(urlCopy.host(), urlCopy.port(), ssl, networkSession);35 #endif36 #ifndef QT_NO_OPENSSL37         // Set the QSslConfiguration from this QNetworkRequest.38         if (ssl && incomingSslConfiguration != QSslConfiguration::defaultConfiguration()) {39             httpConnection->setSslConfiguration(incomingSslConfiguration);40         }41 #endif42 43 #ifndef QT_NO_NETWORKPROXY44         httpConnection->setTransparentProxy(transparentProxy);45         httpConnection->setCacheProxy(cacheProxy);46 #endif47 48         // cache the QHttpNetworkConnection corresponding to this cache key49         connections.localData()->addEntry(cacheKey, httpConnection);50     }51 52 53     // Send the request to the connection54     httpReply = httpConnection->sendRequest(httpRequest);55     httpReply->setParent(this);56 57     // Connect the reply signals that we need to handle and then forward58     if (synchronous) {59         connect(httpReply,SIGNAL(headerChanged()), this, SLOT(synchronousHeaderChangedSlot()));60         connect(httpReply,SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(synchronousFinishedSlot()));61         connect(httpReply,SIGNAL(finishedWithError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError, const QString)),62                 this, SLOT(synchronousFinishedWithErrorSlot(QNetworkReply::NetworkError,QString)));63 64         connect(httpReply, SIGNAL(authenticationRequired(QHttpNetworkRequest,QAuthenticator*)),65                 this, SLOT(synchronousAuthenticationRequiredSlot(QHttpNetworkRequest,QAuthenticator*)));66         connect(httpReply, SIGNAL(proxyAuthenticationRequired(QNetworkProxy,QAuthenticator*)),67                 this, SLOT(synchronousProxyAuthenticationRequiredSlot(QNetworkProxy,QAuthenticator*)));68 69         // Don't care about ignored SSL errors for now in the synchronous HTTP case.70     } else if (!synchronous) {71         connect(httpReply,SIGNAL(headerChanged()), this, SLOT(headerChangedSlot()));72         connect(httpReply,SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(finishedSlot()));73         connect(httpReply,SIGNAL(finishedWithError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError, const QString)),74                 this, SLOT(finishedWithErrorSlot(QNetworkReply::NetworkError,QString)));75         // some signals are only interesting when normal asynchronous style is used76         connect(httpReply,SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readyReadSlot()));77         connect(httpReply,SIGNAL(dataReadProgress(int, int)), this, SLOT(dataReadProgressSlot(int,int)));78 #ifndef QT_NO_OPENSSL79         connect(httpReply,SIGNAL(sslErrors(const QList<QSslError>)), this, SLOT(sslErrorsSlot(QList<QSslError>)));80 #endif81 82         // In the asynchronous HTTP case we can just forward those signals83         // Connect the reply signals that we can directly forward84         connect(httpReply, SIGNAL(authenticationRequired(QHttpNetworkRequest,QAuthenticator*)),85                 this, SIGNAL(authenticationRequired(QHttpNetworkRequest,QAuthenticator*)));86         connect(httpReply, SIGNAL(proxyAuthenticationRequired(QNetworkProxy,QAuthenticator*)),87                 this, SIGNAL(proxyAuthenticationRequired(QNetworkProxy,QAuthenticator*)));88     }89 90     connect(httpReply, SIGNAL(cacheCredentials(QHttpNetworkRequest,QAuthenticator*)),91             this, SLOT(cacheCredentialsSlot(QHttpNetworkRequest,QAuthenticator*)));92 }


1 QHttpNetworkReply* QHttpNetworkConnection::sendRequest(const QHttpNetworkRequest &request)2 {3     Q_D(QHttpNetworkConnection);4     return d->queueRequest(request);5 }


 1 QHttpNetworkReply* QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::queueRequest(const QHttpNetworkRequest &request) 2 { 3     Q_Q(QHttpNetworkConnection); 4  5     // The reply component of the pair is created initially. 6     QHttpNetworkReply *reply = new QHttpNetworkReply(request.url()); 7     reply->setRequest(request); 8     reply->d_func()->connection = q; 9     reply->d_func()->connectionChannel = &channels[0]; // will have the correct one set later10     HttpMessagePair pair = qMakePair(request, reply);11 12     switch (request.priority()) {13     case QHttpNetworkRequest::HighPriority:14         highPriorityQueue.prepend(pair);15         break;16     case QHttpNetworkRequest::NormalPriority:17     case QHttpNetworkRequest::LowPriority:18         lowPriorityQueue.prepend(pair);19         break;20     }21 22     // this used to be called via invokeMethod and a QueuedConnection23     // It is the only place _q_startNextRequest is called directly without going24     // through the event loop using a QueuedConnection.25     // This is dangerous because of recursion that might occur when emitting26     // signals as DirectConnection from this code path. Therefore all signal27     // emissions that can come out from this code path need to28     // be QueuedConnection.29     // We are currently trying to fine-tune this.30     _q_startNextRequest();31 32 33     return reply;34 }


