ACdream 1116 Gao the string! (扩展KMP+矩阵快速幂)

来源:互联网 发布:写sql算研发么 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 04:54

ACdream 1116

give you a string, please output the result of the following function mod 1000000007
n is the length of the string。
f(i) is the function of fibonacci, f(0)=0,f(1)=1...
a[i] is the total number of times any prefix appear in the suffix s[i....n1].
(the prefix means s[0...i] )
比如 :输入:aa,输出:3
1.对于aa 这个后缀,前缀 a 出现了两次,前缀 aa 出现了一次,总共三次。
2.对于 a 这个后缀,前缀 a 出现了一次。

我们用next[i]+1表示 T[in]T[1n] 的最长公共前缀,那么 a[i]=next[i]+next[i+1]......+next[n]
求最长公共前缀 (lcp)3 种方法 : 扩展kmp , hash 和后缀数组 。


#include<cstdio>#include<cstring>#include<iostream>//using namespace std;const int mod = 1e9+7;struct matrix{    long long factor[2][2];}M;matrix multi(matrix x,matrix y){    matrix temp;    temp.factor[0][0] = (x.factor[0][0] * y.factor[0][0] + x.factor[0][1] * y.factor[1][0]) % 1000000007;    temp.factor[0][1] = (x.factor[0][0] * y.factor[0][1] + x.factor[0][1] * y.factor[1][1]) % 1000000007;    temp.factor[1][0] = (x.factor[1][0] * y.factor[0][0] + x.factor[1][1] * y.factor[1][0]) % 1000000007;    temp.factor[1][1] = (x.factor[1][0] * y.factor[0][1] + x.factor[1][1] * y.factor[1][1]) % 1000000007;    return temp;}matrix qpower(int n){    if(n == 1)return M;    matrix tmp = qpower(n>>1);    if(n&1){        return multi(multi(tmp,tmp),M);    }    else return multi(tmp,tmp);}int fib(int num){    M.factor[0][0] = 0;    M.factor[0][1] = 1;    M.factor[1][0] = 1;    M.factor[1][1] = 1;    int n = num -1;    if(n > 0){        matrix tmp =qpower(n);        return tmp.factor[1][1];    }    else if(n == -1)return 0;    else if(n == 0) return 1;}int min(int a,int b){    return a > b ? b : a; }int next[100010];void ex_kmp(char *t,int len){    next[0] = len - 1;     int j = 0;    while( 1 + j < len && t[j] == t[1 + j]) j++;    next[1] =  j - 1;    int id = 1;    for(int i = 2;i < len; i++)    {        int p = next[id] + id;        int l = next [i - id];        if(p < i)next[i] = -1;        else next[i] = min(l, p - i);        while(next[i] + i + 1 < len && t[next[i] + i + 1]== t[next[i] + 1]){            next[i] ++;        }        if(i+next[i] > id + next[id]){            id  = i;        }     } }char T[100010];int main(){    while(~scanf("%s",T))    {        int len = strlen(T);        ex_kmp(T,len);    //  for(int i=0;i<5;i++)std::cout<<next[i]<<" ";std::cout<<std::endl;        int sum = 0,ans = 0;        for(int i=len-1;i>=0;--i)        {            sum += next[i] + 1;            ans = (ans + fib(sum))%mod;        //  std::cout<<"ans="<<ans<<std::endl;         }        printf("%d\n",ans);     }    return 0;}