hannnnah_j’s Biological Test HDU

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝小二介入买家输 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 14:08
 hannnnah_j is a teacher in WL High school who teaches biology.One day, she wants to test m students, thus she arranges n different seats around a round table.In order to prevent cheating, she thinks that there should be at least k empty seats between every two students.hannnnah_j is poor at math, and she wants to know the sum of the solutions.So she turns to you for help.Can you help her? The answer maybe large, and you need to mod 1e9+7.

First line is an integer T(T≤1000).
The next T lines were given n, m, k, respectively.
0 < m < n < 1e6, 0 < k < 1000
For each test case the output is only one integer number ans in a line.
Sample Input

24 2 65 2 1

Sample Output



#include<iostream>#include<cstdio>#include<cstring>#define mod 1000000007#define N 1000005using namespace std;long long fac[N];long long inv[N];long long P(long long a,long long b){    long long ans=1;    while(b)    {        if(b&1)            ans=ans*a%mod;        a=a*a%mod;        b>>=1;    }    return ans;}long long get(int n,int m){    return (fac[n]*inv[m]%mod)*inv[n-m]%mod;}void init(){    fac[0]=1;    inv[0]=1;    for(int i=1;i<N;i++)        fac[i]=fac[i-1]*i%mod;    inv[N-1]=P(fac[N-1],mod-2);    for(int i=N-2;i>=1;i--)        inv[i]=inv[i+1]*(i+1)%mod;}int main(){       init();    int n,m,k;    int t;    //cout<<get(10,5)<<endl;    scanf("%d",&t);    while(t--)    {        scanf("%d%d%d",&n,&m,&k);        if(m==1)            printf("%d\n",n);        else            if(n<(k+1)*m)                printf("0\n");            else            {                long long ans=get(n-1-k*m,m-1);                ans=ans*n%mod;                ans=ans*P(m,mod-2)%mod;                printf("%lld\n",ans);            }       }       return 0;}