 1 void QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::_q_startNextRequest() 2 { 3     // If the QHttpNetworkConnection is currently paused then bail out immediately 4     if (state == PausedState) 5         return; 6  7     //resend the necessary ones. 8     for (int i = 0; i < channelCount; ++i) { 9         if (channels[i].resendCurrent && (channels[i].state != QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::ClosingState)) {10             channels[i].resendCurrent = false;11             channels[i].state = QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::IdleState;12 13             // if this is not possible, error will be emitted and connection terminated14             if (!channels[i].resetUploadData())15                 continue;16             channels[i].sendRequest();17         }18     }19 20     // dequeue new ones21 22     // return fast if there is nothing to do23     if (highPriorityQueue.isEmpty() && lowPriorityQueue.isEmpty())24         return;25     // try to get a free AND connected socket26     for (int i = 0; i < channelCount; ++i) {27         if (!channels[i].reply && !channels[i].isSocketBusy() && channels[i].socket->state() == QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState) {28             if (dequeueRequest(channels[i].socket))29                 channels[i].sendRequest();30         }31     }32 33     // try to push more into all sockets34     // ### FIXME we should move this to the beginning of the function35     // as soon as QtWebkit is properly using the pipelining36     // (e.g. not for XMLHttpRequest or the first page load)37     // ### FIXME we should also divide the requests more even38     // on the connected sockets39     //tryToFillPipeline(socket);40     // return fast if there is nothing to pipeline41     if (highPriorityQueue.isEmpty() && lowPriorityQueue.isEmpty())42         return;43     for (int i = 0; i < channelCount; i++)44         if (channels[i].socket->state() == QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState)45             fillPipeline(channels[i].socket);46 47     // If there is not already any connected channels we need to connect a new one.48     // We do not pair the channel with the request until we know if it is 49     // connected or not. This is to reuse connected channels before we connect new once.50     int queuedRequest = highPriorityQueue.count() + lowPriorityQueue.count();51     for (int i = 0; i < channelCount; ++i) {52         if (channels[i].socket->state() == QAbstractSocket::ConnectingState)53             queuedRequest--;54         if ( queuedRequest <=0 )55             break;56         if (!channels[i].reply && !channels[i].isSocketBusy() && (channels[i].socket->state() == QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState)) {57             channels[i].ensureConnection();58             queuedRequest--;59         }60     }61 }


 1 bool QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::dequeueRequest(QAbstractSocket *socket) 2 { 3     Q_ASSERT(socket); 4  5     int i = indexOf(socket); 6  7     if (!highPriorityQueue.isEmpty()) { 8         // remove from queue before sendRequest! else we might pipeline the same request again 9         HttpMessagePair messagePair = highPriorityQueue.takeLast();10         if (!messagePair.second->d_func()->requestIsPrepared)11             prepareRequest(messagePair);12         channels[i].request = messagePair.first;13         channels[i].reply = messagePair.second;14         return true;15     }16 17     if (!lowPriorityQueue.isEmpty()) {18         // remove from queue before sendRequest! else we might pipeline the same request again19         HttpMessagePair messagePair = lowPriorityQueue.takeLast();20         if (!messagePair.second->d_func()->requestIsPrepared)21             prepareRequest(messagePair);22         channels[i].request = messagePair.first;23         channels[i].reply = messagePair.second;24         return true;25     }26     return false;27 }


  1 void QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::prepareRequest(HttpMessagePair &messagePair)  2 {  3     QHttpNetworkRequest &request = messagePair.first;  4     QHttpNetworkReply *reply = messagePair.second;  5   6     // add missing fields for the request  7     QByteArray value;  8     // check if Content-Length is provided  9     QNonContiguousByteDevice* uploadByteDevice = request.uploadByteDevice(); 10     if (uploadByteDevice) { 11         if (request.contentLength() != -1 && uploadByteDevice->size() != -1) { 12             // both values known, take the smaller one. 13             request.setContentLength(qMin(uploadByteDevice->size(), request.contentLength())); 14         } else if (request.contentLength() == -1 && uploadByteDevice->size() != -1) { 15             // content length not supplied by user, but the upload device knows it 16             request.setContentLength(uploadByteDevice->size()); 17         } else if (request.contentLength() != -1 && uploadByteDevice->size() == -1) { 18             // everything OK, the user supplied us the contentLength 19         } else if (request.contentLength() == -1 && uploadByteDevice->size() == -1) { 20             qFatal("QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate: Neither content-length nor upload device size were given"); 21         } 22     } 23     // set the Connection/Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive headers 24 #ifndef QT_NO_NETWORKPROXY 25     if (networkProxy.type() == QNetworkProxy::HttpCachingProxy)  { 26         value = request.headerField("proxy-connection"); 27         if (value.isEmpty()) 28             request.setHeaderField("Proxy-Connection", "Keep-Alive"); 29     } else { 30 #endif 31         value = request.headerField("connection"); 32         if (value.isEmpty()) 33             request.setHeaderField("Connection", "Keep-Alive"); 34 #ifndef QT_NO_NETWORKPROXY 35     } 36 #endif 37  38     // If the request had a accept-encoding set, we better not mess 39     // with it. If it was not set, we announce that we understand gzip 40     // and remember this fact in request.d->autoDecompress so that 41     // we can later decompress the HTTP reply if it has such an 42     // encoding. 