CodeForces125E MST Company(根限度为k的最小生成树+二分)

来源:互联网 发布:mac如何使窗口半屏幕 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 08:16

The MST (Meaningless State Team) company won another tender for an important state reform in Berland.

There are n cities in Berland, some pairs of the cities are connected by roads. Each road has its price. One can move along any road in any direction. The MST team should carry out the repair works on some set of roads such that one can get from any city to any other one moving only along the repaired roads. Moreover, this set should contain exactly k capital roads (that is, the roads that start or finish in the capital). The number of the capital is 1.

As the budget has already been approved, the MST Company will profit by finding the set with minimum lengths of roads.


The first input line contains three integers n, m, k (1 ≤ n ≤ 5000;0 ≤ m ≤ 105;0 ≤ k < 5000), where n is the number of cities in the country, m is the number of roads in the country, k is the number of capital roads in the required set. Then m lines enumerate the roads in question. Each road is specified by three numbers ai, bi, wi(1 ≤ ai, bi ≤ n1 ≤ w ≤ 105), where ai, bi are the numbers of cities linked by a road and wi is its length.

Between each pair of cities no more than one road exists. There are no roads that start and finish in one city. The capital's number is 1.


In the first line print the number of roads in the required set. The second line should contain the numbers of roads included in the sought set. If the sought set does not exist, print -1.

4 5 21 2 12 3 13 4 11 3 31 4 2
31 5 2 







#include<iostream>#include<cstring>#include<stdio.h>#include<math.h>#include<string>#include<stdio.h>#include<queue>#include<stack>#include<map>#include<vector>#include<deque>#include<algorithm>using namespace std;#define INF 100861111#define ll long long#define eps 1e-5struct edge{    int f,t;    double v;    int id;    friend bool operator<(edge x,edge y)    {        return x.v<y.v;    }}a[100005],b[100005];//a为排序后的原始数组,b为与1相连的边加上增量后的数组int p[10005];//存与1相连的边的号int n,m,k;int choose[100005];//存选择的边的号int pre[5005];int find(int x){    if(x!=pre[x])        pre[x]=find(pre[x]);    return pre[x];}int kl(int tag)//tag为0表示普通克鲁斯卡尔,为1表示求与1相连的边数为k的最小生成树{    int i,j,d1,d2;    sort(b+1,b+m+1);    for(i=1;i<=n;i++)        pre[i]=i;    int ans=0,tot=0;    for(i=1;i<=m;i++)    {        d1=find(b[i].f);        d2=find(b[i].t);        if(d1!=d2)        {            if(tag)//tag为1时加上特判            {                if(b[i].f==1&&ans>=k)                    continue;            }            pre[d2]=d1;            choose[tot]=b[i].id;            tot++;            if(b[i].f==1)            {                ans++;            }        }        if(tot>=n-1)            break;    }    return ans;}int main(){    int i,j,x,y,ans=0,u,v,s=0;    double l,r,mid;    memset(num,0,sizeof(num));    scanf("%d%d%d",&n,&m,&k);    for(i=1;i<=m;i++)    {        scanf("%d%d%lf",&a[i].f,&a[i].t,&a[i].v);        a[i].id=i;        if(a[i].f>a[i].t)            swap(a[i].f,a[i].t);        if(a[i].f==1)//记录1的度数            ans++;    }    if(ans<k||(n>1&&k==0)||m<n-1)//不符合的情况    {        printf("-1\n");        return 0;    }    sort(a+1,a+m+1);    for(i=1;i<=m;i++)    {        if(a[i].f==1)        {            p[s]=i;            s++;        }    }    l=-100000.0,r=100000.0;//设置二分左右边界    int t;    while(r-l>eps)    {        mid=(l+r)/2.0;        for(i=1;i<=m;i++)        {            b[i]=a[i];        }        for(i=0;i<s;i++)        {            b[p[i]].v+=mid;        }        t=kl(0);        if(t<k)            r=mid-1;        else        {            if(fabs(l-mid)<eps)//排除一直循环的情况                break;            l=mid;        }    }    for(i=1;i<=m;i++)    {        b[i]=a[i];    }    for(i=0;i<s;i++)    {        b[p[i]].v+=l;    }    t=kl(1);//找到增量后再跑一遍    printf("%d\n",n-1);    if(k!=0)        printf("%d",choose[0]);    for(i=1;i<n-1;i++)        printf(" %d",choose[i]);    if(k!=0)    printf("\n");    return 0;}