
来源:互联网 发布:linux查看文件命令 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 15:19






000001.jpg 138 70 343 330 165 184 244 176 196 249 194 271 266 260000002.jpg 105 107 295 362 140 204 220 204 168 254 146 289 226 289000003.jpg 205 50 267 173 244 104 264 105 263 121 235 134 251 140000004.jpg 505 172 1069 932 796 539 984 539 930 687 762 756 915 756000005.jpg 241 98 365 239 273 169 328 161 298 172 283 208 323 207000006.jpg 149 95 291 270 202 158 259 165 234 196 197 228 243 233000007.jpg 71 93 256 335 129 198 204 190 163 242 140 277 202 271

第1列表示: 图片名;

第2-5列表示:标注的人脸bbox位置, x1,y1,x2,y2;

第6-15列表示:标注的landmark位置,  ptx0,pty0,ptx1,pty1,ptx2,pty2,ptx3,pty3,ptx4,pty4;

主要思路:在bbox基础上,随机扰动生成很多bbox,当且仅当五个landmark都在随机扰动生成的crop区域中时,认为是符合要求的landmark训练样本。   代码如下:

import syssys.path.append('D:\\Anaconda2\\libs')  #导入系统路径,以便cv2模块的导入import numpy as npimport cv2import osimport numpy.random as nprfrom utils import IoUstdsize = 48# 标注txt文件路径,celebA原图路径anno_file = "E:/face_alignment/data/CelebA/Anno/celebA_bbox_landmark.txt"im_dir = "E:/face_alignment/data/CelebA/Img/img_celeba.7z/img_celeba/"# landmark样本的保存路径pos_save_dir = str(stdsize) + "/landmark"save_dir = "./" + str(stdsize)# 创建文件夹函数def mkr(dr):    if not os.path.exists(dr):        os.mkdir(dr)mkr(save_dir)mkr(pos_save_dir)f1 = open(os.path.join(save_dir, 'landmark_' + str(stdsize) + '.txt'), 'w')with open(anno_file, 'r') as f:    annotations = f.readlines()num = len(annotations)print "%d pics in total" % nump_idx = 0 # positived_idx = 0 # dont careidx = 0box_idx = 0for annotation in annotations:    # strip():去除annotations开头、结尾处空白符,split(' ')按空格进行切片    annotation = annotation.strip().split(' ')    im_path = annotation[0]  # 图片名    bbox = map(float, annotation[1:-10])  # bbox 坐标    pts = map(float, annotation[-10:])    # landmark 坐标    boxes = np.array(bbox, dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1, 4)  # 将bbox转化为矩阵,并将列resize为4    im_path = im_dir + im_path  # 图片全路径    img = cv2.imread(im_path)  # 读取图片    idx += 1    if idx % 100 == 0:        print idx, "images done"    height, width, channel = img.shape    backupPts = pts[:]            for box in boxes:        # box (x_left, y_top, x_right, y_bottom)        x1, y1, x2, y2 = box        w = x2 - x1 + 1        h = y2 - y1 + 1        # ignore small faces        # in case the ground truth boxes of small faces are not accurate        if max(w, h) < 12 or x1 < 0 or y1 < 0:            continue        # generate landmark examples and part faces# 对bbox进行随机scale,offset,得到新的crop区域,即对样本进行扰动,做样本增强        for i in range(10):            pts = backupPts[:]            size = npr.randint(int(min(w, h) * 0.9), np.ceil(1.1 * max(w, h)))            # scale做(0.9~1.1)之间扰动,offser做(-0.1~0.1)之间扰动            # delta here is the offset of box center            delta_x = npr.randint(-w * 0.1, w * 0.1)            delta_y = npr.randint(-h * 0.1, h * 0.1)            nx1 = max(x1 + w / 2 + delta_x - size / 2, 0)            ny1 = max(y1 + h / 2 + delta_y - size / 2, 0)            nx2 = nx1 + size            ny2 = ny1 + size            if nx2 > width or ny2 > height:                continue            crop_box = np.array([nx1, ny1, nx2, ny2])            offset_x1 = (x1 - nx1) / float(size)            offset_y1 = (y1 - ny1) / float(size)            offset_x2 = (x2 - nx2) / float(size)            offset_y2 = (y2 - ny2) / float(size)# 当且仅当五个landmark都在随机扰动生成的crop区域中时,才保持使用            if pts[0] < nx1 or pts[0] > nx2:                continue            if pts[2] < nx1 or pts[2] > nx2:                continue            if pts[4] < nx1 or pts[4] > nx2:                continue            if pts[6] < nx1 or pts[6] > nx2:                continue            if pts[8] < nx1 or pts[8] > nx2:                continue            if pts[1] < ny1 or pts[1] > ny2:                continue            if pts[3] < ny1 or pts[3] > ny2:                continue            if pts[5] < ny1 or pts[5] > ny2:                continue            if pts[7] < ny1 or pts[7] > ny2:                continue            if pts[9] < ny1 or pts[9] > ny2:                continue            ptss = pts[:]# 将landmark转化为相对于左上角的归一化值            for k in range(len(ptss) / 2):                pts[k] = (ptss[k*2] - nx1) / float(size);                pts[k+5] = (ptss[k*2+1] - ny1) / float(size);# 从原图中crop图片区域,并resize成stdsize大小            cropped_im = img[int(ny1) : int(ny2), int(nx1) : int(nx2), :]            resized_im = cv2.resize(cropped_im, (stdsize, stdsize), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)            box_ = box.reshape(1, -1)# 将图片名,bbox偏移量写入txt文本中            save_file = os.path.join(pos_save_dir, "%s.jpg"%p_idx)            f1.write(str(stdsize)+"/landmark/%s.jpg"%p_idx + ' -1 -1 -1 -1 -1')             # 将landmark坐标写入txt文件中            for k in range(len(pts)):                f1.write(" %f" % pts[k])            f1.write("\n")            cv2.imwrite(save_file, resized_im)  # 保存图片            p_idx += 1        box_idx += 1        print "%s images done, pos: %s part: %s "%(idx, p_idx, d_idx)f1.close()