43     value = request.headerField("accept-encoding"); 44     if (value.isEmpty()) { 45 #ifndef QT_NO_COMPRESS 46         request.setHeaderField("Accept-Encoding", "gzip"); 47         request.d->autoDecompress = true; 48 #else 49         // if zlib is not available set this to false always 50         request.d->autoDecompress = false; 51 #endif 52     } 53  54     // some websites mandate an accept-language header and fail 55     // if it is not sent. This is a problem with the website and 56     // not with us, but we work around this by setting 57     // one always. 58     value = request.headerField("accept-language"); 59     if (value.isEmpty()) { 60         QString systemLocale = QLocale::system().name().replace(QChar::fromAscii('_'),QChar::fromAscii('-')); 61         QString acceptLanguage; 62         if (systemLocale == QLatin1String("C")) 63             acceptLanguage = QString::fromAscii("en,*"); 64         else if (systemLocale.startsWith(QLatin1String("en-"))) 65             acceptLanguage = QString::fromAscii("%1,*").arg(systemLocale); 66         else 67             acceptLanguage = QString::fromAscii("%1,en,*").arg(systemLocale); 68         request.setHeaderField("Accept-Language", acceptLanguage.toAscii()); 69     } 70  71     // set the User Agent 72     value = request.headerField("user-agent"); 73     if (value.isEmpty()) 74         request.setHeaderField("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0"); 75     // set the host 76     value = request.headerField("host"); 77     if (value.isEmpty()) { 78         QHostAddress add; 79         QByteArray host; 80         if(add.setAddress(hostName)) { 81             if(add.protocol() == QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol) { 82                 host = "[" + hostName.toAscii() + "]";//format the ipv6 in the standard way 83             } else { 84                 host = QUrl::toAce(hostName); 85             } 86         } else { 87             host = QUrl::toAce(hostName); 88         } 89  90         int port = request.url().port(); 91         if (port != -1) { 92             host += ':'; 93             host += QByteArray::number(port); 94         } 95  96         request.setHeaderField("Host", host); 97     } 98  99     reply->d_func()->requestIsPrepared = true;100 }


  1 bool QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::sendRequest()  2 {  3     if (!reply) {  4         // heh, how should that happen!  5         qWarning() << "QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::sendRequest() called without QHttpNetworkReply";  6         state = QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::IdleState;  7         return false;  8     }  9  10     switch (state) { 11     case QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::IdleState: { // write the header 12         if (!ensureConnection()) { 13             // wait for the connection (and encryption) to be done 14             // sendRequest will be called again from either 15             // _q_connected or _q_encrypted 16             return false; 17         } 18         written = 0; // excluding the header 19         bytesTotal = 0; 20  21         QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate *replyPrivate = reply->d_func(); 22         replyPrivate->clear(); 23         replyPrivate->connection = connection; 24         replyPrivate->connectionChannel = this; 25         replyPrivate->autoDecompress = request.d->autoDecompress; 26         replyPrivate->pipeliningUsed = false; 27  28         // if the url contains authentication parameters, use the new ones 29         // both channels will use the new authentication parameters 30         if (!request.url().userInfo().isEmpty() && request.withCredentials()) { 31             QUrl url = request.url(); 32             QAuthenticator &auth = authenticator; 33             if (url.userName() != auth.user() 34                 || (!url.password().isEmpty() && url.password() != auth.password())) { 35                 auth.setUser(url.userName()); 36                 auth.setPassword(url.password()); 37                 connection->d_func()->copyCredentials(connection->d_func()->indexOf(socket), &auth, false); 38             } 39             // clear the userinfo,  since we use the same request for resending 40             // userinfo in url can conflict with the one in the authenticator 41             url.setUserInfo(QString()); 42             request.setUrl(url); 43         } 44         // Will only be false if QtWebKit is performing a cross-origin XMLHttpRequest 45         // and withCredentials has not been set to true. 46         if (request.withCredentials()) 47             connection->d_func()->createAuthorization(socket, request); 48 #ifndef QT_NO_NETWORKPROXY 49         QByteArray header = QHttpNetworkRequestPrivate::header(request, 50             (connection->d_func()->networkProxy.type() != QNetworkProxy::NoProxy)); 51 #else 52         QByteArray header = QHttpNetworkRequestPrivate::header(request, false); 