Pointers on C——7 Functions.9

来源:互联网 发布:数据采集方法 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/15 20:45

7.6.2 Limitations of Variable Arguments

Note that the variable arguments must be accessed one by one, in order, from start to finish. You can stop early if you wish, but there isnʹt any way to begin accessing in the middle of the list. In addition, because the variable portion of the argument list is not prototyped, the default argument promotions are performed on all values passed as variable arguments.


You may also have noticed the requirement that there must be at least one named argument in the argument list; you cannot use va_start without it. This argument provides a way to locate the varying portion of the argument list.

你可能同时注意到参数列表中至少要有一个命名参数。如果连 个命名参数也没有,你就无法使用va_start 。这个参数提供了一种方法,用于查找参数列表的可变部分。

There are two fundamental limitations of these macros, both of which are a direct result of the fact that the type of a value cannot be determined simply by examining it.


1. The macros cannot determine how many arguments actually exist.


2. The macros cannot determine the type of each argument.

2. 这些宏无法判断每个参数的类型。

The named argument(s) must answer both of these questions. In Program 7.9b, the named argument specifies how many values were passed, but their types are assumed to be integers. The named argument in printf is the format string, which indicates both the number and types of the arguments.

要回答这两个问题,就必须使用命名参数。在程序7.怖中,命名参数指定了实际传递的参数数量,不过它们的类型被假定为整型。printf 函数中的命名参数是格式字符串,它不仅指定了参数的数量,而且指定了参数的类型。

If you specify the wrong type with va_arg the results are unpredictable. This error is easy to make because va_arg doesnʹt compensate for the default argument promotions that are performed on variable arguments, char, short, and float values will actually be passed as intʹs and doubleʹs. Be careful to use these latter types with va_arg.

如果你在va_arg 中指定了错误的类型,那么其结果是不可预测的。这个错误是很容易发生的,因为va_arg 无法正确识别作用于可变参数之上的缺省参数类型提升。char、short 和float 类型的值实际上将作为int 或double 类型的值传递给函数。所以你在va_arg 中使用后面这些类型时应该小心。

上一章 Pointers on C——7 Functions.8