53 #endif 54         socket->write(header); 55         // flushing is dangerous (QSslSocket calls transmit which might read or error) 56 //        socket->flush(); 57         QNonContiguousByteDevice* uploadByteDevice = request.uploadByteDevice(); 58         if (uploadByteDevice) { 59             // connect the signals so this function gets called again 60             QObject::connect(uploadByteDevice, SIGNAL(readyRead()),this, SLOT(_q_uploadDataReadyRead())); 61  62             bytesTotal = request.contentLength(); 63  64             state = QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::WritingState; // start writing data 65             sendRequest(); //recurse 66         } else { 67             state = QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::WaitingState; // now wait for response 68             sendRequest(); //recurse 69         } 70  71         break; 72     } 73     case QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::WritingState: 74     { 75         // write the data 76         QNonContiguousByteDevice* uploadByteDevice = request.uploadByteDevice(); 77         if (!uploadByteDevice || bytesTotal == written) { 78             if (uploadByteDevice) 79                 emit reply->dataSendProgress(written, bytesTotal); 80             state = QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::WaitingState; // now wait for response 81             sendRequest(); // recurse 82             break; 83         } 84  85         // only feed the QTcpSocket buffer when there is less than 32 kB in it 86         const qint64 socketBufferFill = 32*1024; 87         const qint64 socketWriteMaxSize = 16*1024; 88  89  90 #ifndef QT_NO_OPENSSL 91         QSslSocket *sslSocket = qobject_cast<QSslSocket*>(socket); 92         // if it is really an ssl socket, check more than just bytesToWrite() 93         while ((socket->bytesToWrite() + (sslSocket ? sslSocket->encryptedBytesToWrite() : 0)) 94                 <= socketBufferFill && bytesTotal != written) 95 #else 96         while (socket->bytesToWrite() <= socketBufferFill 97                && bytesTotal != written) 98 #endif 99         {100             // get pointer to upload data101             qint64 currentReadSize = 0;102             qint64 desiredReadSize = qMin(socketWriteMaxSize, bytesTotal - written);103             const char *readPointer = uploadByteDevice->readPointer(desiredReadSize, currentReadSize);104 105             if (currentReadSize == -1) {106                 // premature eof happened107                 connection->d_func()->emitReplyError(socket, reply, QNetworkReply::UnknownNetworkError);108                 return false;109                 break;110             } else if (readPointer == 0 || currentReadSize == 0) {111                 // nothing to read currently, break the loop112                 break;113             } else {114                 qint64 currentWriteSize = socket->write(readPointer, currentReadSize);115                 if (currentWriteSize == -1 || currentWriteSize != currentReadSize) {116                     // socket broke down117                     connection->d_func()->emitReplyError(socket, reply, QNetworkReply::UnknownNetworkError);118                     return false;119                 } else {120                     written += currentWriteSize;121                     uploadByteDevice->advanceReadPointer(currentWriteSize);122 123                     emit reply->dataSendProgress(written, bytesTotal);124 125                     if (written == bytesTotal) {126                         // make sure this function is called once again127                         state = QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::WaitingState;128                         sendRequest();129                         break;130                     }131                 }132             }133         }134         break;135     }136 137     case QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::WaitingState:138     {139         QNonContiguousByteDevice* uploadByteDevice = request.uploadByteDevice();140         if (uploadByteDevice) {141             QObject::disconnect(uploadByteDevice, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(_q_uploadDataReadyRead()));142         }143 144         // HTTP pipelining145         //connection->d_func()->fillPipeline(socket);146         //socket->flush();147 148         // ensure we try to receive a reply in all cases, even if _q_readyRead_ hat not been called149         // this is needed if the sends an reply before we have finished sending the request. In that150         // case receiveReply had been called before but ignored the server reply151         if (socket->bytesAvailable())152             QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "_q_receiveReply", Qt::QueuedConnection);153         break;154     }155     case QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::ReadingState:156         // ignore _q_bytesWritten in these states157         // fall through158     default:159         break;160     }161     return true;162 }




1 QHttpNetworkConnection::QHttpNetworkConnection(const QString &hostName, quint16 port, bool encrypt, QObject *parent, QSharedPointer<QNetworkSession> networkSession)2     : QObject(*(new QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate(hostName, port, encrypt)), parent)3 {4     Q_D(QHttpNetworkConnection);5     d->networkSession = networkSession;6     d->init();7 }

继续跟进 init函数:

 1 void QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::init() 2 { 3     for (int i = 0; i < channelCount; i++) { 4         channels[i].setConnection(this->q_func()); 5         channels[i].ssl = encrypt; 6 #ifndef QT_NO_BEARERMANAGEMENT 7         //push session down to channels 8         channels[i].networkSession = networkSession; 9 #endif10         channels[i].init();11     }12 }



 1 void QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::init() 2 { 3 #ifndef QT_NO_OPENSSL 4     if (connection->d_func()->encrypt) 5         socket = new QSslSocket; 6     else 7         socket = new QTcpSocket; 8 #else 9     socket = new QTcpSocket;10 #endif11 #ifndef QT_NO_BEARERMANAGEMENT12     //push session down to socket13     if (networkSession)14         socket->setProperty("_q_networksession", QVariant::fromValue(networkSession));15 #endif16 #ifndef QT_NO_NETWORKPROXY17     // Set by QNAM anyway, but let's be safe here18     socket->setProxy(QNetworkProxy::NoProxy);19 #endif20 21     QObject::connect(socket, SIGNAL(bytesWritten(qint64)),22                      this, SLOT(_q_bytesWritten(qint64)),23                      Qt::DirectConnection);24     QObject::connect(socket, SIGNAL(connected()),25                      this, SLOT(_q_connected()),26                      Qt::DirectConnection);27     QObject::connect(socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()),28                      this, SLOT(_q_readyRead()),29                      Qt::DirectConnection);30 31     // The disconnected() and error() signals may already come32     // while calling connectToHost().33     // In case of a cached hostname or an IP this34     // will then emit a signal to the user of QNetworkReply35     // but cannot be caught because the user did not have a chance yet36     // to connect to QNetworkReply's signals.37     qRegisterMetaType<QAbstractSocket::SocketError>("QAbstractSocket::SocketError");38     QObject::connect(socket, SIGNAL(disconnected()),39                      this, SLOT(_q_disconnected()),40                      Qt::QueuedConnection);41     QObject::connect(socket, SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)),42                      this, SLOT(_q_error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)),43                      Qt::QueuedConnection);44 45 46 #ifndef QT_NO_NETWORKPROXY47     QObject::connect(socket, SIGNAL(proxyAuthenticationRequired(QNetworkProxy,QAuthenticator*)),48                      this, SLOT(_q_proxyAuthenticationRequired(QNetworkProxy,QAuthenticator*)),49                      Qt::DirectConnection);50 #endif51 52 #ifndef QT_NO_OPENSSL53     QSslSocket *sslSocket = qobject_cast<QSslSocket*>(socket);54     if (sslSocket) {55         // won't be a sslSocket if encrypt is false56         QObject::connect(sslSocket, SIGNAL(encrypted()),57                          this, SLOT(_q_encrypted()),58                          Qt::DirectConnection);59         QObject::connect(sslSocket, SIGNAL(sslErrors(QList<QSslError>)),60                          this, SLOT(_q_sslErrors(QList<QSslError>)),61                          Qt::DirectConnection);62         QObject::connect(sslSocket, SIGNAL(encryptedBytesWritten(qint64)),63                          this, SLOT(_q_encryptedBytesWritten(qint64)),64                          Qt::DirectConnection);65     }66 #endif67 }



  1 void QNetworkAccessHttpBackend::postRequest()  2 {  3     QThread *thread = 0;  4     if (isSynchronous()) {  5         // A synchronous HTTP request uses its own thread  6         thread = new QThread();  7         QObject::connect(thread, SIGNAL(finished()), thread, SLOT(deleteLater()));  8         thread->start();  9     } else if (!manager->httpThread) { 10         // We use the manager-global thread. 11         // At some point we could switch to having multiple threads if it makes sense. 12         manager->httpThread = new QThread(); 13         QObject::connect(manager->httpThread, SIGNAL(finished()), manager->httpThread, SLOT(deleteLater())); 14         manager->httpThread->start(); 15 #ifndef QT_NO_NETWORKPROXY 16         qRegisterMetaType<QNetworkProxy>("QNetworkProxy"); 17 #endif 18 #ifndef QT_NO_OPENSSL 19         qRegisterMetaType<QList<QSslError> >("QList<QSslError>"); 20         qRegisterMetaType<QSslConfiguration>("QSslConfiguration"); 21 #endif 22         qRegisterMetaType<QList<QPair<QByteArray,QByteArray> > >("QList<QPair<QByteArray,QByteArray> >"); 23         qRegisterMetaType<QHttpNetworkRequest>("QHttpNetworkRequest"); 24         qRegisterMetaType<QNetworkReply::NetworkError>("QNetworkReply::NetworkError"); 25         qRegisterMetaType<QSharedPointer<char> >("QSharedPointer<char>"); 26  27         thread = manager->httpThread; 28     } else { 29         // Asynchronous request, thread already exists 30         thread = manager->httpThread; 31     } 32  33     QUrl url = request().url(); 34     httpRequest.setUrl(url); 35  36     bool ssl = url.scheme().toLower() == QLatin1String("https"); 37     setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::ConnectionEncryptedAttribute, ssl); 38     httpRequest.setSsl(ssl); 39  40  41 #ifndef QT_NO_NETWORKPROXY 42     QNetworkProxy transparentProxy, cacheProxy; 43  44     foreach (const QNetworkProxy &p, proxyList()) { 45         // use the first proxy that works 46         // for non-encrypted connections, any transparent or HTTP proxy 47         // for encrypted, only transparent proxies 48         if (!ssl 49             && (p.capabilities() & QNetworkProxy::CachingCapability) 50             && (p.type() == QNetworkProxy::HttpProxy || 51                 p.type() == QNetworkProxy::HttpCachingProxy)) { 52             cacheProxy = p; 53             transparentProxy = QNetworkProxy::NoProxy; 54             break; 55         } 56         if (p.isTransparentProxy()) { 57             transparentProxy = p; 58             cacheProxy = QNetworkProxy::NoProxy; 59             break; 60         } 61     } 62  63     // check if at least one of the proxies 64     if (transparentProxy.type() == QNetworkProxy::DefaultProxy && 65         cacheProxy.type() == QNetworkProxy::DefaultProxy) { 66         // unsuitable proxies 67         QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "error", isSynchronous() ? Qt::DirectConnection : Qt::QueuedConnection, 68                                   Q_ARG(QNetworkReply::NetworkError, QNetworkReply::ProxyNotFoundError), 69                                   Q_ARG(QString, tr("No suitable proxy found"))); 70         QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "finished", isSynchronous() ? Qt::DirectConnection : Qt::QueuedConnection); 71         return; 72     } 73 #endif 74  75  76     bool loadedFromCache = false; 77     httpRequest.setPriority(convert(request().priority())); 78  79     switch (operation()) { 80     case QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation: 81         httpRequest.setOperation(QHttpNetworkRequest::Get); 82         loadedFromCache = loadFromCacheIfAllowed(httpRequest); 83         break; 84  85     case QNetworkAccessManager::HeadOperation: 86         httpRequest.setOperation(QHttpNetworkRequest::Head); 87         loadedFromCache = loadFromCacheIfAllowed(httpRequest); 88         break; 89  90     case QNetworkAccessManager::PostOperation: 91         invalidateCache(); 92         httpRequest.setOperation(QHttpNetworkRequest::Post); 93         createUploadByteDevice(); 94         break; 95  96     case QNetworkAccessManager::PutOperation: 97         invalidateCache(); 98         httpRequest.setOperation(QHttpNetworkRequest::Put); 99         createUploadByteDevice();100         break;101 102     case QNetworkAccessManager::DeleteOperation:103         invalidateCache();104         httpRequest.setOperation(QHttpNetworkRequest::Delete);105         break;106 107     case QNetworkAccessManager::CustomOperation:108         invalidateCache(); // for safety reasons, we don't know what the operation does109         httpRequest.setOperation(QHttpNetworkRequest::Custom);110         createUploadByteDevice();111         httpRequest.setCustomVerb(request().attribute(112                 QNetworkRequest::CustomVerbAttribute).toByteArray());113         break;114 115     default:116         break;                  // can't happen117     }118 119     if (loadedFromCache) {120         // commented this out since it will be called later anyway121         // by copyFinished()122         //QNetworkAccessBackend::finished();123         return;    // no need to send the request! :)124     }125 126     QList<QByteArray> headers = request().rawHeaderList();127     if (resumeOffset != 0) {128         if (headers.contains("Range")) {129             // Need to adjust resume offset for user specified range130 131             headers.removeOne("Range");132 133             // We've already verified that requestRange starts with "bytes=", see canResume.134             QByteArray requestRange = request().rawHeader("Range").mid(6);135 136             int index = requestRange.indexOf('-');137 138             quint64 requestStartOffset = requestRange.left(index).toULongLong();139             quint64 requestEndOffset = requestRange.mid(index + 1).toULongLong();140 141             requestRange = "bytes=" + QByteArray::number(resumeOffset + requestStartOffset) +142                            '-' + QByteArray::number(requestEndOffset);143 144             httpRequest.setHeaderField("Range", requestRange);145         } else {146             httpRequest.setHeaderField("Range", "bytes=" + QByteArray::number(resumeOffset) + '-');147         }148     }149 150     foreach (const QByteArray &header, headers)151         httpRequest.setHeaderField(header, request().rawHeader(header));152 153     if (request().attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpPipeliningAllowedAttribute).toBool() == true)154         httpRequest.setPipeliningAllowed(true);155 156     if (static_cast<QNetworkRequest::LoadControl>157         (request().attribute(QNetworkRequest::AuthenticationReuseAttribute,158                              QNetworkRequest::Automatic).toInt()) == QNetworkRequest::Manual)159         httpRequest.setWithCredentials(false);160 161 162     // Create the HTTP thread delegate163     QHttpThreadDelegate *delegate = new QHttpThreadDelegate;164 #ifndef QT_NO_BEARERMANAGEMENT165     QVariant v(property("_q_networksession"));166     if (v.isValid())167         delegate->networkSession = qvariant_cast<QSharedPointer<QNetworkSession> >(v);168 #endif169 170     // For the synchronous HTTP, this is the normal way the delegate gets deleted171     // For the asynchronous HTTP this is a safety measure, the delegate deletes itself when HTTP is finished172     connect(thread, SIGNAL(finished()), delegate, SLOT(deleteLater()));173 174     // Set the properties it needs175     delegate->httpRequest = httpRequest;176 #ifndef QT_NO_NETWORKPROXY177     delegate->cacheProxy = cacheProxy;178     delegate->transparentProxy = transparentProxy;179 #endif180     delegate->ssl = ssl;181 #ifndef QT_NO_OPENSSL182     if (ssl)183         delegate->incomingSslConfiguration = request().sslConfiguration();184 #endif185 186     // Do we use synchronous HTTP?187     delegate->synchronous = isSynchronous();188 189     // The authentication manager is used to avoid the BlockingQueuedConnection communication190     // from HTTP thread to user thread in some cases.191     delegate->authenticationManager = manager->authenticationManager;192 193     if (!isSynchronous()) {194         // Tell our zerocopy policy to the delegate195         delegate->downloadBufferMaximumSize =196                 request().attribute(QNetworkRequest::MaximumDownloadBufferSizeAttribute).toLongLong();197 198         // These atomic integers are used for signal compression199         delegate->pendingDownloadData = pendingDownloadDataEmissions;200         delegate->pendingDownloadProgress = pendingDownloadProgressEmissions;201 202         // Connect the signals of the delegate to us203         connect(delegate, SIGNAL(downloadData(QByteArray)),204                 this, SLOT(replyDownloadData(QByteArray)),205                 Qt::QueuedConnection);206         connect(delegate, SIGNAL(downloadFinished()),207                 this, SLOT(replyFinished()),208                 Qt::QueuedConnection);209         connect(delegate, SIGNAL(downloadMetaData(QList<QPair<QByteArray,QByteArray> >,int,QString,bool,QSharedPointer<char>,qint64)),210                 this, SLOT(replyDownloadMetaData(QList<QPair<QByteArray,QByteArray> >,int,QString,bool,QSharedPointer<char>,qint64)),211                 Qt::QueuedConnection);212         connect(delegate, SIGNAL(downloadProgress(qint64,qint64)),213                 this, SLOT(replyDownloadProgressSlot(qint64,qint64)),214                 Qt::QueuedConnection);215         connect(delegate, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError,QString)),216                 this, SLOT(httpError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError, const QString)),217                 Qt::QueuedConnection);218 #ifndef QT_NO_OPENSSL219         connect(delegate, SIGNAL(sslConfigurationChanged(QSslConfiguration)),220                 this, SLOT(replySslConfigurationChanged(QSslConfiguration)),221                 Qt::QueuedConnection);222 #endif223         // Those need to report back, therefire BlockingQueuedConnection224         connect(delegate, SIGNAL(authenticationRequired(QHttpNetworkRequest,QAuthenticator*)),225                 this, SLOT(httpAuthenticationRequired(QHttpNetworkRequest,QAuthenticator*)),226                 Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection);227 #ifndef QT_NO_NETWORKPROXY228         connect (delegate, SIGNAL(proxyAuthenticationRequired(QNetworkProxy,QAuthenticator*)),229                  this, SLOT(proxyAuthenticationRequired(QNetworkProxy,QAuthenticator*)),230                  Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection);231 #endif232 #ifndef QT_NO_OPENSSL233         connect(delegate, SIGNAL(sslErrors(QList<QSslError>,bool*,QList<QSslError>*)),234                 this, SLOT(replySslErrors(const QList<QSslError> &, bool *, QList<QSslError> *)),235                 Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection);236 #endif237         // This signal we will use to start the request.238         connect(this, SIGNAL(startHttpRequest()), delegate, SLOT(startRequest()));239         connect(this, SIGNAL(abortHttpRequest()), delegate, SLOT(abortRequest()));240 241         // To throttle the connection.242         QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(readBufferSizeChanged(qint64)), delegate, SLOT(readBufferSizeChanged(qint64)));243         QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(readBufferFreed(qint64)), delegate, SLOT(readBufferFreed(qint64)));244 245         if (uploadByteDevice) {246             QNonContiguousByteDeviceThreadForwardImpl *forwardUploadDevice =247                     new QNonContiguousByteDeviceThreadForwardImpl(uploadByteDevice->atEnd(), uploadByteDevice->size());248             if (uploadByteDevice->isResetDisabled())249                 forwardUploadDevice->disableReset();250             forwardUploadDevice->setParent(delegate); // needed to make sure it is moved on moveToThread()251             delegate->httpRequest.setUploadByteDevice(forwardUploadDevice);252 253             // From main thread to user thread:254             QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(haveUploadData(QByteArray, bool, qint64)),255                              forwardUploadDevice, SLOT(haveDataSlot(QByteArray, bool, qint64)), Qt::QueuedConnection);256             QObject::connect(uploadByteDevice.data(), SIGNAL(readyRead()),257                              forwardUploadDevice, SIGNAL(readyRead()),258                              Qt::QueuedConnection);259 260             // From http thread to user thread:261             QObject::connect(forwardUploadDevice, SIGNAL(wantData(qint64)),262                              this, SLOT(wantUploadDataSlot(qint64)));263             QObject::connect(forwardUploadDevice, SIGNAL(processedData(qint64)),264                              this, SLOT(sentUploadDataSlot(qint64)));265             connect(forwardUploadDevice, SIGNAL(resetData(bool*)),266                     this, SLOT(resetUploadDataSlot(bool*)),267                     Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection); // this is the only one with BlockingQueued!268         }269     } else if (isSynchronous()) {270         connect(this, SIGNAL(startHttpRequestSynchronously()), delegate, SLOT(startRequestSynchronously()), Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection);271 272         if (uploadByteDevice) {273             // For the synchronous HTTP use case the use thread (this one here) is blocked274             // so we cannot use the asynchronous upload architecture.275             // We therefore won't use the QNonContiguousByteDeviceThreadForwardImpl but directly276             // use the uploadByteDevice provided to us by the QNetworkReplyImpl.277             // The code that is in QNetworkReplyImplPrivate::setup() makes sure it is safe to use from a thread278             // since it only wraps a QRingBuffer279             delegate->httpRequest.setUploadByteDevice(uploadByteDevice.data());280         }281     }282 283 284     // Move the delegate to the http thread285     delegate->moveToThread(thread);286     // This call automatically moves the uploadDevice too for the asynchronous case.287 288     // Send an signal to the delegate so it starts working in the other thread289     if (isSynchronous()) {290         emit startHttpRequestSynchronously(); // This one is BlockingQueuedConnection, so it will return when all work is done291 292         if (delegate->incomingErrorCode != QNetworkReply::NoError) {293             replyDownloadMetaData294                     (delegate->incomingHeaders,295                      delegate->incomingStatusCode,296                      delegate->incomingReasonPhrase,297                      delegate->isPipeliningUsed,298                      QSharedPointer<char>(),299                      delegate->incomingContentLength);300             replyDownloadData(delegate->synchronousDownloadData);301             httpError(delegate->incomingErrorCode, delegate->incomingErrorDetail);302         } else {303             replyDownloadMetaData304                     (delegate->incomingHeaders,305                      delegate->incomingStatusCode,306                      delegate->incomingReasonPhrase,307                      delegate->isPipeliningUsed,308                      QSharedPointer<char>(),309                      delegate->incomingContentLength);310             replyDownloadData(delegate->synchronousDownloadData);311         }312 313         // End the thread. It will delete itself from the finished() signal314         thread->quit();315         thread->wait(5000);316 317         finished();318     } else {319         emit startHttpRequest(); // Signal to the HTTP thread and go back to user.320     }321 }




 1 void QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::prepareRequest(HttpMessagePair &messagePair) 2 { 3     QHttpNetworkRequest &request = messagePair.first; 4     QHttpNetworkReply *reply = messagePair.second; 5  6     // add missing fields for the request 7     QByteArray value; 8     // check if Content-Length is provided 9     QIODevice *data = request.data();10     if (data && request.contentLength() == -1) {11         if (!data->isSequential())12             request.setContentLength(data->size());13         else14             bufferData(messagePair); // ### or do chunked upload15     }16     // set the Connection/Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive headers17 #ifndef QT_NO_NETWORKPROXY18     if (networkProxy.type() == QNetworkProxy::HttpCachingProxy)  {19         value = request.headerField("proxy-connection");20         if (value.isEmpty())21             request.setHeaderField("Proxy-Connection", "Keep-Alive");22     } else {23 #endif24         value = request.headerField("connection");25         if (value.isEmpty())26             request.setHeaderField("Connection", "Keep-Alive");27 #ifndef QT_NO_NETWORKPROXY28     }29 #endif30 31     // If the request had a accept-encoding set, we better not mess32     // with it. If it was not set, we announce that we understand gzip33     // and remember this fact in request.d->autoDecompress so that34     // we can later decompress the HTTP reply if it has such an35     // encoding.36     value = request.headerField("accept-encoding");37     if (value.isEmpty()) {38 #ifndef QT_NO_COMPRESS39         request.setHeaderField("Accept-Encoding", "gzip");40         request.d->autoDecompress = true;41 #else42         // if zlib is not available set this to false always43         request.d->autoDecompress = false;44 #endif45     }46     // set the User Agent47     value = request.headerField("user-agent");48     if (value.isEmpty())49         request.setHeaderField("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0");50     // set the host51     value = request.headerField("host");52     if (value.isEmpty()) {53         QByteArray host = QUrl::toAce(hostName);54 55         int port = request.url().port();56         if (port != -1) {57             host += ':';58             host += QByteArray::number(port);59         }60 61         request.setHeaderField("Host", host);62     }63 64     reply->d_func()->requestIsPrepared = true;65 }




